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- /* RSCFIX.C 09/16/86 Ric Clayton */
- /* STCREATE.c 04/20/85 ATARI */
- /* RSCREATE.C 05/18/84 - 11/01/84 LKW */
- /* Fix something 12/10/84 - 12/10/84 Derek Mui */
- /* Fix the size 12/17/84 */
- /* For ST 04/20/85 Derek Mui */
- /* For code resident rsc 09/16/86 Ric Clayton */
- /*****************************************************************************\
- * rcsfix.doc
- *
- * RSCFIX.C -- A resource fixer for code-resident resources.
- *
- * RSCFIX.C contains a set of routines to prepare a code-resident
- * resource for use. It was derived from STCREATE.C, found in the
- * RSCREATE folder on the Resource Disk supplied with the Atari
- * Developer's Kit.
- *
- * The routines are driven by a main routine, rsc_fix(), which you
- * call during your program initialization to prepare the resource.
- * The routines perform 2 distinct functions on the resource. The
- * first is to change all the offsets, generated by RSC, to address
- * pointers. The second function is to change all the object
- * rectangle coordinates and sizes from characters to pixels,
- * according to the current screen resolution.
- *
- * First get the download the file RSCFIX.C and put it with your
- * header files. (e.g. on the compiler disk with ALCYON, in the
- * HEADERS folder with Megamax, in the INCLUDE folder with Micro-C
- * Shell and Mark Williams C, etc.)
- *
- * Next, create the C source file using RCS or RCS2. To do this,
- * run the RCS program, Open your resource file, select the Output
- * option from the Global menu, select '.H' and '.C' ('.C' & '.RSH'
- * for RCS2), click on OK, and Close your resource. Put the these
- * files with your source file(s).
- *
- * Then, modify your source file to include the resource's C source
- * and header files and 'RSCFIX.C'. Change your call to rsrc_load()
- * to rsc_fix(). Change your call to rsrc_gaddr to load the tree
- * pointer from the rs_trindex[] array.
- *
- * Limitations: The 'adj' macro takes care of objects that are not
- * character aligned but seems to have trouble when the root object
- * of a tree is NOT character aligned. Just make sure all your root
- * objects are character aligned and you should not have any
- * problems.
- *
- * The following code fragment illustrates the use of rsc_fix().
- *
- * #include <obdefs.h>
- * #include <gemdefs.h>
- * .
- * .
- * .
- * #ifndef BYTE / Take care of 'portability' /
- * #define BYTE char / macros in the '.RSH' file. /
- * #define WORD int
- * #define LONG long
- * #endif
- *
- * #include "resource.h" / The header file from RSC /
- * #include "resource.rsh" / The C source file from RSC /
- *
- * OBJECT *tree; / Pointer to an object tree /
- * .
- * .
- * / global declarations /
- * .
- * .
- * #include <rscfix.c> / Code to fixup resource /
- *
- * void sort(v,n)
- * char *v[];
- * int n;
- * {
- * .
- * .
- * }
- * .
- * .
- * .
- * void do_form( rsc_tree, exit_obj )
- * int rsc_tree;
- * int exit_obj;
- * {
- * int xdial, ydial, wdial, hdial;
- * int x, y, w, h;
- * int object;
- *
- * tree = (OBJECT *) rs_trindex[ rsc_tree ];
- *
- * form_center( tree, &xdial, &ydial, &wdial, &hdial );
- * x = xdial + wdial/2;
- * y = ydial + hdial/2;
- * w = gl_wbox;
- * h = gl_hbox;
- * form_dial( 0, x, y, w, h, xdial, ydial, wdial, hdial );
- * form_dial( 1, x, y, w, h, xdial, ydial, wdial, hdial );
- *
- * objc_draw( tree, ROOT, MAX_DEPTH, xdial, ydial, wdial, hdial );
- *
- * object = 0;
- *
- * while( object != exit_obj )
- * {
- * object = form_do( tree, 0 ) & 0x7FFF;
- * handle_object( tree, object );
- * .
- * .
- * .
- * }
- *
- * form_dial( 2, x, y, w, h, xdial, ydial, wdial, hdial );
- * form_dial( 3, x, y, w, h, xdial, ydial, wdial, hdial );
- * }
- *
- * main()
- * {
- * if ( appl_init() >= 0 )
- * {
- * rsc_fix();
- * .
- * .
- * graf_mouse( M_ON, 0x0L );
- * graf_mouse( ARROW, 0x0L );
- * do_form( TREE0, OKBUTTON );
- * .
- * .
- * appl_exit();
- * }
- * }
- *
- \*****************************************************************************/
- /* rcsfix.c */
- #include <aesbind.h>
- #include <gemfast.h>
- #ifndef BYTE /* Take care of 'portability' */
- typedef char BYTE; /* macros in the '.RSH' file. */
- typedef short WORD; /* i absolutely refuse to use */
- typedef unsigned long LONG; /* silly includes like portab.h */
- #define NIL (-1L)
- #endif
- #include "fastbenh.h" /* The header file from RSC */
- #include "fastbenh.rsh" /* The C source file from RSC */
- #define adj(xywh, siz) \
- (siz * ((xywh) & 0x00FF) + (((unsigned short)(xywh)) >> 8))
- static void fix_trindex()
- {
- int test, ii;
- for (ii = 0; ii < NUM_TREE; ii++)
- {
- test = (int) rs_trindex[ii];
- rs_trindex[ii] = (LONG) &rs_object[test];
- }
- }
- static void fix_str(where)
- long *where;
- {
- if (*where != NIL)
- *where = (long) rs_strings[*where];
- }
- static void fix_objects()
- {
- int ii;
- long test;
- int wchar, hchar;
- graf_handle( &wchar, &hchar, &ii, &ii );
- for (ii = 0; ii < NUM_OBS; ii++)
- {
- rs_object[ii].ob_x = adj(rs_object[ii].ob_x, wchar);
- rs_object[ii].ob_y = adj(rs_object[ii].ob_y, hchar);
- rs_object[ii].ob_width = adj(rs_object[ii].ob_width, wchar);
- rs_object[ii].ob_height = adj(rs_object[ii].ob_height, hchar);
- test = (long) rs_object[ii].ob_spec;
- switch (rs_object[ii].ob_type)
- {
- case G_TITLE:
- case G_STRING:
- case G_BUTTON:
- fix_str(&rs_object[ii].ob_spec);
- break;
- case G_TEXT:
- case G_BOXTEXT:
- case G_FTEXT:
- case G_FBOXTEXT:
- if (test != NIL)
- rs_object[ii].ob_spec =
- (LONG) &rs_tedinfo[test];
- break;
- case G_ICON:
- if (test != NIL)
- rs_object[ii].ob_spec =
- (LONG) &rs_iconblk[test];
- break;
- case G_IMAGE:
- if (test != NIL)
- rs_object[ii].ob_spec =
- (LONG) &rs_bitblk[test];
- break;
- default:
- break;
- } /* switch */
- } /* for */
- }
- static void fix_tedinfo()
- {
- int ii;
- for (ii = 0; ii < NUM_TI; ii++)
- {
- fix_str(&rs_tedinfo[ii].te_ptext);
- fix_str(&rs_tedinfo[ii].te_ptmplt);
- fix_str(&rs_tedinfo[ii].te_pvalid);
- }
- }
- static void fix_frstr()
- {
- int ii;
- for (ii = 0; ii < NUM_FRSTR; ii++)
- fix_str(&rs_frstr[ii]);
- }
- static void fix_img(where)
- long *where;
- {
- if (*where != NIL)
- *where = (long) (char *) rs_imdope[(int) *where].image;
- }
- static void fix_iconblk()
- {
- int ii;
- for (ii = 0; ii < NUM_IB; ii++)
- {
- fix_img(&rs_iconblk[ii].ib_pmask);
- fix_img(&rs_iconblk[ii].ib_pdata);
- fix_str(&rs_iconblk[ii].ib_ptext);
- }
- }
- static void fix_bitblk()
- {
- int ii;
- for (ii = 0; ii < NUM_BB; ii++)
- fix_img(&rs_bitblk[ii].bi_pdata);
- }
- static void fix_bb(where)
- long *where;
- {
- if (*where != NIL)
- *where = (long) (char *) &rs_bitblk[(char) *where];
- }
- static void fix_frimg()
- {
- int ii;
- for (ii = 0; ii < NUM_FRIMG; ii++)
- fix_bb(&rs_frimg[ii]);
- }
- /* this is the only 'exported' function in
- * this module.
- */
- void rsc_fix()
- {
- fix_trindex();
- fix_objects();
- fix_tedinfo();
- fix_iconblk();
- fix_bitblk();
- fix_frstr();
- fix_frimg();
- }
- #undef adj