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- /* definitions for various GEMDOS system variables in low memory */
- /* WARNING: this file is not compatible with the old one */
- /*
- * Convention:
- * the address for each variable is defined.
- */
- #ifndef _SYSVARS_H
- #define _SYSVARS_H
- /* Processor state and post mortem dump area */
- #define PROC_LIVES_MAGIC 0x12345678L /* proc_lives if dump is valid */
- #define proc_lives ((unsigned long *) 0x380)
- struct __post_mortem_dump {
- unsigned long d0, d1, d2, d3, d4, d5, d6, d7;
- void *a0, *a1, *a2, *a3, *a4, *a5, *a6, *a7; /* a7 == ssp */
- void *pc; /* first byte is exception # */
- void *usp;
- unsigned short stk[16]; /* sixteen word of super stack */
- };
- #define proc_post_mortem_dump_p ((struct __post_mortem_dump *) 0x384)
- #define proc_dregs (&proc_post_mortem_dump_p->d0)
- #define proc_aregs (&proc_post_mortem_dump_p->a0)
- #define proc_pc (proc_post_mortem_dump_p->pc)
- #define proc_usp (proc_post_mortem_dump_p->usp)
- #define proc_utk (proc_post_mortem_dump_p->stk)
- /* timer, crit error and process termination handoff vectors */
- #define etv_timer (((void (**)()) 0x400))
- #define etv_critic (((void (**)()) 0x404))
- #define etv_term (((void (**)()) 0x408))
- /* memory controller */
- #define MEMVALID_MAGIC 0x752019F3L /* once memory is sized */
- #define memvalid (((unsigned long *) 0x420))
- #define mencntlr (((unsigned char *) 0x424))
- /* 0 = 128K, 4 = 512K 0 = 256k(2banks) 5 = 1M */
- /* reset vector, jump through resvector if resvalid on reset */
- #define RESVALID_MAGIC 0x31415926L
- #define resvalid ((unsigned long *) 0x426)
- #define resvector ((void (**)()) 0x42a)
- /* do a jmp 0x24(a6) at end to go to system reset */
- /* mem */
- #define phystop (((unsigned long *) 0x42e)) /* physical top of ram */
- #define _membot (((unsigned long *) 0x432)) /* bottom of avail */
- #define _memtop (((unsigned long *) 0x436)) /* top of avail */
- #define MEMVAL2_MAGIC 0x237698AAL /* after suc. coldstart && memvalid */
- #define memval2 (((unsigned long *) 0x43a))
- /* floppy */
- #define flock (((short *) 0x43e)) /* lock usage of DMA chip */
- #define seekrate (((short *) 0x440)) /* 0=6ms 1=12ms 2=2ms 3=3ms */
- #define _timr_ms (((short *) 0x442)) /* timer calib == 20ms */
- #define _fverify (((short *) 0x444)) /* write verify flag */
- #define _bootdev (((short *) 0x446))
- /* video */
- #define palmode (((short *) 0x448)) /* PAL video mode flag */
- #define defshiftmd (((unsigned char *) 0x44a)) /* default video rez */
- #define sshiftmd (((short *) 0x44c)) /* shadow of hdwr. shiftmd reg */
- /* 0=Lo 1=med 2=Hi rez */
- #define _v_bas_ad (((void *) 0x44e)) /* screen mem base */
- #define vblsem ((short *) 0x452)) /* vbl semaphore */
- #define nvbls (((short *) 0x454)) /* # of vbl entries def. == 8 */
- #define _vblqueue (((void (***)()) 0x456)) /* vbl queue pointer */
- #define colorptr (((short **) 0x45a)) /* pal. on next vblank if!NULL */
- #define _vbclock (((unsigned long *) 0x462)) /* vbi counter */
- #define _frclock (((unsigned long *) 0x466)) /* #vbi not vblsem'ed */
- #define _hz_200 ((unsigned long *) 0x4ba)
- #define conterm (*((char *) 0x484))
- #define savptr ((long *) 0x4A2)
- #define _nflops ((short *) 0x4A6)
- #define _sysbase ((long *) 0x4F2)
- #define _shell_p ((long *) 0x4F6)
- typedef struct {
- short puns;
- char v_p_un[16];
- long pstart[16];
- short bpbs[1]; /* really 16 BPB's (bios parameter block) */
- #define pun_ptr ((HDINFO *) 0x516)
- #define _p_cookies ((long **) 0x5A0)
- /* os header */
- typedef struct _osheader
- {
- unsigned short os_entry; /* 0x00 BRA to reset handler */
- unsigned short os_version; /* 0x02 TOS version */
- void (*reseth)(void); /* 0x04 -> reset handler */
- struct _osheader *os_beg; /* 0x08 -> base of OS */
- void *os_end; /* 0x0c -> end of OS ram usage */
- char *os_rsv1; /* 0x10 reserved */
- char *os_magic; /* 0x14 GEM memory usage param */
- long os_date; /* 0x18 Build date 0xMMDDYYYY */
- unsigned short os_conf; /* 0x1c OS conf bits */
- unsigned short os_dosdate; /* 0x1e DOS format build date */
- /* the following available on TOS version >= 1.2 */
- char **p_root; /* 0x20 -> base of OS pool */
- char **pkbshift; /* 0x24 -> kbd shift state var */
- char **p_run; /* 0x28 -> PID of current proc */
- char *p_rsv2; /* 0x2c reserved */
- /* zzzz to-do more */
- #ifndef _COMPILER_H
- #include <compiler.h>
- #endif
- __EXTERN long get_sysvar __PROTO((void *var));
- __EXTERN void set_sysvar_to_long __PROTO((void *var, long val));
- #endif /* _SYSVARS_H */