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- ; walk.w - extensions to simple interpreter in LISP
- ;
- ; Portions copyright (c) 1988, 1990 Roger Rohrbach
- ; compositions of car, cdr
- (set 'cadr '(lambda (e) (car (cdr e))))
- (set 'cddr '(lambda (e) (cdr (cdr e))))
- (set 'caar '(lambda (e) (car (car e))))
- (set 'cdar '(lambda (e) (cdr (car e))))
- (set 'cadar '(lambda (e) (car (cdr (car e)))))
- (set 'caddr '(lambda (e) (car (cdr (cdr e)))))
- (set 'cddar '(lambda (e) (cdr (cdr (car e)))))
- (set 'cdadr '(lambda (e) (cdr (car (cdr e)))))
- ; basic predicates
- (set 'null '(lambda (e) (eq e nil)))
- (set 'not '(lambda (e) (eq e nil)))
- ; recursively defined functions
- ; return the first atomic element of s
- (set 'ff
- '(lambda (s)
- (cond ((atom s) s) (t (ff (car s))))))
- ; substitute x for all occurrences of the atom y in z
- (set 'subst
- '(lambda (x y z)
- (cond ((atom z) (cond ((eq z y) x) (t z)))
- (t (cons (subst x y (car z)) (subst x y (cdr z)))))))
- ; compare two s-expressions for equality
- (set 'equal
- '(lambda (x y)
- (or (and (atom x) (atom y) (eq x y))
- (and (not (atom x))
- (not (atom y))
- (equal (car x) (car y))
- (equal (cdr x) (cdr y))))))
- ; create a new list containing the elements of x and y
- (set 'append
- '(lambda (x y)
- (cond ((null x) y)
- (t (cons (car x) (append (cdr x) y))))))
- ; McCarthy's `among' function (returns t or nil)
- (set 'member
- '(lambda (x y)
- (and (not (null y))
- (or (equal x (car y)) (member x (cdr y))))))
- ; pair the corresponding elements of two lists
- (set 'pair
- '(lambda (x y)
- (cond ((and (null x) (null y)) nil)
- ((and (not (atom x)) (not (atom y)))
- (cons (list (car x) (car y))
- (pair (cdr x) (cdr y)))))))
- ; association list selector function
- ; y is a list of the form ((u1 v1) ... (uN vN))
- ; x is one of the u's (an atom)
- ; here we return the pair (u v) as in most modern Lisps
- (set 'assoc
- '(lambda (x y)
- (cond ((null y) nil)
- ((eq caar y x) (car y))
- (t (assoc x (cdr y))))))
- ; x is an association list
- ; (sublis x y) substitutes the values in x for the keys in y
- (set 'sublis
- '(lambda (x y)
- (cond ((atom y) (_sublis x y))
- (t (cons (sublis x (car y)) (sublis x (cdr y)))))))
- (set '_sublis
- '(lambda (x z)
- (cond ((null x) z)
- ((eq (caar x) z) (cadar x))
- (t (_sublis (cdr x) z)))))
- ; return the last element of list e
- (set 'last
- '(lambda (e)
- (cond ((atom e) nil)
- ((null (cdr e)) (car e))
- (t (last (cdr e))))))
- ; reverse a list
- (set 'reverse '(lambda (x) (_reverse x nil)))
- (set '_reverse
- '(lambda (x y)
- (cond ((null x) y)
- (t (_reverse (cdr x) (cons (car x) y))))))
- ; remove an element from a list
- (set 'remove
- '(lambda (e l)
- (cond ((null l) nil)
- ((equal e (car l)) (remove e (cdr l)))
- (t (cons (car l) (remove e (cdr l)))))))
- ; find the successor of the atom x in y
- (set 'succ
- '(lambda (x y)
- (cond ((or (null y) (null (cdr y))) nil)
- ((eq (car y) x) (cadr y))
- (t (succ x (cdr y))))))
- ; find the predecessor of the atom x in y
- (set 'pred
- '(lambda (x y)
- (cond ((or (null y) (null (cdr y))) nil)
- ((eq (cadr y) x) (car y))
- (t (pred x (cdr y))))))
- ; return the elements in x up to y
- (set 'before
- '(lambda (x y)
- (cond ((atom x) nil)
- ((null (cdr x)) nil)
- ((equal (car x) y) nil)
- ((equal (cadr x) y) (cons (car x) nil))
- (t (cons (car x) (before (cdr x) y))))))
- ; return the elements in x after y
- (set 'after
- '(lambda (x y)
- (cond ((atom x) nil)
- ((equal (car x) y) (cdr x))
- (t (after (cdr x) y)))))
- ; return the property list of atom x
- (set 'plist '(lambda (x) (succ x Properties)))
- ; get the value stored on x's property list under i
- (set 'get
- '(lambda (x i)
- ((lambda (pr)
- (cond ((null pr) nil)
- (t (cadr pr)))) (assoc i (plist x)))))
- ; store v on x's property list under i
- (set 'putprop
- '(lambda (x v i)
- (and (or (plist x)
- ; add a slot
- (set 'Properties (cons x (cons nil Properties))))
- (and (set 'Properties
- (append (before Properties x)
- (append
- (list x
- (cons (list i v) ; new plist
- ((lambda (l)
- (remove (assoc i l) l)) (plist x))))
- (cdr (after Properties x))))) v))))
- ; remove a property and value from x's plist
- (set 'remprop
- '(lambda (x i)
- (and (get x i) ; if property exists
- (set 'Properties
- (append (before Properties x)
- (append
- (list x
- ((lambda (l)
- (remove (assoc i l) l)) (plist x)))
- (cdr (after Properties x))))) i)))
- ; map f onto each element of l, return the list of results
- (set 'mapcar
- '(lambda (f l)
- (cond ((null l) nil)
- (t (cons (eval (list f (list 'quote (car l))))
- (mapcar f (cdr l)))))))
- ; call f with args, i.e., (apply 'cons '(a (b))) <-> (cons 'a '(b))
- (set 'apply
- '(lambda (f args)
- (cond ((null args) nil)
- (t (eval (cons f (mapcar '(lambda (a) (list 'quote a)) args)))))))