home *** CD-ROM | disk | FTP | other *** search
- /*
- * This file contains file io routines
- */
- #ifdef __GNUC__
- # include <gemfast.h>
- # include <aesbind.h>
- # include <vdibind.h>
- #else
- # include <obdefs.h>
- # include <gemdefs.h>
- # include <xbios.h>
- #endif
- #include <stdio.h>
- #include <osbind.h>
- #include "wind.h"
- #include "uw.h"
- #include "windefs.h"
- extern struct wi_str w[];
- /*
- * Character stuff (fonts, keymaps).
- */
- extern FNT *fnttbl[10]; /* List of pointers to fonts avail */
- extern int fontsavail; /* Number of fonts available */
- extern FNT *curfont; /* font in use */
- extern int fontmenuobj[]; /* array of font menu object numbers */
- /*
- * Options (somewhat loosely defined).
- */
- extern int fast; /* flag for fast open/close */
- extern int overstrike; /* flag for character output */
- extern int sliders; /* flag for sliders on new windows */
- extern int titles; /* flag for title bars on new windows */
- extern int audibell; /* Audible bell. */
- extern int visibell; /* Visible bell. */
- extern int toponbel; /* Top window on bell. */
- extern FUNCSTRING fstrings[]; /* storage for function key bodys */
- extern char cmdpath[]; /* default command executions strings */
- extern char cmdname[];
- extern char cmdargs[];
- extern OBJECT *menubar;
- void rsbufset();
- long bufsizs[] = { /* rs-232 buffer sizes setable from uw */
- 256l, 2048l, 16384l
- };
- int bufsiz = 0; /* index into table above of current size */
- #ifdef LOCATE
- extern char *locate();
- #else
- #define locate(n) n
- #endif
- /* read a font from a file */
- FNT * loadfont (name)
- char *name;
- {
- FNT * curfont;
- char *tmpfnt;
- char menustr[20];
- char namestr[20];
- register int shift;
- register unsigned int mask;
- register int i;
- char *getmem();
- if ((curfont = (FNT *) getmem((long)sizeof(FNT))) == NULL)
- return(NULL);
- i = Fopen(locate(name), 0);
- if (i<0)
- return (NULL);
- Fread(i, 2048L, curfont->f_data);
- Fclose(i);
- curfont->inc_x = MINMAX(curfont->f_data[16], 1, 8);
- curfont->inc_y = MINMAX(curfont->f_data[32], 1, 16);
- shift = 8-curfont->inc_x;
- mask = (1<<curfont->inc_x)-1;
- tmpfnt = curfont->f_data;
- for (i=0; i<2048; i++)
- {
- *tmpfnt = (*tmpfnt>>shift)&mask;
- tmpfnt++;
- }
- sscanf(name, "wind%3s", namestr);
- sprintf(menustr, "%1.2d x %1.2d %s font", curfont->inc_x, curfont->inc_y,
- namestr);
- set_menu_string(menustr, fontmenuobj[fontsavail]);
- gen_hash(curfont, &curfont->f_hash);
- fnttbl[fontsavail] = curfont;
- fontsavail++;
- return (curfont);
- }
- /* This function reads the config file from name in directory path and sets
- * the apropriate variables.
- */
- read_config(path, name)
- char *path;
- char *name;
- {
- char file[100];
- char *ptr;
- char *status;
- FILE *fd;
- int i, j;
- char *index(), *rindex();
- strcpy(file, path);
- ptr = rindex(file, '\\');
- if (ptr != NULL)
- *(ptr+1) = '\0';
- strcat(file, name);
- fd = fopen(file, "r");
- if (fd == NULL)
- {
- if (*path != '\0') /* don't print error if in startup */
- form_alert(1, "[2][Can't open config input file][ok]");
- return;
- }
- status = fgets(file, 100,fd);
- while (status != NULL)
- {
- char * endline;
- if ((endline = rindex(file, '\n')) != NULL)
- *endline = '\0';
- if (!strncmp("audibell=", file, 9L))
- audibell = atoi(file + 9);
- else if (!strncmp("visibell=", file, 9L))
- visibell = atoi(file + 9);
- else if (!strncmp("topbell=", file, 8L))
- toponbel = atoi(file + 8);
- else if (!strncmp("fast", file, 4L))
- ++fast;
- else if (!strncmp("slow", file, 4L))
- fast = 0;
- else if (!strncmp("overstrike", file, 4L))
- ++overstrike;
- else if (!strncmp("nooverstrike", file, 4L))
- overstrike = 0;
- else if (!strncmp("sliders", file, 7L))
- ++sliders;
- else if (!strncmp("nosliders", file, 9L))
- sliders = 0;
- else if (!strncmp("titles", file, 6L))
- ++titles;
- else if (!strncmp("notitless", file, 8L))
- titles = 0;
- else if (!strncmp("font=", file, 5L))
- {
- i = atoi(file+5);
- if (fontsavail > i)
- {
- for (j = 0; j < fontsavail; j++)
- objc_change(menubar, fontmenuobj[j], 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, NONE, 0);
- objc_change(menubar, fontmenuobj[i], 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, CHECKED, 0);
- curfont = fnttbl[i];
- }
- }
- else if (!strncmp("bufsiz=", file, 7L))
- {
- i = atoi(file+7);
- for (j=0; j < (int)(sizeof(bufsizs)/sizeof(bufsizs[0])); j++)
- if (bufsizs[j] >= i)
- break;
- bufsiz = j;
- rsbufset(j);
- }
- else if (file[0] == 'f' && file[1] >= '0' && file[1] <= '9'
- && (file[2] == '=' || file[3] == '='))
- {
- i = atoi(file+1);
- if (i < 1) i = 1;
- if (i > NFSTRINGS - 2) i = NFSTRINGS - 2;
- status = index(file, '=');
- ptr = index(status, '\n');
- if (ptr != NULL)
- *ptr = '\0';
- strcpy(fstrings[i-1], status+1);
- }
- else if (!strncmp("cmdpath=", file, 8L))
- strcpy(cmdpath, file+8);
- else if (!strncmp("cmdname=", file, 8L))
- strcpy(cmdname, file+8);
- else if (!strncmp("cmdargs=", file, 8L))
- strcpy(cmdargs, file+8);
- status = fgets(file, 100, fd);
- }
- objc_change(menubar, VISIBELL, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0,
- visibell? CHECKED: 0, 0);
- objc_change(menubar, AUDIBELL, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0,
- audibell? CHECKED: 0, 0);
- objc_change(menubar, TOPONBEL, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0,
- toponbel? CHECKED: 0, 0);
- menu_icheck(menubar, MFAST, !fast);
- menu_icheck(menubar, OVERSTRI, overstrike);
- menu_icheck(menubar, WINSTYLE, sliders);
- menu_icheck(menubar, WINTITLE, titles);
- }
- /* This function writes the config file name in directory path.
- */
- write_config (path, name)
- char *path;
- char *name;
- {
- char file[100];
- char *ptr;
- FILE *fd;
- int i;
- char *rindex();
- strcpy(file, path);
- ptr = rindex(file, '\\');
- if (ptr != NULL)
- *(ptr + 1) = '\0';
- strcat(file, name);
- fd = fopen(file, "w");
- if (fd == NULL)
- {
- form_alert(1, "[2][Can't open config output file][ok]");
- return;
- }
- fprintf(fd, "audibell=%d\n", audibell);
- fprintf(fd, "visibell=%d\n", visibell);
- fprintf(fd, "topbell=%d\n", toponbel);
- fprintf(fd, "%s\n", fast? "fast": "slow");
- fprintf(fd, "%s\n", overstrike? "overstrike": "nooverstrike");
- fprintf(fd, "%s\n", sliders? "sliders": "nosliders");
- fprintf(fd, "%s\n", titles? "titles": "notitles");
- fprintf(fd, "bufsiz=%ld\n", bufsizs[bufsiz]);
- fprintf(fd, "cmdpath=%s\n", cmdpath);
- fprintf(fd, "cmdname=%s\n", cmdname);
- fprintf(fd, "cmdargs=%s\n", cmdargs);
- for (i = 0; i < fontsavail; i++)
- if (curfont == fnttbl[i])
- fprintf(fd, "font=%d\n", i);
- for (i = 0; i < NFSTRINGS - 2; ++i)
- fprintf(fd, "f%d=%s\n", i + 1, fstrings[i]);
- fclose(fd);
- }
- setcapture (wp)
- WI_STR *wp;
- {
- char full[80];
- register char *cp1, *cp2;
- if (wp->wi_lfd)
- {
- fclose(wp->wi_lfd);
- wp->wi_lfd = NULL;
- }
- if (*wp->wi_fname)
- {
- cp1 = full;
- for (cp2 = wp->wi_fpath; *cp2; *cp1++ = *cp2++);
- while (--cp1 >= full && *cp1 != '\\');
- strcpy(++cp1, wp->wi_fname);
- if ((wp->wi_lfd = fopen(full, "a")) == NULL)
- {
- form_alert(1, "[2][Unable to open capture file.][ok]");
- *wp->wi_fname = '\0';
- }
- }
- w_rename(wp - w, NULL);
- }
- #define DEFUCR 0x88 /* Async, 1 stop bit */
- int speedobjs[] = {
- BB1920, BB960, BB480, BB360, BB240, BB200, BB180, BB120,
- BB60, BB30, BB20, BB15, BB13, BB11, BB7, BB5
- };
- int flowobjs[] = {
- };
- int parobjs[] = {
- };
- int stopobjs[] = {
- SBB1, SBB15, SBB2
- };
- int bcbobjs[] = {
- BCB8, BCB7, BCB6, BCB5
- };
- int bufobjs[] = {
- };
- #ifdef GETSPEED
- /* Baud rates 75 and 50 are not currently decoded. */
- int timevals[] = {
- 1, 2, 4, 5, 8, 10, 11,
- 16, 32, 64, 96, 128, 143, 175
- };
- #endif
- int speed = -1; /* Don't know */
- int flow = -1;
- int ucr = -1;
- struct iorec old_iorec;
- /* load rs232 configuration into RSCONF dialog */
- getrsconf ()
- {
- OBJECT *obj;
- register int i;
- #ifdef GETSPEED
- #define MFP 0xFFFFFA01L
- #define TDDR 36
- #define hz_200 ((unsigned long *) 0x4BAL)
- int tv; /* Timer value */
- int maxtv; /* Maximum timer value */
- unsigned long endhz; /* End of polling period */
- long savessp; /* Old stack pointer */
- #endif
- #ifdef GETFLOW
- struct rsiorec {
- char fill0[32];
- char rsmode;
- char fill1[1];
- };
- #endif
- #ifdef GETSPEED
- savessp = Super(0L);
- maxtv = 0;
- endhz = *hz_200 + 8;
- while (*hz_200 < endhz)
- {
- tv = *((unsigned char *) (0xFFFFFA01L + 36));
- if (tv > maxtv)
- maxtv = tv;
- }
- (void) Super(savessp);
- for (i = (int)(sizeof(timevals) / sizeof(timevals[0]));
- --i >= 0 && timevals[i] != maxtv; );
- if (i >= 0)
- speed = i;
- #endif
- #ifdef GETFLOW
- flow = ((struct rsiorec *) Iorec(0))->rsmode;
- if (flow == 3) /* UW doesn't support both */
- flow = 1;
- #endif
- #ifdef GETUCR
- /* Dev. Kit code suggests that Rsconf() returns old register vals */
- ucr = (Rsconf( -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1) >> 24) & 0xFF;
- #endif
- rsrc_gaddr(R_TREE, RSCONF, &obj);
- for (i = (int)(sizeof(speedobjs) / sizeof(int)); --i >= 0; )
- obj[speedobjs[i]].ob_state = NORMAL;
- for (i = (int)(sizeof(flowobjs) / sizeof(int)); --i >= 0; )
- obj[flowobjs[i]].ob_state = NORMAL;
- for (i = (int)(sizeof(parobjs) / sizeof(int)); --i >= 0; )
- obj[parobjs[i]].ob_state = NORMAL;
- for (i = (int)(sizeof(stopobjs) / sizeof(int)); --i >= 0; )
- obj[stopobjs[i]].ob_state = NORMAL;
- for (i = (int)(sizeof(bcbobjs) / sizeof(int)); --i >= 0; )
- obj[bcbobjs[i]].ob_state = NORMAL;
- for (i = (int)(sizeof(bufobjs) / sizeof(int)); --i >= 0; )
- obj[bufobjs[i]].ob_state = NORMAL;
- if (speed >= 0)
- obj[speedobjs[speed]].ob_state = SELECTED;
- if (flow >= 0)
- obj[flowobjs[flow]].ob_state = SELECTED;
- if (ucr >= 0)
- {
- switch (ucr & 0x6) /* Parity */
- {
- default:
- obj[PBNONE].ob_state = SELECTED;
- break;
- case 0x4:
- obj[PBODD].ob_state = SELECTED;
- break;
- case 0x6:
- obj[PBEVEN].ob_state = SELECTED;
- break;
- }
- switch (ucr & 0x18)
- {
- default:
- obj[SBB1].ob_state = SELECTED;
- break;
- case 0x10:
- obj[SBB15].ob_state = SELECTED;
- break;
- case 0x18:
- obj[SBB2].ob_state = SELECTED;
- break;
- }
- obj[bcbobjs[(ucr >> 5) & 3]].ob_state = SELECTED;
- }
- obj[bufobjs[bufsiz]].ob_state = SELECTED;
- }
- /* set rs232 configuration from the RSCONF dialog */
- setrsconf ()
- {
- register int i;
- OBJECT *obj;
- short parity = 0;
- short stop = 0;
- short bcb = -1;
- rsrc_gaddr(R_TREE, RSCONF, &obj);
- for (i = (int)(sizeof(speedobjs) / sizeof(int)); --i >= 0; )
- if (obj[speedobjs[i]].ob_state & SELECTED)
- {
- speed = i;
- break;
- }
- for (i = (int)(sizeof(flowobjs) / sizeof(int)); --i >= 0; )
- if (obj[flowobjs[i]].ob_state & SELECTED)
- {
- flow = i;
- break;
- }
- for (i = (int)(sizeof(parobjs) / sizeof(int)); --i >= 0; )
- if (obj[parobjs[i]].ob_state & SELECTED)
- {
- parity = i + 1;
- break;
- }
- for (i = (int)(sizeof(stopobjs) / sizeof(int)); --i >= 0; )
- if (obj[stopobjs[i]].ob_state & SELECTED)
- {
- stop = i + 1;
- break;
- }
- for (i = (int)(sizeof(bcbobjs) / sizeof(int)); --i >= 0; )
- if (obj[bcbobjs[i]].ob_state & SELECTED)
- {
- bcb = i;
- break;
- }
- for (i = (int)(sizeof(bufobjs) / sizeof(int)); --i >= 0; )
- if (obj[bufobjs[i]].ob_state & SELECTED)
- {
- bufsiz = i;
- break;
- }
- if ((parity || stop || bcb >= 0) && ucr < 0)
- ucr = DEFUCR;
- if (parity)
- ucr = (ucr & ~0x6) | (parity << 1);
- if (stop)
- ucr = (ucr & ~0x18) | (stop << 3);
- if (bcb >= 0)
- ucr = (ucr & ~0x60) | (bcb << 5);
- Rsconf(speed, flow, ucr, -1, -1, -1);
- rsbufset(bufsiz);
- }
- void rsbufset(bufsiz)
- int bufsiz;
- {
- struct iorec *ioptr;
- static char *memalloced = NULL;
- static int oldbufsiz = 0;
- ioptr = Iorec(0);
- if (old_iorec.io_bufsiz == 0)
- old_iorec = *ioptr; /* save gem buffer */
- if (oldbufsiz != bufsiz) {
- char *mem;
- oldbufsiz = bufsiz;
- mem = (char *) Malloc(bufsizs[bufsiz]);
- if (mem != NULL) {
- if (memalloced != NULL)
- Mfree(memalloced);
- memalloced = mem;
- ioptr->io_buff = mem;
- ioptr->io_bufsiz = bufsizs[bufsiz];
- ioptr->io_head = 0;
- ioptr->io_tail = 0;
- ioptr->io_low = bufsizs[bufsiz] / 4;
- ioptr->io_high = ioptr->io_bufsiz - ioptr->io_low;
- }
- }
- }