home *** CD-ROM | disk | FTP | other *** search
- /* subroutines for multi-window terminal emulation
- */
- #ifdef __GNUC__
- # include <gemfast.h>
- # include <aesbind.h>
- # include <vdibind.h>
- #else
- # include <obdefs.h>
- # include <gemdefs.h>
- #endif
- #include <osbind.h>
- #include <stdio.h>
- #include "wind.h"
- #include "windefs.h"
- extern int handle;
- /* variables used by various routines
- */
- long dummy; /* dummy return variable */
- extern int outwind, outport; /* window selection */
- extern int scr_x, scr_y; /* size of the screen */
- extern int scr_w, scr_h;
- extern int fast; /* flag for fast open/close */
- extern int overstrike;
- extern int sliders; /* flag for sliders on new windows */
- extern int titles; /* flag for title bars on new windows */
- int tmp; /* temporary for anything... */
- extern char alert[300]; /* used for alerts */
- extern FNT *curfont; /* current font */
- extern MFDB screen_mf; /* screen descriptor */
- extern int mouse; /* for mouse on/off */
- extern int audibell; /* What happens on BEL? */
- extern int visibell;
- extern int toponbel;
- struct wi_str w[MAX_WIND];
- /* the program code...
- */
- char *getmem(size)
- register long size;
- {
- char *got;
- got = (char *) Malloc(size);
- #ifdef DEBUG
- printf("alloc returned %lx of %ld size\n", got, size);
- #endif
- if (got == NULL)
- {
- sprintf(alert, "[1][Could not get %ld bytes][Ok]", size);
- form_alert(1, alert);
- } else
- {
- bzero(got, size);
- }
- return got;
- }
- #ifndef __GNUC__
- bzero(ptr, size)
- register char *ptr;
- register long size;
- {
- while (size--)
- *ptr++ = 0;
- }
- #endif
- /* find_port maps from window handles to UW port identifiers
- */
- find_port(wnd)
- {
- return w[wnd].port;
- }
- /* find_wind maps from port ids to window handles
- */
- find_wind(port)
- {
- int i;
- for (i=1; i<MAX_WIND; i++)
- if (w[i].port == port) return i;
- return 0;
- }
- /* w_open opens a window with the supplied name and port and returns a port
- * number. If port was zero, a free port is chosen.
- */
- w_open(port, name, xsiz, ysiz)
- char *name;
- {
- register struct wi_str *wp;
- int wdes;
- int i, cnt, wtyp;
- int tmp_x, tmp_y, tmp_w, tmp_h;
- if (port && find_wind(port)) return port; /* this window is already open */
- if (!port)
- {
- for (i=1; i<MAX_WIND; i++)
- {
- if (!find_wind(i))
- {
- port = i; /* a free port */
- break;
- }
- }
- }
- wtyp = (sliders ? WI_WITHSLD : 0) | (titles ? WI_NOSLD : 0);
- wind_calc(0, wtyp, 0, 0, curfont->inc_x*xsiz+2*X0,
- curfont->inc_y*ysiz+2*Y0, &dummy, &dummy, &tmp_w, &tmp_h);
- if (tmp_w>scr_w)
- tmp_w = scr_w; /* full size <= screen size */
- tmp_x = 10*(port-1);
- if (tmp_h>scr_h)
- tmp_h = scr_h;
- tmp_y = scr_y+16*(port-1);
- wdes = wind_create(wtyp, tmp_x, tmp_y, tmp_w,
- tmp_h);
- if (wdes < 0)
- {
- form_alert(1, "[1][Sorry, GEM has|no more windows|for us...][Ok]");
- return 0;
- }
- wp = &w[wdes];
- wp->wi_w = X0*2 + curfont->inc_x*xsiz;
- wp->wi_h = Y0*2 + curfont->inc_y*ysiz;
- wp->port = port;
- if (!fast)
- graf_growbox(0, 0, 20, 10, tmp_x, tmp_y, tmp_w, tmp_h);
- wind_open(wdes, tmp_x, tmp_y, tmp_w, tmp_h);
- wind_get(wdes, WF_WORKXYWH, &wp->x, &wp->y, &wp->w, &wp->h);
- wp->fulled = 0;
- wp->used = 1;
- wp->x_off = 0;
- wp->y_off = 0;
- wp->px_off = 0;
- wp->py_off = 0;
- wp->m_off = wp->x & 15;
- wp->cur_x = X0;
- wp->cur_y = Y0;
- wp->top_y = Y0;
- wp->font = curfont;
- wp->x_chrs = xsiz;
- wp->y_chrs = ysiz;
- wp->wi_mf.wpix = 2*X0 + xsiz*curfont->inc_x;
- wp->wi_mf.hpix = 2*Y0 + ysiz*curfont->inc_y;
- #ifdef KOPY
- wp->wi_mf.wwords = ((wp->wi_mf.wpix>>5) +1) << 1;
- #else
- wp->wi_mf.wwords = (wp->wi_mf.wpix>>4) +1;
- #endif
- wp->wi_mf.ptr = getmem(((long)wp->wi_mf.hpix+wp->font->inc_y*MAXSCROLLED)
- *wp->wi_mf.wwords*2);
- wp->wi_mf.format = 0;
- wp->wi_mf.planes = 1;
- wp->ptr_status = LOG_NONE;
- wp->wi_style = wtyp;
- w_rename(wdes, name);
- strcpy(wp->wi_fpath, ".\\*.*");
- wp->top_age = 1;
- for (cnt = 1; cnt < MAX_WIND; cnt++)
- if (w[cnt].port != 0)
- w[cnt].top_age++;
- setvslide(wdes);
- sethslide(wdes);
- return wp->port;
- }
- /* w_closei removes a window but does not release its storage.
- * This is used if the window contents must be saved for later use.
- */
- w_closei(wdes)
- {
- int xx, yy, ww, hh;
- register struct wi_str *wp = &w[wdes];
- if (!wp->used) return;
- if (wp->wi_lfd)
- fclose(wp->wi_lfd);
- wind_get(wdes, WF_CURRXYWH, &xx, &yy, &ww, &hh);
- wind_close(wdes);
- if (!fast)
- graf_shrinkbox(0, 0, 20, 10, xx, yy, ww, hh);
- wind_delete(wdes);
- }
- /* w_close removes a window. Most work is done by GEM, although w_close
- * does some cleanup functions, too.
- */
- w_close(wdes)
- {
- register struct wi_str *wp = &w[wdes];
- if (!wp->used) return;
- w_closei(wdes);
- Mfree(wp->wi_mf.ptr);
- bzero(wp, (long)sizeof (struct wi_str));
- }
- /* w_resize resizes an existing window.
- */
- w_resize(wdes, xsiz, ysiz)
- {
- register struct wi_str *wp1 = &w[wdes];
- struct wi_str *wp2;
- struct wi_str ws;
- static int c[8];
- int port, wind, i;
- if (!wp1->used) return;
- ws = *wp1;
- port = find_port(wdes);
- w_closei(wdes);
- bzero(wp1, (long)sizeof (struct wi_str));
- port = w_open(port, "", xsiz, ysiz);
- wind = find_wind(port);
- wp2 = &w[wind];
- c[0] = ws.m_off;
- c[1] = ws.top_y + max(0, ws.wi_mf.hpix - wp2->wi_mf.hpix);
- c[2] = c[0] + min(ws.wi_mf.wpix, wp2->wi_mf.wpix);
- c[3] = c[1] + min(ws.wi_mf.hpix, wp2->wi_mf.hpix);
- c[4] = wp2->m_off;
- c[5] = wp2->top_y;
- c[6] = c[4] + min(ws.wi_mf.wpix, wp2->wi_mf.wpix);
- c[7] = c[5] + min(ws.wi_mf.hpix, wp2->wi_mf.hpix);
- /* copy screen */
- vro_cpyfm(handle, FM_COPY, c, &ws.wi_mf, &wp2->wi_mf);
- /* copy parameters */
- wp2->inverse = ws.inverse;
- wp2->insmode = ws.insmode;
- if (wp2->font != ws.font)
- {
- wp2->cur_x = X0;
- wp2->cur_y = (wp2->y_chrs - 1) * wp2->font->inc_y + Y0;
- }
- else
- {
- wp2->cur_x = (wp2->x_chrs - 1) * wp2->font->inc_x + X0;
- if (ws.cur_x < wp2->cur_x)
- wp2->cur_x = ws.cur_x;
- wp2->cur_y = max(0, ws.cur_y - c[1]) + Y0;
- }
- wp2->state = ws.state;
- for (i=0; i<80; i++) wp2->nuname[i] = ws.nuname[i];
- for (i=0; i<80; i++) wp2->wi_fpath[i] = ws.wi_fpath[i];
- for (i=0; i<20; i++) wp2->wi_fname[i] = ws.wi_fname[i];
- wp2->nuptr = ws.nuptr;
- wp2->ptr_status = ws.ptr_status;
- wp2->wi_lfd = ws.wi_lfd;
- wp2->kerm_act = ws.kerm_act;
- w_rename(wind, ws.name);
- Mfree(ws.wi_mf.ptr);
- return port;
- }
- /* w_rename changes the title bar of a window
- */
- w_rename(wdes, name)
- char *name;
- {
- register struct wi_str *wp = &w[wdes];
- if (name)
- strcpy(wp->name, name);
- if (wp->wi_style & NAME)
- {
- sprintf(wp->dname, " %s%s %s ", (wp->ptr_status != LOG_NONE)? "\275": "",
- wp->wi_lfd? "\237": "", wp->name);
- wind_set(wdes, WF_NAME, wp->dname + (wp->dname[1] == ' '), 0, 0);
- }
- }
- /* w_redraw redraws part of the screen from window contents.
- * The coordinates are screen relative.
- */
- w_redraw(wdes, logic, xx, yy, ww, hh)
- {
- static int c[8];
- static GRECT t1, t2;
- register struct wi_str *wp = &w[wdes];
- if (xx+ww > scr_w)
- ww = scr_w - xx;
- if (yy+hh > scr_h+scr_y)
- hh = scr_h+scr_y - yy;
- t2.g_x = xx; t2.g_y = yy;
- t2.g_w = ww; t2.g_h = hh;
- t1.g_x = wp->x; t1.g_y = wp->y;
- t1.g_w = wp->w; t1.g_h = wp->h;
- if (!rc_intersect(&t2, &t1)) return; /* nothing to do... */
- wind_update(TRUE);
- wind_get(wdes, WF_FIRSTXYWH, &t1.g_x, &t1.g_y, &t1.g_w, &t1.g_h);
- while (t1.g_w && t1.g_h)
- {
- if (rc_intersect(&t2, &t1))
- {
- if (mouse)
- {
- /* we have to do graphics, so switch the mouse off.
- * mouse will be switched on again in main loop.
- * this is ugly, but it improves speed a bit...
- */
- mouse = 0;
- graf_mouse(M_OFF, NULL);
- }
- #ifdef KCOPY
- tfbmr(wp->wi_mf.ptr, t1.g_x - wp->x + wp->x_off + wp->m_off,
- t1.g_y - wp->y + wp->y_off + wp->top_y - Y0, wp->wi_mf.wwords >> 1,
- screen_mf.ptr, t1.g_x, t1.g_y, screen_mf.wwords >> 1,
- t1.g_w, t1.g_h, logic);
- #else
- c[0] = t1.g_x - wp->x + wp->x_off + wp->m_off;
- c[1] = t1.g_y - wp->y + wp->y_off + wp->top_y - Y0;
- c[2] = c[0] + t1.g_w - 1;
- c[3] = c[1] + t1.g_h - 1;
- c[4] = t1.g_x;
- c[5] = t1.g_y;
- c[6] = c[4] + t1.g_w - 1;
- c[7] = c[5] + t1.g_h - 1;
- vro_cpyfm(handle, logic, c, &wp->wi_mf, &screen_mf);
- #endif
- }
- wind_get(wdes, WF_NEXTXYWH, &t1.g_x, &t1.g_y, &t1.g_w, &t1.g_h);
- }
- if (!fast && !mouse)
- {
- mouse = 1;
- graf_mouse(M_ON, NULL);
- }
- wind_update(FALSE);
- }
- /* w_update copies a portion of the window to the screen. Coordinates
- * are window-relative
- */
- w_update(wdes, logic, xx, yy, ww, hh)
- {
- register struct wi_str *wp = &w[wdes];
- w_redraw(wdes, logic, xx + wp->x - wp->x_off,
- yy + wp->y - wp->y_off - wp->top_y + Y0, ww, hh);
- }
- /* w_move sets the window's idea of its own position on the screen
- */
- w_move(wdes, xx, yy, ww, hh)
- {
- register struct wi_str *wp = &w[wdes];
- int flag = 0;
- int m_w, m_h;
- int x1, x2;
- int tmp;
- wind_calc(1, wp->wi_style, xx, yy, ww, hh, &dummy, &dummy, &m_w, &m_h);
- if (tmp = (m_w-2*X0)%wp->font->inc_x)
- {
- ww -= tmp;
- m_w -= tmp;
- }
- if (tmp = (m_h-2*Y0)%wp->font->inc_y)
- {
- hh -= tmp;
- m_h -= tmp;
- }
- if (m_w>wp->wi_w) ww = ww-(m_w-wp->wi_w);
- if (m_h>wp->wi_h) hh = hh-(m_h-wp->wi_h);
- wind_set(wdes, WF_CURRXYWH, xx, yy, ww, hh);
- wind_get(wdes, WF_WORKXYWH, &wp->x, &wp->y, &wp->w, &wp->h);
- if (wp->x_off+wp->w > wp->wi_w)
- {
- register int inc_x = wp->font->inc_x;
- flag = 1;
- wp->x_off = (wp->wi_w - wp->w)/inc_x*inc_x;
- }
- if (wp->y_off+wp->h > wp->wi_h)
- {
- register int inc_y = wp->font->inc_y;
- flag = 1;
- wp->y_off = (wp->wi_h - wp->h)/inc_y*inc_y;
- }
- x1 = wp->m_off;
- x2 = (wp->x - wp->x_off) & 15;
- if (x1 != x2)
- {
- #ifdef KOPY
- int top = wp->top_y;
- int cnt = wp->wi_mf.wwords >> 1;
- cpbmr(wp->wi_mf.ptr, x1, top, cnt, wp->wi_mf.ptr, x2, top, cnt,
- wp->wi_w, wp->wi_h);
- #else
- int c[8];
- c[0] = x1;
- c[1] = wp->top_y; /* displayed part of memory form starts here */
- c[2] = x1 + wp->wi_w - 1;
- c[3] = wp->wi_h - 1 + c[1];
- c[4] = x2;
- c[5] = c[1];
- c[6] = x2 + wp->wi_w - 1;
- c[7] = c[3];
- vro_cpyfm(handle, 3, c, &wp->wi_mf, &wp->wi_mf);
- #endif
- wp->m_off = x2;
- }
- if (flag)
- w_redraw(wdes, FM_COPY, wp->x, wp->y, wp->w, wp->h);
- setvslide(wdes);
- sethslide(wdes);
- }
- /*
- * w_top makes win the top window.
- */
- w_top(win)
- int win;
- {
- int cnt;
- wind_set(win, WF_TOP, 0, 0, 0, 0);
- outport = find_port(win);
- outwind = win;
- w[outwind].top_age = 0;
- for (cnt = 1; cnt < MAX_WIND; cnt++)
- if (find_port(cnt)) /* if window is in use */
- w[cnt].top_age++;
- printer_mark(outwind);
- }
- /*
- * w_bottom finds the bottom window and puts it on top
- */
- w_bottom()
- {
- int i;
- int highwin, highcnt;
- highcnt = 0;
- highwin = 1;
- for (i = 1; i < MAX_WIND; i++)
- if (w[i].top_age > highcnt)
- {
- highcnt = w[i].top_age;
- highwin = i;
- }
- if (w[highwin].used)
- w_top(highwin);
- }
- /*
- * w_hide puts the top window on the bottom. The new top window is returned.
- */
- int w_hide()
- {
- int i, j;
- int newtop, botwin, highcnt;
- int oldtop, dum;
- wind_get(0, WF_TOP, &oldtop, &dum, &dum, &dum);
- if (!oldtop)
- return (0);
- j = -1;
- botwin = 0;
- for (j = -1; ; j--)
- {
- newtop = botwin;
- botwin = oldtop;
- highcnt = 0;
- for (i = 1; i < MAX_WIND; i++)
- {
- if (w[i].top_age > highcnt)
- {
- highcnt = w[i].top_age;
- botwin = i;
- }
- }
- if (botwin == oldtop)
- break;
- wind_set(botwin, WF_TOP, 0, 0, 0, 0);
- w[botwin].top_age = j; /*top_age less than untouched windows (top_age < 0)*/
- }
- for (j = 1; j < MAX_WIND; j++)
- if (find_port(j)) /* if window is in use */
- w[j].top_age += MAX_WIND + 3; /* correct top_age to reflect new order */
- return(newtop ? newtop : oldtop);
- }
- #define TINYX 80
- #define TINYY 70
- /*
- * w_shrink saves current size and location and shrinks to standard tiny size.
- * The second from the top non-shrunk window is placed on top.
- */
- w_shrink(wdes)
- int wdes;
- {
- register struct wi_str *wp = &w[wdes];
- int curw, dummy;
- /*
- * Don't shrink a window that is currently shrunk
- */
- wind_get(wdes, WF_CURRXYWH, &dummy, &dummy, &curw, &dummy);
- if (curw <= TINYX)
- return;
- /*
- * Set up fulled and previous size and location window variables to tiny
- * size. Then call w_full
- */
- wp->fulled = 1;
- wp->px = scr_x + scr_w - TINYX + 2;
- wp->py = scr_y + (wdes - 1) * (TINYY - 2);
- wp->pw = TINYX;
- wp->ph = TINYY;
- if (wp->py + 10 > scr_y + scr_h)
- {
- wp->py = wp->py - scr_h + 10;
- wp->px = scr_x + scr_w - TINYY * 2;
- }
- return (w_full(wdes));
- }
- /* w_full toggles size and location
- */
- w_full(wdes)
- {
- register struct wi_str *wp = &w[wdes];
- int x1, y1, w1, h1;
- int x2, y2, w2, h2;
- int full, topwin;
- full = wp->fulled;
- if (full) {
- x1 = wp->px;
- y1 = wp->py;
- w1 = wp->pw;
- h1 = wp->ph;
- } else
- wind_get(wdes, WF_FULLXYWH, &x1, &y1, &w1, &h1);
- wind_get(wdes, WF_CURRXYWH, &x2, &y2, &w2, &h2);
- wp->px = x2;
- wp->py = y2;
- wp->pw = w2;
- wp->ph = h2;
- if (!fast)
- {
- if (w2>=w1 && h2>=h1)
- graf_growbox(x2, y2, w2, h2, x1, y1, w1, h1);
- else if (w2<=w1 && h2<=h1)
- graf_shrinkbox(x1, y1, w1, h1, x2, y2, w2, h2);
- }
- x2 = wp->x_off;
- y2 = wp->y_off;
- wp->x_off = wp->px_off;
- wp->y_off = wp->py_off;
- wp->px_off = x2;
- wp->py_off = y2;
- w_move(wdes, x1, y1, w1, h1);
- w_redraw(wdes, FM_COPY, wp->x, wp->y, wp->w, wp->h);
- wp->fulled = 1;
- topwin = wdes;
- if (h1 < TINYY + 10)
- {
- int lowcnt, i;
- lowcnt = 32000;
- for (i = 1; i< MAX_WIND; i++)
- {
- if (find_port(i))
- {
- wind_get(i, WF_CURRXYWH, &x2, &y2, &w2, &h2);
- if (w[i].top_age < lowcnt && h2 > TINYY + 10 )
- { /* find top non-tiny open window */
- lowcnt = w[i].top_age;
- topwin = i;
- }
- }
- }
- wind_set(topwin, WF_TOP, 0, 0, 0, 0);
- }
- return(topwin);
- }
- w_arrow(wdes, arrow)
- {
- register struct wi_str *wp = &w[wdes];
- int inc_x = wp->font->inc_x;
- int inc_y = wp->font->inc_y;
- switch (arrow)
- {
- case 0: /* page up */
- wp->y_off -= wp->h/inc_y*inc_y;
- goto y_upd;
- case 1: /* page down */
- wp->y_off += wp->h/inc_y*inc_y;
- goto y_upd;
- case 2: /* row up */
- wp->y_off -= inc_y;
- goto y_upd;
- case 3: /* row down */
- wp->y_off += inc_y;
- goto y_upd;
- case 4: /* page left */
- wp->x_off -= wp->w/inc_x*inc_x;
- goto x_upd;
- case 5: /* page right */
- wp->x_off += wp->w/inc_x*inc_x;
- goto x_upd;
- case 6: /* column left */
- wp->x_off -= inc_x;
- goto x_upd;
- case 7: /* column right */
- wp->x_off += inc_x;
- goto x_upd;
- }
- x_upd:
- if (wp->x_off<0) wp->x_off = 0; else
- if (wp->x_off+wp->w > wp->wi_w) wp->x_off = (wp->wi_w - wp->w)/inc_x*inc_x;
- sethslide(wdes);
- goto upd;
- y_upd:
- if (wp->y_off<0) wp->y_off = 0; else
- if (wp->y_off+wp->h > wp->wi_h) wp->y_off = (wp->wi_h - wp->h)/inc_y*inc_y;
- setvslide(wdes);
- upd:
- w_redraw(wdes, FM_COPY, wp->x, wp->y, wp->w, wp->h);
- }
- w_slide(wdes, hor, val)
- {
- register struct wi_str *wp = &w[wdes];
- if (hor)
- {
- tmp = wp->font->inc_x;
- wp->x_off = ((long)val*(wp->wi_w-wp->w)/1000)/tmp*tmp;
- sethslide(wdes);
- } else
- {
- tmp = wp->font->inc_y;
- wp->y_off = ((long)val*(wp->wi_h-wp->h)/1000)/tmp*tmp;
- setvslide(wdes);
- }
- w_redraw(wdes, FM_COPY, wp->x, wp->y, wp->w, wp->h);
- }
- sethslide(wdes)
- {
- register struct wi_str *wp = &w[wdes];
- if (wp->wi_style & HSLIDE)
- {
- tmp = (long)1000*wp->x_off/(wp->wi_w-wp->w);
- wind_set(wdes, WF_HSLIDE, tmp, 0, 0, 0);
- tmp = (long)1000*wp->w/wp->wi_w;
- wind_set(wdes, WF_HSLSIZE, tmp, 0, 0, 0);
- }
- }
- setvslide(wdes)
- {
- register struct wi_str *wp = &w[wdes];
- if (wp->wi_style & VSLIDE)
- {
- tmp = (long)1000*wp->y_off/(wp->wi_h-wp->h);
- wind_set(wdes, WF_VSLIDE, tmp, 0, 0, 0);
- tmp = (long)1000*wp->h/wp->wi_h;
- wind_set(wdes, WF_VSLSIZE, tmp, 0, 0, 0);
- }
- }
- w_flash(wdes, state)
- {
- register struct wi_str *wp = &w[wdes];
- static int wdes_last;
- #ifdef KOPY
- int x, y, cnt;
- #else
- int t[8];
- #endif
- if (wdes != wdes_last) w_flash(wdes_last, 1);
- wdes_last = wdes;
- if (!wp->used || wp->curstate == state) return;
- if (state == 2)
- wp->curstate = !wp->curstate;
- else
- wp->curstate = state;
- #ifdef KOPY
- x = wp->cur_x + wp->m_off;
- y = wp->cur_y;
- cnt = wp->wi_mf.wwords >> 1;
- tfbmr(wp->wi_mf.ptr, x, y, cnt, wp->wi_mf.ptr, x, y, cnt,
- wp->font->inc_x, wp->font->inc_y, 12);
- #else
- t[0] = t[4] = wp->cur_x + wp->m_off;
- t[1] = t[5] = wp->cur_y;
- t[2] = t[6] = t[0]+wp->font->inc_x-1;
- t[3] = t[7] = t[1]+wp->font->inc_y-1;
- vro_cpyfm(handle, 12, t, &wp->wi_mf, &wp->wi_mf);
- #endif
- w_update(wdes, FM_COPY, wp->cur_x, wp->cur_y, wp->font->inc_x, wp->font->inc_y);
- }
- /* w_output prints a string onto the window. The string may
- * contain control chars and escape sequences. It ends with \0.
- */
- w_output(wdes, ptr)
- char *ptr;
- {
- register struct wi_str *wp = &w[wdes];
- static char ch;
- static int inc_x, cur_x;
- static int state;
- static int inc_y, cur_y;
- #ifdef KOPY
- int x, w, cnt;
- #else
- static int t[8];
- #endif
- static int f_x, f_y, f_mod;
- static int scrolled; /* Number of scrolling operations delayed */
- static int xsiz, ysiz;/* Size in chars of terminal emulation for this window*/
- register unsigned char *sptr;
- register unsigned long *dptr;
- register unsigned long mask;
- register int shift;
- register unsigned long val;
- static int count;
- static char * fdata;
- static long width;
- static char * wimfptr;
- static int moffincx;
- static char * savptr;
- #ifdef DEBUG
- printf("entered w_output\n");
- #endif
- if (!wp->font) return;
- state = wp->state;
- inc_x = wp->font->inc_x;
- inc_y = wp->font->inc_y;
- xsiz = wp->x_chrs;
- ysiz = wp->y_chrs;
- f_x = cur_x = wp->cur_x;
- f_y = cur_y = wp->cur_y;
- scrolled = wp->top_y/inc_y;
- fdata = wp->font->f_data;
- width = 2 * wp->wi_mf.wwords;
- wimfptr = ((char *) (wp-> wi_mf.ptr)) - 2;
- moffincx = wp->m_off + inc_x - 1;
- f_mod = 0;
- savptr = ptr;
- if (wp->curstate) w_flash(wdes, 0);
- while (ch = *ptr++)
- {
- switch (state)
- {
- case S_NORMAL:
- if (ch >= ' ')
- {
- if (wp->insmode) /* open space for character */
- {
- #ifdef KOPY
- x = cur_x + wp->m_off;
- cnt = wp->wi_mf.wwords >> 1;
- cpbmr(wp->wi_mf.ptr, x, cur_y, cnt,
- wp->wi_mf.ptr, x + inc_x, cur_y, cnt,
- (xsiz - 1) * inc_x + wp->m_off - x, inc_y);
- #else
- t[0] = cur_x + wp->m_off;
- t[1] = t[5] = cur_y;
- t[2] = (xsiz - 1) * inc_x + wp->m_off - 1;
- t[3] = t[7] = cur_y + inc_y - 1;
- t[4] = t[0] + inc_x;
- t[6] = t[2] + inc_x;
- vro_cpyfm(handle, 3, t, &wp->wi_mf, &wp->wi_mf);
- #endif
- }
- /* paint the character */
- sptr = fdata+ch*16;
- dptr = wimfptr + cur_y*width
- + (((moffincx + cur_x)>>4)<<1);
- shift = 15 - ((moffincx + cur_x)&15);
- if (overstrike)
- mask = -1L;
- else
- mask = (-1L<<(shift+inc_x)|(1<<shift)-1);
- if (wp->inverse)
- {
- for (count = inc_y; count; count--)
- {
- val = ((long)(*sptr++))<<shift ^ ~mask;
- *dptr = (*dptr&mask)|val;
- ((char *)dptr) += width;
- }
- } else
- {
- for (count = inc_y; count; count--)
- {
- val = ((long)(*sptr++))<<shift;
- *dptr = (*dptr&mask)|val;
- ((char *)dptr) += width;
- }
- }
- cur_x += inc_x;
- f_mod = 1;
- if (cur_x > inc_x * xsiz) /* autowrap */
- {
- cur_y += inc_y;
- if (cur_y >= wp->top_y + inc_y * ysiz) {
- if (wp->ptr_status & LOG_TOP)
- dump_line(wdes, 0);
- wp->top_y += inc_y;
- ++ scrolled;
- }
- if (! scrolled)
- {
- w_update(wdes, FM_COPY, f_x, f_y, cur_x-f_x, inc_y);
- f_mod = 0;
- }
- cur_x = X0;
- f_x = cur_x;
- f_y = cur_y;
- }
- } else /* not printable character */
- {
- if (f_mod && !scrolled)
- {
- if (!wp->insmode)
- w_update(wdes, FM_COPY, f_x, f_y, cur_x - f_x, inc_y);
- else
- w_update(wdes, FM_COPY, f_x, f_y, xsiz * inc_x-f_x, inc_y);
- f_mod = 0;
- }
- switch (ch)
- {
- case '\007': /* Bell */
- if (audibell)
- Bconout(2, '\007');
- if (toponbel)
- /* put this window on top but don't make it the current window.
- * should we set a flag so that the first input from the current
- * window puts it back on top?
- */
- wind_set(wdes, WF_TOP, wdes, 0, 0, 0);
- if (visibell)
- {
- w_redraw(wdes, FM_INVERT, wp->x, wp->y, wp->w, wp->h);
- w_redraw(wdes, FM_COPY, wp->x, wp->y, wp->w, wp->h);
- /* Should clear flag to prevent need for next update? */
- }
- break;
- case '\r': /* Carriage Return */
- cur_x = X0;
- break;
- case '\b': /* Backspace */
- if (cur_x>X0) cur_x -= inc_x;
- break;
- case '\n': /* Newline */
- cur_y += inc_y;
- if (cur_y >= inc_y * ysiz + wp->top_y)
- {
- if (wp->ptr_status & LOG_TOP)
- dump_line(wdes, 0);
- wp->top_y += inc_y;
- ++ scrolled;
- }
- break;
- case '\036': /* Home */
- cur_x = X0;
- cur_y = wp->top_y;
- break;
- case '\013': /* Cursor Up */
- if (cur_y!=wp->top_y) {
- cur_y -= inc_y;
- }
- break;
- case '\014': /* Cursor Right */
- if (cur_x < (xsiz - 1) * inc_x) cur_x += inc_x;
- break;
- case '\032': /* Clear Screen */
- wp->inverse = wp->insmode = 0;
- cur_x = X0;
- cur_y = Y0;
- wp->top_y = Y0;
- lineerase(wp, 0, ysiz - 1 + MAXSCROLLED);
- ++ scrolled;
- break;
- case '\t': /* Tab */
- cur_x = ((cur_x/inc_x/8+1))*inc_x*8+X0;
- break;
- case '\033': /* ESC */
- state = S_ESC;
- count = 0; /* count is used for insert or delete line */
- break;
- }
- f_x = cur_x;
- f_y = cur_y;
- }
- break;
- case S_ESC:
- if (ch >= '0' && ch <= '9') {
- count = count * 10 + ch - '0';
- break;
- }
- switch (ch)
- {
- case '*': /* Clear Screen */
- f_x = cur_x = X0;
- wp->top_y = f_y = cur_y = Y0;
- wp->inverse = wp->insmode = 0;
- lineerase(wp, 0, ysiz - 1 + MAXSCROLLED);
- ++ scrolled;
- state = S_NORMAL;
- break;
- case 'Y': /* Clear to End of Screen */
- lineerase(wp, cur_y / inc_y + 1, ysiz - 1 + wp->top_y / inc_y);
- if (! scrolled)
- w_update(wdes, FM_COPY, X0, cur_y + inc_y, xsiz*inc_x, ysiz*inc_y);
- /* fall through */
- case 'T': /* Clear to End of Line */
- #ifdef KOPY
- x = cur_x + wp->m_off;
- cnt = wp->wi_mf.wwords >> 1;
- tfbmr((short *) 0, 0, 0, 0, wp->wi_mf.ptr, x, cur_y, cnt,
- X0 + xsiz * inc_x + wp->m_off - x, inc_y, 0);
- #else
- t[0] = t[4] = cur_x + wp->m_off;
- t[1] = t[5] = cur_y;
- t[2] = t[6] = X0-1 + xsiz*inc_x +wp->m_off;
- t[3] = t[7] = cur_y+inc_y-1;
- vro_cpyfm(handle, 0, t, &wp->wi_mf, &wp->wi_mf);
- #endif
- if (! scrolled)
- w_update(wdes, FM_COPY, cur_x, cur_y, xsiz * inc_x - cur_x, inc_y);
- state = S_NORMAL;
- break;
- case 'E': /* Add Line */
- case 'R': /* Delete Line */
- if (count == 0) {
- count = 1;
- /* Look ahead for contiguous insert/delete line operations */
- while (*ptr == '\033' && ptr[1] == ch) {
- ptr +=2;
- count ++;
- }
- }
- if (ch == 'E')
- scrolldn(wp, cur_y/inc_y, ysiz-(cur_y-wp->top_y+Y0)/inc_y-count, count);
- else
- scrollup(wp, cur_y / inc_y,
- ysiz - (cur_y - wp->top_y + Y0)/inc_y - count, count);
- if (! scrolled)
- w_update(wdes, FM_COPY, X0, cur_y, xsiz * inc_x,
- ysiz * inc_y - cur_y + wp->top_y - Y0);
- state = S_NORMAL;
- break;
- case 'q': /* Insert Mode */
- wp->insmode = 1;
- state = S_NORMAL;
- break;
- case 'r': /* End Insert */
- wp->insmode = 0;
- state = S_NORMAL;
- break;
- case 'W': /* Delete Character */
- #ifdef KOPY
- x = cur_x + wp->m_off;
- w = X0 + xsiz * inc_x + wp->m_off - x;
- cnt = wp->wi_mf.wwords >> 1;
- cpbmr(wp->wi_mf.ptr, x + inc_x, cur_y, cnt,
- wp->wi_mf.ptr, x, cur_y, cnt, w, inc_y);
- tfbmr((short *) 0, 0, 0, 0,
- wp->wi_mf.ptr, X0 + (xsiz - 1) * inc_x + wp->m_off, cur_y, cnt,
- inc_x, inc_y, 0);
- #else
- t[0] = cur_x + inc_x + wp->m_off;
- t[1] = t[5] = cur_y;
- t[2] = X0 - 1 + xsiz * inc_x + wp->m_off;
- t[3] = t[7] = cur_y+inc_y - 1;
- t[4] = t[0] - inc_x;
- t[6] = t[2] - inc_x;
- vro_cpyfm(handle, 3, t, &wp->wi_mf, &wp->wi_mf);
- t[0] = t[4] = X0 + (xsiz - 1) * inc_x + wp->m_off;
- t[2] = t[6] = t[0] + inc_x - 1;
- vro_cpyfm(handle, 0, t, &wp->wi_mf, &wp->wi_mf);
- #endif
- if (! scrolled)
- w_update(wdes, FM_COPY, cur_x, cur_y, xsiz * inc_x - (cur_x - X0),
- inc_y);
- state = S_NORMAL;
- break;
- case '=': /* Cursor Movement */
- state = S_ESC1;
- break;
- case 'G': /* Switch Inverse/Normal */
- state = S_ESC2;
- break;
- case 'S': /* Change Status Line */
- state = S_STATUS;
- wp->nuptr = 0;
- break;
- case '[': /* ascii escape */
- state = S_ESCA;
- wp->nuptr = 0;
- break;
- default: /* Unknown escape sequence */
- state = S_NORMAL;
- }
- break;
- case S_ESC1: /* get line number */
- if (ch < ' ' || ch >= ' ' + ysiz) ch = ' ';
- f_y = cur_y = (ch-' ')*inc_y + wp->top_y;
- state = S_ESC3;
- break;
- case S_ESC3: /* get column number */
- if (ch < ' ' || ch >= ' ' + xsiz) ch = ' ';
- f_x = cur_x = (ch-' ')*inc_x +X0;
- state = S_NORMAL;
- break;
- case S_ESC2: /* get normal/inverse state */
- wp->inverse = ch&1;
- state = S_NORMAL;
- break;
- case S_STATUS:
- if (ch == '\r')
- {
- wp->nuname[wp->nuptr] = '\0';
- w_rename(wdes, wp->nuname);
- state = S_NORMAL;
- } else if (wp->nuptr < 72)
- {
- wp->nuname[wp->nuptr++] = ch;
- }
- break;
- case S_ESCA:
- if (ch >= '0' && ch <= '9')
- wp->nuptr = ch - '0' + 10 * wp->nuptr;
- else if (ch == 't')
- {
- if (wp-> nuptr == 18)
- {
- char posstr[20];
- sprintf(posstr, "\033[8;%d;%dt", ysiz, xsiz);
- proto_out(find_port(wdes), posstr, (int)strlen(posstr));
- }
- state = S_NORMAL;
- }
- else state = S_NORMAL;
- break;
- } /* end switch on state */
- if (scrolled >= MAXSCROLLED)
- {
- if (wp->top_y != Y0) {
- scrollup(wp, 0, ysiz, wp->top_y/inc_y);
- wp->top_y = Y0;
- f_y = cur_y = Y0 + (ysiz - 1) * inc_y;
- }
- w_redraw(wdes, FM_COPY, wp->x, wp->y, wp->w, wp->h);
- scrolled = 0;
- }
- } /* end while loop for each character */
- if (wp->ptr_status & LOG_BOTOM) {
- ptr = savptr;
- while ((ch = *ptr++) && (wp->ptr_status & LOG_BOTOM))
- #if 0
- if (Cprnout(ch) == 0) wp->ptr_status = LOG_NONE;
- #else
- ;
- #endif
- }
- if (wp->wi_lfd) {
- while (ch = *savptr++)
- putc(ch, wp->wi_lfd);
- }
- if (scrolled) {
- if (scrolled >= MAXSCROLLED) {
- if (wp->top_y != Y0) {
- scrollup(wp, 0, ysiz, wp->top_y/inc_y);
- wp->top_y = Y0;
- cur_y = Y0 + (ysiz - 1) * inc_y;
- }
- }
- w_redraw(wdes, FM_COPY, wp->x, wp->y, wp->w, wp->h);
- }
- else
- if (f_mod)
- {
- if (!wp->insmode)
- w_update(wdes, FM_COPY, f_x, f_y, cur_x - f_x, inc_y);
- else
- w_update(wdes, FM_COPY, f_x, f_y, xsiz * inc_x-f_x, inc_y);
- }
- wp->cur_x = cur_x;
- wp->cur_y = cur_y;
- wp->state = state;
- #ifdef DEBUG
- printf ("calling w_flash\n");
- #endif
- w_flash(wdes, 1);
- }
- lineerase(wp, first, last)
- register struct wi_str *wp;
- {
- register int *p;
- long count;
- long linespace = wp->wi_mf.wwords*wp->font->inc_y;
- p = wp->wi_mf.ptr + first*linespace + Y0*wp->wi_mf.wwords - 1;
- count = (last-first+1)*linespace;
- while (count > 7)
- {
- *(((long *)p)++) = 0;
- *(((long *)p)++) = 0;
- *(((long *)p)++) = 0;
- *(((long *)p)++) = 0;
- count -= 8;
- }
- while (--count >= 0)
- *++p = 0;
- }
- scrollup(wp, first, nlines, amount)
- register struct wi_str *wp;
- {
- register int *p1, *p2;
- register long count;
- int linespace = wp->wi_mf.wwords*wp->font->inc_y;
- p1 = wp->wi_mf.ptr + first*linespace + Y0*wp->wi_mf.wwords;
- p2 = p1 + linespace * amount;
- count = (long)(nlines)*linespace;
- while (count > 15)
- {
- *(((long *)p1)++) = *(((long *)p2)++);
- *(((long *)p1)++) = *(((long *)p2)++);
- *(((long *)p1)++) = *(((long *)p2)++);
- *(((long *)p1)++) = *(((long *)p2)++);
- *(((long *)p1)++) = *(((long *)p2)++);
- *(((long *)p1)++) = *(((long *)p2)++);
- *(((long *)p1)++) = *(((long *)p2)++);
- *(((long *)p1)++) = *(((long *)p2)++);
- count -= 16;
- }
- while (--count >= 0)
- *(p1++) = *(p2++);
- count = linespace * amount;
- while (count > 7)
- {
- *(((long *)p1)++) = 0;
- *(((long *)p1)++) = 0;
- *(((long *)p1)++) = 0;
- *(((long *)p1)++) = 0;
- count -= 8;
- }
- while (--count >= 0)
- *(p1++) = 0;
- }
- scrolldn(wp, first, nlines, amount)
- register struct wi_str *wp;
- {
- register int *p1, *p2;
- register long count;
- long linespace = wp->wi_mf.wwords*wp->font->inc_y;
- p1 = wp->wi_mf.ptr + (nlines+first+amount)*linespace + Y0*wp->wi_mf.wwords;
- p2 = p1 - linespace * amount;
- count = (long)(nlines)*linespace;
- while (count > 15)
- {
- *--(long *)p1 = *--(long *)p2;
- *--(long *)p1 = *--(long *)p2;
- *--(long *)p1 = *--(long *)p2;
- *--(long *)p1 = *--(long *)p2;
- *--(long *)p1 = *--(long *)p2;
- *--(long *)p1 = *--(long *)p2;
- *--(long *)p1 = *--(long *)p2;
- *--(long *)p1 = *--(long *)p2;
- count -= 16;
- }
- while (--count >= 0)
- *--p1 = *--p2;
- count = linespace * amount;
- while (count > 7)
- {
- *--(long *)p1 = 0L;
- *--(long *)p1 = 0L;
- *--(long *)p1 = 0L;
- *--(long *)p1 = 0L;
- count -= 8;
- }
- while (--count >= 0)
- *--p1 = 0;
- }