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- /* input_scrub.c - layer between app and the rest of the world
- Copyright (C) 1987 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
- This file is part of GAS, the GNU Assembler.
- GAS is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
- it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
- the Free Software Foundation; either version 1, or (at your option)
- any later version.
- GAS is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
- but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
- GNU General Public License for more details.
- You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
- along with GAS; see the file COPYING. If not, write to
- the Free Software Foundation, 675 Mass Ave, Cambridge, MA 02139, USA. */
- #include "as.h"
- #include "read.h"
- #include "input-file.h"
- /*
- * O/S independent module to supply buffers of sanitised source code
- * to rest of assembler. We get raw input data of some length.
- * Also looks after line numbers, for e.g. error messages.
- * This module used to do the sanitising, but now a pre-processor program
- * (app) does that job so this module is degenerate.
- * Now input is pre-sanitised, so we only worry about finding the
- * last partial line. A buffer of full lines is returned to caller.
- * The last partial line begins the next buffer we build and return to caller.
- * The buffer returned to caller is preceeded by BEFORE_STRING and followed
- * by AFTER_STRING. The last character before AFTER_STRING is a newline.
- */
- /*
- * We expect the following sanitation has already been done.
- *
- * No comments, reduce a comment to a space.
- * Reduce a tab to a space unless it is 1st char of line.
- * All multiple tabs and spaces collapsed into 1 char. Tab only
- * legal if 1st char of line.
- * # line file statements converted to .line x;.file y; statements.
- * Escaped newlines at end of line: remove them but add as many newlines
- * to end of statement as you removed in the middle, to synch line numbers.
- */
- #define BEFORE_STRING ("\n")
- #define AFTER_STRING ("\0") /* bcopy of 0 chars might choke. */
- #define BEFORE_SIZE (1)
- #define AFTER_SIZE (1)
- static char * buffer_start; /* -> 1st char of full buffer area. */
- static char * partial_where; /* -> after last full line in buffer. */
- static int partial_size; /* >=0. Number of chars in partial line in buffer. */
- #if (defined(atarist) || defined(atariminix))
- static char save_source [2]; /* odd num fucks alignment? */
- #else
- static char save_source [AFTER_SIZE];
- #endif
- /* Because we need AFTER_STRING just after last */
- /* full line, it clobbers 1st part of partial */
- /* line. So we preserve 1st part of partial */
- /* line here. */
- static int buffer_length; /* What is the largest size buffer that */
- /* input_file_give_next_buffer() could */
- /* return to us? */
- static void as_1_char ();
- /*
- We never have more than one source file open at once.
- We may, however, read more than 1 source file in an assembly.
- NULL means we have no file open right now.
- */
- /*
- We must track the physical file and line number for error messages.
- We also track a "logical" file and line number corresponding to (C?)
- compiler source line numbers.
- Whenever we open a file we must fill in physical_input_file. So if it is NULL
- we have not opened any files yet.
- */
- static
- char * physical_input_file,
- * logical_input_file;
- typedef unsigned int line_numberT; /* 1-origin line number in a source file. */
- /* A line ends in '\n' or eof. */
- static
- line_numberT physical_input_line,
- logical_input_line;
- void
- input_scrub_begin ()
- {
- know( strlen(BEFORE_STRING) == BEFORE_SIZE );
- know( strlen( AFTER_STRING) == AFTER_SIZE );
- input_file_begin ();
- buffer_length = input_file_buffer_size ();
- buffer_start = xmalloc ((long)(BEFORE_SIZE + buffer_length + buffer_length + AFTER_SIZE));
- bcopy (BEFORE_STRING, buffer_start, (int)BEFORE_SIZE);
- /* Line number things. */
- logical_input_line = 0;
- logical_input_file = (char *)NULL;
- physical_input_file = NULL; /* No file read yet. */
- do_scrub_begin();
- }
- void
- input_scrub_end ()
- {
- input_file_end ();
- }
- char * /* Return start of caller's part of buffer. */
- input_scrub_new_file (filename)
- char * filename;
- {
- input_file_open (filename, !flagseen['f']);
- physical_input_file = filename[0] ? filename : "{standard input}";
- physical_input_line = 0;
- partial_size = 0;
- return (buffer_start + BEFORE_SIZE);
- }
- char *
- input_scrub_next_buffer (bufp)
- char **bufp;
- {
- register char * limit; /* -> just after last char of buffer. */
- #ifdef DONTDEF
- if(preprocess) {
- if(save_buffer) {
- *bufp = save_buffer;
- save_buffer = 0;
- }
- limit = input_file_give_next_buffer(buffer_start+BEFORE_SIZE);
- if (!limit) {
- partial_where = 0;
- if(partial_size)
- as_warn("Partial line at end of file ignored");
- return partial_where;
- }
- if(partial_size)
- bcopy(save_source, partial_where,(int)AFTER_SIZE);
- do_scrub(partial_where,partial_size,buffer_start+BEFORE_SIZE,limit-(buffer_start+BEFORE_SIZE),&out_string,&out_length);
- limit=out_string + out_length;
- for(p=limit;*--p!='\n';)
- ;
- p++;
- if(p<=buffer_start+BEFORE_SIZE)
- as_fatal("Source line too long. Please change file '%s' and re-make the assembler.",__FILE__);
- partial_where = p;
- partial_size = limit-p;
- bcopy(partial_where, save_source,(int)AFTER_SIZE);
- bcopy(AFTER_STRING, partial_where, (int)AFTER_SIZE);
- save_buffer = *bufp;
- *bufp = out_string;
- return partial_where;
- }
- /* We're not preprocessing. Do the right thing */
- #endif
- if (partial_size)
- {
- bcopy (partial_where, buffer_start + BEFORE_SIZE, (int)partial_size);
- bcopy (save_source, buffer_start + BEFORE_SIZE, (int)AFTER_SIZE);
- }
- limit = input_file_give_next_buffer (buffer_start + BEFORE_SIZE + partial_size);
- if (limit)
- {
- register char * p; /* Find last newline. */
- for (p = limit; * -- p != '\n'; )
- {
- }
- ++ p;
- if (p <= buffer_start + BEFORE_SIZE)
- {
- as_fatal ("Source line too long. Please change file %s then rebuild assembler.", __FILE__);
- }
- partial_where = p;
- partial_size = limit - p;
- bcopy (partial_where, save_source, (int)AFTER_SIZE);
- bcopy (AFTER_STRING, partial_where, (int)AFTER_SIZE);
- }
- else
- {
- partial_where = 0;
- if (partial_size > 0)
- {
- as_warn( "Partial line at end of file ignored" );
- }
- }
- return (partial_where);
- }
- /*
- * The remaining part of this file deals with line numbers, error
- * messages and so on.
- */
- int
- seen_at_least_1_file () /* TRUE if we opened any file. */
- {
- return (physical_input_file != NULL);
- }
- void
- bump_line_counters ()
- {
- ++ physical_input_line;
- ++ logical_input_line;
- }
- /*
- * new_logical_line()
- *
- * Tells us what the new logical line number and file are.
- * If the line_number is <0, we don't change the current logical line number.
- * If the fname is NULL, we don't change the current logical file name.
- */
- void
- new_logical_line (fname, line_number)
- char * fname; /* DON'T destroy it! We point to it! */
- int line_number;
- {
- if ( fname )
- {
- logical_input_file = fname;
- }
- if ( line_number >= 0 )
- {
- logical_input_line = line_number;
- }
- }
- /*
- * a s _ w h e r e ( )
- *
- * Write a line to stderr locating where we are in reading
- * input source files.
- * As a sop to the debugger of AS, pretty-print the offending line.
- */
- void
- as_where()
- {
- char *p;
- line_numberT line;
- if (physical_input_file)
- { /* we tried to read SOME source */
- if (input_file_is_open())
- { /* we can still read lines from source */
- #ifdef DONTDEF
- fprintf (stderr," @ physical line %ld., file \"%s\"",
- (long) physical_input_line, physical_input_file);
- fprintf (stderr," @ logical line %ld., file \"%s\"\n",
- (long) logical_input_line, logical_input_file);
- (void)putc(' ', stderr);
- as_howmuch (stderr);
- (void)putc('\n', stderr);
- #else
- p = logical_input_file ? logical_input_file : physical_input_file;
- line = logical_input_line ? logical_input_line : physical_input_line;
- fprintf(stderr,"%s:%u:", p, line);
- #endif
- }
- else
- {
- #ifdef DONTDEF
- fprintf (stderr," After reading source.\n");
- #else
- p = logical_input_file ? logical_input_file : physical_input_file;
- line = logical_input_line ? logical_input_line : physical_input_line;
- fprintf (stderr,"%s:unknown:", p);
- #endif
- }
- }
- else
- {
- #ifdef DONTDEF
- fprintf (stderr," Before reading source.\n");
- #else
- #endif
- }
- }
- /*
- * a s _ h o w m u c h ( )
- *
- * Output to given stream how much of line we have scanned so far.
- * Assumes we have scanned up to and including input_line_pointer.
- * No free '\n' at end of line.
- */
- void
- as_howmuch (stream)
- FILE * stream; /* Opened for write please. */
- {
- register char * p; /* Scan input line. */
- /* register char c; JF unused */
- for (p = input_line_pointer - 1; * p != '\n'; --p)
- {
- }
- ++ p; /* p -> 1st char of line. */
- for (; p <= input_line_pointer; p++)
- {
- /* Assume ASCII. EBCDIC & other micro-computer char sets ignored. */
- /* c = *p & 0xFF; JF unused */
- as_1_char (*p, stream);
- }
- }
- static void
- as_1_char (c,stream)
- unsigned char c;
- FILE * stream;
- {
- if ( c > 127 )
- {
- (void)putc( '%', stream);
- c -= 128;
- }
- if ( c < 32 )
- {
- (void)putc( '^', stream);
- c += '@';
- }
- (void)putc( c, stream);
- }
- /* end: input_scrub.c */