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- GNU zip v1.0.7
- --------------
- This is the binaries of GNU zip v1.0.7 for the Atari (hereby referred to as
- gzip). I have built two different versions, one for the standard TOS file-
- system (gzip-tos.ttp), and one for the Minix filesystem (gzip.ttp). As far
- as I know the MinixFS-version should also work correctly on top of any other
- Unix-lookalike filesystem.
- If you own an Atari with 68020 or higher (TT, Falcon) you might want to down-
- load the file gzip107tt.zoo instead, as it contains the same program compiled
- for 68020 by GCC. It should prove to be a tiny bit faster than the 68000-
- version. The only disadvantage is that it won't work on 68000 or 68010.
- This version of gzip was compiled with GCC v2.3.3 PL2 and MiNTlibs PL30. If
- you want a list over what compile-options were used then please have a look
- in the file "tailor.h". You will find the Atari-specific stuff easy by
- locating the word "ATARI" (strange, eh? :-).
- If you want to build your own binaries of gzip, then download the sourcecode-
- archive (gzip-1.0.7.tar.z) from your favourite gnu-software supplier, or if
- they haven't got it, from prep.ai.mit.edu with anonymous FTP (try to respect
- the FTP-guidelines by only using it on non-prime-time (nights and weekends)).
- Atari is directly supported in the sourcecode nowadays, so the only thing you
- need to do is to copy the Makefile.st from the atari-directory to the main
- directory, edit it to produce the kind of executable you want (Minix/TOS-FS
- and 68000/68020) and issue a "make -f Makefile.st" (if you have GCC and Make
- installed). Apart from the sourcecode the archive also contains some more or
- less interesting documents/documentation and a couple of shellscripts.
- NEWS: As of version 1.0.7 match.S also supports the 68000 and 68010. This
- should give a speed-up in the compression-phase.
- TODO: Try to find a simple solution that removes the necessity of having two
- different executables to be able to run on both MinixFS and TOSFS.
- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
- Snailmail: Daniel Eriksson Internet: m91der@tdb.uu.se OR den@hgs.se
- ||| Gardskarsvagen 6B Fidonet : Daniel Eriksson @ 2:205/229
- ||| 814 93 SKUTSKAR IRC : ddf ('Daniel of Delta Force')
- / | \ SWEDEN Voice : +46 26 72905 OR +46 26 72901
- Note: My _complete_ Internet addresses are m91der@bellatrix.tdb.uu.se and
- den@abacus.hgs.se if someone would want to use TALK or some other service
- that requires a full address.
- *
- Share and enjoy!