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- |
- | Initilization code; this is common to both 16 and 32 bit libraries,
- | so be careful!
- |
- .globl __app | short, declared in crtinit.c
- .globl __base | BASEPAGE *, declared in crtinit.c
- .globl __heapbase | void *
- .globl __stksize | long, declared by user or in stack.c
- |
- | Assumption: basepage is passed in a0 for accessories; for programs
- | a0 is always 0.
- .text
- .even
- .globl __start
- __start:
- subl a6, a6 | clear a6 for debuggers
- cmpw #0, a0 | test if acc or program
- beq __startprg | if a program, go elsewhere
- tstl a0@(36) | also test parent basepage pointer
- bne __startprg | for acc's, it must be 0
- movel a0, __base | acc basepage is in A0
- movel __heapbase, sp | stack must be set from heap
- addl __stksize, sp
- jmp __acc_main | function is in crtinit.c
- |
- | program startup code: doesn't actually do much, other than push
- | the basepage onto the stack and call _start1 in crtinit.c
- |
- __startprg:
- movel sp@(4), a0 | get basepage
- movel a0, __base | save it
- movel a0@(4), d0 | get _base->p_hitpa
- andl #0xfffffffe, d0 | round off
- movel d0, sp | set stack (temporarily)
- jmp __crtinit | in crtinit.c
- |
- | _setstack: changes the stack pointer; called as
- | void setstack( void *newsp )
- | called from crtinit.c once the new stack size has been decided upon
- |
- | WARNING WARNING WARNING: after you do this, local variables may no longer
- | be accessible!
- | destroys a0 and a7
- .globl __setstack
- __setstack:
- movel sp@+, a0 | save return address
- movel sp@+, sp | new stack pointer
- jmp a0@ | back to caller
- |
- | interfaces for gprof: for crt0.s, does nothing, but for gcrt0.s branches
- | to the appropriate subroutines
- |
- .globl __monstartup
- .globl __moncontrol
- .globl ___mcleanup
- __monstartup:
- __moncontrol:
- ___mcleanup:
- rts