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- /* apskel.c from atari */
- #include <gemfast.h>
- #include <aesbind.h>
- #include <vdibind.h>
- #include <osbind.h>
- #define TRUE 1
- #define FALSE 0
- #define NO_WINDOW (-1)
- #define MIN_WIDTH (2*gl_wbox)
- #define MIN_HEIGHT (3*gl_hbox)
- int gl_hchar;
- int gl_wchar;
- int gl_wbox;
- int gl_hbox; /* system sizes */
- int phys_handle; /* physical workstation handle */
- int handle; /* virtual workstation handle */
- int wi_handle; /* window handle */
- int top_window; /* handle of topped window */
- int xdesk,ydesk,hdesk,wdesk;
- int xold,yold,hold,wold;
- int xwork,ywork,hwork,wwork; /* desktop and work areas */
- int msgbuff[8]; /* event message buffer */
- int keycode; /* keycode returned by event-keyboard */
- int mx,my; /* mouse x and y pos. */
- int butdown; /* button state tested for, UP/DOWN */
- int ret; /* dummy return variable */
- int hidden; /* current state of cursor */
- int fulled; /* current state of window */
- /* utils */
- void hide_mouse(void)
- {
- if(! hidden){
- graf_mouse(M_OFF, 0x0L);
- hidden=TRUE;
- }
- }
- void show_mouse(void)
- {
- if(hidden){
- graf_mouse(M_ON, 0x0L);
- hidden=FALSE;
- }
- }
- /* open virtual workstation */
- void open_vwork()
- {
- int work_in[11]; /* Input to GSX parameter array */
- int work_out[57]; /* Output from GSX parameter array */
- register int i;
- for(i=0; i < 10; work_in[i++] = 1);
- work_in[10]=2;
- handle=phys_handle;
- v_opnvwk(work_in, &handle, work_out);
- }
- /* set clipping rectangle */
- void set_clip(x,y,w,h)
- int x,y,w,h;
- {
- int clip[4];
- clip[0] = x;
- clip[1] = y;
- clip[2] = clip[0]+w;
- clip[3] = clip[1]+h;
- vs_clip(handle, 1, clip);
- }
- /* open window */
- void open_window(win_name)
- register char *win_name;
- {
- wi_handle = wind_create(WI_KIND, xdesk, ydesk, wdesk, hdesk);
- wind_set(wi_handle, WF_NAME, win_name,0,0);
- graf_growbox(xdesk+wdesk/2, ydesk+hdesk/2, gl_wbox ,gl_hbox,
- xdesk, ydesk, wdesk, hdesk);
- wind_open(wi_handle, xdesk, ydesk, wdesk, hdesk);
- wind_get(wi_handle, WF_WORKXYWH, &xwork, &ywork, &wwork, &hwork);
- }
- /* Draw Window */
- void draw_window()
- {
- int temp[4];
- /* clear window */
- vsf_color(handle, 0);
- temp[0] = xwork;
- temp[1] = ywork;
- temp[2] = temp[0]+wwork-1;
- temp[3] = temp[1]+hwork-1;
- v_bar(handle, temp); /* blank the interior */
- vsf_color(handle,1);
- /* do whatever else */
- }
- /* find and redraw all clipping rectangles */
- void do_redraw(xc, yc, wc, hc)
- int xc, yc, wc, hc;
- {
- GRECT t1,t2;
- hide_mouse();
- wind_update(TRUE);
- t2.g_x = xc;
- t2.g_y = yc;
- t2.g_w = wc;
- t2.g_h = hc;
- wind_get(wi_handle ,WF_FIRSTXYWH, &t1.g_x, &t1.g_y, &t1.g_w, &t1.g_h);
- while (t1.g_w && t1.g_h)
- {
- if (rc_intersect(&t2, &t1))
- {
- set_clip(t1.g_x,t1.g_y,t1.g_w,t1.g_h);
- draw_window();
- }
- wind_get(wi_handle, WF_NEXTXYWH, &t1.g_x, &t1.g_y, &t1.g_w,
- &t1.g_h);
- }
- wind_update(FALSE);
- show_mouse();
- }
- /* event dispatcher */
- void multi()
- {
- int event;
- do {
- event = evnt_multi(MU_MESAG | MU_BUTTON | MU_KEYBD,
- 1,1,butdown,
- 0,0,0,0,0,
- 0,0,0,0,0,
- msgbuff,0L,&mx,&my,&ret,&ret,&keycode,&ret);
- wind_update(TRUE);
- if (event & MU_MESAG)
- switch (msgbuff[0]) {
- case WM_REDRAW:
- do_redraw(msgbuff[4], msgbuff[5], msgbuff[6], msgbuff[7]);
- break;
- case WM_NEWTOP:
- case WM_TOPPED:
- wind_set(wi_handle, WF_TOP, 0, 0, 0, 0);
- break;
- case WM_SIZED:
- case WM_MOVED:
- if(msgbuff[6]< MIN_WIDTH)
- msgbuff[6] = MIN_WIDTH;
- if(msgbuff[7]<MIN_HEIGHT)
- msgbuff[7] = MIN_HEIGHT;
- wind_set(wi_handle, WF_CURRXYWH, msgbuff[4], msgbuff[5],
- msgbuff[6], msgbuff[7]);
- wind_get(wi_handle, WF_WORKXYWH, &xwork, &ywork, &wwork, &hwork);
- break;
- case WM_FULLED:
- if(fulled)
- {
- wind_calc(WC_WORK, WI_KIND, xold, yold, wold, hold,
- &xwork, &ywork, &wwork, &hwork);
- wind_set(wi_handle, WF_CURRXYWH, xold, yold, wold, hold);
- }
- else
- {
- wind_calc(WC_BORDER, WI_KIND, xwork, ywork, wwork, hwork,
- &xold, &yold, &wold, &hold);
- wind_calc(WC_WORK, WI_KIND, xdesk, ydesk, wdesk, hdesk,
- &xwork, &ywork, &wwork, &hwork);
- wind_set(wi_handle, WF_CURRXYWH, xdesk, ydesk, wdesk, hdesk);
- }
- fulled ^= TRUE;
- break;
- } /* switch (msgbuff[0]) */
- if ((event & MU_BUTTON) && (wi_handle == top_window))
- if(butdown)
- butdown = FALSE;
- else
- butdown = TRUE;
- if(event & MU_KEYBD)
- do_redraw(xwork,ywork,wwork,hwork);
- wind_update(FALSE);
- } while(!((event & MU_MESAG) && (msgbuff[0] == WM_CLOSED)));
- wind_close(wi_handle);
- graf_shrinkbox( xwork+wwork/2, ywork+hwork/2, gl_wbox, gl_hbox,
- xwork, ywork, wwork, hwork);
- wind_delete(wi_handle);
- v_clsvwk(handle);
- appl_exit();
- }
- void main()
- {
- appl_init();
- phys_handle = graf_handle(&gl_wchar, &gl_hchar, &gl_wbox, &gl_hbox);
- wind_get(0, WF_WORKXYWH, &xdesk, &ydesk, &wdesk, &hdesk);
- open_vwork();
- open_window("Trial");
- graf_mouse(ARROW, 0x0L);
- hidden = FALSE;
- fulled = FALSE;
- butdown = TRUE;
- multi();
- }