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- /*
- * Aes graphics library interface
- *
- * graf_rubberbox Draw a rubber box
- * graf_dragbox Drag a box within a boundary
- * graf_movebox Move a box
- * graf_growbox Draw an expanding box outline
- * graf_shrinkbox Draw a shrinking box outline
- * graf_watchbox Track mouse in/out of a box
- * graf_slidebox Track sliding box in a parent box
- * graf_handle Get VDI handle
- * graf_mouse Change Mouse Form
- * graf_mkstate Get mouse and keyboard state
- *
- * ++jrb bammi@cadence.com
- * modified: mj -- ntomczak@vm.ucs.ualberta.ca
- */
- #include "common.h"
- #ifdef __DEF_ALL__
- #define L_graf_rub
- #define L_graf_dra
- #define L_graf_mov
- #define L_graf_gro
- #define L_graf_shr
- #define L_graf_wat
- #define L_graf_sli
- #define L_graf_han
- #define L_graf_mou
- #define L_graf_mks
- #endif /* __DEF_ALL__ */
- #ifdef L_graf_rub
- /* Draw a rubber box
- * input initial position and size of the rubber-box [Ix,Iy, Iw,Ih].
- * output Final Size (Fw,Fh).
- * control returns when left mouse button is released.
- *
- * return == 0 error >0 no error
- */
- int graf_rubberbox(int Ix, int Iy, int Iw, int Ih,
- int *Fw, int *Fh)
- {
- int retval;
- _int_in[0] = Ix;
- _int_in[1] = Iy;
- _int_in[2] = Iw;
- _int_in[3] = Ih;
- retval = __aes__(AES_CONTROL_ENCODE(70, 4, 3, 0));
- *Fw = _int_out[1];
- *Fh = _int_out[2];
- return retval;
- }
- #endif /* L_graf_rub */
- #ifdef L_graf_dra
- /* Drag a box in boundary
- * Sw = Width of box being dragged
- * Sh = Height of box being dragged
- * Sx = Starting X pos of box being dragged
- * Sy = Starting Y pos of box being dragged
- * Bx = X position of boundary
- * By = Y position of boundary
- * Bw = Width of bounday
- * Bh = Height of boundary
- * Fw = Final X position of box in boundary
- * Fh = Final Y position of box in boundary
- * control returns on mouse button release
- *
- * return == 0 error >0 no error
- */
- int graf_dragbox(int Sw, int Sh, int Sx, int Sy, /* inputs */
- int Bx, int By, int Bw, int Bh,
- int *Fw, int *Fh) /* outputs */
- {
- int retval;
- _int_in[0] = Sw;
- _int_in[1] = Sh;
- _int_in[2] = Sx;
- _int_in[3] = Sy;
- _int_in[4] = Bx;
- _int_in[5] = By;
- _int_in[6] = Bw;
- _int_in[7] = Bh;
- retval = __aes__(AES_CONTROL_ENCODE(71, 8, 3, 0));
- *Fw = _int_out[1];
- *Fh = _int_out[2];
- return retval;
- }
- #endif /* L_graf_dra */
- #ifdef L_graf_mov
- /* Move a box
- * from Sx,Sy to Dx,Dy
- * Sw = Width of Box
- * Sh = Height of Box
- *
- * return == 0 error >0 no error
- */
- int graf_movebox(int Sw, int Sh, int Sx, int Sy, int Dx, int Dy)
- {
- _int_in[0] = Sw;
- _int_in[1] = Sh;
- _int_in[2] = Sx;
- _int_in[3] = Sy;
- _int_in[4] = Dx;
- _int_in[5] = Dy;
- return __aes__(AES_CONTROL_ENCODE(72, 6, 1, 0));
- }
- #endif /* L_graf_mov */
- #ifdef L_graf_gro
- /* Draw an expanding outline
- * Sx = Start X
- * Sy = Start Y
- * Sw = Start Width
- * Sh = Start Height
- * Fx = Final X
- * Fy = Final Y
- * Fw = Final Width
- * Fh = Final Height
- *
- * return == 0 error >0 no error
- */
- int graf_growbox(int Sx, int Sy, int Sw, int Sh,
- int Fx, int Fy, int Fw, int Fh)
- {
- _int_in[0] = Sx;
- _int_in[1] = Sy;
- _int_in[2] = Sw;
- _int_in[3] = Sh;
- _int_in[4] = Fx;
- _int_in[5] = Fy;
- _int_in[6] = Fw;
- _int_in[7] = Fh;
- return __aes__(AES_CONTROL_ENCODE(73, 8, 1, 0));
- }
- #endif /* L_graf_gro */
- #ifdef L_graf_shr
- /* Draw a shrinking outline
- * Fx = Final X
- * Fy = Final Y
- * Fw = Final Width
- * Fh = Final Height
- * Sx = Start X
- * Sy = Start Y
- * Sw = Start Width
- * Sh = Start Height
- *
- * return == 0 error >0 no error
- */
- int graf_shrinkbox(int Fx, int Fy, int Fw, int Fh,
- int Sx, int Sy, int Sw, int Sh)
- {
- _int_in[0] = Fx;
- _int_in[1] = Fy;
- _int_in[2] = Fw;
- _int_in[3] = Fh;
- _int_in[4] = Sx;
- _int_in[5] = Sy;
- _int_in[6] = Sw;
- _int_in[7] = Sh;
- return __aes__(AES_CONTROL_ENCODE(74, 8, 1, 0));
- }
- #endif /* L_graf_shr */
- #ifdef L_graf_wat
- /* Track mouse
- * Tree = Addr of object tree containing the box
- * Object = Index of Object in tree
- * InState = Box state when mouse is inside
- * OutState = Box state when mouse is outside
- *
- * Returns on mouse button release
- * Return = 0 if release outside box
- * Return = 1 if release inside box.
- *
- * Values for state: (combinations possible)
- * 0 Normal
- * 1 Selected
- * 2 Crossed
- * 4 Checked
- * 8 Disabled
- * 16 Outlined
- * 32 Shadowed
- *
- */
- int graf_watchbox(void *Tree,
- int Object, int InState, int OutState)
- {
- _addrin[0] = Tree;
- _int_in[0] = 0; /* reserved */
- _int_in[1] = Object;
- _int_in[2] = InState;
- _int_in[3] = OutState;
- return __aes__(AES_CONTROL_ENCODE(75, 4, 1, 1));
- }
- #endif /* L_graf_wat */
- #ifdef L_graf_sli
- /* Track slider in box
- * Tree = Addr of tree containing Box & Slider
- * Parent = Index of Parent Box
- * Object = Index of Slider
- * Direction = Direction of Slider 0 = Horz, 1=Vert
- *
- * Return = Final position of slider [0,1000].
- */
- int graf_slidebox(void *Tree,
- int Parent, int Object, int Direction)
- {
- _addrin[0] = Tree;
- _int_in[0] = Parent;
- _int_in[1] = Object;
- _int_in[2] = Direction;
- return __aes__(AES_CONTROL_ENCODE(76, 3, 1, 1));
- }
- #endif /* L_graf_sli */
- #ifdef L_graf_han
- /* get VDI handle for workstation
- * Wchar,Hchar size of system font char cell
- * Wbox, Hbox size of box to contain char
- *
- * returns VDI handle
- */
- int graf_handle(int *Wchar, int *Hchar, int *Wbox, int *Hbox)
- {
- int handle = __aes__(AES_CONTROL_ENCODE(77, 0, 5, 0));
- *Wchar = _int_out[1];
- *Hchar = _int_out[2];
- *Wbox = _int_out[3];
- *Hbox = _int_out[4];
- return handle;
- }
- #endif /* L_graf_han */
- #ifdef L_graf_mou
- /*
- * Mouse Forms
- * 0 arrow
- * 1 text cursor (vert bar)
- * 2 Hour Glass
- * 3 Pointed finger
- * 4 Flat Hand
- * 5 Thin crosshair
- * 6 Thick crosshair
- * 7 outline crosshair
- * 255 Mouse form in FormAddress
- * 256 Hide Mouse
- * 257 Show Mouse
- *
- * return ==0 error >0 no error
- */
- int graf_mouse(int Form, void *FormAddress)
- {
- _int_in[0] = Form;
- _addrin[0] = FormAddress;
- return __aes__(AES_CONTROL_ENCODE(78, 1, 1, 1));
- }
- #endif /* L_graf_mou */
- #ifdef L_graf_mks
- /* Get mouse/kbd info
- * Mx Current X pos of mouse
- * My Current Y pos of mouse
- * ButtonState State of mouse buttons lsb==leftmost button & so on...
- * KeyState State of kbd Shift and Alt keys
- * 1- right shift 2-left shift
- * 4- Ctrl 8-Alt
- * Bit = 0 key up = 1 key down
- *
- * returns a reserved value
- */
- int graf_mkstate(int *Mx, int *My, int *ButtonState, int *KeyState)
- {
- int retval;
- retval = __aes__(AES_CONTROL_ENCODE(79, 0, 5, 0));
- *Mx = _int_out[1];
- *My = _int_out[2];
- *ButtonState = _int_out[3];
- *KeyState = _int_out[4];
- return retval;
- }
- #endif /* L_graf_mks */
- /* - eof - */