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- /*
- * vdibez.c
- *
- * Bindings for Bezier curves.
- *
- * ++jrb bammi@cadence.com
- * and Michal Jaegermann, ntomczak@vm.ucs.ulberta.ca
- *
- * Some function have alias names in order to maintain a common
- * set of symbols with compilers which need symbols unique in the
- * first seven characters. Besides this resolution is required
- * by "The Standard" :-)
- */
- #include "common.h"
- #ifndef _COMPILER_H
- # include <compiler.h>
- #endif
- #include <types.h>
- __EXTERN void vdi __PROTO((void));
- #ifdef __DEF_ALL__
- #define L_v_set_ap
- #define L_v_bez_co
- #define L_v_bez_on
- #define L_v_bez_of
- #define L_v_bez
- #define L_v_bez_fi
- #define L_v_bez_qu
- #endif /* __DEF_ALL__ */
- #ifdef L_v_set_ap
- /*
- * Inform GDOS about location and size of a buffer which GDOS
- * can use for creation of Bezier curves.
- * buf_p is a pointer to an address of a buffer
- * size its a buffer size in 2-byte words (!!)
- * or 16-bytes paragraphs - depends in which document
- * you believe.
- * If buf_p is NULL, then space for a buffer will be allocated
- * by GDOS - using Malloc (who knows where to look for this space?)
- *
- * "Hand coding" required - function opcode does not fit into 0-255 range
- */
- void
- v_set_app_buff (void *buf_p, int size)
- {
- short *wptr = _intin;
- *wptr++ = (short) buf_p; /* low word of an address */
- *wptr++ = (short)((long)buf_p >> 16); /* high word of an address */
- *wptr = (short) size; /* size of buffer in something */
- wptr = (short *)_contrl;
- *wptr++ = -1; /* 0 - opcode */
- *wptr++ = 0; /* 1 */
- wptr++; /* 2 */
- *wptr++ = 3; /* 3 - # of entries in _intin */
- wptr++; /* 4 */
- *wptr++ = 6; /* 5 - id */
- *wptr = 0; /* 6 - dummy handle - really needed? */
- vdi(); /* call vdi */
- }
- #endif /* L_v_set_ap */
- #ifdef L_v_bez_co
- /*
- * If onoff is 1 then enable Bezier capabilities and
- * find a number of segments per Bezier curve.
- * Returns logarithm in a base of 2 from that number
- *
- * If onoff is 0 then disable Bezier capabilities and
- * release memory allocated in v_set_app_buff call.
- * Returns NOTHING!
- */
- int
- v_bez_con(int handle, int onoff)
- {
- __vdi__(VDI_CONTRL_ENCODE(11, (unsigned short)(onoff), 0, 13), handle);
- return(_intout[0]);
- }
- #endif /* L_v_bez_co */
- #ifdef L_v_bez_on
- /*
- * v_bez_on (alias v_bezon)
- * Enable Bezier capabilities.
- * Find a number of segments per Bezier curve.
- * Returns logarithm in a base of 2 from that number
- */
- __asm__(".stabs \"_v_bezon\",5,0,0,_v_bez_on"); /* dept of clean tricks */
- int
- v_bez_on (int handle)
- {
- __vdi__(VDI_CONTRL_ENCODE(11, 1, 0, 13), handle);
- return *_intout;
- }
- #endif /* L_v_bez_on */
- #ifdef L_v_bez_of
- /*
- * v_bez_off (alias v_bezoff)
- * Disable Bezier capabilities.
- * Free space allocated by GDOS for Bezier curves.
- */
- __asm__(".stabs \"_v_bezoff\",5,0,0,_v_bez_off"); /* dept of clean tricks */
- void
- v_bez_off (int handle)
- {
- __vdi__(VDI_CONTRL_ENCODE(11, 0, 0, 13), handle);
- }
- #endif /* L_v_bez_of */
- #ifdef L_v_bez
- /*
- * Draw an unfilled Bezier curve
- * xyarr - an array of 'count' pairs of control vertices
- * bezarr - an array of flags specifying which control points
- * are jump points
- * bit 0 off - start of a polyline if not continuation
- * bit 0 on - start of a Bezier segment
- * bit 1 on - jump point (move to the next one without draw)
- *
- * Returns - a number of points in a Bezier curve
- */
- int
- v_bez( int handle, /* Device handle we're drawing to */
- int count, /* Number of points total... */
- int *xyarr, /* The points in x1,y1,x2,y2 format */
- char *bezarr, /* Flag array, so that we can set start, jump pts */
- int *extent, /* "bounding box coordinates */
- int *totpts, /* number of resulting polygon points */
- int *totmoves) /* number of resulting moves */
- {
- short *end;
- char *pbd = bezarr;
- char *opbd = (char *)_intin;
- #ifndef __MSHORT__
- short *optr;
- int *iptr = xyarr;
- #endif
- int cntrl0 = 6;
- /* copy entries from bezarr to _intin packing and swaping bytes ???! */
- /* this requirement for byte swapping is not documented - if you */
- /* discount some old code example, but things seem to work this way */
- end = (short *) (pbd + count);
- while (pbd < (char *)end) {
- *(opbd + 1) = *pbd++;
- if (pbd >= (char *)end)
- break;
- *opbd = *pbd++;
- opbd += 2;
- }
- #ifdef __MSHORT__
- _vdiparams[2] = (void *) xyarr;
- _vdiparams[4] = (void *) extent;
- #else
- /* copy xyarr into an array of shorts */
- optr = _ptsin;
- end = optr + count + count;
- while (optr < end)
- *optr++ = *xyarr++;
- #endif
- __vdi__(VDI_CONTRL_ENCODE(cntrl0, count, ((count + 1) >> 1), 13), handle);
- #ifdef __MSHORT__
- /* restore standard parameter block */
- _vdiparams[2] = (void *) _ptsin;
- _vdiparams[4] = (void *) _ptsout;
- #else
- optr = _ptsout;
- iptr = extent;
- *iptr++ = *optr++;
- *iptr++ = *optr++;
- *iptr++ = *optr++;
- *iptr = *optr;
- #endif
- *totmoves = _intout[1];
- return(*totpts = _intout[0]); /* number of points in Bezier */
- }
- #endif /* L_v_bez */
- #ifdef L_v_bez_fi
- /*
- * v_bez_fill (alias _v_bezfill)
- * Draw a filled Bezier curve
- * xyarr - an array of 'count' pairs of control vertices
- * bezarr - an array of flags specifying which control points
- * are jump points
- * bit 0 off - start of a polyline if not continuation
- * bit 0 on - start of a Bezier segment
- * bit 1 on - jump point (move to the next one without draw)
- * Returns - a number of points in a filled Bezier curve
- */
- __asm__(".stabs \"_v_bezfill\",5,0,0,_v_bez_fill"); /* dept of clean tricks */
- int
- v_bez_fill(int handle, /* Device handle we're drawing to */
- int count, /* Number of points total... */
- int *xyarr, /* The points in x1,y1,x2,y2 format */
- char *bezarr, /* Flag array, so that we can set start, jump pts */
- int *extent, /* "bounding box coordinates */
- int *totpts, /* number of resulting polygon points */
- int *totmoves) /* number of resulting moves */
- {
- short *end;
- char *pbd = bezarr;
- char *opbd = (char *)_intin;
- #ifndef __MSHORT__
- short *optr;
- int *iptr = xyarr;
- #endif
- int cntrl0 = 9;
- /* copy entries from bezarr to _intin packing and swaping bytes ???! */
- /* this requirement for byte swapping is not documented - if you */
- /* discount some old code example, but things seem to work this way */
- end = (short *) (pbd + count);
- while (pbd < (char *)end) {
- *(opbd + 1) = *pbd++;
- if (pbd >= (char *)end)
- break;
- *opbd = *pbd++;
- opbd += 2;
- }
- #ifdef __MSHORT__
- _vdiparams[2] = (void *) xyarr;
- _vdiparams[4] = (void *) extent;
- #else
- /* copy xyarr into an array of shorts */
- optr = _ptsin;
- end = optr + count + count;
- while (optr < end)
- *optr++ = *xyarr++;
- #endif
- __vdi__(VDI_CONTRL_ENCODE(cntrl0, count, ((count + 1) >> 1), 13), handle);
- #ifdef __MSHORT__
- /* restore standard parameter block */
- _vdiparams[2] = (void *) _ptsin;
- _vdiparams[4] = (void *) _ptsout;
- #else
- optr = _ptsout;
- iptr = extent;
- *iptr++ = *optr++;
- *iptr++ = *optr++;
- *iptr++ = *optr++;
- *iptr = *optr;
- #endif
- *totmoves = _intout[1];
- return(*totpts = _intout[0]); /* number of points in Bezier */
- }
- #endif /* L_v_bez_fi */
- #ifdef L_v_bez_qu
- /*
- * v_bez_qual (alias v_bezqual)
- * Set the quality / speed tradeoff when drawing Beizier curve
- * quality is given in percents
- *
- * Returns an actual quality set.
- *
- * This function requires "hand coding" since subcode 99 does
- * not fit into 5 bits required by VDI_CONTRL_ENCODE
- */
- __asm__(".stabs \"_v_bezqual\",5,0,0,_v_bez_qual"); /* dept of clean tricks */
- int
- v_bez_qual (int handle, int percent, int *actual)
- {
- short *wptr = _intin;
- *wptr++ = 32;
- *wptr++ = 1;
- *wptr = percent;
- wptr = (short *)_contrl;
- *wptr++ = 5; /* 0 - opcode */
- *wptr++ = 0; /* 1 */
- wptr++; /* 2 */
- *wptr++ = 3; /* 3 - # of entries in _intin */
- wptr++; /* 4 */
- *wptr++ = 99; /* 5 - id */
- *wptr = handle; /* 6 - handle */
- vdi(); /* call vdi */
- return (*actual = *_intout);
- }
- #endif /* L_v_bez_qu */
- /* -eof- */