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- Info file: gprof, -*-Text-*-
- produced by texinfo-format-buffer
- from file: gprof.texinfo
- This file documents the gprof profiler of the GNU system.
- Copyright (C) 1988 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
- Permission is granted to make and distribute verbatim copies of
- this manual provided the copyright notice and this permission notice
- are preserved on all copies.
- Permission is granted to copy and distribute modified versions of this
- manual under the conditions for verbatim copying, provided that the entire
- resulting derived work is distributed under the terms of a permission
- notice identical to this one.
- Permission is granted to copy and distribute translations of this manual
- into another language, under the above conditions for modified versions.
- File: gprof Node: Top, Prev: Top, Up: (dir), Next: Why
- Profiling a Program: Where Does It Spend Its Time?
- **************************************************
- This manual describes the GNU profiler `gprof', and how you can use it
- to determine which parts of a program are taking most of the execution
- time. We assume that you know how to write, compile, and execute programs.
- GNU `gprof' was written by Jay Fenlason.
- * Menu:
- * Why:: What profiling means, and why it is useful.
- * Compiling:: How to compile your program for profiling.
- * Executing:: How to execute your program to generate the
- profile data file `gmon.out'.
- * Analyzing:: How to run `gprof', and how to specify
- options for it.
- * Flat Profile:: The flat profile shows how much time was spent
- executing directly in each function.
- * Call Graph:: The call graph shows which functions called which
- others, and how much time each function used
- when its subroutine calls are included.
- * Implementation:: How the profile data is recorded and written.
- * Sampling Error:: Statistical margins of error.
- How to accumulate data from several runs
- to make it more accurate.
- * Assumptions:: Some of `gprof''s measurements are based
- on assumptions about your program
- that could be very wrong.
- * Incompatibilities:: (between GNU `gprof' and Unix `gprof'.)
- File: gprof Node: Why, Prev: Top, Up: Top, Next: Compiling
- Why Profile
- ***********
- Profiling allows you to learn where your program spent its time and which
- functions called which other functions while it was executing. This
- information can show you which pieces of your program are slower than you
- expected, and might be candidates for rewriting to make your program
- execute faster. It can also tell you which functions are being called more
- or less often than you expected. This may help you spot bugs that had
- otherwise been unnoticed.
- Since the profiler uses information collected during the actual execution
- of your program, it can be used on programs that are too large or too
- complex to analyze by reading the source. However, how your program is run
- will affect the information that shows up in the profile data. If you
- don't use some feature of your program while it is being profiled, no
- profile information will be generated for that feature.
- Profiling has several steps:
- * You must compile and link your program with profiling enabled.
- *Note Compiling::.
- * You must execute your program to generate a profile data file.
- *Note Executing::.
- * You must run `gprof' to analyze the profile data.
- *Note Analyzing::.
- The next three chapters explain these steps in greater detail.
- The result of the analysis is a file containing two tables, the
- "flat profile" and the "call graph" (plus blurbs which briefly
- explain the contents of these tables).
- The flat profile shows how much time your program spent in each function,
- and how many times that function was called. If you simply want to know
- which functions burn most of the cycles, it is stated concisely here.
- *Note Flat Profile::.
- The call graph shows, for each function, which functions called it, which
- other functions it called, and how many times. There is also an estimate
- of how much time was spent in the subroutines of each function. This can
- suggest places where you might try to eliminate function calls that use a
- lot of time. *Note Call Graph::.
- File: gprof Node: Compiling, Prev: Why, Up: Top, Next: Executing
- Compiling a Program for Profiling
- *********************************
- The first step in generating profile information for your program is
- to compile and link it with profiling enabled.
- To compile a source file for profiling, specify the `-pg' option when
- you run the compiler. (This is in addition to the options you normally
- use.)
- To link the program for profiling, if you use a compiler such as `cc'
- to do the linking, simply specify `-pg' in addition to your usual
- options. The same option, `-pg', alters either compilation or linking
- to do what is necessary for profiling. Here are examples:
- cc -c myprog.c utils.c -pg
- cc -o myprog myprog.o utils.o -pg
- The `-pg' option also works with a command that both compiles and links:
- cc -o myprog myprog.c utils.c -pg
- If you run the linker `ld' directly instead of through a compiler such
- as `cc', you must specify the profiling startup file
- `/lib/gcrt0.o' as the first input file instead of the usual startup
- file `/lib/crt0.o'. In addition, you would probably want to specify
- the profiling C library, `/usr/lib/libc_p.a', by writing `-lc_p'
- instead of the usual `-lc'. This is not absolutely necessary, but doing
- this gives you number-of-calls information for standard library functions such
- as `read' and `open'. For example:
- ld -o myprog /lib/gcrt0.o myprog.o utils.o -lc_p
- If you compile only some of the modules of the program with `-pg', you
- can still profile the program, but you won't get complete information about
- the modules that were compiled without `-pg'. The only information
- you get for the functions in those modules is the total time spent in them;
- there is no record of how many times they were called, or from where. This
- will not affect the flat profile (except that the `calls' field for
- the functions will be blank), but will greatly reduce the usefulness of the
- call graph.
- So far GNU `gprof' has been tested only with C programs, but it ought
- to work with any language in which programs are compiled and linked to form
- executable files. If it does not, please let us know.
- File: gprof Node: Executing, Prev: Compiling, Up: Top, Next: Analyzing
- Executing the Program to Generate Profile Data
- **********************************************
- Once the program is compiled for profiling, you must run it in order to
- generate the information that `gprof' needs. Simply run the program
- as usual, using the normal arguments, file names, etc. The program should
- run normally, producing the same output as usual. It will, however, run
- somewhat slower than normal because of the time spent collecting and the
- writing the profile data.
- The way you run the program---the arguments and input that you give
- it---may have a dramatic effect on what the profile information shows. The
- profile data will describe the parts of the program that were activated for
- the particular input you use. For example, if the first command you give
- to your program is to quit, the profile data will show the time used in
- initialization and in cleanup, but not much else.
- You program will write the profile data into a file called `gmon.out'
- just before exiting. If there is already a file called `gmon.out',
- its contents are overwritten. There is currently no way to tell the
- program to write the profile data under a different name, but you can rename
- the file afterward if you are concerned that it may be overwritten.
- In order to write the `gmon.out' file properly, your program must exit
- normally: by returning from `main' or by calling `exit'. Calling
- the low-level function `_exit' does not write the profile data, and
- neither does abnormal termination due to an unhandled signal.
- The `gmon.out' file is written in the program's *current working
- directory* at the time it exits. This means that if your program calls
- `chdir', the `gmon.out' file will be left in the last directory
- your program `chdir''d to. If you don't have permission to write in
- this directory, the file is not written. You may get a confusing error
- message if this happens. (We have not yet replaced the part of Unix
- responsible for this; when we do, we will make the error message
- comprehensible.)
- File: gprof Node: Analyzing, Prev: Executing, Up: Top, Next: Flat Profile
- Analyzing the Profile Data: `gprof' Command Summary
- ***************************************************
- After you have a profile data file `gmon.out', you can run `gprof'
- to interpret the information in it. The `gprof' program prints a
- flat profile and a call graph on standard output. Typically you would
- redirect the output of `gprof' into a file with `>'.
- You run `gprof' like this:
- Here square-brackets indicate optional arguments.
- If you omit the executable file name, the file `a.out' is used. If
- you give no profile data file name, the file `gmon.out' is used. If
- any file is not in the proper format, or if the profile data file does not
- appear to belong to the executable file, an error message is printed.
- You can give more than one profile data file by entering all their names
- after the executable file name; then the statistics in all the data files
- are summed together.
- The following options may be used to selectively include or exclude
- functions in the output:
- `-a'
- The `-a' option causes `gprof' to ignore static (private)
- functions. (These are functions whose names are not listed as global,
- and which are not visible outside the file/function/block where they
- were defined.) Time spent in these functions, calls to/from them,
- etc, will all be attributed to the function that was loaded directly
- before it in the executable file. This is compatible with Unix
- `gprof', but a bad idea. This option affects both the flat
- profile and the call graph.
- The `-e FUNCTION' option tells `gprof' to not print
- information about the function (and its children...) in the call
- graph. The function will still be listed as a child of any functions
- that call it, but its index number will be shown as `[not
- printed]'.
- The `-E FUNCTION' option works like the `-e' option,
- but time spent in the function (and children who were not called from
- anywhere else), will not be used to compute the percentages-of-time
- for the call graph.
- The `-f FUNCTION' option causes `gprof' to limit the
- call graph to the function and its children (and their
- children...).
- The `-F FUNCTION' option works like the `-f' option,
- but only time spent in the function and its children (and their
- children...) will be used to determine total-time and
- percentages-of-time for the call graph.
- `-z'
- If you give the `-z' option, `gprof' will mention all
- functions in the flat profile, even those that were never called, and
- that had no time spent in them.
- The order of these options does not matter.
- Note that only one function can be specified with each `-e',
- `-E', `-f' or `-F' option. To specify more than one
- function, use multiple options. For example, this command:
- gprof -e boring -f foo -f bar myprogram > gprof.output
- lists in the call graph all functions that were reached from either
- `foo' or `bar' and were not reachable from `boring'.
- There are two other useful `gprof' options:
- `-b'
- If the `-b' option is given, `gprof' doesn't print the
- verbose blurbs that try to explain the meaning of all of the fields in
- the tables. This is useful if you intend to print out the output, or
- are tired of seeing the blurbs.
- `-s'
- The `-s' option causes `gprof' to summarize the information
- in the profile data files it read in, and write out a profile data
- file called `gmon.sum', which contains all the information from
- the profile data files that `gprof' read in. The file `gmon.sum'
- may be one of the specified input files; the effect of this is to
- merge the data in the other input files into `gmon.sum'.
- *Note Sampling Error::.
- Eventually you can run `gprof' again without `-s' to analyze the
- cumulative data in the file `gmon.sum'.
- File: gprof Node: Flat Profile, Prev: Analyzing, Up: Top, Next: Call Graph
- How to Understand the Flat Profile
- **********************************
- The "flat profile" shows the total amount of time your program
- spent executing each function. Unless the `-z' option is given,
- functions with no apparent time spent in them, and no apparent calls
- to them, are not mentioned. Note that if a function was not compiled
- for profiling, and didn't run long enough to show up on the program
- counter histogram, it will be indistinguishable from a function that
- was never called.
- Here is a sample flat profile for a small program:
- Each sample counts as 0.01 seconds.
- % time seconds cumsec calls function
- 79.17 0.19 0.19 6 a
- 16.67 0.04 0.23 1 main
- 4.17 0.01 0.24 mcount
- 0.00 0 0.24 1 profil
- The functions are sorted by decreasing run-time spent in them. The
- functions `mcount' and `profil' are part of the profiling
- aparatus and appear in every flat profile; their time gives a measure of
- the amount of overhead due to profiling. (These internal functions are
- omitted from the call graph.)
- The sampling period estimates the margin of error in each of the time
- figures. A time figure that is not much larger than this is not reliable.
- In this example, the `seconds' field for `mcount' might well be 0
- or 0.02 in another run. *Note Sampling Error::, for a complete discussion.
- Here is what the fields in each line mean:
- `% time'
- This is the percentage of the total execution time your program spent
- in this function. These should all add up to 100%.
- `seconds'
- This is the total number of seconds the computer spent executing the
- user code of this function.
- `cumsec'
- This is the cumulative total number of seconds the computer spent
- executing this functions, plus the time spent in all the functions
- above this one in this table.
- `calls'
- This is the total number of times the function was called. If the
- function was never called, or the number of times it was called cannot
- be determined (probably because the function was not compiled with
- profiling enabled), the "calls" field is blank.
- `function'
- This is the name of the function.
- File: gprof Node: Call Graph, Prev: Flat Profile, Up: Top, Next: Implementation
- How to Read the Call Graph
- **************************
- The "call graph" shows how much time was spent in each function
- and its children. From this information, you can find functions that,
- while they themselves may not have used much time, called other
- functions that did use unusual amounts of time.
- Here is a sample call from a small program. This call came from the
- same `gprof' run as the flat profile example in the previous
- chapter.
- index % time self children called name
- <spontaneous>
- [1] 100.00 0 0.23 0 start [1]
- 0.04 0.19 1/1 main [2]
- ----------------------------------------
- 0.04 0.19 1/1 start [1]
- [2] 100.00 0.04 0.19 1 main [2]
- 0.19 0 1/1 a [3]
- ----------------------------------------
- 0.19 0 1/1 main [2]
- [3] 82.61 0.19 0 1+5 a [3]
- ----------------------------------------
- The lines full of dashes divide this table into "entries", one for each
- function. Each entry has one or more lines.
- In each entry, the primary line is the one that starts with an index number
- in square brackets. The end of this line says which function the entry is
- for. The preceding lines in the entry describe the callers of this
- function and the following lines describe its subroutines (also called
- "children" when we speak of the call graph).
- The entries are sorted by time spent in the function and its subroutines.
- The internal profiling functions `mcount' and `profil'
- (*Note Flat Profile::) are never mentioned in the call graph.
- * Menu:
- * Primary:: Details of the primary line's contents.
- * Callers:: Details of caller-lines' contents.
- * Subroutines:: Details of subroutine-lines' contents.
- * Cycles:: When there are cycles of recursion,
- such as `a' calls `b' calls `a'...
- File: gprof Node: Primary, Prev: Call Graph, Up: Call Graph, Next: Callers
- The Primary Line
- ================
- The "primary line" in a call graph entry is the line that
- describes the function which the entry is about and gives the overall
- statistics for this function.
- For reference, we repeat the primary line from the entry for function
- `a' in our main example, together with the heading line that shows the
- names of the fields:
- index % time self children called name
- ...
- [3] 82.61 0.19 0 1+5 a [3]
- Here is what the fields in the primary line mean:
- `index'
- Entries are numbered with consecutive integers. Each function
- therefore has an index number, which appears at the beginning of its
- primary line.
- Each cross-reference to a function, as a caller or subroutine of
- another, gives its index number as well as its name. The index number
- guides you if you wish to look for the entry for that function.
- `% time'
- This is the percentage of the total time that was spent in this
- function, including time spent in subroutines called from this
- function.
- The time spent in this function is counted again for the callers of
- this function. Therefore, adding up these percentages is meaningless.
- `self'
- This is the total amount of time spent in this function. This
- should be identical to the number printed in the `seconds' field
- for this function in the flat profile.
- `children'
- This is the total amount of time spent in the subroutine calls made by
- this function. This should be equal to the sum of all the `self'
- and `children' entries of the children listed directly below this
- function.
- `called'
- This is the number of times the function was called.
- If the function called itself recursively, there are two numbers,
- separated by a `+'. The first number counts non-recursive calls,
- and the second counts recursive calls.
- In the example above, the function `a' called itself five times,
- and was called once from `main'.
- `name'
- This is the name of the current function. The index number is
- repeated after it.
- If the function is part of a cycle of recursion, the cycle number is
- printed between the function's name and the index number
- (*Note Cycles::). For example, if function `gnurr' is part of
- cycle number one, and has index number twelve, its primary line would
- be end like this:
- gnurr <cycle 1> [12]
- File: gprof Node: Callers, Prev: Primary, Up: Call Graph, Next: Subroutines
- Lines for a Function's Callers
- ==============================
- A function's entry has a line for each function it was called by.
- These lines' fields correspond to the fields of the primary line, but
- their meanings are different because of the difference in context.
- For reference, we repeat two lines from the entry for the function
- `a', the primary line and one caller-line preceding it, together
- with the heading line that shows the names of the fields:
- index % time self children called name
- ...
- 0.19 0 1/1 main [2]
- [3] 82.61 0.19 0 1+5 a [3]
- Here are the meanings of the fields in the caller-line for `a'
- called from `main':
- `self'
- An estimate of the amount of time spent in `a' itself when it was
- called from `main'.
- `children'
- An estimate of the amount of time spent in `a''s subroutines when
- `a' was called from `main'.
- The sum of the `self' and `children' fields is an estimate
- of the amount of time spent within calls to `a' from `main'.
- `called'
- Two numbers: the number of times `a' was called from `main',
- followed by the total number of nonrecursive calls to `a' from
- all its callers.
- `name and index number'
- The name of the caller of `a' to which this line applies,
- followed by the caller's index number.
- Not all functions have entries in the call graph; some
- options to `gprof' request the omission of certain functions.
- When a caller has no entry of its own, it still has caller-lines
- in the entries of the functions it calls. Since this caller
- has no index number, the string `[not printed]' is used
- instead of one.
- If the caller is part of a recursion cycle, the cycle number is
- printed between the name and the index number.
- If the identity of the callers of a function cannot be determined, a
- dummy caller-line is printed which has `<spontaneous>' as the
- "caller's name" and all other fields blank. This can happen for
- signal handlers.
- File: gprof Node: Subroutines, Prev: Callers, Up: Call Graph, Next: Cycles
- Lines for a Function's Subroutines
- ==================================
- A function's entry has a line for each of its subroutines---in other
- words, a line for each other function that it called. These lines'
- fields correspond to the fields of the primary line, but their meanings
- are different because of the difference in context.
- For reference, we repeat two lines from the entry for the function
- `main', the primary line and a line for a subroutine, together
- with the heading line that shows the names of the fields:
- index % time self children called name
- ...
- [2] 100.00 0.04 0.19 1 main [2]
- 0.19 0 1/1 a [3]
- Here are the meanings of the fields in the subroutine-line for `main'
- calling `a':
- `self'
- An estimate of the amount of time spent directly within `a'
- when `a' was called from `main'.
- `children'
- An estimate of the amount of time spent in subroutines of `a'
- when `a' was called from `main'.
- The sum of the `self' and `children' fields is an estimate
- of the total time spent in calls to `a' from `main'.
- `called'
- Two numbers, the number of calls to `a' from `main'
- followed by the total number of nonrecursive calls to `a'.
- `name'
- The name of the subroutine of `a' to which this line applies,
- followed by the subroutine's index number. If the subroutine is
- a function omitted from the call graph, it has no index number,
- so `[not printed]' appears instead.
- If the caller is part of a recursion cycle, the cycle number is
- printed between the name and the index number.
- File: gprof Node: Cycles, Prev: Subroutines, Up: Call Graph
- How Mutually Recursive Functions Are Described
- ==============================================
- The graph may be complicated by the presence of "cycles of
- recursion" in the call graph. A cycle exists if a function calls
- another function that (directly or indirectly) calls (or appears to
- call) the original function. For example: if `a' calls `b',
- and `b' calls `a', then `a' and `b' form a cycle.
- Whenever there are call-paths both ways between a pair of functions, they
- belong to the same cycle. If `a' and `b' call each other and
- `b' and `c' call each other, all three make one cycle. Note that
- even if `b' only calls `a' if it was not called from `a',
- `gprof' cannot determine this, so `a' and `b' are still
- considered a cycle.
- The cycles are numbered with consecutive integers. When a function
- belongs to a cycle, each time the function name appears in the call graph
- it is followed by `<cycle NUMBER>'.
- The reason cycles matter is that they make the time values in the call
- graph paradoxical. The "time spent in children" of `a' should
- include the time spent in its subroutine `b' and in `b''s
- subroutines---but one of `b''s subroutines is `a'! How much of
- `a''s time should be included in the children of `a', when
- `a' is indirectly recursive?
- The way `gprof' resolves this paradox is by creating a single entry
- for the cycle as a whole. The primary line of this entry describes the
- total time spent directly in the functions of the cycle. The
- "subroutines" of the cycle are the individual functions of the cycle, and
- all other functions that were called directly by them. The "callers" of
- the cycle are the functions, outside the cycle, that called functions in
- the cycle.
- Here is a portion of the call graph which shows a cycle containing
- functions `a' and `b'. The cycle was entered by a call to `a' from
- `main'; both `a' and `b' called `c'.
- index % time self children called name
- ----------------------------------------
- 1.77 0 1/1 main [2]
- [3] 91.71 1.77 0 1+5 <cycle 1 as a whole> [3]
- 1.02 0 3 b <cycle 1> [4]
- 0.75 0 2 a <cycle 1> [5]
- ----------------------------------------
- 3 a <cycle 1> [5]
- [4] 52.85 1.02 0 0 b <cycle 1> [4]
- 2 a <cycle 1> [5]
- 0 0 3/6 c [6]
- ----------------------------------------
- 1.77 0 1/1 main [2]
- 2 b <cycle 1> [4]
- [5] 38.86 0.75 0 1 a <cycle 1> [5]
- 3 b <cycle 1> [4]
- 0 0 3/6 c [6]
- ----------------------------------------
- (The entire call graph for this program contains in addition an entry for
- `main', which calls `a', and an entry for `c', with callers
- `a' and `b'.)
- index % time self children called name
- <spontaneous>
- [1] 100.00 0 1.93 0 start [1]
- 0.16 1.77 1/1 main [2]
- ----------------------------------------
- 0.16 1.77 1/1 start [1]
- [2] 100.00 0.16 1.77 1 main [2]
- 1.77 0 1/1 a <cycle 1> [5]
- ----------------------------------------
- 1.77 0 1/1 main [2]
- [3] 91.71 1.77 0 1+5 <cycle 1 as a whole> [3]
- 1.02 0 3 b <cycle 1> [4]
- 0.75 0 2 a <cycle 1> [5]
- 0 0 6/6 c [6]
- ----------------------------------------
- 3 a <cycle 1> [5]
- [4] 52.85 1.02 0 0 b <cycle 1> [4]
- 2 a <cycle 1> [5]
- 0 0 3/6 c [6]
- ----------------------------------------
- 1.77 0 1/1 main [2]
- 2 b <cycle 1> [4]
- [5] 38.86 0.75 0 1 a <cycle 1> [5]
- 3 b <cycle 1> [4]
- 0 0 3/6 c [6]
- ----------------------------------------
- 0 0 3/6 b <cycle 1> [4]
- 0 0 3/6 a <cycle 1> [5]
- [6] 0.00 0 0 6 c [6]
- ----------------------------------------
- The `self' field of the cycle's primary line is the total time
- spent in all the functions of the cycle. It equals the sum of the
- `self' fields for the individual functions in the cycle, found
- in the entry in the subroutine lines for these functions.
- The `children' fields of the cycle's primary line and subroutine lines
- count only subroutines outside the cycle. Even though `a' calls
- `b', the time spent in those calls to `b' is not counted in
- `a''s `children' time. Thus, we do not encounter the problem of
- what to do when the time in those calls to `b' includes indirect
- recursive calls back to `a'.
- The `children' field of a caller-line in the cycle's entry estimates
- the amount of time spent *in the whole cycle*, and its other
- subroutines, on the times when that caller called a function in the cycle.
- The `calls' field in the primary line for the cycle has two numbers:
- first, the number of times functions in the cycle were called by functions
- outside the cycle; second, the number of times they were called by
- functions in the cycle (including times when a function in the cycle calls
- itself). This is a generalization of the usual split into nonrecursive and
- recursive calls.
- The `calls' field of a subroutine-line for a cycle member in the
- cycle's entry says how many time that function was called from functions in
- the cycle. The total of all these is the second number in the primary line's
- `calls' field.
- In the individual entry for a function in a cycle, the other functions in
- the same cycle can appear as subroutines and as callers. These lines show
- how many times each function in the cycle called or was called from each other
- function in the cycle. The `self' and `children' fields in these
- lines are blank because of the difficulty of defining meanings for them
- when recursion is going on.
- File: gprof Node: Implementation, Prev: Call Graph, Up: Top, Next: Sampling Error
- Implementation of Profiling
- ***************************
- Profiling works by changing how every function in your program is compiled
- so that when it is called, it will stash away some information about where
- it was called from. From this, the profiler can figure out what function
- called it, and can count how many times it was called. This change is made
- by the compiler when your program is compiled with the `-pg' option.
- Profiling also involves watching your program as it runs, and keeping a
- histogram of where the program counter happens to be every now and then.
- Typically the program counter is looked at around 100 times per second of
- run time, but the exact frequency may vary from system to system.
- A special startup routine allocates memory for the histogram and sets up a
- clock signal handler to make entries in it. Use of this special startup
- routine is one of the effects of using `cc -pg' to link. The startup
- file also includes an `exit' function which is responsible for writing
- the file `gmon.out'.
- Number-of-calls information for library routines is collected by using a
- special version of the C library. The programs in it are the same as in
- the usual C library, but they were compiled with `-pg'. If you link
- your program with `cc -pg', it automatically uses the profiling
- version of the library.
- The output from `gprof' gives no indication of parts of your program that
- are limited by I/O or swapping bandwidth. This is because samples of the
- program counter are taken at fixed intervals of run time. Therefore, the
- time measurements in `gprof' output say nothing about time that your
- program was not running. For example, a part of the program that creates
- so much data that it cannot all fit in physical memory at once may run very
- slowly due to thrashing, but `gprof' will say it uses little time. On
- the other hand, sampling by run time has the advantage that the amount of
- load due to other users won't directly affect the output you get.
- File: gprof Node: Sampling Error, Prev: Implementation, Up: Top, Next: Assumptions
- Statistical Inaccuracy of `gprof' Output
- ****************************************
- The run-time figures that `gprof' gives you are based on a sampling
- process, so they are subject to statistical inaccuracy. If a function runs
- only a small amount of time, so that on the average the sampling process
- ought to catch that function in the act only once, there is a pretty good
- chance it will actually find that function zero times, or twice.
- By contrast, the number-of-calls figures are derived by counting, not
- sampling. They are completely accurate and will not vary from run to run
- if your program is deterministic.
- The "sampling period" that is printed at the beginning of the flat
- profile says how often samples are taken. The rule of thumb is that a
- run-time figure is accurate if it is considerably bigger than the sampling
- period.
- The actual amount of error is usually more than one sampling period. In
- fact, if a value is N times the sampling period, the *expected*
- error in it is the square-root of N sampling periods. If the
- sampling period is 0.01 seconds and `foo''s run-time is 1 second, the
- expected error in `foo''s run-time is 0.1 seconds. It is likely to
- vary this much *on the average* from one profiling run to the next.
- (*Sometimes* it will vary more.)
- This does not mean that a small run-time figure is devoid of information.
- If the program's *total* run-time is large, a small run-time for one
- function does tell you that that function used an insignificant fraction of
- the whole program's time. Usually this means it is not worth optimizing.
- One way to get more accuracy is to give your program more (but similar)
- input data so it will take longer. Another way is to combine the data from
- several runs, using the `-s' option of `gprof'. Here is how:
- 1. Run your program once.
- 2. Issue the command `mv gmon.out gmon.sum'.
- 3. Run your program again, the same as before.
- 4. Merge the new data in `gmon.out' into `gmon.sum' with this command:
- gprof -s EXECUTABLE-FILE gmon.out gmon.sum
- 5. Repeat the last two steps as often as you wish.
- 6. Analyze the cumulative data using this command:
- File: gprof Node: Assumptions, Prev: Sampling Error, Up: Top, Next: Incompatibilities
- Estimating `children' Times Uses an Assumption
- **********************************************
- Some of the figures in the call graph are estimates---for example, the
- `children' time values and all the the time figures in caller and
- subroutine lines.
- There is no direct information about these measurements in the profile
- data itself. Instead, `gprof' estimates them by making an assumption
- about your program that might or might not be true.
- The assumption made is that the average time spent in each call to any
- function `foo' is not correlated with who called `foo'. If
- `foo' used 5 seconds in all, and 2/5 of the calls to `foo' came
- from `a', then `foo' contributes 2 seconds to `a''s
- `children' time, by assumption.
- This assumption is usually true enough, but for some programs it is far
- from true. Suppose that `foo' returns very quickly when its argument
- is zero; suppose that `a' always passes zero as an argument, while
- other callers of `foo' pass other arguments. In this program, all the
- time spent in `foo' is in the calls from callers other than `a'.
- But `gprof' has no way of knowing this; it will blindly and
- incorrectly charge 2 seconds of time in `foo' to the children of
- `a'.
- We hope some day to put more complete data into `gmon.out', so that
- this assumption is no longer needed, if we can figure out how. For the
- nonce, the estimated figures are usually more useful than misleading.
- File: gprof Node: Incompatibilities, Prev: Assumptions, Up: Top
- Incompatibilities with Unix `gprof'
- ***********************************
- GNU `gprof' and Berkeley Unix `gprof' use the same data file `gmon.out',
- and provide essentially the same information. But there a few
- differences.
- GNU `gprof' does not support the `-c' option which prints a static call
- graph based on reading the machine language of your program. We think
- that program cross-references ought to be based on the source files,
- which can be analyzed in a machine-independent fashion.
- For a recursive function, Unix `gprof' lists the function as a parent
- and as a child, with a `calls' field that lists the number of
- recursive calls. GNU `gprof' omits these lines and puts the number of
- recursive calls in the primary line.
- When a function is suppressed from the call graph with `-e', GNU
- `gprof' still lists it as a subroutine of functions that call it.
- The function names printed in GNU `gprof' output do not include
- the leading underscores that are added internally to the front of all
- C identifiers on many operating systems.
- The blurbs, field widths, and output formats are different. GNU
- `gprof' prints blurbs after the tables, so that you can see the
- tables without skipping the blurbs.