home *** CD-ROM | disk | FTP | other *** search
- /*
- * Common include file for C interface to low level Line A calls
- *
- * ++jrb bammi@dsrgsun.ces.cwru.edu
- */
- #ifndef _LINEA_H
- #define _LINEA_H
- #ifndef _COMPILER_H
- #include <compiler.h>
- #endif
- /*****************************************************************************\
- * *
- * Defines *
- * *
- \*****************************************************************************/
- /*
- * Object colors (default pallette)
- *
- */
- #define WHITE 0
- #define BLACK 1
- #define RED 2
- #define GREEN 3
- #define BLUE 4
- #define CYAN 5
- #define YELLOW 6
- #define MAGENTA 7
- #define LWHITE 8
- #define LBLACK 9
- #define LRED 10
- #define LGREEN 11
- #define LBLUE 12
- #define LCYAN 13
- #define LYELLOW 14
- #define LMAGENTA 15
- /*
- * Vdi writing modes
- *
- */
- #define MD_REPLACE 1
- #define MD_TRANS 2
- #define MD_XOR 3
- #define MD_ERASE 4
- /*
- * Raster Op Codes
- *
- */
- #define ALL_WHITE 0
- #define S_AND_D 1
- #define S_AND_NOTD 2
- #define S_ONLY 3
- #define NOTS_AND_D 4
- #define D_ONLY 5
- #define S_XOR_D 6
- #define S_OR_D 7
- #define NOT_SORD 8
- #define NOT_SXORD 9
- #define D_INVERT 10
- #define NOT_D 10
- #define S_OR_NOTD 11
- #define NOT_S 12
- #define NOTS_OR_D 13
- #define NOT_SANDD 14
- #define ALL_BLACK 15
- /*
- * Sprite formats
- *
- */
- #define SP_VDI 0
- #define SP_XOR 1
- /*
- * Line A Opcodes
- *
- */
- #define INIT 0
- #define PUTPIXEL 1
- #define GETPIXEL 2
- #define LINE 3
- #define HLINE 4
- #define RECTANGLE 5
- #define FPOLYGON 6
- #define BITBLT 7
- #define TEXTBLT 8
- #define SHOWMOUSE 9
- #define HIDEMOUSE 10
- #define TRANMOUSE 11
- #define USPRITE 12
- #define DSPRITE 13
- #define CPYRASTER 14
- #define FSEEDFILL 15 /* ROM TOS only */
- /*****************************************************************************\
- * *
- * Types *
- * *
- \*****************************************************************************/
- /*
- * Global Variables at negative offsets from the Line A parameter
- * block address returned by init. (I have no way of telling if this
- * list is complete).
- *
- */
- /* Name Offset Type Description */
- /* --------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
- /* V_Y_MAX -4 W Max Y pixel value of the screen */
- /* V_STATUS -6 W Text Status byte */
- /* Bit Field Zero One */
- /* 0 cursor flash disabled enabled */
- /* 1 flash state off on */
- /* 2 cursor visible no yes */
- /* 3 end of line no-wrap wrap */
- /* 4 inverse video on off */
- /* 5 cursor saved false true */
- /* V_OFF_AD -10 L Font offset table address */
- /* V_X_MAX -12 W Max X pixel value */
- /* V_FNT_WR -14 W Width of Font Form in bytes (see type FONT below) */
- /* V_FNT_ST -16 W First font ASCII code (first_ade) */
- /* V_FNT_ND -18 W Last font ASCII code (last_ade ) */
- /* V_FNT_AD -22 L Font Form address */
- /* Mono Spaced, 8 pixels wide and byte aligned, any ht. */
- /* V_CUR_TIM -23 B Cursor countdown timer */
- /* V_CUR_CNT -24 B Cursor flash interval( in frames) */
- /* V_CUR_CY -26 W Y cursor position */
- /* V_CUR_CX -28 W X cursor position */
- /* V_CUR_OFF -30 W Offset from screen base to first cell (bytes) */
- /* V_CUR_AD -34 L Current cursor address */
- /* V_COL_FG -36 W Foreground color index */
- /* V_COL_BG -38 W Background color index */
- /* V_CEL_WR -40 W Offset to next vertical cell (bytes) */
- /* V_CEL_MY -42 W Max cells high - 1 */
- /* V_CEL_MX -44 W Max cells across - 1 */
- /* V_CEL_HT -46 W Cell height in pixels (font form's height) */
- /* --------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
- /*
- * Atari finally named these variables
- * so here they are
- *
- */
- #define V_CEL_HT (*((short *)((char *)__aline + -46L)))
- #define V_CEL_MX (*((short *)((char *)__aline + -44L)))
- #define V_CEL_MY (*((short *)((char *)__aline + -42L)))
- #define V_CEL_WR (*((short *)((char *)__aline + -40L)))
- #define V_COL_BG (*((short *)((char *)__aline + -38L)))
- #define V_COL_FG (*((short *)((char *)__aline + -36L)))
- #define V_CUR_AD (*((char **)((char *)__aline + -34L)))
- #define V_CUR_OFF (*((short *)((char *)__aline + -30L)))
- #define V_CUR_CX (*((short *)((char *)__aline + -28L)))
- #define V_CUR_CY (*((short *)((char *)__aline + -26L)))
- #define V_CUR_CNT (*((char *)((char *)__aline + -24L)))
- #define V_CUR_TIM (*( ((char *)__aline + -23L)))
- #define V_FNT_AD (*((char **)((char *)__aline + -22L)))
- #define V_FNT_ND (*((short *)((char *)__aline + -18L)))
- #define V_FNT_ST (*((short *)((char *)__aline + -16L)))
- #define V_FNT_WR (*((short *)((char *)__aline + -14L)))
- #define V_X_MAX (*((short *)((char *)__aline + -12L)))
- #define V_OFF_AD (*((char **)((char *)__aline + -10L)))
- #define V_STATUS (*((short *)((char *)__aline + -6L)))
- #define V_Y_MAX (*((short *)((char *)__aline + -4L)))
- /* more obscure variables again found at negative offset */
- /* pointer to current font */
- #define CUR_FONT (*((__FONT **)((char *)__aline + -906L)))
- /* Mouse X hot spot */
- #define M_POS_HX (*((short *)((char *)__aline + -856L)))
- /* Mouse Y hot spot */
- #define M_POS_HY (*((short *)((char *)__aline + -854L)))
- /* writing mode for mouse */
- #define M_PLANES (*((short *)((char *)__aline + -852L)))
- /* mouse bkgd color */
- #define M_CDB_BG (*((short *)((char *)__aline + -850L)))
- /* mouse fgd color */
- #define M_CDB_FG (*((short *)((char *)__aline + -848L)))
- /* mous form, 32 words alternating words: bkgd-0, fgd-0 ... bkgd-15 fgd-16 */
- #define MASK_FORM ((short *)((char *)__aline + -846L))
- /* 45 words of vq_extnd */
- #define INQ_TAB ((short *)((char *)__aline + -782L))
- /* 45 words of v_opnwk */
- #define DEV_TAB ((short *)((char *)__aline + -692L))
- /* current mous X */
- #define GCURX (*((short *)((char *)__aline + -602L)))
- /* current mous Y */
- #define GCURY (*((short *)((char *)__aline + -600L)))
- /* current mous hide cnt */
- #define M_HID_CT (*((short *)((char *)__aline + -598L)))
- /* mous button stat, bit0 = left, 1 = right, 0=up, 1=down */
- #define MOUSE_BT (*((short *)((char *)__aline + -596L)))
- /* 3*16 words of vq_color */
- #define REQ_COL ((short *)((char *)__aline + -594L))
- /* 15 words containing text, line and marker sizes in dev coords
- 0 min char width
- 1 min char height
- 2 max char width
- 3 max char height
- 4 min line width
- 5 reserved
- 6 max line width
- 7 reserved
- 8 min marker width
- 9 min marker height
- 10 max marker width
- 11 max marker height
- 12-14 RESERVED */
- #define SIZ_TAB ((short *)((char *)__aline + -498L))
- /* Pointer to current virtual workstation attributes */
- #define CUR_WORK (*((short **)((char *)__aline + -464L)))
- /* -> default font hdr */
- #define DEF_FONT (*((__FONT **)((char *)__aline + -460L)) )
- /* FONT_RING is an array of four longword pointers to linked lists of
- font headers. The first entry is the head pointer to the font list,
- the second and third are continuation fields, and the fourth is a null
- terminator. */
- #define FONT_RING ((short *)((char *)__aline + -456L))
- /* Number of fonts in the FONT_RING lists */
- #define FONT_COUNT (*((short *)((char *)__aline + -440L)))
- /* Mouse status
- Bit 0 = left mouse button status (0=up, 1=down)
- Bit 1 = right mouse button status (0=up, 1=down)
- Bit 2 = reserved
- Bit 3 = reserved
- Bit 4 = reserved
- Bit 5 = mouse movement flag (0=no movement, 1=movement)
- Bit 6 = right mouse button change flag (0=nochange, 1=change)
- Bit 7 = left mouse button change flag (0=nochange, 1=change) */
- #define CUR_MS_STAT (*((char *)__aline + -348L))
- /* Hide depth of alpha cursor */
- #define V_HID_CNT (*((short *)((char *)__aline + -346L)))
- /* Mouse cursor X position */
- #define CUR_X (*((short *)((char *)__aline + -344L)))
- /* Mouse cursor Y position */
- #define CUR_Y (*((short *)((char *)__aline + -342L)))
- /* Nonzero = draw mouse form on VBLANK. */
- #define CUR_FLAG (*((char *)__aline + -340L))
- /* Non-zero if mouse interrupt processing is enabled */
- #define MOUSE_FLAG (*((char *)__aline + -339L))
- /* Saved alpha cursor X coord */
- #define V_SAV_X (*((short *)((char *)__aline + -334L)))
- /* Saved alpha cursor Y coord */
- #define V_SAV_Y (*((short *)((char *)__aline + -332L)))
- /* height of saved form */
- #define SAVE_LEN (*((short *)((char *)__aline + -330L)))
- /* Screen address of first word saved from screen */
- #define SAVE_ADDR (*((char **)((char *)__aline + -328L)))
- /* Save Status
- bit 0 => 1 = info in buffer is valid.
- 0 = info in buffer is not valid.
- bit 1 => If 1, double-word wide area was saved.
- If zero, word wide area was saved.
- bits 2-15 RESERVED */
- #define SAVE_STAT (*((short *)((char *)__aline + -324L)))
- /* Save up to 4 planes, 16 longwords per plane. */
- #define SAVE_AREA ((long *)((char *)__aline + -322L))
- /* USER_TIM is a pointer to a user installed routine executed on each
- system timer tick. When done, this routine should jump to the
- address held in NEXT_TIM. For more information, see the VDI manual
- under Exchange Timer Interrupt Vector. */
- #define USER_TIM (*((void(**)())((char *)__aline + -66L)))
- #define NEXT_TIM (*((void(**)())((char *)__aline + -62L)))
- /* User button vector */
- #define USER_BUT (*((void(**)())((char *)__aline + -58L)))
- /* User cursor vector */
- #define USER_CUR (*((void(**)())((char *)__aline + -54L)))
- /* User motion vector */
- #define USER_MOT (*((void(**)())((char *)__aline + -50L)))
- /* A pointer to the type LINEA is returned by the Line A init call
- * ($A000), in registers A0 and D0.
- * This pointer is saved in the global variable '__aline'.
- *
- */
- typedef struct {
- /* Type Name Offset Function Comments */
- /* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
- short _VPLANES; /* 0 # of Planes Also see CurrRez */
- short _VWRAP; /* 2 Bytes / scan line " " " */
- /* VWRAP can be changed to implement special effect*/
- /* Doubling VWRAP will skip every other scan line */
- /* */
- /* */
- short *_CONTRL; /* 4 Ptr to CONTRL Array Contrl gets set to this */
- short *_INTIN; /* 8 Ptr to INTIN Array Intin gets set to this */
- short *_PTSIN; /* 12 Ptr to PTSIN Array Ptsin gets set to this */
- short *_INTOUT; /* 16 Ptr to INTOUT Array Intout gets set to this */
- short *_PTSOUT; /* 20 Ptr to PTSOUT Array Ptsout gets set to this */
- /* CONTRL is the control array */
- /* INTIN is the array of input parameters */
- /* PTSIN is the array of input coordinates */
- /* Even entrys are X coordinate */
- /* Odd entrys are corresponding Y coodinates */
- /* INTOUT is the array of output parameters */
- /* PTSOUT is the array of output coordinates */
- /* organized like PTSIN. */
- /* */
- short _COLBIT0; /* 24 Plane 0 Color Value All Three Rez's */
- short _COLBIT1; /* 26 Plane 1 Color Value Med and Low Rez only */
- short _COLBIT2; /* 28 Plane 2 Color Value Low Rez only */
- short _COLBIT3; /* 30 Plane 3 Color Value Low Rez Only */
- /* Foreground color COLBIT0 + 2*COLBIT1 + 4*COLBIT2*/
- /* + 8*COLBIT3 */
- /* */
- /* */
- short _LSTLIN; /* 32 Draw last pixel of a line? 0=yes non0=no */
- /* This prevents two connecting lines from XORing */
- /* a common endpoint out of existence */
- /* */
- short _LNMASK; /* 34 Linemask used when drawing lines, same as Vdi's */
- /* line style (rotated to aligned with rightmost */
- /* endpoint when drawing lines) */
- /* */
- short _WMODE; /* 36 Writing mode */
- /* 0=Replace Mode-Replace all bits in Dest with src*/
- /* 1=Trans. Mode-Only additional bits in src set(OR*/
- /* 2=Xor Mode- Src XOR Dest */
- /* 3=Inverse Trans.- (NOT src) Or Dest */
- /* Values upto 16 are permitted */
- /* */
- short _X1; /* 38 X1 coordinate used in various calls */
- /* */
- short _Y1; /* 40 Y1 coordinate used in various calls */
- /* */
- short _X2; /* 42 X2 coordinate used in various calls */
- /* */
- short _Y2; /* 44 Y2 coordinate used in various calls */
- /* */
- /* */
- short *_PATPTR; /* 46 Pointer to current fill pattern */
- /* Must be integral power of 2 (words) in length */
- short _PATMSK; /* 50 I don't know why they call it a mask. It is in */
- /* reality the length in words of the current patt.*/
- short _MFILL; /* 52 Multi Plane fill flag 1 == Current fill Pattern */
- /* is for Muti Plane. */
- /* */
- /* */
- short _CLIP; /* 54 Clipping Flag 1 == TRUE */
- short _XMINCL; /* 56 Min X of clipping window */
- short _YMINCL; /* 58 Min Y of clipping window */
- short _XMAXCL; /* 60 Max X of clipping window */
- short _YMAXCL; /* 62 Max Y of clipping window */
- /* */
- /* */
- short _XDDA; /* 64 Accumulator for Scaling, Must be set to 0x08000 */
- /* before each call to Text Blt. Done for you in */
- /* in aline_text() */
- short _DDAINC; /* 66 Scaling factor - Fractional amount to scale char*/
- /* When scaling up = 256 *(Size-Textsize)/Textsize */
- /* When scaling down = 256*(Size)/Textsize */
- /* scaling down does not work */
- short _SCALDIR; /* 68 Scaling direction 0 == down */
- short _MONO; /* 70 Mono flag 0== current font is a propotional font*/
- /* Its Ok for Thickening to increase the width of */
- /* the current character. */
- /* 1 == current font is mono spaced, so thickening */
- /* may not increase the width of the current char */
- /* */
- short _SOURCEX; /* 72 X coordinate of character in the font form */
- /* SOURCEX is calculated from info in the font */
- /* header for the current font (see __FONT type) */
- /* SOURCEX = off_table[char-first_ade] */
- /* SOURCEX is calculated for you in aline_text() */
- /* The pointer to a table of font header for the */
- /* internal fonts is returned in A2 on init (A000) */
- short _SOURCEY; /* 74 Y coodinate of character in the font form */
- /* Typically set to 0 (top line of font form) */
- short _DESTX; /* 76 X coordinate of character on screen */
- short _DESTY; /* 78 Y coordinate of character on screen */
- short _DELX; /* 80 Width of Character */
- /* Difference between two SOURCEX's */
- short _DELY; /* 82 Height of Character */
- /* form_height field of FONT_HEAD of current font */
- short *_FBASE; /* 84 Pointer to start of font form */
- short _FWIDTH; /* 88 Width of the current font's form */
- /* */
- short _STYLE; /* 90 Vector of style flags */
- /* Bit 0 = Thicken Flag */
- /* Bit 1 = Lighten Flag */
- /* Bit 2 = Skewing Flag */
- /* Bit 3 = Underline Flag (ignored) */
- /* Bit 4 = Outline Flag */
- /* */
- short _LITEMASK; /* 92 Mask used for lightening text */
- /* The Mask is picked up from the font header */
- short _SKEWMASK; /* 94 Mask used for skewing text */
- /* The Mask is picked up from the font header */
- short _WEIGHT; /* 96 The number of bits by which to thicken text */
- /* The number is picked up from the font header */
- short _ROFF; /* 98 Offset above baseline when skewing */
- /* Again picked up from the font header */
- /* */
- short _LOFF; /* 100 Offset below character baseline when skewing */
- /* Again picked up from the font header */
- /* */
- short _SCALE; /* 102 Scaling Flag 1 == true */
- /* */
- short _CHUP; /* 104 Character rotation vector. */
- /* 0 = normal (0 degrees) */
- /* 1800 = 180 degrees */
- /* 2700 = 270 degrees */
- /* */
- short _TEXTFG; /* 106 Text foreground color */
- /* */
- char *_SCRTCHP; /* 108 Address of buffer required for creating special */
- /* text effects. The size of this buffer should be */
- /* 1K according the Internals. The Atari document */
- /* of course does not talk about such things :-) */
- /* */
- short _SCRPT2; /* 112 The offset of the scaling buffer buffer in above*/
- /* buffer. Internals suggests an offset of 0x0040 */
- /* As usual the Atari document does'nt say a thing */
- /* */
- short _TEXTBG; /* 114 Text background color (Ram Vdi only) */
- /* used for the BitBlt writing modes (4-19) only */
- /* */
- short _COPYTRAN; /* 116 Copy raster form type flag (Ram vdi only) */
- /* 0 => Opaque type */
- /* n-plane source -> n-plane dest */
- /* BitBlt writing modes (4-19) */
- /* ~0 => Transparent type */
- /* 1-plane source -> n-plane dest */
- /* Vdi writing modes (1-3) */
- /* */
- short(*_SEEDABORT) __PROTO((void));
- /* 118 Pointer to function returning int, which is */
- /* called by the fill logic to allow the fill to */
- /* be aborted. If the routine returns FALSE (0) */
- /* the fill is not aborted. If it returns TRUE (~0)*/
- /* the fill is aborted */
- /* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
- } __LINEA; /* P H E W !!!!! */
- /* macros for MWC compatibility */
- #define VPLANES (__aline->_VPLANES)
- #define VWRAP (__aline->_VWRAP)
- #define CONTRL (__aline->_CONTRL)
- #define INTIN (__aline->_INTIN)
- #define PTSIN (__aline->_PTSIN)
- #define INTOUT (__aline->_INTOUT)
- #define PTSOUT (__aline->_PTSOUT)
- #define COLBIT0 (__aline->_COLBIT0)
- #define COLBIT1 (__aline->_COLBIT1)
- #define COLBIT2 (__aline->_COLBIT2)
- #define COLBIT3 (__aline->_COLBIT3)
- #define LSTLIN (__aline->_LSTLIN)
- #define LNMASK (__aline->_LNMASK)
- #define WMODE (__aline->_WMODE)
- #define X1 (__aline->_X1)
- #define Y1 (__aline->_Y1)
- #define X2 (__aline->_X2)
- #define Y2 (__aline->_Y2)
- #define PATPTR (__aline->_PATPTR)
- #define PATMSK (__aline->_PATMSK)
- #define MFILL (__aline->_MFILL)
- #define CLIP (__aline->_CLIP)
- #define XMINCL (__aline->_XMINCL)
- #define YMINCL (__aline->_YMINCL)
- #define XMAXCL (__aline->_XMAXCL)
- #define YMAXCL (__aline->_YMAXCL)
- #define XDDA (__aline->_XDDA)
- #define DDAINC (__aline->_DDAINC)
- #define SCALDIR (__aline->_SCALDIR)
- #define MONO (__aline->_MONO)
- #define SOURCEX (__aline->_SOURCEX)
- #define SOURCEY (__aline->_SOURCEY)
- #define DESTX (__aline->_DESTX)
- #define DESTY (__aline->_DESTY)
- #define DELX (__aline->_DELX)
- #define DELY (__aline->_DELY)
- #define FBASE (__aline->_FBASE)
- #define FWIDTH (__aline->_FWIDTH)
- #define STYLE (__aline->_STYLE)
- #define LITEMASK (__aline->_LITEMASK)
- #define SKEWMASK (__aline->_SKEWMASK)
- #define WEIGHT (__aline->_WEIGHT)
- #define ROFF (__aline->_ROFF)
- #define LOFF (__aline->_LOFF)
- #define SCALE (__aline->_SCALE)
- #define CHUP (__aline->_CHUP)
- #define TEXTFG (__aline->_TEXTFG)
- #define SCRTCHP (__aline->_SCRTCHP)
- #define SCRPT2 (__aline->_SCRPT2)
- #define TEXTBG (__aline->_TEXTBG)
- #define COPYTRAN (__aline->_COPYTRAN)
- #define SEEDABORT (__aline->_SEEDABORT)
- /* A pointer to array of type __FONT is returned by the Line A
- * init call ($A000), in register A1.
- * This pointer is saved in the global array variable 'fonts[]'.
- *
- */
- typedef struct _font {
- /* Type Name Offset Function Comments */
- /* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
- short font_id; /* 0 Font face identifier 1 == system font */
- /* */
- short size; /* 2 Font size in points */
- /* */
- char name[32]; /* 4 Face name */
- /* */
- short first_ade; /* 36 Lowest ADE value in the face (lowest ASCII value */
- /* of displayable character). */
- /* */
- short last_ade; /* 38 Highest ADE value in the face (highest ASCII valu*/
- /* of displayable character). */
- /* */
- short top; /* 40 Distance of top line relative to baseline */
- /* */
- short ascent; /* 42 Distance of ascent line relative to baseline */
- /* */
- short half; /* 44 Distance of half line relative to baseline */
- /* */
- short descent; /* 46 Distance of decent line relative to baseline */
- /* */
- short bottom; /* 48 Distance of bottom line relative to baseline */
- /* All distances are measured in absolute values */
- /* rather than as offsets. They are always +ve */
- /* */
- short max_char_width; /* 50 Width of the widest character in font */
- /* */
- short max_cell_width; /* 52 Width of the widest cell character cell in face */
- /* */
- short left_offset; /* 54 Left Offset see Vdi appendix G */
- /* */
- short right_offset; /* 56 Right offset " " " */
- /* */
- short thicken; /* 58 Number of pixels by which to thicken characters */
- /* */
- short ul_size; /* 60 Width in pixels of the underline */
- /* */
- short lighten; /* 62 The mask used to lighten characters */
- /* */
- short skew; /* 64 The mask used to determine when to perform */
- /* additional rotation on the character to perform */
- /* skewing */
- /* */
- short flags; /* 66 Flags */
- /* bit 0 set if default system font */
- /* bit 1 set if horiz offset table should be used */
- /* bit 2 byte-swap flag (thanks to Intel idiots) */
- /* bit 3 set if mono spaced font */
- /* */
- char *h_table; /* 68 Pointer to horizontal offset table */
- /* */
- short *off_table; /* 72 Pointer to character offset table */
- /* */
- char *dat_table; /* 76 Pointer to font data */
- /* */
- short form_width; /* 80 Form width (#of bytes /scanline in font data) */
- /* */
- short form_height;/* 82 Form height (#of scanlines in font data) */
- /* */
- struct _font *next_font; /* 84 Pointer to next font in face */
- /* */
- /* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
- } __FONT;
- /* function pointer array
- * pointer to array is returned in A2 after a init (A000) call
- * array contains pointers to the 16 lineA routines, allowing
- * you to call the routines directly without incurring the
- * overhead of processing a lineA exception. You must be in
- * supervisor mode to call any of the routines directly
- */
- typedef short(*FPTR) __PROTO((void));
- typedef FPTR *FUNCPTR; /* array of pointers to functions returning short */
- /*
- * OP_TAB type required for Bit Blt parameter block.
- * each entry defines the logic operation to apply for
- * the 4 Fore/Back ground bit combinations
- */
- typedef struct {
- /* Type Name Offset Function Comments */
- /* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
- char fg0bg0; /* 0 Logic op to employ when both FG and BG are 0 */
- char fg0bg1; /* 1 Logic op to employ when FG = 0 and BG = 1 */
- char fg1bg0; /* 2 Logic op to employ when FG = 1 and BG = 0 */
- char fg1bg1; /* 3 Logic op to employ when both FG and BG are 1 */
- /* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
- } OP_TAB;
- /*
- * Source and destination description blocks
- */
- typedef struct {
- short bl_xmin; /* Minimum x */
- short bl_ymin; /* Minimum y */
- char *bl_form; /* short aligned memory form */
- short bl_nxwd; /* Offset to next word in line */
- short bl_nxln; /* Offset to next line in plane */
- short bl_nxpl; /* Offset to next plane */
- }SDDB;
- /* Offsets to next word in plane */
- #define HI_NXWD 2 /* Hi Rez */
- #define MED_NXWD 4
- #define LOW_NXWD 8 /* lo Rez */
- /* Scan line widths of the screen */
- #define HI_NXLN 80 /* Hi Rez */
- #define MED_NXLN 160
- #define LOW_NXLN 160 /* lo Rez */
- /*
- * Offsets between planes - always the same due to
- * the way the STs video memory is laid out
- */
- #define NXPL 2
- /*
- * Bit Blt Parameter Block Type (for function $A007)
- *
- */
- typedef struct {
- /* Type Name Offset Function Comments */
- /* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
- short bb_b_wd; /* width of block in pixels */
- short bb_b_ht; /* height of block in pixels */
- short bb_plane_ct; /* number of planes to blit */
- short bb_fg_col; /* foreground color */
- short bb_bg_col; /* back ground color */
- OP_TAB bb_op_tab; /* logic for fg x bg combination */
- SDDB bb_s; /* source info block */
- SDDB bb_d; /* destination info block */
- short *bb_p_addr; /* pattern buffer address */
- short bb_p_nxln; /* offset to next line in pattern */
- short bb_p_nxpl; /* offset to next plane in pattern */
- short bb_p_mask; /* pattern index mask */
- char bb_fill[24]; /* work space */
- /* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
- } BBPB;
- #ifndef __MFDB__
- #define __MFDB__
- /*
- * Memory Form Definition Block
- *
- */
- typedef struct
- {
- char *fd_addr; /* Address of upper left corner of first*/
- /* plane of raster area. If NULL then */
- /* MFDB is for a physical device */
- short fd_w; /* Form Width in Pixels */
- short fd_h; /* Form Height in Pixels */
- short fd_wdwidth; /* Form Width in shorts(fd_w/sizeof(int)*/
- short fd_stand; /* Form format 0= device spec 1=standard*/
- short fd_nplanes; /* Number of memory planes */
- short fd_r1; /* Reserved */
- short fd_r2; /* Reserved */
- short fd_r3; /* Reserved */
- } MFDB;
- #endif /* __MFDB__ */
- /*
- * Sprite definition block
- *
- */
- typedef struct
- {
- short sp_xhot; /* Offset to X hot spot */
- short sp_yhot; /* Offset to Y hot spot */
- short sp_format; /* Format SP_VDI or SP_XOR */
- short sp_bg; /* Background color */
- short sp_fg; /* Foregroud color */
- short sp_data[32]; /* Sprite data - */
- /* Alternating words of back/fore */
- /* ground data */
- /* Note that: */
- /* sprite save block is */
- /* 10+VPLANES*64 bytes long */
- } SFORM;
- /*****************************************************************************\
- * *
- * Global Variables *
- * *
- \*****************************************************************************/
- /*
- * Global Variables are defined in alglobal.c, extern every where else
- *
- */
- /* global vars */
- /* Pointer to line a parameter block returned by init */
- extern __LINEA *__aline;
- /* Array of pointers to the three system font headers
- returned by init (in register A1) */
- extern __FONT **__fonts;
- /* Array of pointers to the 16 line a functions returned
- by init (in register A2) only valid in ROM'ed TOS */
- extern short (**__funcs) __PROTO((void));
- /* Functions */
- #ifdef __GNUC_INLINE__
- #define linea0() \
- ({ \
- \
- __asm__ volatile \
- ("\
- .word 0xA000; \
- movl a0,%0; \
- movl a1,%1; \
- movl a2,%2" \
- : "=g"(__aline), "=g"(__fonts), "=g"(__funcs) /* outputs */ \
- : /* inputs */ \
- : "d0", "d1", "d2", "a0", "a1", "a2" /* clobbered regs */ \
- ); \
- })
- #define linea1() \
- ({ \
- \
- __asm__ volatile \
- ("\
- .word 0xA001" \
- : /* outputs */ \
- : /* inputs */ \
- : "d0", "d1", "d2", "a0", "a1", "a2" /* clobbered regs */ \
- ); \
- })
- #define linea2() \
- ({ \
- short retvalue; \
- __asm__ volatile \
- ("\
- .word 0xA002; \
- movew d0,%0" \
- : "=g"(retvalue) /* outputs */ \
- : /* inputs */ \
- : "d0", "d1", "d2", "a0", "a1", "a2" /* clobbered regs */ \
- ); \
- (int)retvalue; \
- })
- #define linea3() \
- ({ \
- \
- __asm__ volatile \
- ("\
- .word 0xA003" \
- : /* outputs */ \
- : /* inputs */ \
- : "d0", "d1", "d2", "a0", "a1", "a2" /* clobbered regs */ \
- ); \
- })
- #define linea4() \
- ({ \
- \
- __asm__ volatile \
- ("\
- .word 0xA004" \
- : /* outputs */ \
- : /* inputs */ \
- : "d0", "d1", "d2", "a0", "a1", "a2" /* clobbered regs */ \
- ); \
- })
- #define linea5() \
- ({ \
- \
- __asm__ volatile \
- ("\
- .word 0xA005" \
- : /* outputs */ \
- : /* inputs */ \
- : "d0", "d1", "d2", "a0", "a1", "a2" /* clobbered regs */ \
- ); \
- })
- #define linea6() \
- ({ \
- \
- __asm__ volatile \
- ("\
- .word 0xA006" \
- : /* outputs */ \
- : /* inputs */ \
- : "d0", "d1", "d2", "a0", "a1", "a2" /* clobbered regs */ \
- ); \
- })
- #define linea7(P) \
- ({ \
- \
- __asm__ volatile \
- ("\
- movml d2/a2/a6, sp@-; \
- movl %0,a6; \
- .word 0xA007; \
- movml sp@+, d2/a2/a6" \
- : /* outputs */ \
- : "r"(P) /* inputs */ \
- : "d0", "d1", "a0", "a1" /* clobbered regs */ \
- ); \
- })
- #define linea8() \
- ({ \
- \
- __asm__ volatile \
- ("\
- .word 0xA008" \
- : /* outputs */ \
- : /* inputs */ \
- : "d0", "d1", "d2", "a0", "a1", "a2" /* clobbered regs */ \
- ); \
- })
- #define linea9() \
- ({ \
- \
- __asm__ volatile \
- ("\
- .word 0xA009" \
- : /* outputs */ \
- : /* inputs */ \
- : "d0", "d1", "d2", "a0", "a1", "a2" /* clobbered regs */ \
- ); \
- })
- #define lineaa() \
- ({ \
- \
- __asm__ volatile \
- ("\
- .word 0xA00A" \
- : /* outputs */ \
- : /* inputs */ \
- : "d0", "d1", "d2", "a0", "a1", "a2" /* clobbered regs */ \
- ); \
- })
- #define lineab() \
- ({ \
- \
- __asm__ volatile \
- ("\
- .word 0xA00B" \
- : /* outputs */ \
- : /* inputs */ \
- : "d0", "d1", "d2", "a0", "a1", "a2" /* clobbered regs */ \
- ); \
- })
- #define lineac(P) \
- ({ \
- \
- __asm__ volatile \
- ("\
- movl %0,a2; \
- .word 0xA00C" \
- : /* outputs */ \
- : "r"(P) /* inputs */ \
- : "d0", "d1", "d2", "a0", "a1", "a2", "a6" /* clobbered regs */ \
- ); \
- })
- #define linead(x, y, sd, ss) __linead((short)x, (short)y, (void *)sd, (void *)ss)
- #define __linead(x, y, sd, ss) \
- ({ \
- \
- __asm__ volatile \
- ("\
- movw %0,d0; \
- movw %1,d1; \
- movl %2,a0; \
- movl %3,a2; \
- .word 0xA00D" \
- : /* outputs */ \
- : "r"(x), "r"(y), "r"(sd), "r"(ss) /* inputs */ \
- : "d0", "d1", "d2", "a0", "a1", "a2", "a6" /* clobbered regs */ \
- ); \
- })
- #define lineae() \
- ({ \
- \
- __asm__ volatile \
- ("\
- .word 0xA00E" \
- : /* outputs */ \
- : /* inputs */ \
- : "d0", "d1", "d2", "a0", "a1", "a2" /* clobbered regs */ \
- ); \
- })
- #define lineaf() \
- ({ \
- \
- __asm__ volatile \
- ("\
- .word 0xA00F" \
- : /* outputs */ \
- : /* inputs */ \
- : "d0", "d1", "d2", "a0", "a1", "a2" /* clobbered regs */ \
- ); \
- })
- #else /* __NO_INLINE__ */
- __EXTERN void linea0 __PROTO((void));
- __EXTERN void linea1 __PROTO((void));
- __EXTERN int linea2 __PROTO((void));
- __EXTERN void linea3 __PROTO((void));
- __EXTERN void linea4 __PROTO((void));
- __EXTERN void linea5 __PROTO((void));
- __EXTERN void linea6 __PROTO((void));
- __EXTERN void linea7 __PROTO((BBPB *P));
- __EXTERN void linea8 __PROTO((void));
- __EXTERN void linea9 __PROTO((void));
- __EXTERN void lineaa __PROTO((void));
- __EXTERN void lineab __PROTO((void));
- __EXTERN void lineac __PROTO((void *P));
- __EXTERN void linead __PROTO((int x, int y, SFORM *sd, void *ss));
- __EXTERN void lineae __PROTO((void));
- __EXTERN void lineaf __PROTO((void));
- #endif /* __NO_INLINE__ */
- #endif /* _LINEA_H */