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- /
- / STARTGEM.S 6-MAR-1987 by GHOST-Soft
- /
- / This program is used to start GEM programs from within the AUTO folder.
- /
- / The code is probably highly nonportable, as it heavily depends on the
- / internal organisation of code in TOS/GEM.
- / As this program works with ROM- as well as all disk-based versions
- / of German TOS, I'm pretty sure that this program works with foreign
- / versions of TOS, too.
- / All addresses given in square brackets apply to the German ROM-TOS.
- /
- / Assemble with Mark Williams assembler:
- / as -o startgem.o startgem.s
- / gemfix startgem.o startgem.prg
- / strip startgem.prg
- / _or_
- / as -o startgem.o startgem.s
- / ld -o startgem.prg -s startgem.o
- /
- linef= 0x2c
- vbllist1= 0x4d2
- gemdos= 1
- cconws= 0x9
- fsetdta= 0x1a
- super= 0x20
- ptermres= 0x31
- fsfirst= 0x4e
- xbios= 14
- vsync= 0x25
- .shri
- start:
- lea basepage(pc),a0
- move.l 4(a7),(a0) / get basepage address
- pea msg(pc)
- move.w $cconws,-(a7) / print line
- trap $gemdos
- addq.w $6,a7
- moveq $70,d2 / wait 1 second = 71 vblanks
- 1: move.w $vsync,-(a7) / wait for vertical blank
- trap $xbios
- addq.w $2,a7
- dbra d2,1b
- clr.l -(a7)
- move.w $super,-(a7) / enter super mode
- trap $gemdos
- addq.w $6,a7 / keep old super sp in d0
- moveq $-1,d2
- move.l d2,linef / set line-f emulator trap
- lea vblank(pc),a2
- move.l a2,vbllist1 / set vblank vector #1 {0..7}
- move.l d0,-(a7)
- move.w $super,-(a7) / exit super mode
- trap $gemdos
- addq.w $6,a7
- lea basepage(pc),a0 / compute number of bytes to keep
- suba.l basepage(pc),a0
- clr.w -(a7) / 0 = no error
- move.l a0,-(a7)
- move.w $ptermres,-(a7) / terminate and stay resident
- trap $gemdos / this call never returns
- vblank:
- moveq $-1,d0
- cmp.l linef,d0
- beq.s 1f
- clr.l vbllist1 / clear vblank vector #1
- movea.l linef,a0
- lea old_lf(pc),a1
- move.l a0,(a1) / save old line-f vector (usually in low RAM)
- lea new_lf(pc),a1
- move.l a1,linef / install new one
- / find the address of the buffer that GEM uses for the
- / name of the program that it is going to execute
- movea.l 0x16(a0),a0 / get start of line-f table from instruction
- / [a0 = fee8bc] move.l $0xfee8bc,a0
- movea.l 0x7c8(a0),a0 / get address of routine 'f7c8' from table
- / [a0 = fd8fc4]
- movea.l 0xa(a0),a2 / get address from instruction
- / [a2 = 73e4] move.l $0x73e4,a5
- adda.w 0x10(a0),a2 / add offset 0x1f56 from instruction
- / [a2 = 933a] lea 0x1f56,a0
- lea pointer(pc),a1
- move.l a2,(a1) / save buffer address
- 1: rts
- new_lf:
- movea.l 2(a7),a0 / get addr. of instr. that caused exception
- cmpi.w $0xf08c,(a0) / 'f08c' is the line-f instr. we're looking for
- bne.w exit
- move.l old_lf(pc),linef / restore old line-f vector
- movea.l pointer(pc),a0
- lea filename(pc),a1
- 1: move.b (a1)+,(a0)+ / copy filename into GEM buffer space
- bne.s 1b
- pea dta
- move.w $fsetdta,-(a7) / set DTA
- trap $gemdos
- addq.l $6,a7
- move.w $0x27,-(a7) / don't look at volumes and directories
- pea filename(pc)
- move.w $fsfirst,-(a7) / search first
- trap $gemdos
- addq.l $8,a7
- tst d0 / status != 0 indicates error
- bne.s exit
- movea.l 2(a7),a0 / get addr. of instr. that caused exception
- / [a0 = fed188]
- 2: cmpi.w $0xf4b8,(a0) / look for line-f instruction 'f4b8'
- beq.s doload
- addq.l $2,a0
- cmpa.l $0xfefffe,a0 / test for ROM end
- beq.s exit
- cmpa.l $0x078000,a0 / test for RAM end (on 512K machine)
- bne.s 2b / {RAM-TOS usually loads much lower}
- exit:
- movea.l old_lf(pc),a0 / resume execution of regular line-f handler
- jmp (a0)
- doload:
- / [a0 = fe1de2]
- move.w (a7)+,d2 / pop status word
- addq.w $4,a7 / destroy addr. of instr. 'f08c'
- move.w d2,sr / restore status register
- adda.w $56,a7 / destroy parameters of instr. 'f08c'
- jmp (a0) / jump to instruction 'f4b8'
- .prvd
- dta:
- .blkb 44
- old_lf:
- .blkl 1
- pointer:
- .blkl 1
- msg:
- .ascii "\033\105Autostart of "
- filename:
- .ascii "a:\\bin\\UW.PRG"
- nulls:
- .blkb 20 / these nulls allow easy patching of code file
- .even
- basepage:
- .ascii "EOPA" / magic number indicates End Of Patch Area