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570 lines
* double strtod (str, endptr);
* const char *str;
* char **endptr;
* if !NULL, on return, points to char in str where conv. stopped
* double atof (str)
* const char *str;
* recognizes:
[spaces] [sign] digits [ [.] [ [digits] [ [e|E|d|D] [space|sign] [int][F|L]]]]
* returns:
* the number
* on overflow: HUGE_VAL and errno = ERANGE
* on underflow: -HUGE_VAL and errno = ERANGE
* bugs:
* naive over/underflow detection
* ++jrb bammi@dsrgsun.ces.cwru.edu
* 07/29/89:
* ok, before you beat me over the head, here is a hopefully
* much improved one, with proper regard for rounding/precision etc
* (had to read up on everything i did'nt want to know in K. V2)
* the old naive coding is at the end bracketed by ifdef __OLD__.
* modeled after peter housels posting on comp.os.minix.
* thanks peter!
* ++jrb
#if !(defined(unix) || defined(minix))
#include <stddef.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <float.h>
#include <errno.h>
#include <assert.h>
#include <math.h>
#ifdef minix
#include "lib.h"
#ifndef _COMPILER_H
#include <compiler.h>
extern int errno;
#if (defined(unix) || defined(minix))
#define NULL ((void *)0)
#define Ise(c) ((c == 'e') || (c == 'E') || (c == 'd') || (c == 'D'))
#define Isdigit(c) ((c <= '9') && (c >= '0'))
#define Isspace(c) ((c == ' ') || (c == '\t'))
#define Issign(c) ((c == '-') || (c == '+'))
#define IsValidTrail(c) ((c == 'F') || (c == 'L'))
#define Val(c) ((c - '0'))
#define MAXF 1.797693134862316
#define MINF 2.225073858507201
#define MAXE 308
#define MINE (-308)
/* another alias for ieee double */
struct ldouble {
unsigned long hi, lo;
static int __ten_mul __PROTO((double *acc, int digit));
static double __adjust __PROTO((double *acc, int dexp, int sign));
static double __ten_pow __PROTO((double r, int e));
* mul 64 bit accumulator by 10 and add digit
* algorithm:
* 10x = 2( 4x + x ) == ( x<<2 + x) << 1
* result = 10x + digit
static int __ten_mul(acc, digit)
double *acc;
int digit;
register unsigned long d0, d1, d2, d3;
register short i;
d2 = d0 = ((struct ldouble *)acc)->hi;
d3 = d1 = ((struct ldouble *)acc)->lo;
/* check possibility of overflow */
/* if( (d0 & 0x0FFF0000L) >= 0x0ccc0000L ) */
/* if( (d0 & 0x70000000L) != 0 ) */
if( (d0 & 0xF0000000L) != 0 )
/* report overflow somehow */
return 1;
/* 10acc == 2(4acc + acc) */
for(i = 0; i < 2; i++)
{ /* 4acc == ((acc) << 2) */
asm volatile(" lsll #1,%1;
roxll #1,%0" /* shift L 64 bit acc 1bit */
: "=d" (d0), "=d" (d1)
: "0" (d0), "1" (d1) );
/* 4acc + acc */
asm volatile(" addl %2,%0" : "=d" (d1) : "0" (d1), "d" (d3));
asm volatile(" addxl %2,%0" : "=d" (d0) : "0" (d0), "d" (d2));
/* (4acc + acc) << 1 */
asm volatile(" lsll #1,%1;
roxll #1,%0" /* shift L 64 bit acc 1bit */
: "=d" (d0), "=d" (d1)
: "0" (d0), "1" (d1) );
/* add in digit */
d2 = 0;
d3 = digit;
asm volatile(" addl %2,%0" : "=d" (d1) : "0" (d1), "d" (d3));
asm volatile(" addxl %2,%0" : "=d" (d0) : "0" (d0), "d" (d2));
/* stuff result back into acc */
((struct ldouble *)acc)->hi = d0;
((struct ldouble *)acc)->lo = d1;
return 0; /* no overflow */
#include "flonum.h"
static double __adjust(acc, dexp, sign)
double *acc; /* the 64 bit accumulator */
int dexp; /* decimal exponent */
int sign; /* sign flag */
register unsigned long d0, d1, d2, d3;
register short i;
register short bexp = 0; /* binary exponent */
unsigned short tmp[4];
double r;
#ifdef __STDC__
double __normdf( double d, int exp, int sign, int rbits );
double ldexp(double d, int exp);
extern double __normdf();
extern double ldexp();
d0 = ((struct ldouble *)acc)->hi;
d1 = ((struct ldouble *)acc)->lo;
while(dexp != 0)
{ /* something to do */
if(dexp > 0)
{ /* need to scale up by mul */
while(d0 > 429496729 ) /* 2**31 / 5 */
{ /* possibility of overflow, div/2 */
asm volatile(" lsrl #1,%1;
roxrl #1,%0"
: "=d" (d1), "=d" (d0)
: "0" (d1), "1" (d0));
/* acc * 10 == 2(4acc + acc) */
d2 = d0;
d3 = d1;
for(i = 0; i < 2; i++)
{ /* 4acc == ((acc) << 2) */
asm volatile(" lsll #1,%1;
roxll #1,%0" /* shift L 64 bit acc 1bit */
: "=d" (d0), "=d" (d1)
: "0" (d0), "1" (d1) );
/* 4acc + acc */
asm volatile(" addl %2,%0" : "=d" (d1) : "0" (d1), "d" (d3));
asm volatile(" addxl %2,%0" : "=d" (d0) : "0" (d0), "d" (d2));
/* (4acc + acc) << 1 */
bexp++; /* increment exponent to effectively acc * 10 */
else /* (dexp < 0) */
{ /* scale down by 10 */
while((d0 & 0xC0000000L) == 0)
{ /* preserve prec by ensuring upper bits are set before div */
asm volatile(" lsll #1,%1;
roxll #1,%0" /* shift L to move bits up */
: "=d" (d0), "=d" (d1)
: "0" (d0), "1" (d1) );
bexp--; /* compensate for the shift */
/* acc/10 = acc/5/2 */
*((unsigned long *)&tmp[0]) = d0;
*((unsigned long *)&tmp[2]) = d1;
d2 = (unsigned long)tmp[0];
asm volatile(" divu #5,%0" : "=d" (d2) : "0" (d2));
tmp[0] = (unsigned short)d2; /* the quotient only */
for(i = 1; i < 4; i++)
d2 = (d2 & 0xFFFF0000L) | (unsigned long)tmp[i]; /* REM|next */
asm volatile(" divu #5,%0" : "=d" (d2) : "0" (d2));
tmp[i] = (unsigned short)d2;
d0 = *((unsigned long *)&tmp[0]);
d1 = *((unsigned long *)&tmp[2]);
/* acc/2 */
bexp--; /* div/2 taken care of by decrementing binary exp */
/* stuff the result back into acc */
((struct ldouble *)acc)->hi = d0;
((struct ldouble *)acc)->lo = d1;
/* normalize it */
r = __normdf( *acc, ((0x03ff - 1) + 53), (sign)? -1 : 0, 0 );
/* now shove in the binary exponent */
return ldexp(r, bexp);
/* flags */
#define SIGN 0x01
#define ESIGN 0x02
#define DECP 0x04
#define CONVF 0x08
double strtod (s, endptr)
const register char *s;
char **endptr;
double accum = 0.0;
register short flags = 0;
register short texp = 0;
register short e = 0;
/* const register char *start = s; */
double zero = 0.0;
assert ((s != NULL));
if(endptr != NULL) *endptr = (char *)s;
while(Isspace(*s)) s++;
if(*s == '\0')
{ /* just leading spaces */
return zero;
if(*s == '-') flags = SIGN;
if(*++s == '\0')
{ /* "+|-" : should be an error ? */
return zero;
do {
if (Isdigit(*s))
flags |= CONVF;
if( __ten_mul(&accum, Val(*s)) ) texp++;
if(flags & DECP) texp--;
else if(*s == '.')
if (flags & DECP) /* second decimal point */
flags |= DECP;
} while (1);
if(*++s != '\0') /* skip e|E|d|D */
{ /* ! ([s]xxx[.[yyy]]e) */
while(Isspace(*s)) s++; /* Ansi allows spaces after e */
if(*s != '\0')
{ /* ! ([s]xxx[.[yyy]]e[space]) */
if(*s++ == '-') flags |= ESIGN;
if(*s != '\0')
{ /* ! ([s]xxx[.[yyy]]e[s]) -- error?? */
for(; Isdigit(*s); s++)
e = (((e << 2) + e) << 1) + Val(*s);
if(IsValidTrail(*s)) s++;
/* dont care what comes after this */
if(flags & ESIGN)
texp -= e;
texp += e;
if((endptr != NULL) && (flags & CONVF))
*endptr = (char *) s;
if(accum == zero) return zero;
return __adjust(&accum, (int)texp, (int)(flags & SIGN));
double atof(s)
const char *s;
#ifdef __OLD__
extern double strtod();
return strtod(s, (char **)NULL);
#ifdef TEST
#ifdef __MSHORT__
#error "please run this test in 32 bit int mode"
#define NTEST 10000L
#ifdef unix
#ifdef __MSHORT__
#define RAND_MAX (0x7FFF) /* maximum value from rand() */
#define RAND_MAX (0x7FFFFFFFL) /* maximum value from rand() */
double expected, result, e, max_abs_err;
char buf[128];
register long i, errs;
register int s;
#ifdef __STDC__
double atof(const char *);
int rand(void);
extern double atof();
extern int rand();
#if 0
expected = atof("3.14159265358979e23");
expected = atof("3.141");
expected = atof(".31415");
printf("%f\n\n", expected);
expected = atof("3.1415");
printf("%f\n\n", expected);
expected = atof("31.415");
printf("%f\n\n", expected);
expected = atof("314.15");
printf("%f\n\n", expected);
expected = atof(".31415");
printf("%f\n\n", expected);
expected = atof(".031415");
printf("%f\n\n", expected);
expected = atof(".0031415");
printf("%f\n\n", expected);
expected = atof(".00031415");
printf("%f\n\n", expected);
expected = atof(".000031415");
printf("%f\n\n", expected);
expected = atof("-3.1415e-9");
printf("%20.15e\n\n", expected);
expected = atof("+3.1415e+009");
printf("%20.15e\n\n", expected);
expected = atof("+3.123456789123456789");
printf("%30.25e\n\n", expected);
expected = atof(".000003123456789123456789");
printf("%30.25e\n\n", expected);
expected = atof("3.1234567891234567890000000000");
printf("%30.25e\n\n", expected);
expected = atof("9.22337999999999999999999999999999999999999999");
printf("%47.45e\n\n", expected);
expected = atof("1.0000000000000000000");
printf("%25.19e\n\n", expected);
expected = atof("1.00000000000000000000");
printf("%26.20e\n\n", expected);
expected = atof("1.000000000000000000000");
printf("%27.21e\n\n", expected);
expected = atof("1.000000000000000000000000");
printf("%30.24e\n\n", expected);
#if 0
expected = atof("1.7e+308");
if(errno != 0)
printf("%d\n", errno);
else printf("1.7e308 OK %g\n", expected);
expected = atof("1.797693e308"); /* anything gt looses */
if(errno != 0)
printf("%d\n", errno);
else printf("Max OK %g\n", expected);
expected = atof("2.225073858507201E-307");
if(errno != 0)
printf("%d\n", errno, expected);
else printf("Min OK %g\n", expected);
max_abs_err = 0.0;
for(errs = 0, i = 0; i < NTEST; i++)
expected = (double)(s = rand()) / (double)rand();
if(s > (RAND_MAX >> 1)) expected = -expected;
sprintf(buf, "%.14e", expected);
result = atof(buf);
e = (expected == 0.0) ? result : (result - expected)/expected;
if(e < 0) e = (-e);
if(e > 1.0e-6)
errs++; printf("%.14e %s %.14e (%.14e)\n", expected, buf, result, e);
if (e > max_abs_err) max_abs_err = e;
printf("%ld Error(s), Max abs err %.14e\n", errs, max_abs_err);
#endif /* TEST */
/* old naive coding */
#ifdef __OLD__
static double __ten_pow(r, e)
double r;
register int e;
if(e < 0)
for(; e < 0; e++) r /= 10.0;
for(; e > 0; --e) r *= 10.0;
return r;
#define RET(X) {goto ret;}
double strtod (s, endptr)
const register char *s;
char **endptr;
double f = 0.1, r = 0.0, accum = 0.0;
register int e = 0, esign = 0, sign = 0;
register int texp = 0, countexp;
assert ((s != NULL));
while(Isspace(*s)) s++;
if(*s == '\0') RET(r); /* just spaces */
if(*s == '-') sign = 1;
if(*s == '\0') RET(r); /* "+|-" : should be an error ? */
countexp = 0;
if(!countexp && (*s != '0')) countexp = 1;
accum = (accum * 10.0) + Val(*s);
/* should check for overflow here somehow */
if(countexp) texp++;
r = (sign ? (-accum) : accum);
if(*s == '\0') RET(r); /* [s]xxx */
countexp = (texp == 0);
if(*s == '.')
if(*s == '\0') RET(r); /* [s]xxx. */
if(countexp && (*s == '0')) --texp;
if(countexp && (*s != '0')) countexp = 0;
accum = accum + (Val(*s) * f);
f = f / 10.0;
/* overflow (w + f) ? */
r = (sign ? (-accum) : accum);
if(*s == '\0') RET(r); /* [s]xxx.yyy */
if(!Ise(*s)) RET(r); /* [s]xxx[.[yyy]] */
s++; /* skip e */
if(*s == '\0') RET(r); /* [s]xxx[.[yyy]]e */
while(Isspace(*s)) s++;
if(*s == '\0') RET(r); /* [s]xxx[.[yyy]]e[space] */
if(*s == '-') esign = 1;
if(*s == '\0') RET(r); /* [s]xxx[.[yyy]]e[s] */
e = (e * 10) + Val(*s);
/* dont care what comes after this */
if(esign) e = (-e);
texp += e;
/* overflow ? */ /* FIXME */
if( texp > MAXE)
if( ! ((texp == (MAXE+1)) && (accum <= MAXF)))
errno = ERANGE;
r = ((sign) ? -HUGE_VAL : HUGE_VAL);
/* underflow -- in reality occurs before this */ /* FIXME */
if(texp < MINE)
errno = ERANGE;
r = ((sign) ? -HUGE_VAL : HUGE_VAL);
r = __ten_pow(r, e);
/* fall through */
/* all returns end up here, with return value in r */
if(endptr != NULL)
*endptr = s;
return r;
#endif /* __OLD__ */