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- // This may look like C code, but it is really -*- C++ -*-
- /*
- Copyright (C) 1988 Free Software Foundation
- written by Doug Lea (dl@rocky.oswego.edu)
- This file is part of the GNU C++ Library. This library is free
- software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of
- the GNU Library General Public License as published by the Free
- Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your
- option) any later version. This library is distributed in the hope
- that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the
- PURPOSE. See the GNU Library General Public License for more details.
- You should have received a copy of the GNU Library General Public
- License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software
- Foundation, 675 Mass Ave, Cambridge, MA 02139, USA.
- */
- #ifndef _BitSet_h
- #ifdef __GNUG__
- #pragma once
- #pragma interface
- #endif
- #define _BitSet_h 1
- #include <stream.h>
- #include <values.h>
- #define BITSETBITS BITS(short)
- struct BitSetRep
- {
- unsigned short len; // number of shorts in s
- unsigned short sz; // allocated slots
- unsigned short virt; // virtual 0 or 1
- unsigned short s[1]; // bits start here
- };
- extern BitSetRep* BitSetalloc(BitSetRep*, const unsigned short*,
- int, int, int);
- extern BitSetRep* BitSetcopy(BitSetRep*, const BitSetRep*);
- extern BitSetRep* BitSetresize(BitSetRep*, int);
- extern BitSetRep* BitSetop(const BitSetRep*, const BitSetRep*,
- BitSetRep*, char);
- extern BitSetRep* BitSetcmpl(const BitSetRep*, BitSetRep*);
- extern BitSetRep _nilBitSetRep;
- class BitSet;
- class BitSetBit
- {
- protected:
- BitSet* src;
- unsigned long pos;
- public:
- BitSetBit(BitSet* v, int p);
- BitSetBit(const BitSetBit& b);
- ~BitSetBit();
- operator int();
- int operator = (int b);
- int operator == (int b);
- int operator != (int b);
- };
- class BitSet
- {
- protected:
- BitSetRep* rep;
- public:
- // constructors
- BitSet();
- BitSet(const BitSet&);
- ~BitSet();
- void operator = (const BitSet& y);
- // equality & subset tests
- friend int operator == (const BitSet& x, const BitSet& y);
- friend int operator != (const BitSet& x, const BitSet& y);
- friend int operator < (const BitSet& x, const BitSet& y);
- friend int operator <= (const BitSet& x, const BitSet& y);
- friend int operator > (const BitSet& x, const BitSet& y);
- friend int operator >= (const BitSet& x, const BitSet& y);
- // operations on self
- void operator |= (const BitSet& y);
- void operator &= (const BitSet& y);
- void operator -= (const BitSet& y);
- void operator ^= (const BitSet& y);
- void complement();
- // individual bit manipulation
- void set(int pos);
- void set(int from, int to);
- void set(); // set all
- void clear(int pos);
- void clear(int from, int to);
- void clear(); // clear all
- void invert(int pos);
- void invert(int from, int to);
- int test(int pos) const;
- int test(int from, int to) const;
- BitSetBit operator [] (int i);
- // iterators
- int first(int b = 1) const;
- int last(int b = 1) const;
- int next(int pos, int b = 1) const;
- int previous(int pos, int b = 1) const;
- // status
- int empty() const;
- int virtual_bit() const;
- int count(int b = 1) const;
- // convertors & IO
- friend BitSet atoBitSet(const char* s,
- char f='0', char t='1', char star='*');
- friend const char* BitSettoa(const BitSet& x,
- char f='0', char t='1', char star='*');
- friend BitSet shorttoBitSet(unsigned short w);
- friend BitSet longtoBitSet(unsigned long w);
- friend ostream& operator << (ostream& s, const BitSet& x);
- // procedural versions of operators
- friend void and(const BitSet& x, const BitSet& y, BitSet& r);
- friend void or(const BitSet& x, const BitSet& y, BitSet& r);
- friend void xor(const BitSet& x, const BitSet& y, BitSet& r);
- friend void diff(const BitSet& x, const BitSet& y, BitSet& r);
- friend void complement(const BitSet& x, BitSet& r);
- // misc
- volatile void error(const char* msg) const;
- int OK() const;
- };
- typedef BitSet BitSetTmp;
- BitSet operator | (const BitSet& x, const BitSet& y);
- BitSet operator & (const BitSet& x, const BitSet& y);
- BitSet operator - (const BitSet& x, const BitSet& y);
- BitSet operator ^ (const BitSet& x, const BitSet& y);
- BitSet operator ~ (const BitSet& x);
- // These are inlined regardless of optimization
- inline int BitSet_index(int l)
- {
- return (unsigned)(l) / BITSETBITS;
- }
- inline int BitSet_pos(int l)
- {
- return l & (BITSETBITS - 1);
- }
- #if defined(__OPTIMIZE__) || defined(USE_LIBGXX_INLINES)
- inline BitSet::BitSet() : rep(&_nilBitSetRep) {}
- inline BitSet::BitSet(const BitSet& x) :rep(BitSetcopy(0, x.rep)) {}
- inline BitSet::~BitSet() { if (rep != &_nilBitSetRep) delete rep; }
- inline void BitSet::operator = (const BitSet& y)
- {
- rep = BitSetcopy(rep, y.rep);
- }
- inline int operator != (const BitSet& x, const BitSet& y) { return !(x == y); }
- inline int operator > (const BitSet& x, const BitSet& y) { return y < x; }
- inline int operator >= (const BitSet& x, const BitSet& y) { return y <= x; }
- inline void and(const BitSet& x, const BitSet& y, BitSet& r)
- {
- r.rep = BitSetop(x.rep, y.rep, r.rep, '&');
- }
- inline void or(const BitSet& x, const BitSet& y, BitSet& r)
- {
- r.rep = BitSetop(x.rep, y.rep, r.rep, '|');
- }
- inline void xor(const BitSet& x, const BitSet& y, BitSet& r)
- {
- r.rep = BitSetop(x.rep, y.rep, r.rep, '^');
- }
- inline void diff(const BitSet& x, const BitSet& y, BitSet& r)
- {
- r.rep = BitSetop(x.rep, y.rep, r.rep, '-');
- }
- inline void complement(const BitSet& x, BitSet& r)
- {
- r.rep = BitSetcmpl(x.rep, r.rep);
- }
- #if defined(__GNUG__) && !defined(NO_NRV)
- inline BitSet operator & (const BitSet& x, const BitSet& y) return r
- {
- and(x, y, r);
- }
- inline BitSet operator | (const BitSet& x, const BitSet& y) return r
- {
- or(x, y, r);
- }
- inline BitSet operator ^ (const BitSet& x, const BitSet& y) return r
- {
- xor(x, y, r);
- }
- inline BitSet operator - (const BitSet& x, const BitSet& y) return r
- {
- diff(x, y, r);
- }
- inline BitSet operator ~ (const BitSet& x) return r
- {
- ::complement(x, r);
- }
- #else /* NO_NRV */
- inline BitSet operator & (const BitSet& x, const BitSet& y)
- {
- BitSet r; and(x, y, r); return r;
- }
- inline BitSet operator | (const BitSet& x, const BitSet& y)
- {
- BitSet r; or(x, y, r); return r;
- }
- inline BitSet operator ^ (const BitSet& x, const BitSet& y)
- {
- BitSet r; xor(x, y, r); return r;
- }
- inline BitSet operator - (const BitSet& x, const BitSet& y)
- {
- BitSet r; diff(x, y, r); return r;
- }
- inline BitSet operator ~ (const BitSet& x)
- {
- BitSet r; ::complement(x, r); return r;
- }
- #endif
- inline void BitSet::operator &= (const BitSet& y)
- {
- and(*this, y, *this);
- }
- inline void BitSet::operator |= (const BitSet& y)
- {
- or(*this, y, *this);
- }
- inline void BitSet::operator ^= (const BitSet& y)
- {
- xor(*this, y, *this);
- }
- inline void BitSet::operator -= (const BitSet& y)
- {
- diff(*this, y, *this);
- }
- inline void BitSet::complement()
- {
- ::complement(*this, *this);
- }
- inline int BitSet::virtual_bit() const
- {
- return rep->virt;
- }
- inline int BitSet::first(int b) const
- {
- return next(-1, b);
- }
- inline int BitSet::test(int p) const
- {
- if (p < 0) error("Illegal bit index");
- int index = BitSet_index(p);
- return (index >= rep->len)? rep->virt :
- ((rep->s[index] & (1 << BitSet_pos(p))) != 0);
- }
- inline void BitSet::clear()
- {
- if (rep->len > 0) bzero(rep->s, rep->sz * sizeof(short));
- rep->len = rep->virt = 0;
- }
- inline void BitSet::set()
- {
- rep = BitSetalloc(rep, 0, 0, 1, 0);
- }
- inline BitSetBit::BitSetBit(const BitSetBit& b) :src(b.src), pos(b.pos) {}
- inline BitSetBit::BitSetBit(BitSet* v, int p)
- {
- src = v; pos = p;
- }
- inline BitSetBit::~BitSetBit() {}
- inline BitSetBit::operator int()
- {
- return src->test(pos);
- }
- inline int BitSetBit::operator = (int b)
- {
- if (b) src->set(pos); else src->clear(pos); return b;
- }
- inline int BitSetBit::operator == (int b)
- {
- return src->test(pos) == b;
- }
- inline int BitSetBit::operator != (int b)
- {
- return src->test(pos) != b;
- }
- inline BitSetBit BitSet::operator [] (int i)
- {
- if (i < 0) error("illegal bit index");
- return BitSetBit(this, i);
- }
- #endif
- #endif