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Text File | 1993-05-10 | 74.3 KB | 2,192 lines |
- This file contains ads that we are in no way, shape or form responsibile
- for the availability or viability of the sale. Please contact the
- respective parties directly.
- Sincerely,
- Darlah J Potechin
- Atari Rountables on GEnie
- Date: Mon, 3 May 93 08:28:33 MDT
- From: hutch@ilmen.lanl.gov (John Hutchinson)
- Message-Id: <9305031428.AA08489@ilmen.lanl.gov>
- To: darlah@genie.geis.com
- Subject: c.s.a.s.-3MAY93a
- From mjb@cs.nott.ac.uk (M J Brownlow)
- Subject: Re: xxx.msa files. what format is it ?
- Date: Thu, 29 Apr 93 12:47:51 GMT
- In article <am.736082168@materna> am@Materna.DE (Achim Millinghaus) writes:
- >Hello !
- >I have ftped some demos from atari.archive.umich.edu. But this demos are
- >XXX.msa files and i dont know this file-format. Who can tell me what it is ?
- >how can i get this demos work on my ST. Please help me ! Thanks... Achim.
- >e-mail : am@materna.de
- These files are created and depacked using magic shadow archiver.
- This should be in Archivers as shadow.??? or newmsa.???
- Forget it if you can't get a BIG ramdisk or have 2 drives or hard drive; it
- uses a LOT of disk swapping!!
- Martin
- ~~~
- From cabp09@uk.ac.strath.ccsun ("David McNicol", 3rd Year LPO)
- Subject: Shells for the ST
- Date: Mon, 26 Apr 1993 08:31:06 GMT
- [ I sort of asked this in a previous post, but no-one answered ! ]
- Does anyone know of the existance of the Bourne Shell (sh) on the ST.
- I have one version, but it seems to allow only two directories in the
- PATH sentence. I need lots. Downer.
- Any ideas ?? [ Mail would probs be better, thanx ]
- Dave.
- ~~~
- From anisko@usdtsg.DaytonOH.NCR.COM (anisko)
- Newsgroups: comp.sys.atari.st
- Subject: Re: Falcons shipping next
- Date: 29 Apr 93 12:23:50 GMT
- In article <1993Apr28.173819.14039@mnemosyne.cs.du.edu> rcarter@nyx.cs.du.edu
- (Ron Carter) writes:
- >rcmerrit@apgea.army.mil (Robert C. Merritt <rcmerrit>) writes:
- >
- >>jeff.spink@uttsbbs.uucp (Jeff Spink) writes:
- >
- >>Could someone explan the logic to me of someone buying a Falcon to run
- >>pc software? Its strange to me, thats all..
- >
- >Well, a few reasons come to me:
- >
- >- A person works with MS-DOS machines at work, and on occasion have to
- > do work at home with those same MS-DOS programs (eg 1-2-3, etc.).
- For some of these programs, such as Lotus, there do exist ST
- versions or clones of those programs. Of course, using the MSDOS versions
- lets the users get used to those, which they will probably hit in
- the majority of jobs, etc.
- >- The user can't live without some of the programs (games, etc.) that
- > (for some reason, ummm, larger market?) won't get released on the
- > Falcon platform.
- Never hurts to expand your software base. That's one of the
- niceties of emulation. When you do get an IBM/MAC/whatever software
- that runs under the emulation, it might be helpful to note so on
- the registration card that you send in - let them know what actual
- platform their software is really being run on.
- >- The user just plain likes little gadgets just so they can say `My
- > computer will out emulate your computer'.
- Or more general: users that simply like gadgets (this coming from
- someone who has his MSte, 286, TV, monitor, cassette desk, VCR, and boom
- box all interconnected in one way or the other :-)
- And finally, one of the best answers to a "why" question:
- "because we can" (said in the voice of the one Heather from "Heathers" :-)
- >With the ability of Falcon to read/write MS-DOS compatible disks, and
- >the possibility of Falcon being able to do close to `real' thing's
- >speed, etc. emulation, it doesn't sound like a bad thing to have
- >around. And saves some room at home to boot!
- Would be nice. I have a MSTe and a NCR3390 (286 - sort of rectangular
- and low-height) stacked on top of each other - looks like a bunch
- of pizza boxes stacked on each other :-)
- Robert Anisko
- anisko@usdtsg.daytonoh.ncr.com
- "I'm your fearless leader and no questions asked..."
- "Can there be any doubt?"
- "Now cut that out!"
- ~~~
- From jeffmay@magnus.acs.ohio-state.edu (Jeff A May II)
- Subject: Atari STf for sale
- Date: Thu, 29 Apr 1993 15:34:03 GMT
- I'm posting this for a friend:
- -----------------------------------------------------
- For sale:
- $350 Atari 1040STf
- 50 Meg hard drive with ICD FA-ST host adaptor
- second double-sided foppy drive
- 1200 baud modem
- miscellaneous software including Flash and
- Word Writer ST
- $150 Atari 12" color monitor
- Reason for selling: upgrading to Mega STe
- -----------------------------------------------------
- As my friend has no network access, please send
- any replies to me, and I'll forward them to him.
- --Jeff May
- jeffmay@magnus.acs.ohio-state.edu
- ~~~
- From cjr@cs.bham.ac.uk (Chris Ridd)
- Subject: Re: Neodesk 3.03 patch (UK)
- Date: Thu, 29 Apr 1993 13:10:18 GMT
- In article <1993Apr29.095016.19978@aston.ac.uk> wrighttj@uhura.aston.ac.uk
- (Auntie Tim) writes:
- >Hi all. I've just been informed by GST software by e-mail, that
- >the Patch Disk to update UK versions of NeoDesk is effectively
- >shareware/freeware whatever, and the 4.95 fee is only for handling.
- >Hence, they have no problems with anyone uploading the patch disk
- >to an ftp site, or posting to comp.binaries.atari.st or whatever.
- >Also, it's available by modem on their BBS - 0480 492 025.
- Alas, no modem (yet)...
- More seriously, is this a patch for any NeoDesk 3(UK), as I have
- 3.01?
- Can't GST email you the patch disk though? :-)
- ~~~
- From aeg03@rrz.uni-koeln.de (Khalid Shukri)
- Newsgroups: comp.sys.atari.st,rec.music.makers.synth
- Subject: Wanted: Sounds
- Date: 29 Apr 1993 17:07:40 +0200
- Hi folks,
- recently I got a sequencer program (cubase /atari). Now I'd like to get some
- splashing sounds (for a roland D-50) that make my friends jerk and my grandma
- jump out of the window. Any help is welcome.
- Thanx in advance.
- goebel@vax.mpiz-koeln.mpg.dbp.de
- ~~~
- From neurom@stein.u.washington.edu (Neuromancer)
- Newsgroups: comp.sys.atari.st
- Subject: Re: Atari Purchase, WOW!
- Date: 29 Apr 1993 16:01:51 GMT
- >Knowing what you know about the A1200, you would buy an ST over one? You must
- >not have used an A1200 or turned one on?
- I assume you've used a Falcon then, to be making the same judgement. And BTW,
- I'm NOT choosing an ST, it's a Falcon030. The ST's are 68k based machines
- w/o a Multitasking O/S. The Falcon is 68030 base w/ Multitasking.
- Big difference.
- Not, of course, that you'd understand.
- --Neuromancer
- Becoming more and more convinced that ST users are the best in the world.
- ~~~
- From jeffmay@magnus.acs.ohio-state.edu (Jeff A May II)
- Subject: NVDI/ET-4000
- Date: Thu, 29 Apr 1993 15:52:27 GMT
- Hi. Does anyone know where NVDI/ET-4000 (the version for Crazy Dots)
- is available from? I once had the address of the company that sells
- it, but have managed to lose it somehow. Thanks.
- --Jeff
- jeffmay@magnus.acs.ohio-state.edu
- ~~~
- From anderss@edb.tih.no (Anders Skar)
- Subject: Power Packer
- Date: Thu, 29 Apr 1993 14:59:42 GMT
- Does anyone know of an Power Packer prog.
- I have some Amiga files i want to depack !!
- jker
- ~~~
- From porterb@acf4.nyu.edu (porterb)
- Newsgroups: comp.sys.atari.st
- Subject: ST monitor for sale
- Date: 29 Apr 1993 15:16:28 GMT
- Bought this monitor only to discover that the 1040ST was broken and
- not worth fixing. It is sitting in its box waiting to be shipped to
- someone who will pay a few bucks (I bought it for $170 + tax -- don't
- know what anyone will find it worth)... eager for the room in my small
- apartment.
- I sent out the previous paragraph a couple of months ago and there was
- more interest in the broken computer than the new monitor. Sorry - I
- did throw the computer out. The answer to the other question asked is
- monochrome. I am eager to get rid of this -- hope someone can use it.
- Please reply to:
- porter@cs.nyu.edu
- ~~~
- From jensk@hpbbn.bbn.hp.com (Jens Kilian)
- Date: Wed, 28 Apr 1993 19:39:55 GMT
- Subject: Re: MiNT 1.04 - Mine goes boom when ESC is pressed on Desktop
- Newsgroups: comp.sys.atari.st
- YES! That could be the reason for a mysterious bug I've been hunting these last
- weeks.
- More strange behavior: On my ST, TOSWIN immediately opens its file selector
- and crashes if I use another accessory beside it. With three accesories, the
- system comes up, but crashes when I try to start a program.
- If anybody has a fix (or even just a suggestions for the cause of the problem),
- *please* make it public.
- Jens.
- PS: Claus - ich muss Dich wohl um Entschuldigung bitten :-)
- --
- Internet: jensk@hpbeo82.bbn.hp.com HPDESK : JENS_KILIAN%XU@HP1200
- MausNet: Jens Kilian @ BB KILIAN_JENS/HP1200_XU@hpbbi4
- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- As the air to a bird, or the sea to a fish, so is contempt to the contemptible.
- ~~~
- From jensk@hpbbn.bbn.hp.com (Jens Kilian)
- Date: Wed, 28 Apr 1993 19:35:13 GMT
- Subject: Re: Looking for 'find'
- Newsgroups: comp.sys.atari.st
- GNU find is OK, but you need GCC to compile it. You probably also need to
- hand-configure the Makefiles (I never found a shell that could handle GNU
- configure scripts).
- Greetings,
- Jens.
- PS: Du bist in Tuebingen - ich wohne in Herrenberg ...
- --
- Internet: jensk@hpbeo82.bbn.hp.com HPDESK : JENS_KILIAN%XU@HP1200
- MausNet: Jens Kilian @ BB KILIAN_JENS/HP1200_XU@hpbbi4
- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- As the air to a bird, or the sea to a fish, so is contempt to the contemptible.
- ~~~
- From aeg03@rrz.uni-koeln.de (Khalid Shukri)
- Newsgroups: comp.sys.atari.st,comp.sys.atari.st.tech
- Subject: Re: GFA Help! (Damned compiler!)
- Date: 29 Apr 1993 18:23:33 +0200
- In <1993Apr29.102428@cs.bham.ac.uk> dxo@cs.bham.ac.uk (David Oakley) writes:
- >Hate to say it, but it's a pretty obvious error.
- >If you DIM a$(10), then elements go 0 to 9, NOT 10
- >you need
- >FOR i%=0 to totalcount
- >OK?
- No. GFA ist not that C-ish, after DIM a$(10), elements go from 0
- to 10 if OPTION BASE 0 (default) is used. With OPTION BASE 1
- elements go form 1 to 10.
- Greetinx, Jan
- +- Jan Kim -- X.400: S=kim;OU=vax;O=mpiz-koeln;P=mpg;A=dbp;C=de -+
- | Internet: kim@vax.mpiz-koeln.mpg.dbp.de |
- | |
- *----=< hierarchical systems are for files, not for humans >=-----*
- ~~~
- From fsctc@avelon.lerc.nasa.gov (Clarence Chang)
- Newsgroups: comp.sys.atari.st
- Subject: Re: Orphan TT's
- Date: 29 Apr 1993 17:07:06 GMT
- Just wondering out aloud... can the FALCON's ROM be used on a TT?
- Clarence
- --
- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
- Clarence T. Chang | phone: 216-433-8561
- NASA Lewis Research Center |
- Cleveland, Ohio 44135 | email: fsctc@avelon.lerc.nasa.gov
- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
- Aerothermochemistry Branch, Internal Fluid Mechanics Division,
- Aeronautics Directorate
- ~~~
- From mauritz_c@spcvxb.spc.edu ()
- Newsgroups: comp.sys.atari.st
- Subject: Re: Orphan TT's
- Date: 29 Apr 93 16:06:28 GMT
- In article <jonal.193.735989876@dhhalden.no>, jonal@dhhalden.no (JON ARVID
- LOVSTAD) writes:
- > In article <2bdc5518@p12.f202.n281.z2.fidonet> Jan_Willekens@p12.f202.n281.z2.
- fidonet writes:
- >>
- >>Pff, TT's don't sell anymore, because they aren't competitive. Atari
- >>definitely is working on a Falcon040 (Sam Tramiel said that in some
- >>real-time conference, if I remember correctly), but I wouldn't wait for it.
- >>By the time the 040 hits the shelves even a SparcStation Classic will be
- >>cheaper...
- >
- > Well, let's just hope they *think* when they design it. Maybe they'll make
- > it upgradeable - make an architecture that can accept another CPU and
- > graphics engine.
- Hi Jon,
- No offense, but how long have you been involved with Atari products?
- Anyone who has followed the bumbling Atari saga over the years knows
- that foresight and planning are not in the Atari vocabulary. The
- machine will certainly not be upgradable since the usual Atari upgrade
- path involves one easy step...buy their latest box. No thanx. I
- just upgraded one of my 486-33 boxes by taking out the SOCKETED 33mhz
- cpu and replacing it with a 486DX2-66. After selling my old chip,
- the net cost of this upgrade was about $300 for a roughly 70% increase
- in performance (I don't do much disk intensive work and I have a lot
- of RAM in that box).
- The person who has probably single-handedly kept Atari out of Chapter 11
- is David Small. His sense of business ethics, as well as an array of
- well supported upgrades for Atari computers is what keeps the "faithful"
- going.
- Cheers,
- Chris
- ~~~
- From kimes@cbnewsc.cb.att.com (Kit Kimes@AT&T/NCR)
- Subject: Re: MACophiles and Amigoids, please go away
- Date: Thu, 29 Apr 1993 17:46:21 GMT
- >From article <1993Apr28.192312.7248@apgea.army.mil>, by (Robert C. Merritt):
- >
- > Ok, I've posted this message acrose the 3 main atari groups.
- >
- > Is there a good history of atari and its machines?
- Last year Jim Trageser posted a summary or the different models of the
- Atari computers which was also a kind of history of Atari. I can repost
- his article if he isn't around to do it again himself.
- Kit Kimes
- AT&T Resource Link (under contract to NCR)
- Naperville, IL
- ....!att!iwcs!kimes (kimes@iwcs.att.com)
- ~~~
- From mh1@irz407.inf.tu-dresden.de (Michael Hohmuth)
- Newsgroups: comp.sys.atari.st
- Subject: Re: Shells for the ST
- Date: 29 Apr 1993 18:02:39 GMT
- In article <C630zv.6E9@ccsun.strath.ac.uk>, cabp09@uk.ac.strath.ccsun ("David
- McNicol", 3rd Year LPO) writes:
- > Does anyone know of the existance of the Bourne Shell (sh) on the ST.
- > I have one version, but it seems to allow only two directories in the
- > PATH sentence. I need lots. Downer.
- I have a working port of the BSD Bourne Shell and one of tcsh 6.03 ready
- and will release 'em as soon as the next MiNT Library PatchLevel comes out,
- probably even a bit earlier.
- Michael
- --
- Internet: hohmuth@freia.inf.tu-dresden.de
- ~~~
- From bnell@scr.siemens.com (Bill Nell)
- Subject: Re: FOR SALE: Misc. ST and HD stuff
- Date: Thu, 29 Apr 1993 18:11:56 GMT
- u1427@cs.uiuc.edu (Eric Steven Brown) writes:
- > Navarone 8-bit audit digitizer: *** $25 ***
- > (This plugs into the cartridge
- > port and allows you to record and
- > play back sounds on your ST)
- Hi,
- Your email address doesn't seem to be right, all my mail bounced, so I
- am going to post a reply here. I'd like to buy the digitizer. I assume it
- comes with some software too, right? If you want I can pay for shipping or
- we can split it or something like that, ok?
- Thanks,
- Bill
- --
- bnell@scr.siemens.com | Anytime something screeches and flies across
- Siemens Corporate Research | the room and attaches itself to some guy's neck
- 755 College Road East | and he can't get it off, I just have to laugh.
- Princeton, NJ 08540 | Because, what is that thing?
- ~~~
- From schaerer@isi.ethz.ch (Thomas Schaerer)
- Subject: Re: GFA Help! (Damned compiler!)
- Date: Thu, 29 Apr 1993 18:13:02 GMT
- Jan T. Kim (aeg03@rrz.uni-koeln.de) wrote:
- : In <g2uP3B1w165w@ersys.edmonton.ab.ca> ggranger@ersys.edmonton.ab.ca (Greg
- Granger) writes:
- : I just tried to reproduce this bug, and I was successful. And
- : when I tried to analyze where the bombs occurred, I was even more
- : surprised: After inserting a diagnostic PRINT statement between
- : all lines of the above program, the bug had disappeared -- no
- : bombs anymore.
- I tried it as well, but I was not successful. Important is: The value
- of 'totalcount' was false. Not 16, 17 is okay. My compiler version is
- 3.5 with the follow options: S& S< F<
- (Hallo Jan, schau doch bitte mal in Deine Mailbox. Da steht
- wegen Deinem Profiler von mir was drin. Das Mail ist vom
- 16. April Gruss vom Thomas)
- Bye Thomas
- ~~~
- From Peter_Missel@k.maus.de (Peter Missel)
- Newsgroups: comp.sys.atari.st
- Subject: Re: New Atari Purchase
- Date: 28 Apr 93 01:29:00 GMT
- >3) Get a Falcon030 as a 1/0 config and: Get a RAM expansion board Populate
- >said board w/ 4 megs ZIP RAM Get Internal 120meg Maxtor HD
- Just yesterday, the Falcon became available in a 4 MB RAM/no HD configuration
- for DM 1898 here in Germany. 4/65 config is DM 2298
- 1 US$ = 1.51 DM approx.
- - Peter -
- ~~~~
- From sinclair2246@iscsvax.uni.edu ()
- Newsgroups: comp.sys.atari.st
- Subject: Re: Any US Falcons Yet?
- Date: 29 Apr 93 14:46:01 -0600
- In article <C67Evp.H2q@cbnewse.cb.att.com>, trek@cbnewse.cb.att.com (wayne.a.
- booth) writes:
- > Just to let y'all know, CompuSeller West in St. Charles, Il got their
- > demo unit in last week Thursday. 4M with a 65M HD. Software that we
- > have heard would be included was - - - except for D2D. My son and I
- > tested a few packages and they worked great - although we often had
- > to disable MTOS to get them to work. We also tested a couple that
- > didn't work and we didn't try much else to try to get them up so I
- > wouldn't say they don't work - just don't work under the conditions
- > we attempted to run them under. CompuSeller West expects saleable
- > units in about 3 Atari weeks (you know what that means.)
- >
- > Was I excited - you bet. Haven't felt that good about my computing
- > since Dave Small's Spectre GCR. Hope all your local dealer's get
- > their demo units in so we too can join the rest of the world in
- > exploring this new beast. Wayne Booth
- How do Atari dealers survive without CPU's to sell for most of the time. I bet
- they are Amiga dealers too and are moonliting as Atari dealers. Atari dealers
- can't survive without the Amiga...
- ~~~
- From Peter_Missel@k.maus.de (Peter Missel)
- Newsgroups: comp.sys.atari.st
- Subject: Re: How to connect a 2nd MEGAFILE?
- Date: 28 Apr 93 01:34:00 GMT
- >I'd rather do it myself, though. I haven't opened my drive yet, but can
- >anybody tell me which DIP switches must be reset?
- Steps for the future SECOND drive:
- - hook it to your computer and remove any auto-boot driver by using HINSTALL -
- remove top cover: 9 screws (rectangular holes).
- - through one of the bigger holes in the metal shielding, you see 3 DIP
- switches. Flip the middle one.
- - Reassemble.
- Steps for the future FIRST drive:
- (None)
- Good luck - Peter
- ~~~
- From Peter_Missel@k.maus.de (Peter Missel)
- Newsgroups: comp.sys.atari.st
- Subject: Re: NeXT Atari
- Date: 28 Apr 93 01:40:00 GMT
- >1.0, 1.2, 1.4, 1.6, 2.06, 3.06, 4.01 between 83 and 93 !!
- In fact, we had:
- RAM TOS 8.8.85, 11/20/85, 2/6/86.
- TOS 1.00 1.02 1.04 1.06 1.62 2.05 2.06 3.01 3.05 3.06 4.00 4.01 4.02 4.04
- More updates than MS-DOS had in the same period, and even more real
- improvements...
- ~~~
- From Peter_Missel@k.maus.de (Peter Missel)
- Newsgroups: comp.sys.atari.st
- Subject: Re: Orphan TT's
- Date: 28 Apr 93 01:43:00 GMT
- >Just read in the new Current Notes that the TT has been discontinued by
- >Atari due to lack of interest. Seriously. Well I guess if you really wanted
- >one they'll probably be real cheap soon.
- Hmmm...
- Atari Germany just announced in the MausNet that they will put a new bunch of
- TTs onto the production lines because they've almost sold out of them and
- buyers' interest is high.
- ~~~
- From sourada@iastate.edu (Steven D Ourada)
- Subject: Ethernet for AHDI?
- Date: Thu, 29 Apr 1993 20:33:12 GMT
- I seem to remember someone mentioning an Ethernet that works on the ST's
- hard drive port. If that's true, who makes these and how much do they cost?
- Thanks,
- Steven Ourada
- --
- -------
- Steven Ourada -- sourada@iastate.edu
- "The State shall make no law with respect to the establishment of education"
- -- Illich
- ~~~
- From 01mbmccabe@leo.bsuvc.bsu.edu ()
- Newsgroups: comp.sys.atari.st
- Subject: Re: CoNnect is great !
- Date: 29 Apr 93 07:45:51 GMT
- > The people that claim that ConNect is the best thing since sliced bread
- > have obviously never ever tried Flash...
- >
- >
- > I need a full screen window not 2/3, Flash gives me a full screen window with
- a
- > 8 * 8 Font..
- >
- > There are no fonts to work with ConNect and give 80 * 24 lines at medium res,
- > the window of ConNect is far to small and cluttered..
- Roger,
- I think I agree with you about ConNect...not too god for Med.res (what I
- use)...The window is too small and the font, though workable, isn't very nice.
- I bet another reason some might go "ape" over ConNect is that they have a mono
- monitor and can take _full_ advantage of ConNect.
- It does seem like it has a lot of nice things about it. (Excluding the price
- differnce between it ans Uniterm -- my favorite!)
- -Matt
- ~~~
- From valentin@netcom.com (Valentin Pepelea)
- Subject: ATARI ST stuff for sale
- Date: Thu, 29 Apr 1993 23:22:06 GMT
- ATARI ST stuff for sale
- Please DO NOT REPLY to valentin@netcom.com
- Reply address at end of article!
- ======================= HARDWARE (good for parts) =====================
- - 1040 STf, TOS 1.0, flaky floppy and power connector ... [$50]
- - Broken SM124 monitor. 2 amp main fuse blows ... [$10]
- ======================= DOCUMENTATION =================================
- Programmer's manuals ($9 each)
- - Compute's Technical Reference Guide VOL 1 VDI
- - Compute's Technical Reference Guide VOL 2 AES
- - Abacus Atari ST Internals
- - Abacus Atari ST Tricks and Tips
- - Abacus Atari ST Graphics and Sound
- - Abacus Atari ST GEM Programmer's Reference
- Manuals ONLY (NO software!)
- - Dr. T's Tiger Cub ... [$9]
- - Calamus user's manual, font editor manual, tutorial ...[$10]
- ======================= SOFTWARE =======================================
- Programmer's software
- - Personal Pascal, disk, manual ...[$15]
- MIDI software
- - Steinberg Synthworks M1, box, manual, disks, dongle ... [$90]
- - Steinberg Synthworks MT-32,D-5/10/20/110, manual, disks, dongle ...[$90]
- - Sonus SST 2.0 sequencer ... [$20]
- Free with any purchase ST Basic and manual
- NOTE: I really want to sell this locally! If I ship, I ask you to take
- care of shipping and packaging charges.
- Thank you,
- Darius (dart@canal.org or call (215)430-7040 )
- ~~~
- From mforget@elfhaven.ersys.edmonton.ab.ca (Michel Forget)
- Newsgroups: comp.sys.atari.st
- Subject: Re: ConNect
- Date: Wed, 28 Apr 1993 01:13:08 MDT
- In <C62GtF.KJ@dscomsa.desy.de>, Wolfgang Wander writes:
- [> In article <1re279INNrgf@golem.wcc.govt.nz> sheppard_r@kosmos.wcc.govt.nz
- writes:
- [> >Well from what I can see of it its not worth a cent, the window is far to
- [> >small and the program seems a little bugy, it did not save the conn0.set
- file
- [> >the first time I tried, the Text in that mono mode is far to small..
- [>
- [> Obviously you were not able to read the manual - its still in german
- [> and this will excuse your strong statement. There are lots of people
- [> working in mono mode in CoNnect having 24x80 character size windows
- [> with appropriate font sizes.
- Actually, it does not excuse his statement at all. I have never read
- the manual (as you said, it is written in German) and I never had a
- problem with the fonts. After all, how hard is it? Choose a font,
- install it, select. Different font sizes give you different size
- windows (which is obvious). I personally do not need to see every
- column on the screen, so I use the Rufus 12 Point font. Excellent
- looking ANSI, in a nice big font.
- CoNnect is a great program. If he has problems using it, blaming you
- (or the world at large) will not help him. At the very least he could
- have sent you an E-Mail explaining the problem instead of ranting at
- the whole world that it is worthless. An old saying comes to mind; can
- he do better?
- ~~~
- From wells_s@kosmos.wcc.govt.nz (Steve Wells)
- Date: 30 Apr 1993 02:46:05 GMT
- ] I have ftped some demos from atari.archive.umich.edu. But this demos are
- ] XXX.msa files and i dont know this file-format. Who can tell me what it i
- ] how can i get this demos work on my ST. Please help me ! Thanks... Achim.
- There is a file in the
- ../Archivers/
- directory in the atari section of atari.archive.umich.edu called
- msa_ii.prg
- this has in-built instructions, and is nice & easy to use, even with
- only one floppy drive! It will quite happily convert entire disks to
- files, or (what you want), files back into the entire-disk format!
- ~~~
- From wells_s@kosmos.wcc.govt.nz (Steve Wells)
- Date: 30 Apr 1993 02:49:26 GMT
- ] Look, it's a different design philosophy. Connect decides to use GEM and
- ] windows. That's one way to go, and has certain advantages. A disadvantage
- ] that you'll NEVER get a full screen window with an 8x8 font. Can't be don
- ] med res. You're railing against limitations of your system, and pegging
- ] Connect as the culprit. This is wrong.
- Unless you use overscan (hardware or software 'emulators')
- The biggest problem I have with Connect is that it does use GEM windows
- which makes screen updating quite sluggish!
- (Stick Warp-9 on and it improves, but still not as fast as say a plain
- full-screen terminal, GEM trying to keep up with 19.2K text
- on the screen is laughable!)
- ~~~
- From wells_s@kosmos.wcc.govt.nz (Steve Wells)
- Date: 30 Apr 1993 02:52:37 GMT
- For those wishing to know where Teradesk is, it can be obtained at:/
- cs.tu-berlin.de
- (mail-server@cs.tu-berlin.de)
- somewhere in the pub/atari/ section!
- (Loads file....)
- pub/atari/utils/
- filename tera????.lzh
- ~~~
- From wells_s@kosmos.wcc.govt.nz (Steve Wells)
- Date: 30 Apr 1993 02:54:52 GMT
- ] Does anyone know of an Power Packer prog.
- ] I have some Amiga files i want to depack !!
- The program is amiga only! (Why can't they use LZH?!)
- ~~~
- From rvenable@helix.nih.gov (Richard M. Venable)
- Subject: Re: SC1224 as tv monitor?
- Date: Fri, 30 Apr 1993 04:03:50 GMT
- In article <95069@hydra.gatech.EDU> gt7610c@prism.gatech.EDU (TEAGUE, John
- Edward) writes:
- >Since there is discussion on the SC1224, I was wondering if it is
- >possible to use the monitor as a tv monitor via a tuner source such
- >as a vcr or cable box. If so, how. If not, why not? Since it is
- >similar to a CGA monitor, why couldn't it work?
- >
- >TIA,
- >John
- You know, I was wondering if the SC1224 could be used with my old Atari 800 ...
- Any clues?
- -----------------------------------------------------------------
- Rick Venable (O O) | "Back off, I'm a scientist."
- FDA/CBER Biophysics Lab )|( | -- Bill Murray in
- rvenable@helix.nih.gov (=) | 'Ghostbusters'
- -----------------------------------------------------------------
- ~~~
- From evanlang@sdf.lonestar.org (Evan Langlois)
- Subject: HELP
- Date: Wed, 28 Apr 1993 02:12:43 GMT
- I've been trying to get at the GNU C and MiNT files from atari.archive for
- a long time now. I've sent out Email questions, and have sent all the proper
- mail with the "help" message as the FAQ said to do. However, I have been
- unable to achieve success.
- Please help me by sending instructions on how to recieve files from atari.
- archive through Email and how to get some sort of file index. It would be
- greatly appreciated.
- If you recieve duplicate postings of this message, send duplicate replies!
- Maybe I won't get them all! I'm going to try sending a copy of this to a
- bunch of places, so you may see it more than once.
- Send all Mail to evanlang@sdf.lonestar.org
- Thank You for any help you can send,
- Evan Langlois
- ~~~
- From sinclair2246@iscsvax.uni.edu ()
- Newsgroups: comp.sys.atari.st
- Subject: Re: Atari Purchase, WOW!
- Date: 30 Apr 93 09:05:04 -0600
- In article <1rou5fINN7d1@shelley.u.washington.edu>, neurom@stein.u.washington.
- edu (Neuromancer) writes:
- >
- >>Knowing what you know about the A1200, you would buy an ST over one? You must
- >>not have used an A1200 or turned one on?
- >
- > I assume you've used a Falcon then, to be making the same judgement. And BTW,
- > I'm NOT choosing an ST, it's a Falcon030. The ST's are 68k based machines
- > w/o a Multitasking O/S. The Falcon is 68030 base w/ Multitasking.
- >
- > Big difference.
- >
- > Not, of course, that you'd understand.
- No. I have not used a Falcon and probably will not due to lack of dealers.
- >
- > --Neuromancer
- > Becoming more and more convinced that ST users are the best in the world.
- Thats a thought...If you like putting up with Atari's crap...
- ~~~
- From csullogg@cc4.crl.aecl.ca ()
- Subject: Re: CoNect is great !
- Date: Fri, 30 Apr 1993 10:22:12 GMT
- <The biggest problem I have with Connect is that it does use GEM windows
- <which makes screen updating quite sluggish!
- This message written on a VAX via STalker 3 at 19,200 in a 150colx55row
- window GEM window. Absolutely NO problems with sluggishness. Works
- perfectly. Have you included serialfx in your auto folder. What about
- a serial buffer?
- BTW, what is a "window GEM window" anyway?
- ~~~
- From censjg@clust.hw.ac.uk (Simon Greaves)
- Newsgroups: comp.sys.atari.st,comp.sys.atari.st.tech
- Subject: Re: UNIX to Atari ST (via DOS???)
- Date: 30 Apr 93 09:02:26 GMT
- If I remember correctly, mstools is a fairly old ms-dos compatibility
- package, I believe it has some problems of it's own. I would suggest
- getting and installing mtools, a freeware ms-dos program suite for
- Unix machines, it compiles no problems on Sun/DEC and many other
- hosts and has been working well here for months.
- I 'm not sure I've actually used it to write disks I subsequently
- read on an ST, but I've had no problems reading, writing & formatting
- ms-dos disks that are usable in a Unix box or a PC equally easily.
- Also, I have never had any problems reading PC 720K disks in my ST,
- so I think mtools could solve your problems.
- It's available from loads of archive sites, eg gatekeeper.dec.com in
- the states and src.doc.ic.ac.uk in the Uk (check with archie to be sure).
- Hope this helps,
- Simon
- ~~~
- From Alexander_Bochmann@traveller.fido.de (Alexander Bochmann)
- Subject: Re: ConNect
- Newsgroups: comp.sys.atari.st
- ....message from Wolfgang Wander to All :
- > description of a possible bug. CoNnect has the by far best an bug free
- > emulation avaiable on the ST. Where - I really ask you - did you find
- > bugs?
- There's only one problem... The Emulation may be 100% ANSI standard compatible,
- but it's not at all compatible to what's commonly used in BBS's...
- (That's why several terminalprograms have a special emulation called
- "ANSI-BBS", wich is basically the same as the codes supported by PC-DOS's
- ANSI.SYS device driver, as far as I know...)
- I'm quite missing that, as I'm calling more private BBS systems than places
- where I need a "real" ANSI emulation...
- /\|ex.
- Alexander Bochmann -*- W7800 Freiburg -*- Voice 0761 39913 -*- BBS 07664 95185
- NeST 90:400/101 -*- FidoNet 2:241/7803 -*- alexander_bochmann@traveller.fido.de
- ~~~
- From mebeb@liverpool.ac.uk (Mr. K. O'Donovan)
- Subject: Re: GFA Help! (Damned compiler!)
- Date: Fri, 30 Apr 1993 11:23:19 GMT
- In article <1rmi2jINN1gbm@rs1.rrz.Uni-Koeln.DE>, aeg03@rrz.uni-koeln.de (Jan T.
- Kim) writes:
- > I just tried to reproduce this bug, and I was successful. And
- > when I tried to analyze where the bombs occurred, I was even more
- > surprised: After inserting a diagnostic PRINT statement between
- > all lines of the above program, the bug had disappeared -- no
- > bombs anymore.
- > I can dimly recall that I ran into a similar problem quite a
- > while ago, the exact situation escapes me right now. Back then,
- > my solution was to insert dummy statements into the program until
- > it worked, as far as I recall. I'm afraid the only "real"
- > solution to such weird compiler problems will be to wait for the
- > release of the Richter version of GFA basic.
- >
- I believe there is a memory allocation bug in the latest version
- of the GFA compiler. I can think of one person at least (Hi Andre 8-)
- who is desperately waiting for a bug for this, as he gets a fair
- number of complaints about his program crashin, and its not his fault.
- ~~~
- From wwc@dxhra1.cern.ch (Wolfgang Wander)
- Subject: Re: CoNect is great !
- Date: Fri, 30 Apr 1993 13:53:11 GMT
- In article <30APR93.06221202@cc4.crl.aecl.ca> csullogg@cc4.crl.aecl.ca writes:
- ><The biggest problem I have with Connect is that it does use GEM windows
- ><which makes screen updating quite sluggish!
- >
- >This message written on a VAX via STalker 3 at 19,200 in a 150colx55row
- >window GEM window. Absolutely NO problems with sluggishness. Works
- >perfectly. Have you included serialfx in your auto folder. What about
- >a serial buffer?
- >BTW, what is a "window GEM window" anyway?
- It definatly depends on the computer you are using. With a GEM-based
- terms programm on a 1040 ST without NVDI or Warp9 redraw really is
- a pain. NVDI helps a lot.
- Using CoNnect on my TT with NVDI I even can display at a 57600 baud
- line without remarkable delay, which is much faster than 'real'
- terminals like a Falco...
- Wolfgang
- ~~~
- From wwc@dxhra1.cern.ch (Wolfgang Wander)
- Subject: Re: ConNect
- Date: Fri, 30 Apr 1993 13:54:53 GMT
- In article <2be0590e@p1.f7803.n241.z2.fidonet.org> Alexander_Bochmann@traveller.
- fido.de (Alexander Bochmann) writes:
- > > description of a possible bug. CoNnect has the by far best an bug free
- > > emulation avaiable on the ST. Where - I really ask you - did you find
- > > bugs?
- >
- >There's only one problem... The Emulation may be 100% ANSI standard compatible,
- >but it's not at all compatible to what's commonly used in BBS's...
- >
- >(That's why several terminalprograms have a special emulation called
- >"ANSI-BBS", wich is basically the same as the codes supported by PC-DOS's
- >ANSI.SYS device driver, as far as I know...)
- You probably should have a look in CoNnects Compatibilty dialogue...
- ;-0
- Wolfgang
- ~~~
- From jmcrmack@unix2.tcd.ie (Sean McCormack)
- Subject: Z modem
- Date: Fri, 30 Apr 1993 13:01:40 GMT
- Just to say thanks to all who emailed me on Z modem. I got sz.exe.and r
- rz .exe for th VAX and am using them to get file from my account after ftp.
- Cheers
- Sean.
- ~~~
- From cs902117@ariel.yorku.ca (The Boss)
- Subject: ****************** /Atari ST for sale **********************
- Date: Fri, 30 Apr 1993 14:26:09 GMT
- Atari ST for sale:
- * 1040ST with SM124 Monochrome monitor (b&w)
- * PC Ditto (IBM emulator - software)
- * Magic Sac+ and Translator One (old Mac emulator - hardware)
- * Final Cut (Midi Software)
- * 1st-Word, DB Master, etc. etc.
- I am taking the best offer(s). I had a few people interested and a few deals
- arranged, but they must have been busy with exams because I haven't heard from
- them since. I am willing to break up the package, but the monitor sticks with
- the computer unless I sell the computer separately first. For those who have
- asked if I was willing to break up the system for the separate parts, if you're
- still interested, please email me.
- The system is in Mint condition as the only purpose I have for it now is as a
- terminal emulator.
- \_\_\_\_\_\_\_ The Tonester
- \_ \_ \_ cs902117@ariel.yorku.ca
- \_ \_ \_ "I don't ever want to play the part
- \_ \_\_\_ Of a statistic on a government chart
- There has to be an invisible sun ... |'Invisible Sun'
- that gives its hope when the whole day's done" | The Police
- ~~~
- From anisko@usdtsg.DaytonOH.NCR.COM (anisko)
- Newsgroups: comp.sys.atari.st
- Subject: Re: CoNnect is great !
- Date: 30 Apr 93 13:34:09 GMT
- In article <1rq43mINN7nk@golem.wcc.govt.nz> wells_s@kosmos.wcc.govt.nz writes:
- >Unless you use overscan (hardware or software 'emulators')
- Just to test things out, I booted in ST Low res with MonSTEr,
- and effectively got a 640x400x16 scrolling screen (it was nice
- to see 16 color ANSI, even with the scrolling). Should be cool
- on a Falcon (as well as a TT)...
- >The biggest problem I have with Connect is that it does use GEM windows
- >which makes screen updating quite sluggish!
- >(Stick Warp-9 on and it improves, but still not as fast as say a plain
- >full-screen terminal, GEM trying to keep up with 19.2K text
- >on the screen is laughable!)
- Do you have it set to smooth scroll or jump scroll? Smooth scroll
- may be a bit slow for 19.2k, but jump scroll (though jumpy?) seems
- to keep up with it (I have Warp9 3.60 installed, BTW)...
- Robert Anisko
- anisko@usdtsg.daytonoh.ncr.com
- ~~~
- From anisko@usdtsg.DaytonOH.NCR.COM (anisko)
- Newsgroups: comp.sys.atari.st
- Subject: Re: ConNect
- Date: 30 Apr 93 13:51:04 GMT
- In article <2be0590e@p1.f7803.n241.z2.fidonet.org> Alexander_Bochmann@traveller.
- fido.de (Alexander Bochmann) writes:
- >There's only one problem... The Emulation may be 100% ANSI standard compatible,
- >but it's not at all compatible to what's commonly used in BBS's...
- >
- >I'm quite missing that, as I'm calling more private BBS systems than places
- >where I need a "real" ANSI emulation...
- Have you gone to the "Language" option and changed the language
- from "ATARI" to "VTxxx"? If you do this, you'll see the normal
- ANSI character set. Hope this helps you...
- Robert Anisko
- anisko@usdtsg.daytonoh.ncr.com
- ~~~
- From censjg@clust.hw.ac.uk (Simon Greaves)
- Newsgroups: comp.sys.atari.st,comp.sys.atari.st.tech
- Subject: serial port config from C or assembler
- Date: 30 Apr 93 13:08:07 GMT
- Can anyone tell me how I configure the ST's serial port from C or
- assembler? I need to be able to set baud rate, word format, parity
- etc, and perhaps the size of the buffer associated with the port,
- though this is of less importance.
- Before you ask, I'm just writing a MIDI <-> serial converter so I
- can plug it into a Sun and dump/load/process midi data from there.
- email preferred, thanks
- Simon
- ~~~
- From aa399@cleveland.Freenet.Edu (Len Stys)
- Newsgroups: comp.sys.atari.st
- Subject: How is Falcon030 doing in Europe?
- Date: 30 Apr 1993 15:59:47 GMT
- How is the Falcon030 doing in Europe?
- The reason I ask is that Atari is supposely making around 50,000 of these
- systems each month. And since none are in the U.S. besides developers
- and dealer units, I'm wondering where they are all going?
- There has to be around 250,000 out there so far.
- How are they doing NEAR you? Dealers?
- ~~~
- From bjbernstein@miavx1.acs.muohio.edu ()
- Date: 29 Apr 93 23:48:29 -0500
- A friend of mine found his 520ST under his bed this week (don't ask)..
- Anyway, he is considering getting rid of it and his IBM and buying an Amiga
- so he can run all that stuff in one box (sorry to those anti-amiga people)
- What is the going rate on a color 520ST?
- And don't say $5 because you want a cheap one; I'm looking for the
- thanks..
- please reply by EMAIL...
- @@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@
- @@ Brian Bernstein (Drone) @@ "I'm a white dread, I'm a white @@
- @@ bjbernstein@miavx1.acs.muohio.edu @@ dread, so? I got a little ring @@
- @@-----------------------------------@@ and I hang it from my nose.." @@
- @@ the Fabulous Furry Freak Brothers!@@ -Jane's Addiction @@
- @@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@
- ~~~
- From elendir@fr ()
- Newsgroups: comp.sys.atari.st
- Subject: Re: How is Falcon030 doing in Europe?
- Date: 30 Apr 1993 16:41:26 GMT
- Len Stys (aa399@cleveland.Freenet.Edu) wrote:
- : How is the Falcon030 doing in Europe?
- : The reason I ask is that Atari is supposely making around 50,000 of these
- : systems each month. And since none are in the U.S. besides developers
- : and dealer units, I'm wondering where they are all going?
- Well, in France, everything is sold out as soon as they arrive at the
- dealers. But, it's now difficult to say, because all 'National HQ' have been
- completely re-organized and stock has been moved to Holland.
- But, you can assume that every Falcon arrived in Europe is already reserved.
- Vincent.
- --
- ~~~
- From hsp4@cunixb.cc.columbia.edu (Haim S. Poretsky)
- Subject: Converting Sound Files
- Date: Fri, 30 Apr 1993 06:55:02 GMT
- I'd like to take advantage of the .au files available widely. Unfortunately,
- I only have my Mega ST2 (hopefully to be replaced with a Falcon 4/65 or
- maybe 14/65), and all that I have for sample work is ST-Replay. Therefore,
- is there either any software to convert .au to .spl, or software to allow
- me to play .au sounds on a machine with no DMA Sound and with (gasp)
- TOS 1.2...
- Thanks.
- Sol Poretsky
- hsp4@columbia.edu
- ~~~
- From neurom@stein2.u.washington.edu (Neuromancer)
- Newsgroups: comp.sys.atari.st
- Subject: Re: Any US Falcons Yet?
- Date: 30 Apr 93 16:49:50 GMT
- In article <1993Apr29.144601.12776@iscsvax.uni.edu> sinclair2246@iscsvax.uni.
- edu writes:
- >
- >How do Atari dealers survive without CPU's to sell for most of the time. I
- >bet they are Amiga dealers too and are moonliting as Atari dealers. Atari
- >dealers can't survive without the Amiga...
- >
- Atari Delaer without CPU's? Excuse me, but as an _Amiga_ dealer (yup, I sell
- Amigas but buy Atari ;) ), I had one hell of a time getting 1200's and
- 4000's in stock. Not to mention the fact that he had to send a 4000 back
- because it's display was wasted (kept showing a green tinge on everything.)
- Lost a sale because of that. It took us six weeks to get 1200's in, and
- when they did they were the shitty (pardon the language, but it's true) 1200HD
- models. What were they that bad? They came with 45 megs SEAGATES!!! Aggg!
- All Commodore HD models w/ IDE come w/ Seagates! For _less_ money we wanted
- the 1200 w/o HD and put 85 megs Maxtors in them. The best drive for less
- money, hmmm. So, it took six weeks from sending those 1200HD's back to get
- the 1200 no HD.
- I won't even discuss the problems we're having getting 4000's in...
- >
- >
- >===============================================================================
- ========
- >
- >
- >Amiga 1200/80 meg HD. I love it ----- Is there a god...
- Try a Falcon030 (see that "3", it's not a "2".) with a 65meg IDE and 120meg
- SCSI, and I'll probably still spend less than you.
- >
- >"Atari competed on the Cheap" Quoted by a Nintendo Lawyer
- >
- Have you ever opened your 1200? Talk about cheap case...
- >
- >My Dream: Amiga 4000 with the Video Toaster 4000. Oh yea....
- >
- Did you see what Commodore did to NewTek, talk about biteing the hand that
- feeds you. Jeez.
- >
- >"Amiga users had multitasking since '85'
- Most humans had it since they were born...
- --Neuromancer
- ~~~
- From tony@gst-soft.demon.co.uk (Tony Brown)
- Subject: Re: OS Wars: NT/OS|2/Win16/S7.1/MTOS/et al
- Date: Thu, 29 Apr 1993 10:45:02 +0000
- Good question - I'll try and find someone who knows about things
- American to answer you
- Tony
- Someone @ GST Software Products.
- Meadow Lane, St Ives, Cambridgeshire, PE17 4LG, United Kingdom.
- Tel: 44 (0)480 496789. Fax: 44 (0)480 496189.
- E-mail: user@gst-soft.demon.co.uk
- ~~~
- From tony@gst-soft.demon.co.uk (Tony Brown)
- Subject: Re: EA support??
- Date: Thu, 29 Apr 1993 12:28:34 +0000
- Atari talked to them. How those talks went and what EA decided I have
- no idea.
- Tony
- Someone @ GST Software Products.
- Meadow Lane, St Ives, Cambridgeshire, PE17 4LG, United Kingdom.
- Tel: 44 (0)480 496789. Fax: 44 (0)480 496189.
- E-mail: user@gst-soft.demon.co.uk
- ~~~
- From cwood@gst-soft.demon.co.uk (Chris Wood)
- Subject: Re: xxx.msa files. what format is it ?
- Date: Thu, 29 Apr 1993 14:19:31 +0000
- MSA files are from the Magic Shadow Archiver, that extracts a whole
- disk saving it as a single file, using RLE encoded. To get the
- original disk back you need msa141 from atari.archive in the
- Archivers directory.
- Chris Wood.
- cwood@gst-soft.demon.co.uk
- Someone @ GST Software Products.
- Meadow Lane, St Ives, Cambridgeshire, PE17 4LG, United Kingdom.
- Tel: 44 (0)480 496789. Fax: 44 (0)480 496189.
- E-mail: user@gst-soft.demon.co.uk
- ~~~
- From sytang@lamar.ColoState.EDU (Shoou-yu tang)
- Subject: For sale 1MB ST520, ds drive, color monitor as a set
- Date: Fri, 30 Apr 1993 17:47:54 GMT
- Selling the spare set of ST:
- 520ST : TOS in ROM, upgraded to 1MB.
- External double side floppy drive with cable and power supply. (The ST is
- the old modle without internal floppy drive).
- SC1224 the original better quality JVC color monitor (no burn).
- mouse, cable included.
- Prefer local, as the color monitor has no original shipping box (also the
- floppy drive).
- Price: $200 plus shipping.
- If interested, please reply to sytang@lamar.colostate.edu
- P.S. I got this original to put the ST into tower case and planning to
- modify it for SST but didn't started as Falcon was announced.
- Thanks
- Tang
- sytang@lamar.colostate.edu
- Yes, they are in good working condition.
- ~~~
- From ogal@cix.compulink.co.uk (Ofir Gal)
- Subject: Re: WP to ST
- Date: Thu, 29 Apr 1993 20:09:22 +0000
- In article <gate.Hc4q3B1w164w@tatertot.com>, rchan@Tatertot.COM.UUCP writes:
- >Re: WP to ST
- >
- >> I wondering if someone could help me with a little problem I got.
- >
- >Well, here is an interim measure. If you have a wordprocessor that can load
- >RFT Format, you can tell her to save that instead of WP 5.1 or 4.2.
- >
- >
- The only WP I know that supports RTF is Calligrapher 3.
- Ofir ogal@cix.compulink.co.uk
- "The fact that I have changed my mind
- doesn't change the fact that I'm right"
- ~~~
- From andrews@zimmer.CSUFresno.EDU (Andrew Simmons)
- Subject: Caesar
- Date: Fri, 30 Apr 1993 16:50:01 GMT
- Is anybody out there playing the ST version of Caesar. If so, I would
- appreciate hints, tips, suggestions, etc.
- I keep reading this newsgroup but it seems nobody here is playing
- games on their Ataris! How come? There is a newsgroup for PC gamers
- and a group for Amiga gamers, is there one for Atari gamers that I
- don't know about?
- Andy Simmons
- ~~~
- From alex@falcon.demon.co.uk (Alex Kiernan)
- Subject: Re: NVDI/ET-4000
- Date: Thu, 29 Apr 1993 20:50:28 +0000
- In article <1993Apr29.155227.11187@magnus.acs.ohio-state.edu> jeffmay@magnus.
- acs.ohio-state.edu writes:
- >Hi. Does anyone know where NVDI/ET-4000 (the version for Crazy Dots)
- Sorry I don't have an answer for this one, but when you do have a copy,
- how on earth do you get it to work? I simply cannot persuade it to work,
- at the point where it should hit the desktop, I get absolutely zippo.
- Complete and utter hang from the whole machine.
- --
- Alex Kiernan
- akiernan@falcon.demon.co.uk
- ~~~
- From an938@cleveland.Freenet.Edu (George II Lenzer)
- Newsgroups: comp.sys.atari.st
- Subject: Cannon BL-200 Bubble Jet
- Date: 30 Apr 1993 19:57:09 GMT
- I just bought a BJ-200 printer. It works fine with the ST
- in Epson emulation mode, but I would like to get beyond the built
- in fonts. Are there any suggestions?
- If anyone knows who wrote the DBWriter PD wordprocessor
- please pass his E-mail address along to me. I would like to ask
- him if it would be possible to create a BJ-200 printer driver for
- that program.
- Thanx,
- G. II. L.
- --
- "I'll let you in on a little secret.
- The whole universe is totally INSANE!!!!"
- Mr. Natural
- ~~~
- From rincewind@discworld.oche.de (Michael Schwingen)
- Subject: Re: 16Mhz feed on STf
- Date: Fri, 30 Apr 1993 09:44:00 MEZ
- In <1993Apr27.085314.26873@bernina.ethz.ch>,
- RvG>Eventually you can also make an automatic step-rate adjust (but this is well
- RvG>done (i believe so) by the Ajax floppycontroller)
- The Ajax does nothing different than the 1772, so there is no automatic
- step-adjust. You have to add a MMV with just a bit less than 3ms
- pulswidth which is triggered by the STEP signal from the FDC. Then, when
- the MMV is active, you have to supply 8MHz to the FDC.
- cu
- Michael
- --
- Home: rincewind@discworld.oche.de Maus: Michael Schwingen@AC3 IRC: Rincewind
- Univ.: michaels@pool.informatik.rwth-aachen.de <--- use this for long mails!
- "Contrary to general belief, the Tezumen *did* invent the wheel. They had just
- radically different ideas about what you used it for." (Terry Pratchett, Eric)
- ~~~
- From rincewind@discworld.oche.de (Michael Schwingen)
- Subject: Re: 16Mhz feed on STf
- Date: Fri, 30 Apr 1993 09:46:26 MEZ
- In <memo.165660@cix.compulink.co.uk>,
- Adam Pelled (apelled@cix.compulink.co.uk) wrote:
- AP> There is 16MHz from the shifter chip. (pin 39)
- Don't use that for own expansions, unless you absolutely need a phase-
- synchronous 16MHz clock. That signal is very weak and can cause trouble
- if it has to drive an additional load.
- For HD Floppy support, it is best to use an integrated 16MHz quarz
- oszillator - these are cheap and provide a good quality signal.
- cu
- Michael
- --
- Home: rincewind@discworld.oche.de Maus: Michael Schwingen@AC3 IRC: Rincewind
- Univ.: michaels@pool.informatik.rwth-aachen.de <--- use this for long mails!
- "The only way housework could be done in this place was with a shovel or, for
- preference, a match." (Terry Pratchett, Witches Abroad)
- ~~~
- From albi@life.sub.org (Albi Rebmann)
- Newsgroups: comp.sys.atari.st
- Subject: Re: ST running at 38400 buad?
- Date: 27 Apr 93 17:36:08 +0100
- Hello swhatley@blkbox.COM,
- s> Is there a way to allow my ST to run at 38400 buad? Any help will be
- s> appreciated.
- Here is a cheap version to get 38400bps on the 8 mhz Atari, I try to translate
- the important parts:
- 3 MFP 68901 34 3 3 ZDDDDD? ZDD3DDDDD4
- 3 7 10 11 16 18 3 3 3 316 11 10 3 3
- 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 31 7 8 3 3
- Pin 16 (MFP) cut and bend up !!
- Connection list:
- 1.) Pin 7 (MFP) together with Pin 10 (MFP) switch - MID
- 2.) Pin 11 (MFP) nach Pin 16 (CD 4040)
- 3.) Pin 16 (MFP) (bend up !) switch - RIGHT/UP
- 4.) Pin 18 (MFP) nach Pin 10 (CD 4040)
- 5.) Pin 34 (MFP) nach Pin 11 und 8 (CD 4040)
- 6.) switch - LEFT/DOWN nach Pin 7 (CD 4040)
- I run this now for some month and it is great. I don't have a switch, I always
- run 38400bps with my Zyxel modem.
- Price should be unter 1$
- _
- /_\ ||_ *
- / \||_/|
- Uucp: albi@ba-stuttart.de
- albi@life.sub.org
- Fido: 2:2407/70.0
- ~~~
- From cwood@gst-soft.demon.co.uk (Chris Wood)
- Subject: Re: Shells for the ST
- Date: Fri, 30 Apr 1993 14:15:02 +0000
- > Does anyone know of the existance of the Bourne Shell (sh) on the ST.
- > I have one version, but it seems to allow only two directories in the
- > PATH sentence. I need lots. Downer.
- Isn't there one in the Mint directory on atari.archive; or
- the Gnustuff/Tos directories.
- CW.
- ==============================================================================
- Chris Wood. "You Screwy Rabbit" - Yosemite Sam
- cwood@gst-soft.demon.co.uk
- GST Software Products (R&D) Tel: (+44) 0480 496789.
- Meadow Lane, St Ives, Cambridgeshire, PE17 4LG. Fax: (+44) 0480 496189.
- ==============================================================================
- ~~~
- From hyc@hanauma.jpl.nasa.gov (Howard Chu)
- Newsgroups: comp.sys.atari.st
- Subject: Re: First look at the Falcon...
- Date: 30 Apr 1993 20:32:22 GMT
- In article <A28575@K.maus.de> Peter_Missel@k.maus.de (Peter Missel) writes:
- >>- C-lab Creator [V3.1]: no go - locks up during load, due (I'm told) to
- >>changes to the cartridge port so Creator doesn't recognize that the key is
- >>in.
- >>- C-lab Explorer32 [v 2.0]: no go - locks up during load.
- >
- >These two also lock up on Mega STEs and STs w/ accelerator boards. The problem
- >isn't in the machine, but in the CPU-speed-dependant key check algorithm C-lab
- >used.
- >
- >On Mega STEs, one could "fix" it by switching to 8 MHz before loading C-lab
- >stuff and flipping back to 16 after that.
- >
- >On tuned STs and Falcon030, no go :-(
- Actually, I found that, though you could boot up the program, switching back
- to 16 MHz would cause their custom IKBD handler to fail. (Wouldn't recognize
- most key and mousebutton presses.) This was on a Mega ST with Turbo-16 and on
- a 4160 STe with Adspeed. That was one of the factors that had me going with
- Cubase 3.01 instead...
- --
- -- Howard Chu @ Jet Propulsion Laboratory, Pasadena, CA
- "You take the good with the bad" ? Nah, the good *comes with*
- the bad, but even an amoeba will choose which to accept.
- ~~~
- From daroloso@math.uwaterloo.ca (Dani A. Roloson)
- Subject: Re: Fonts for Pagestream
- Date: Fri, 30 Apr 1993 20:50:46 GMT
- In article <1993Apr28.121817.14725@aston.ac.uk> singlejf@cs.aston.ac.uk writes:
- >In article A29667@K.maus.de, Peter_Missel@k.maus.de (Peter Missel) writes:
- >>>Does anyone know where I can get a fixed pitched font for Pagestream? I
- >>
- >>Hmmm, my copy of Pagestream had a fixed pitch typewriter style font with it.
- >>(German version 2.1)
- >
- >My UK verson 2.2 has Times, Triumverate and Garamond compugraphic
- >fonts, and several SoftLogik fonts (can't remember which ones), but no
- >Typewriter font, and no fixed pitch font.
- Quoted from Soft-Logik via GENIE during Feb/93:
- "The Font Plus Pack has been discontinued because new copies of PageStream 2.21
- include these fonts in the package. (PageStream now comes with 47 fonts!) If
- you purchased PageStream prior to the start of this offer, you can buy the
- former Plus Pack fonts from Soft-Logik sales for $10. Call 1-800-829-8608."
- "Font Plus Pack: there are 11 families, 35 fonts. These are the same as in most
- PostScript laser printers. You get the DMF font for each family, plus the
- metric for each weight/style, so that there are 35 fonts. Plus screen fonts."
- "Font Plus Pack: they are DMF/FM format fonts. ... They are still commercial
- fonts which we sell as part of PageStream."
- --------
- The fonts (as named on a HP LaserJet IIIsi Printer PostScript Font Page)
- ITC Avant Garde Gothic * Book, Book Oblique, Demi, Demi Oblique
- ITC Bookman * Light, Light Italic, Demi, Demi Italic
- Courier * -, Oblique, Bold, Bold Oblique
- Helvetica * -, Oblique, Bold, Bold Oblique
- Helvetica Narrow * -, Oblique, Bold, Bold Oblique
- New Century Schoolbook * Roman, Italic, Bold, Bold Italic
- Palatino * -, Italic, Bold, Bold Italic
- Times * Roman, Italic, Bold, Bold Italic
- plus Symbol, ITC Zapf Chancery Medium Italic, ITC Zapf Dingbats
- Since you already have Times & Triumverate,
- they don't include Times & Helvetica.
- They also don't include the .PS files since they assume your PostScript
- printer has them.
- If your PostScript printer doesn't have them, I guess you're out of luck.
- (The Digital ScriptPrinter that I sometimes use doesn't have
- ITC Bookman, Helvetica Narrow, Palatino, ITC Zapf Chancery Medium Italic, or
- ITC Zapf Dingbats but does have ITC Lubalin Graph and ITC Souvenir)
- If your printer isn't PostScript, they'll print fine.
- The fixed-pitch, constant-width, typewriter-like font is Courier.
- I used this for 8 1/2" x 44" banner and it came out quite nice on my 9-pin.
- Nine additional font families for $10 is worthwhile whether you have
- a PostScript printer or not.
- Dani Roloson
- Kitchener-Waterloo Eight Sixteen Thirty-two Atari User Group
- Warning: This message has enough registered trademarks to sink a ship.
- ~~~
- From ricardo@rchland.vnet.ibm.com (Ricardo Hernandez Muchado)
- Subject: Re: Any US Falcons Yet?
- Date: Fri, 30 Apr 1993 21:05:29 GMT
- In article <1rrlbeINNkob@shelley.u.washington.edu>, neurom@stein2.u.washington.
- edu (Neuromancer) writes:
- |> In article <1993Apr29.144601.12776@iscsvax.uni.edu> sinclair2246@iscsvax.uni.
- edu writes:
- |> >
- |> >How do Atari dealers survive without CPU's to sell for most of the time. I
- |> >bet they are Amiga dealers too and are moonliting as Atari dealers. Atari
- |> >dealers can't survive without the Amiga...
- |> >
- |>
- |> Atari Delaer without CPU's? Excuse me, but as an _Amiga_ dealer (yup, I sell
- |> Amigas but buy Atari ;)
- Neuromancer Amiga dealer... Hmmmm.....
- ), I had one hell of a time getting 1200's and
- |> 4000's in stock. Not to mention the fact that he had to send a 4000 back
- |> because it's display was wasted (kept showing a green tinge on everything.)
- |> Lost a sale because of that. It took us six weeks to get 1200's in, and
- |> when they did they were the shitty (pardon the language, but it's true)
- 1200HD
- |> models. What were they that bad? They came with 45 megs SEAGATES!!! Aggg!
- |> All Commodore HD models w/ IDE come w/ Seagates! For _less_ money we wanted
- |> the 1200 w/o HD and put 85 megs Maxtors in them. The best drive for less
- |> money, hmmm. So, it took six weeks from sending those 1200HD's back to get
- |> the 1200 no HD.
- |>
- |> I won't even discuss the problems we're having getting 4000's in...
- |>
- |>
- |> >
- |> >
- |> >============================================================================
- ===========
- |> >
- |> >
- |> >Amiga 1200/80 meg HD. I love it ----- Is there a god...
- |> Try a Falcon030 (see that "3", it's not a "2".) with a 65meg IDE and 120meg
- |> SCSI, and I'll probably still spend less than you.
- I doubt it.
- |>
- |> >
- |> >"Atari competed on the Cheap" Quoted by a Nintendo Lawyer
- |> >
- |> Have you ever opened your 1200? Talk about cheap case...
- I guess both machines have cheap cases.
- |>
- |> >
- |> >My Dream: Amiga 4000 with the Video Toaster 4000. Oh yea....
- |> >
- |> Did you see what Commodore did to NewTek, talk about biteing the hand that
- |> feeds you. Jeez.
- No Sir, they just announced a joint venture for marketing purposes of both
- the A4000 and the Video Toaster 4000.
- |>
- |> >
- |> >"Amiga users had multitasking since '85'
- |> Most humans had it since they were born...
- But the Atari is trying to have it now.
- |>
- |> --Neuromancer
- --
- --------------------------------------
- Raist New A1200 owner 320<->1280 in x, 200<->600 in y
- in 256,000+ colors from a 24-bit palette. **I LOVE IT!**<- New Low Fat .sig
- *don't e-mail me* -> I don't have a valid address nor can I send e-mail
- ~~~
- From daroloso@math.uwaterloo.ca (Dani A. Roloson)
- Subject: Re: Fonts for Pagestream
- Date: Fri, 30 Apr 1993 21:17:16 GMT
- In article <C6BDwM.8nH@math.uwaterloo.ca> daroloso@math.uwaterloo.ca (Dani A.
- Roloson) writes:
- >They also don't include the .PS files since they assume your PostScript
- >printer has them.
- >If your PostScript printer doesn't have them, I guess you're out of luck.
- Silly me. In the READ.ME, if your PostScript printer doesn't have them,
- remove the .PSF file and they will be printed using the .DMF file.
- Dani Roloson
- Kitchener-Waterloo Eight Sixteen Thirty-two Atari User Group
- ~~~
- From alex@falcon.demon.co.uk (Alex Kiernan)
- Subject: Re: NeXT Atari
- Date: Thu, 29 Apr 1993 21:07:23 +0000
- In article <A29900@K.maus.de> Peter_Missel@k.maus.de writes:
- >RAM TOS 8.8.85, 11/20/85, 2/6/86.
- >
- >TOS 1.00 1.02 1.04 1.06 1.62 2.05 2.06 3.01 3.05 3.06 4.00 4.01 4.02 4.04
- I think you left out 1.06 (part 1), and 1.06 (part 2), 3.00, and 4.03.
- Sure all developer only versions (apart from 1.06/2), but then again
- so were 4.00 and 4.01.
- --
- Alex Kiernan
- akiernan@falcon.demon.co.uk
- ~~~
- From alex@falcon.demon.co.uk (Alex Kiernan)
- Subject: Re: WP to ST
- Date: Thu, 29 Apr 1993 21:08:35 +0000
- In article <memo.176291@cix.compulink.co.uk> ogal@cix.compulink.co.uk writes:
- >
- >
- >In article <gate.Hc4q3B1w164w@tatertot.com>, rchan@Tatertot.COM.UUCP writes:
- >>Re: WP to ST
- >>
- >>> I wondering if someone could help me with a little problem I got.
- >>
- >>Well, here is an interim measure. If you have a wordprocessor that can load
- >>RFT Format, you can tell her to save that instead of WP 5.1 or 4.2.
- >>
- >>
- >The only WP I know that supports RTF is Calligrapher 3.
- Try Papyrus or Atari Works, both do RTF.
- --
- Alex Kiernan
- akiernan@falcon.demon.co.uk
- ~~~
- From wells_s@kosmos.wcc.govt.nz (Steve Wells)
- Date: 30 Apr 1993 21:26:02 GMT
- ] This message written on a VAX via STalker 3 at 19,200 in a 150colx55row
- ] window GEM window. Absolutely NO problems with sluggishness. Works
- ] perfectly. Have you included serialfx in your auto folder. What about
- ] a serial buffer?
- I'm not using a VAX machine, I am using an *ATARI*!
- With GEM, not CLI's!
- All the programs I've seen have been incapable of keeping up with redraw
- speeds of 19.2K (Connect, using the 8-point font can't even keep up with
- 2400 on this machine, STFM, without any screen-accelerators), it's
- not too bad with the standard system font though!
- Serial-fx makes very little difference to screen updating speed!
- I can use FZDSTerm at 19.2K perfectly, screen keeps up quite happily
- with the RD light on the modem!
- ~~~
- From wells_s@kosmos.wcc.govt.nz (Steve Wells)
- Newsgroups: comp.sys.atari.st
- Subject: Re: CoNnect is great !
- Date: 30 Apr 1993 21:29:26 GMT
- ] >full-screen terminal, GEM trying to keep up with 19.2K text
- ] >on the screen is laughable!)
- ]
- ] Do you have it set to smooth scroll or jump scroll? Smooth scroll
- ] may be a bit slow for 19.2k, but jump scroll (though jumpy?) seems
- ] to keep up with it (I have Warp9 3.60 installed, BTW)...
- Jump-scroll, with no accelerator installed. (I shouldn't *Have* to use
- extra software to make things work properly!)
- If I turn the scroll-bars off, things are a bit better!
- ~~~
- From mppi76@cd4680fs.rrze.uni-erlangen.de (Harald Schoenfeld)
- Newsgroups: comp.sys.atari.st
- Subject: Re: How is Falcon030 doing in Europe?
- Date: Sat, 1 May 1993 01:12:52 +0200
- aa399@cleveland.Freenet.Edu (Len Stys) writes:
- >How is the Falcon030 doing in Europe?
- >The reason I ask is that Atari is supposely making around 50,000 of these
- >systems each month. And since none are in the U.S. besides developers
- >and dealer units, I'm wondering where they are all going?
- I always thought they would do about 300 a day, that would make about
- 10000 a month - if all works fine. What it didn't do until last month.
- >There has to be around 250,000 out there so far.
- Really? Where? Not here in Germany - and nowhere else, too. I would say
- 10000 is the maximum at the moment. ATARI sold some 50000 computers
- last year - not in a single month.
- >How are they doing NEAR you? Dealers?
- But the FALCONs are coming now, and they are sold out as soon as they
- land at any dealer in Germany. Some dealers got 10 to 15 during the last
- 2 month - nor much really.
- --
- Harald Schoenfeld (IRC Nick: Equinoxe) | I'm sorry Dave,
- mppi76@cd4680fs.rrze.uni-erlangen.dbp.de | I'm afraid I can't do that.
- ~~~
- From ken@isgtec.com (Ken Newman)
- Newsgroups: comp.sys.atari.st
- Subject: Re: Orphan TT's
- Date: 30 Apr 93 16:27:12 GMT
- In article <13145@uqcspe.cs.uq.oz.au> warwick@cs.uq.oz.au writes:
- > >...the TT has been discontinued by Atari...
- >
- > This is NEWs?
- > I've known that for AGES. And I still bought my TT.
- Well, congratulations, yes you win a free official Atari cheerleader badge
- and free copies of all of the final editions of Atari magazines that went
- bankrupt, as well as a copy of our home game, enjoy...
- --
- ken@isgtec.com [ ...!uunet.ca!isgtec!ken ] Ken Newman
- ~~~
- From evanlang@sdf.lonestar.org (Evan Langlois)
- Subject: BART
- Date: Fri, 30 Apr 1993 02:30:51 GMT
- I just got the index for atari.archive and mint 1.04 wasn
- on the list. What's the filename and path for it so I can
- get it E-Mail? Also, the MiNT Distribution Kit was listed
- as a path, but there were no filenames listed, what's the
- filename.
- ~~~
- From cbbrowne@csi.uottawa.ca (Christopher Browne)
- Subject: Re: CoNect is great !
- Date: Sat, 1 May 93 03:35:08 GMT
- In article <1rs5haINNd5h@golem.wcc.govt.nz> wells_s@kosmos.wcc.govt.nz writes:
- >] This message written on a VAX via STalker 3 at 19,200 in a 150colx55row
- >] window GEM window. Absolutely NO problems with sluggishness. Works
- >] perfectly. Have you included serialfx in your auto folder. What about
- >] a serial buffer?
- >
- >I'm not using a VAX machine, I am using an *ATARI*!
- >With GEM, not CLI's!
- You missed the point.
- Actually, I have to ask a stupid question at this point; what exactly
- DO you use terminal software for?
- Many of us use programs like STalker, Connect, Uniterm, etc. to
- connect to minicomputers/mainframes that are (among other things)
- Usenet hosts. I.e. - I'm using Uniterm at this very moment to connect
- to a Sun Sparc 10 (and I then telnetted to another Sun Sparc 10, but
- you don't want to know about that :-), and am running a process called
- "trn" - the Threaded Newsreader.
- On top of that, in order to followup your post, I'm running a
- subprocess to trn called "emacs," which I'm using to compose this
- message.
- I have found that Connect and Uniterm provide flawless support of
- VT200 and VT220, which means (for instance) that GNU-Emacs works
- correctly. At 2400 baud, a ^L takes an unfortunately perceptible
- amount of time, but the IMPORTANT point is that it works CORRECTLY.
- There's a CLI here in the process; that's really completely
- irrelevant, and it is silly of you to bring it up as an issue. It's
- not as if we're likely to be running a GEM interface to UNIX over a
- serial line. Possibly technically plausible, but a really stupid
- idea, as it would take more effort than it would be worth to develop
- it.
- If CLIs are evil, then why do YOU use terminal software that clearly
- is NOT designed to interface with the "other end" using a proper GUI
- interface? I believe that there's some special software out there
- (Aladdin?) that provides a GUI interface to GEnie; I suppose that
- you've found an Atari product that does the same thing for Usenet?
- >All the programs I've seen have been incapable of keeping up with redraw
- >speeds of 19.2K (Connect, using the 8-point font can't even keep up with
- >2400 on this machine, STFM, without any screen-accelerators), it's
- >not too bad with the standard system font though!
- >
- >Serial-fx makes very little difference to screen updating speed!
- >
- >I can use FZDSTerm at 19.2K perfectly, screen keeps up quite happily
- >with the RD light on the modem!
- Yeah, but what terminal support does it have? I played with it, and
- was very unimpressed. It has a pretty user interface, but if it ain't
- VT100 compatible (or better), and I mean TRULY compatible, then it's
- really not worth using.
- --
- Christopher Browne | PGP 2.0 key available
- cbbrowne@csi.uottawa.ca |======================================
- University of Ottawa | Genius may have its limitations, but
- Master of System Science Program | stupidity is not thus handicapped.
- ~~~
- From wells_s@kosmos.wcc.govt.nz (Steve Wells)
- Newsgroups: comp.sys.atari.st
- Subject: ST:TKW, v4.04 - (TREK0404.ZIP) - fix!
- Date: 1 May 1993 05:38:49 GMT
- To anyone who has downloaded the file TREK0404.ZIP from the
- ../Games/
- directory in the atari section of atari.archive.umich.edu, and not
- been able to get it to work, here is the reason!
- The files need to be put into directories, as such:/
- Create directory called STARTREK
- In this directory create 3 other directories, called GRAPHICS, SAVEGAME,
- In the STARTREK\GRAPHICS\ directory, put all files ending in PUT
- (Copy *.PUT into that directory)
- In the STARTREK\SAMPLES\ directory, put all files ending in SMP
- (Copy *.SMP into that directory) - also, copy the BASCODE.EXE file into it!
- In the STARTREK\SAVEGAME\ directory, if you wish to start the game
- anew, then don't copy anything into this, and lose the GAME.0?? files,
- as well as the HISTORY files!
- Into the STARTREK\ directory, copy the TREK0404.PRG file, and if you
- wish, the TREK0404.DOC file. (Sorry ^^^^^^^^^^^^ should be
- STKW0404.PRG!)
- After copying these files into the correct directories, the game will
- then load & run correctly!
- (I'm not the author - just someone who was determined to make it work!)
- ~~~
- From dth@cs.brown.edu (Dzung T. Hoang)
- Subject: Atari ST stuff for sale
- Date: Sat, 1 May 1993 05:47:58 GMT
- I have two Atari ST systems plus software for sale.
- Atari 1040STf w/ 1M RAM, 720K floppy $150
- Atari 520ST w/ 1M RAM*, modulator, 360K floppy $50
- * piggyback memory addon, flakey
- Atari SM124 monochrome monitor, unmodified $75
- Atari SC1224 color monitor $100
- 720K external floppy, home upgraded $40
- homemade adapter for multisync monitor $15
- Epyx joystick $5
- GEM Programming book $5
- lots of Start disks and games (original disks) free*
- * will split between systems
- Will split shipping with buyer.
- --
- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
- Dzung T. Hoang Graduate Student
- dth@cs.brown.edu Brown University, Providence, RI
- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
- ~~~
- From apelled@cix.compulink.co.uk (Adam Pelled)
- Subject: Re: How is Falcon030 doing in Europe?
- Date: Sat, 1 May 1993 03:57:24 +0000
- In article <1rridj$9dd@usenet.INS.CWRU.Edu>, aa399@cleveland.Freenet.Edu (Len
- Stys) writes:
- >
- >
- >How is the Falcon030 doing in Europe?
- >
- >The reason I ask is that Atari is supposely making around 50,000 of these
- >systems each month. And since none are in the U.S. besides developers
- >and dealer units, I'm wondering where they are all going?
- >
- >There has to be around 250,000 out there so far.
- >
- >How are they doing NEAR you? Dealers?
- Yup, loads.
- i hear they _are_ in the U.S though. You say different...
- Adam.
- ~~~
- From apelled@cix.compulink.co.uk (Adam Pelled)
- Subject: Re: 16Mhz feed on STf
- Date: Sat, 1 May 1993 03:57:29 +0000
- In article <2be163b0393495@discworld.oche.de>, rincewind@discworld.oche.de
- (Michael Schwingen) writes:
- >In <memo.165660@cix.compulink.co.uk>,
- >Adam Pelled (apelled@cix.compulink.co.uk) wrote:
- >
- >AP> There is 16MHz from the shifter chip. (pin 39)
- >
- >Don't use that for own expansions, unless you absolutely need a phase-
- >synchronous 16MHz clock. That signal is very weak and can cause trouble
- >if it has to drive an additional load.
- i did say it should be buffered i think. Or maybe i didn't here.
- Actually there is no chance i will do any such thing for the simple reason
- that i have an STe with the combined mmu/blitter. Do you know of a 16MHz source
- on such a machine.
- >For HD Floppy support, it is best to use an integrated 16MHz quarz
- >oszillator - these are cheap and provide a good quality signal.
- i wanted to keep component count down. But i suspect you may be right.
- Here in England nothing is cheap. (except words ;-)
- ~~~
- From apelled@cix.compulink.co.uk (Adam Pelled)
- Subject: Re: 16Mhz feed on STf
- Date: Sat, 1 May 1993 03:57:29 +0000
- In article <2be163ae393361@discworld.oche.de>, rincewind@discworld.oche.de
- (Michael Schwingen) writes:
- >In <1993Apr27.085314.26873@bernina.ethz.ch>,
- >
- >RvG>Eventually you can also make an automatic step-rate adjust (but this is
- well
- >RvG>done (i believe so) by the Ajax floppycontroller)
- >
- >The Ajax does nothing different than the 1772, so there is no automatic
- >step-adjust. You have to add a MMV with just a bit less than 3ms
- >pulswidth which is triggered by the STEP signal from the FDC. Then, when
- >the MMV is active, you have to supply 8MHz to the FDC.
- What is an MMV ? <FX: penny drops>.... Monostable multivibrator ?
- i was just going to have a 6ms step rate. i can't visualise exactly what you
- are saying: Some kind of delay before you switch step rates i gather ?
- Adam.
- ~~~
- From hsp4@cunixb.cc.columbia.edu (Haim S. Poretsky)
- Subject: Strange Filestats
- Date: Sat, 1 May 1993 04:40:17 GMT
- I hope that this isn't a FAQ, but after reading the FAQ file (although it
- was a few weeks ago), I don't remember seeing anything...
- Anyway, I've noticed that about .5MB is missing from my HD partition. How?
- Well, when I have NeoDesk look at my MegaFile 30's C partition (a little
- under 10MB), it tells me:
- 81 folders
- 577 files
- 2 hidden files
- 183 bytes in hidden files
- (here's the good part...)
- 9,951,232 total bytes
- 8,120,342 bytes in files
- 1,443,840 bytes free
- BUT, 9951232 minus 8120342 in files SHOULD give me 1,830,890 bytes free. I
- realize that some of this is taken up by allocation space by folders, but
- still, this is a lot of wasted space. Is there anything that I can do
- to regain some of this space--I'm starting to run out of room...
- Thanks for any free advice. Oh, I've got a MegaST2 with TOS 1.2.
- Sol Poretsky
- hsp4@columbia.edu
- ~~~
- Newsgroups: comp.music,rec.music.makers.synth,comp.sys.atari.st
- Does anyone know if Dr T's M, Music Mouse and Passport - Mastertracks Pro
- will run on FALCON 030???
- I asked Dr. T and they could not tell me anything.
- Regards, Bo
- ~~~
- From sheppard_r@kosmos.wcc.govt.nz ()
- Date: 1 May 1993 09:48:20 GMT
- In article <736117643snz@falcon.demon.co.uk>, alex@falcon.demon.co.uk (Alex
- Kiernan) writes:
- >In article <A29900@K.maus.de> Peter_Missel@k.maus.de writes:
- >
- >>RAM TOS 8.8.85, 11/20/85, 2/6/86.
- >>
- >>TOS 1.00 1.02 1.04 1.06 1.62 2.05 2.06 3.01 3.05 3.06 4.00 4.01 4.02 4.04
- >
- >I think you left out 1.06 (part 1), and 1.06 (part 2), 3.00, and 4.03.
- >Sure all developer only versions (apart from 1.06/2), but then again
- >so were 4.00 and 4.01.
- >
- >--
- >Alex Kiernan
- >akiernan@falcon.demon.co.uk
- Yes but don't forget that the firsts Falcons came out with TOS 2.07..??
- And there were 2 versions of TOS 1.4, the later was called Rainbow TOS..
- But then again the Amiga has had some 1000 of versions, far more than the
- Atari..
- Roger............ sheppard_r@kosmos.wcc.govt.nz
- ~~~
- From trek@cbnewse.cb.att.com (wayne.a.booth)
- Subject: Re: Any US Falcons Yet?
- Date: Sat, 1 May 1993 11:47:24 GMT
- > In article <1993Apr29.144601.12776@iscsvax.uni.edu> sinclair2246@iscsvax.uni.
- edu writes:
- > >
- > >How do Atari dealers survive without CPU's to sell for most of the time. I
- > >bet they are Amiga dealers too and are moonliting as Atari dealers. Atari
- > >dealers can't survive without the Amiga...
- Sorry to disappoint you, but there are NO Amiga's in Don's store. Now
- what were you betting? Wayne
- ~~~
- =END=