home *** CD-ROM | disk | FTP | other *** search
- *** 1.1 1991/07/03 14:40:46
- --- aesutil.c 1991/07/03 21:05:54
- ***************
- *** 51,58 ****
- #include <aesbind.h>
- #include <gemdefs.h>
- #include <obdefs.h>
- ! EXTERN WORD global[15];
- ! #define AESversion global[0]
- #endif
- #include "portab.h"
- --- 51,58 ----
- #include <aesbind.h>
- #include <gemdefs.h>
- #include <obdefs.h>
- ! #include <gemfast.h>
- ! #define AESversion gl_ap_version
- #endif
- #include "portab.h"
- ***************
- *** 181,190 ****
- */
- {
- ! Supexec( init_fsvars );
- save_path[0] = (char)Dgetdrv() + 'A';
- save_path[1] = ':';
- ! Dgetpath( &save_path[2], 0 );
- #if MWC
- if( AESversion >= 0x0140 )
- --- 181,190 ----
- */
- {
- ! (void)Supexec( init_fsvars );
- save_path[0] = (char)Dgetdrv() + 'A';
- save_path[1] = ':';
- ! (void)Dgetpath( &save_path[2], 0 );
- #if MWC
- if( AESversion >= 0x0140 )
- ***************
- *** 543,549 ****
- {
- WORD physid, pxy[8], clipxy[4];
- ! #if __TURBOC__
- MLOCAL MFDB mfdb0;
- #else
- MLOCAL FDB mfdb0;
- --- 543,549 ----
- {
- WORD physid, pxy[8], clipxy[4];
- ! #if __TURBOC__ || __GNUC__
- MLOCAL MFDB mfdb0;
- #else
- MLOCAL FDB mfdb0;
- *** 1.1 1991/07/03 14:40:46
- --- aesutil.h 1991/07/03 21:05:54
- ***************
- *** 417,422 ****
- --- 417,424 ----
- #endif
- /* Goofy GNU binding for evnt_timer is more logical, but wrong.
- * __OLD_WAY__ is provided for evnt_multi but not evnt_timer.
- + *
- + * This was corrected. ++jrb
- */
- VOID FormExit __PROTO(( OBJECT *tree, GRECT *rstart ));
- *** 1.1 1991/07/03 14:40:46
- --- faces.c 1991/07/03 21:05:54
- ***************
- *** 139,145 ****
- savedta = (struct _dta *)Fgetdta();
- Fsetdta( &dta ); /* suspicious pointer conversion in TC */
- ! Fsfirst( fname, 7 );
- Fsetdta( savedta ); /* suspicious pointer conversion in TC */
- *pbuf = NULL;
- --- 139,145 ----
- savedta = (struct _dta *)Fgetdta();
- Fsetdta( &dta ); /* suspicious pointer conversion in TC */
- ! (void)Fsfirst( fname, 7 );
- Fsetdta( savedta ); /* suspicious pointer conversion in TC */
- *pbuf = NULL;
- ***************
- *** 155,169 ****
- if( (fh = (short)Fopen(fname, 0)) < 0 )
- {
- ! Mfree( buf );
- return (long)fh;
- }
- len = Fread( fh, dta.size, buf );
- ! Fclose( fh );
- if( len != dta.size )
- {
- ! Mfree( buf );
- return AEREADF;
- }
- --- 155,169 ----
- if( (fh = (short)Fopen(fname, 0)) < 0 )
- {
- ! (void)Mfree( buf );
- return (long)fh;
- }
- len = Fread( fh, dta.size, buf );
- ! (void)Fclose( fh );
- if( len != dta.size )
- {
- ! (void)Mfree( buf );
- return AEREADF;
- }
- ***************
- *** 486,491 ****
- form_alert( 1, alertp );
- }
- ! Mfree( fbuf );
- return ret;
- }
- --- 486,491 ----
- form_alert( 1, alertp );
- }
- ! (void)Mfree( fbuf );
- return ret;
- }
- *** 1.1 1991/07/03 14:40:46
- --- fontform.c 1991/07/03 21:05:55
- ***************
- *** 43,48 ****
- --- 43,50 ----
- #include <aesbind.h>
- #include <gemdefs.h>
- #include <obdefs.h>
- + #include <ctype.h>
- + #include <string.h>
- #define strupr(s) { short i; for(i=0;s[i];i++) s[i] = toupper(s[i]); }
- #endif
- ***************
- *** 97,104 ****
- --- 99,110 ----
- /* ----------------------------------------------------------------------
- * Exit cleanly, with a return code.
- */
- + #if ANSI_C
- + GLOBAL VOID GemExit( short code )
- + #else
- GLOBAL VOID GemExit( code )
- short code;
- + #endif
- {
- if( wind > 0 )
- {
- ***************
- *** 148,155 ****
- vsf_interior( wsid, 0 ); /* hollow fill */
- v_bar( wsid, pxy );
- if( !curstyle.pts
- ! || (pfont = FsmFont(curstyle.face, curstyle.fx, &fx)) == NULL )
- {
- /*
- * No font selected, use system font.
- --- 154,170 ----
- vsf_interior( wsid, 0 ); /* hollow fill */
- v_bar( wsid, pxy );
- + /*
- + * pfont hoisted out here: otherwise because of short-circuit
- + * condition evaluation, its possible it will never be evaluated.
- + * it is used below in the code.
- + *
- + * ++jrb
- + */
- + pfont = FsmFont(curstyle.face, curstyle.fx, &fx);
- +
- if( !curstyle.pts
- ! || (pfont == NULL) )
- {
- /*
- * No font selected, use system font.
- ***************
- *** 321,327 ****
- * Sixth Commandment for C Programmers.
- */
- Cconws( "\r\nError initializing GEM, hit a key..." );
- ! Cconin();
- exit( apid );
- }
- --- 336,342 ----
- * Sixth Commandment for C Programmers.
- */
- Cconws( "\r\nError initializing GEM, hit a key..." );
- ! (void)Cconin();
- exit( apid );
- }
- *** 1.1 1991/07/03 14:40:46
- --- fsmbind.h 1991/07/03 21:05:56
- ***************
- *** 20,25 ****
- --- 20,26 ----
- #define GDOS_FSM 0x5F46534DL /* '_FSM' */
- #define GDOS_FNT 0x5F464E54L /* '_FNT' */
- + #ifndef __GNUC__
- /* Functions
- * ----------------------------------------------------------------------
- */
- ***************
- *** 67,71 ****
- --- 68,75 ----
- VOID vqt_get_tables __PROTO(( WORD handle, VOIDP *gascii, VOIDP *style ));
- /* Get FSM GASCII tables.
- */
- + #else /* __GNUC_ */
- + #include <vdibind.h>
- + #endif /* __GNUC__ */
- #endif FSMBIND_H
- *** 1.1 1991/07/03 14:40:46
- --- portab.h 1991/07/03 21:05:57
- ***************
- *** 136,143 ****
- --- 136,174 ----
- #endif
- typedef signed char BYTE; /* Signed 8 bit byte */
- +
- + #if 0
- + /* this is totally wrong: you want to define the user interface to bindings in
- + terms of the natural integer size (which is not necessarily 16 bits wide),
- + and take care of any specific width requirements in the bindings themselves.
- + (ie: dont put the burden of getting the interface type requirements right on
- + the user, but instead take care of it in the bindings).
- + this is particularly important when you are passing WORD pointers (WORD *)
- + to the bindings. If WORD is not defined as the natural integer, most times
- + you will end up with the wrong type of pointer, or the burden will be on
- + the user to define the correct pointer type (this is the worst assumption
- + you can make, and will result in maximum hassels in terms of users bitching
- + or not being able to figure out why their programs dont work). Ansi C compilers
- + will detect the situation, and give warnings of incompatible pointer types,
- + but will not cause an error, thus giving a false sense of security to the users.
- + non-Ansi C will of course not even detect the situation. Plus it is much more
- + natural to write stuff in terms of int, instead of WORD or some interface
- + defined type (think of constants, that will have to be cast, since they cannot
- + be declared to be of a particular type). Also defining WORD as short in a
- + 16/32 bit integer compiler will result in widening problems when 32 bit ints
- + are used. If the user misses even one prototype, KBG! (Kiss Baghdad Goodbye :-).
- + i dont even want to think about what would happen with non-prototyping compilers
- + or when gcc -traditional is used, for 32 bit ints.
- +
- + ++jrb
- + */
- typedef unsigned short UWORD; /* Unsigned 16 bit word */
- typedef short WORD; /* Signed 16 bit word */
- + #else
- + typedef unsigned int UWORD; /* Unsigned word */
- + typedef int WORD; /* Signed word */
- + #endif
- +
- typedef unsigned long ULONG; /* Unsigned 32 bit long word */
- typedef signed long LONG; /* Signed 32 bit long word */
- typedef WORD BOOLEAN; /* WORD-sized true/false value */
- ***************
- *** 185,192 ****
- * ======================================================================
- */
- ! #define REG register /* Register variable */
- ! #define LOCAL auto /* Local to function */
- #define EXTERN extern /* Externally defined */
- #define MLOCAL static /* Local to module */
- #define GLOBAL /* */ /* Global variable/function */
- --- 216,228 ----
- * ======================================================================
- */
- ! #ifndef __GNUC__ /* gnuc can do better allocation than humans can */
- ! # define REG /* Register variable */
- ! # define LOCAL /* Local to function */
- ! #else
- ! # define REG register /* Register variable */
- ! # define LOCAL auto /* Local to function */
- ! #endif
- #define EXTERN extern /* Externally defined */
- #define MLOCAL static /* Local to module */
- #define GLOBAL /* */ /* Global variable/function */
- ***************
- *** 228,235 ****
- * values to be passed to exit().
- */
- ! #define FALSE 0
- ! #define TRUE !0
- #define YES TRUE
- #define NO FALSE
- #define SUCCESS TRUE /* Function success return val */
- --- 264,271 ----
- * values to be passed to exit().
- */
- ! #define FALSE (0)
- ! #define TRUE (!0)
- #define YES TRUE
- #define NO FALSE
- #define SUCCESS TRUE /* Function success return val */
- ***************
- *** 239,246 ****
- #define EOF (-1) /* EOF Value */
- #endif
- ! #ifndef NULL /* This is defined by ANSI */
- ! #define NULL ( (VOIDP)0L )
- #endif
- #define NULLPTR NULL
- --- 275,293 ----
- #define EOF (-1) /* EOF Value */
- #endif
- ! #ifndef __GNUC__
- ! # ifndef NULL /* This is defined by ANSI */
- ! # define NULL ( (VOIDP)0L )
- ! # endif
- ! #else
- ! # ifndef NULL
- ! # ifdef __MSHORT__
- ! # define NULL ((void *)0)
- ! # else
- ! /* avoid complaints about misuse of NULL :-)*/
- ! # define NULL (0)
- ! # endif
- ! # endif
- #endif
- #define NULLPTR NULL
- *** 1.1 1991/07/03 14:40:46
- --- pragma.h 1991/07/03 21:05:57
- ***************
- *** 22,28 ****
- --- 22,31 ----
- * GDOS_FNT if FONT GDOS is installed, or
- * some other value (!= -2) if GDOS 1.1 (or G+PLUS or AMCGDOS) is installed.
- */
- + #ifndef __GNUC__ /* it is a define in gcc */
- long vq_vgdos( void );
- + #endif
- +
- #pragma inline d0=vq_vgdos() {register d2,a2; "70FE"; "4E42"}
- /* moveq #-2,d0 / trap #2 */
- ***************
- *** 55,61 ****
- /* movep.l d0,1(a0) / move.w d2,12(a0) / moveq #73,d0 / trap #2 */
- #endif
- ! #if __GNUC__
- #define vdicall(a,b,c,d) __vdi__((a),(b))
- #endif
- --- 58,64 ----
- /* movep.l d0,1(a0) / move.w d2,12(a0) / moveq #73,d0 / trap #2 */
- #endif
- ! #if 0 /* __GNUC__ */
- #define vdicall(a,b,c,d) __vdi__((a),(b))
- #endif
- *** 1.1 1991/07/03 14:40:46
- --- printout.c 1991/07/03 21:05:57
- ***************
- *** 37,42 ****
- --- 37,43 ----
- #include <aesbind.h>
- #include <gemdefs.h>
- #include <obdefs.h>
- + #include <ctype.h>
- #define strupr(s) { short i; for(i=0;s[i];i++) s[i] = toupper(s[i]); }
- #endif
- *** 1.1 1991/07/03 14:40:46
- --- strtol.c 1991/07/03 21:05:59
- ***************
- *** 1,3 ****
- --- 1,8 ----
- + /*
- + * kbad: this whole file needs to be replaced
- + *
- + */
- +
- /* ANSI strtol() to replace Lattice lib version 5.04
- * ----------------------------------------------------------------------
- * 901219 kbad MWC update, add strtoul()
- *** 1.1 1991/07/03 14:40:46
- --- styles.c 1991/07/03 21:05:59
- ***************
- *** 159,169 ****
- /* FIDO */ { 0, FxBOLD, FxSKEW, FxBS }
- };
- /* Local functions
- * ----------------------------------------------------------------------
- */
- - MLOCAL int STDARGS DrawFxobj __PROTO(( PARMBLK *parm ));
- - MLOCAL int STDARGS PrintSample __PROTO(( PARMBLK *parm ));
- MLOCAL BOOLEAN FlagFsmFx __PROTO(( Style *ps, BOOLEAN draw ));
- MLOCAL VOID FixFx __PROTO(( WORD obj, UWORD fx, Style *ps ));
- --- 159,170 ----
- /* FIDO */ { 0, FxBOLD, FxSKEW, FxBS }
- };
- + EXTERN int STDARGS DrawFxobj __PROTO(( PARMBLK *parm ));
- + EXTERN int STDARGS PrintSample __PROTO(( PARMBLK *parm ));
- +
- /* Local functions
- * ----------------------------------------------------------------------
- */
- MLOCAL BOOLEAN FlagFsmFx __PROTO(( Style *ps, BOOLEAN draw ));
- MLOCAL VOID FixFx __PROTO(( WORD obj, UWORD fx, Style *ps ));
- *** 1.1 1991/07/03 14:40:46
- --- userdef.c 1991/07/03 21:05:59
- ***************
- *** 34,39 ****
- --- 34,40 ----
- #include <aesbind.h>
- #include <gemdefs.h>
- #include <obdefs.h>
- + #include <ctype.h>
- #define strupr(s) { short i; for(i=0;s[i];i++) s[i] = toupper(s[i]); }
- #endif