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- /*
- * monitor(3), mcount() and profil(2) clones for gcc-Tos library
- *
- * Note: these routines need tuning up. they are very space
- * inefficient. the implementation is totally biased towards support
- * for gprof rather than prof (does anyone use prof anymore? why?)
- *
- * ++jrb bammi@dsrgsun.ces.cwru.edu
- */
- #include <stddef.h>
- #include <memory.h>
- #include <unistd.h>
- #include <fcntl.h>
- #include <assert.h>
- #include <osbind.h>
- #include <basepage.h>
- #include <sysvars.h>
- #include <xbra.h>
- /* gmon header */
- struct gm_header {
- void *low; /* low pc */
- void *high; /* hi pc */
- unsigned long nbytes; /* bytes in header + histo size */
- };
- typedef unsigned short CHUNK; /* type of each histogram entry */
- struct gm_call { /* gm call record */
- void *from; /* the caller */
- void *to; /* the called function (callee) */
- unsigned long ncalls; /* # of calls from FROM to TO */
- };
- #define GMON_FILE "gmon.out" /* name of GMON file */
- /* format of gmon file
- * gm_header
- * ((gm_header.nbytes - sizeof(gm_header))/sizeof(CHUNK)) histo entries
- * gm_call records upto EOF
- */
- /* histogram variables and defines */
- #define HIST_SCALE 2 /* text space scaled into size/HIST_SCALE CHUNKS */
- #define HIST_SHIFT 1 /* HIST_SCALE == 2 ** HIST_SHIFT (assumption) */
- /* 1 <= HIST_SHIFT <= 8 (assumption) */
- static CHUNK *hist_buffer; /* histogram buffer */
- static unsigned long hist_size; /* size of histogram in bytes */
- /* call graph variables and defines */
- typedef struct { /* a to chain element */
- void *selfpc; /* the callee's pc */
- unsigned long count; /* number of times called */
- unsigned short link; /* link to next in chain (an index) */
- } tostruct ;
- tostruct *tos; /* pool of to chain elements */
- unsigned short *froms; /* called from hash chain heads (an index) */
- /* inherent assumption: typeof froms == typeof CHUNK, otherwise
- change code in monstartup() */
- #define MINARCS 64 /* min # of to's, a rand() # */
- #define ARCDENSITY 2 /* scaling of to's (as a % of textsize) */
- #define HASHFRACTION 1 /* scaling of froms over textsize.
- note this is very memory wasteful,
- but the alternatives are worse
- beacuse of two reasons:
- - increase compute requirements(in mcount)
- - bsr, followed by bsr will loose!
- the coding of mcount below almost
- assumes that HASHFRACTION==1
- anyone else have some brilliant ideas?
- */
- #define HASH_SHIFT 0 /* HASHFRACTION = 2 ** HASH_SHIFT (assumption) */
- /* housekeeping variables */
- static long profiling; /* profiling flag */
- static unsigned long textsize; /* size of profiled text area */
- static unsigned short tolimit; /* max to == 65534, min == MINARCS */
- static unsigned short toalloc; /* next free to record index */
- static void *s_lowpc; /* low pc rounded down to multiples
- of histo density =
- (assumption: its mult of 2)
- */
- #define USL(X) ((unsigned long)(X)) /* cast X to unsigned long */
- /* round X down to last multiple of Y */ /* see assumption above */
- #define ROUNDDOWN(X,Y) ( USL(X) & (~(USL((Y)-1))) )
- /* round X up to next multiple of Y */
- #define ROUNDUP(X,Y) ( USL((X)+((Y)-1)) & (~(USL((Y)-1))) )
- /* functions */
- #if __STDC__
- #define _P(x) x
- #else
- #define _P(x)
- #endif
- void monstartup _P((void *lowpc, void *highpc));
- void monitor _P((void *lowpc, void *highpc, void *buffer,
- unsigned long bufsize, unsigned int nfunc));
- void moncontrol _P((long flag));
- void _mcleanup _P((void));
- int profil _P((void *buff, unsigned long bufsiz, unsigned long offset,
- int shift));
- static void tick _P((void));
- static void term _P((void));
- static void install_handlers _P((void));
- static void remove_handlers _P((void));
- static void unlink_handler _P((xbra_struct *me, int exc));
- static void build_graph _P((void *caller, void *callee));
- #undef _P
- /*
- * allocate space for histogram and call graph given the sampling
- * range. call monitor to start up profiling.
- */
- void monstartup(lowpc, highpc)
- void *lowpc, *highpc;
- {
- unsigned long monsize; /* size of hist buffer + gm_header rounded */
- void *buf; /* hist + gm_header space */
- unsigned long i;
- assert(USL(lowpc) < USL(highpc));
- #if 0 /* dont define: screws up gmon because of reloc assumptions */
- s_lowpc = lowpc = (void *)
- (ROUNDDOWN(USL(lowpc), sizeof(CHUNK)<<HIST_SHIFT ));
- #else
- s_lowpc = lowpc;
- #endif
- highpc = (void *)
- (ROUNDUP(USL(highpc), sizeof(CHUNK)<<HIST_SHIFT ));
- textsize = USL(highpc) - USL(lowpc);
- /* allocate histogram buffer + gm_header buffer */
- monsize = (textsize >> HIST_SHIFT) * sizeof(CHUNK) +
- sizeof(struct gm_header);
- monsize = ROUNDUP(monsize, sizeof(short));
- if((buf = (CHUNK *)malloc(monsize)) == (CHUNK *)0)
- {
- Cconws("monitor: No memory for histogram buffer\r\n");
- froms = (unsigned short *)0;
- tos = (tostruct *)0;
- return;
- }
- /* allocate space for graph data structs */
- i = (textsize>>HASH_SHIFT) * sizeof(*froms);
- i = ROUNDUP(i, sizeof(long));
- if((froms = (unsigned short *)malloc(i)) == (unsigned short *)0)
- {
- Cconws("monitor: No memory for FROMs\r\n");
- free(buf);
- tos = (tostruct *)0;
- return;
- }
- bzero(froms, i);
- i = textsize * ARCDENSITY / 100;
- if( i < MINARCS)
- i = MINARCS;
- else if ( i > 65534)
- i = 65534;
- tolimit = (unsigned short)i;
- i = ROUNDUP(i*sizeof(tostruct), sizeof(long));
- if((tos = (tostruct *)malloc(i)) == (tostruct *)0)
- {
- Cconws("monitor: No memory for TOs pool\r\n");
- free(froms);
- free(buf);
- froms = (unsigned short *)0;
- return;
- }
- bzero(tos, i);
- toalloc = 0; /* index of next available element in TOs pool */
- monitor(lowpc, highpc, buf, monsize, (unsigned int)tolimit);
- }
- /*
- * monitor(3) interface to profil(2)
- * last arg is silly and not used
- */
- void monitor(lowpc, highpc, buffer, bufsize, nfunc)
- void *lowpc, *highpc, *buffer;
- unsigned long bufsize;
- unsigned int nfunc;
- {
- struct gm_header *hdr;
- if(lowpc == 0)
- { /* finished */
- moncontrol(0L);
- _mcleanup();
- return;
- }
- s_lowpc = lowpc; /* in case user is calling */
- /* initialize gm_header */
- hdr = (struct gm_header *)buffer;
- hdr->low = lowpc;
- hdr->high = highpc;
- hdr->nbytes = bufsize;
- hist_size = bufsize - sizeof(struct gm_header); /* sizof hist buffer */
- hist_buffer = (CHUNK *)(USL(buffer) + sizeof(struct gm_header));
- /* integ. check, (user can call monitor) */
- if((hist_size == 0) ||
- (hist_size <
- (((USL(highpc) - USL(lowpc))>>HIST_SHIFT)*sizeof(CHUNK))) )
- {
- return;
- }
- /* note: difference in scaling semantics from unix */
- moncontrol(1L); /* begin */
- }
- /*
- * control profiling
- */
- void moncontrol(flag)
- long flag;
- {
- if(flag)
- { /* start */
- profil(hist_buffer, hist_size, (unsigned long)s_lowpc, HIST_SHIFT);
- profiling = 0;
- }
- else
- {
- /* stop */
- profil((void *)0, 0L, 0L, 0);
- profiling = 3;
- }
- }
- /*
- * mcount
- * called as a part of the entry prologue of a profiled function.
- * the function that calls mcount is the CALLEE, and the function
- * that called the CALLEE is the CALLER. mcount grabs the
- * address of the CALLEE and the address of the CALLER off the
- * stack, and then calls build_graph that incrementally
- * constructs the call graphs in the FROMs and TOs structures,
- * keeping track of the number of times the CALLER called CALLEE.
- * on entry the stack look like:
- *
- * sp-> | ret address of CALLEE |
- * |--------------------------|
- * . CALLEE's locals .
- * .__________________________.
- * CALLEEs fp-> | CALLERS saved fp |
- * |--------------------------|
- * | ret address of CALLER |
- * |--------------------------|
- *
- * Note:
- * -this is true becuase -fomit-frame-pointer and -pg are
- * incompatible flags (gcc will say so if you try)
- *
- * -on the 68k, the address of a long count location is passed in a0
- * we dont use this, it was a convention for the old prof stuff.
- */
- __asm__("\
- .text; .even
- .globl mcount /* note: no `_' */
- mcount:
- movl sp@,d0 /* CALLEE's address */
- movl d0,sp@-
- movl a6@(4),d0 /* CALLERs address */
- movl d0,sp@-
- jbsr _build_graph /* build_graph(caller, callee) */
- addqw #8,sp
- rts
- ");
- /*
- * build_graph
- * incrementally build the call graph. at each call the CALLER
- * and CALLEE are specified. this function builds an arc from
- * CALLER to CALLEE, or increments the arc count if it already
- * exists.
- * the graph is maintianed in the structures FROMs and TOs. each
- * entry in FROMs is the head of a chain of records of all
- * functions called from FROM. The CALLERs address is hashed
- * into FROMs
- */
- static void build_graph(caller, callee)
- void *caller, *callee;
- {
- unsigned short *fromp; /* hashed ptr into froms */
- tostruct *top; /* current hash chain element */
- unsigned short ti; /* index of current chain element */
- tostruct *last; /* previous element */
- if(profiling)
- return; /* out if we are not profiling or this is a recursive call */
- profiling++;
- /* hash callee, to a pointer into FROMs */
- fromp = (unsigned short *)(USL(caller) - USL(s_lowpc)); /* lowpc orig */
- if(USL(fromp) > textsize)
- { /* not within profiled text area */
- profiling--;
- return;
- }
- /* scale to an index */
- fromp = (unsigned short *)(USL(fromp) >> (HASH_SHIFT + sizeof(*froms)));
- fromp = &froms[((long)fromp)]; /* hash bucket pointer */
- ti = *fromp; /* head of the chain */
- if(ti == 0)
- { /* head is null, first time in the bucket, start a new chain */
- if((ti = ++toalloc) >= tolimit) /* allocate an element from tos pool */
- { /* ran out */
- profiling = 3; /* give up profiling */
- return;
- }
- *fromp = ti;
- top = &tos[ti];
- top->selfpc = callee;
- top->count = 1;
- top->link = 0;
- profiling--;
- return;
- }
- /* otherwise search the chain */
- for(last = top = &tos[ti]; top->link != 0; last = top,
- top = &tos[top->link])
- {
- if(top->selfpc == callee)
- { /* found it */
- top->count++; /* increment call count */
- if(top == last)
- { /* at the head of the chain already */
- profiling--;
- return;
- }
- /* otherwise bring it to the head */
- ti = last->link;
- last->link = top->link;
- top->link = *fromp;
- *fromp = ti;
- profiling--;
- return;
- }
- }
- /* not found */
- if((ti = ++toalloc) >= tolimit) /* allocate an element from tos pool */
- { /* ran out */
- profiling = 3; /* give up profiling */
- return;
- }
- /* put it at head of the chain */
- top = &tos[ti];
- top->count = 1;
- top->selfpc = callee;
- top->link = *fromp;
- *fromp = ti;
- profiling--;
- }
- /*
- * _mcleanup
- * dump out the gmon file
- */
- void _mcleanup()
- {
- int fd;
- unsigned long i;
- unsigned short j;
- unsigned long frompc;
- struct gm_call arc;
- if((fd = open(GMON_FILE, O_WRONLY|O_CREAT|O_TRUNC, 0644)) < 0)
- {
- Cconws(GMON_FILE); Cconws(": error opening\r\n");
- return;
- }
- /* dump the header + histogram */
- if(_write(fd, (void *)(USL(hist_buffer) - sizeof(struct gm_header)),
- hist_size + sizeof(struct gm_header)) !=
- (hist_size + sizeof(struct gm_header)) )
- {
- Cconws(GMON_FILE); Cconws(": error writing\r\n");
- close(fd); return;
- }
- /* dump the call graph */
- for( i = 0; i < (textsize >> (HASH_SHIFT + sizeof(*froms))); i++)
- {
- if(froms[i] != 0)
- {
- frompc = USL(s_lowpc) + ( i << (HASH_SHIFT + sizeof(*froms)));
- for(j = froms[i]; j != 0; j = tos[j].link)
- {
- arc.from = (void *)frompc;
- arc.to = tos[j].selfpc;
- arc.ncalls = tos[j].count;
- if(_write(fd, &arc, sizeof(arc)) != sizeof(arc))
- {
- Cconws(GMON_FILE); Cconws(": error writing\r\n");
- close(fd); return;
- }
- }
- }
- }
- close(fd);
- }
- #ifdef _USE_TIMER_C_
- static unsigned short countdown;
- #endif
- static short installed = 0; /* reset to 0 before exit */
- static unsigned short *bufr;
- static unsigned long maxidx;
- static unsigned long off;
- static unsigned long shift_val;
- static xbra_struct tick_xbra = _XBRA_INIT(tick);
- static xbra_struct term_xbra = _XBRA_INIT(term);
- extern BASEPAGE *_base;
- static BASEPAGE **act_pd;
- static BASEPAGE *my_base;
- /*
- * profil
- * record pc every N ms into buffer
- * index into buffer == (pc - offset) >> shift
- * (note difference in scaling semantics)
- * turned off by shift == 0
- * ineffective by bufsiz == 0
- *
- * on the St, we hook into the Timer C interrupt, and record
- * every 4'th tick (20 ms).
- * this method was chosen over user Timer A, so that applications
- * that use the timer can be profiled.
- * vbl was not considered because we dont have the flexibility
- * of changing the time resolution, and because its frequency is
- * screen rez dependent (plus its harder to get at the user pc!)
- *
- * xbra protocol to hook in/out handlers. we hook into the terminate
- * vector independent of the rest of the library to make sure we
- * unhook before process termination. this is also necessary because
- * the user can call up these routines independent of gcrt0
- */
- int profil(buff, bufsiz, offset, shift)
- void *buff;
- unsigned long bufsiz, offset;
- int shift;
- {
- if(shift == 0)
- {
- if(installed)
- remove_handlers();
- installed = 0;
- return 0;
- }
- /* set the params atomically */
- Jdisint(5);
- #ifdef _USE_TIMER_C_
- countdown = 4;
- #endif
- bufr = (unsigned short *)buff;
- maxidx = bufsiz>>1; /* max index into short array */
- off = offset;
- shift_val = shift;
- if(!installed)
- {
- installed = 1;
- install_handlers();
- }
- Jenabint(5);
- return 0;
- }
- #ifdef _USE_TIMER_C_
- /*
- * tick handler
- * if countdown = 0, record pc
- */
- __asm__ ("\
- .text; .even
- _tick:
- subqw #1,_countdown
- jne 1f
- movw #4,_countdown
- moveml d0-d1/a0,sp@-
- movl sp@(14),d0 /* get user pc from exception frame */
- subl _off,d0
- jcs 2f /* branch if below */
- movl _shift_val,d1 /* shift it */
- lsrl d1,d0
- cmpl _maxidx:l,d0 /* compare with max index */
- jhi 2f /* branch if out of range */
- lsll #1,d0 /* word index */
- movl _bufr,a0
- addl d0,a0 /* incr hist word */
- addqw #1,a0@
- 2:
- moveml sp@+,d0-d1/a0
- 1:
- movl _tick_xbra+8,sp@-
- rts ");
- #else
- /*
- * tick handler
- * in etv_timer timer handoff vector chain (called every 4th tick)
- * stack at this point:
- * <exception frame user pc, sr> 2
- * <saved d0-d7/a0-a6> 60
- * <timer calibration .w> 2
- * <return address to timer C intr routine> 4
- * ---
- * 68 (offset to user pc)
- */
- __asm__ ("\
- .text; .even
- _tick:
- movl sp@(68),d0 /* get user pc from exception frame */
- subl _off,d0
- jcs 1f /* branch if below */
- movl _shift_val,d1 /* shift it */
- lsrl d1,d0
- cmpl _maxidx:l,d0 /* compare with max index */
- jhi 1f /* branch if out of range */
- lsll #1,d0 /* word index */
- movl _bufr,a0
- addl d0,a0 /* incr hist word */
- addqw #1,a0@
- 1:
- movl _tick_xbra+8,sp@- /* call next handler in chain */
- rts ");
- #endif
- /*
- * terminate vector
- */
- static void term()
- {
- /* validate process id */
- if(_base != *act_pd)
- {
- __asm__ volatile("\
- unlk a6
- jmp %0@"
- :
- : "a"(term_xbra.next));
- }
- if(installed)
- remove_handlers();
- /* go on to the next guy */
- __asm__ volatile("\
- unlk a6
- jmp %0@"
- :
- : "a"(term_xbra.next));
- }
- /*
- * install tick and terminate handlers at the head of the xbra chains
- * coding thanks to edgar roeder
- */
- static void install_handlers()
- {
- long *sysbase;
- sysbase = (long *) get_sysvar((void *) _sysbase);
- switch(sysbase[6])
- {
- case 0x11201985L:
- case 0x02061986L:
- case 0x04241986L:
- act_pd = (BASEPAGE **) 0x602C;
- break;
- default:
- act_pd = (BASEPAGE **) sysbase[10];
- }
- #ifdef _USE_TIMER_C_
- tick_xbra.next = (xptr) Setexc(276>>2, _XBRA_VEC(tick_xbra));
- #else
- tick_xbra.next = (xptr) Setexc(0x100, _XBRA_VEC(tick_xbra));
- #endif
- term_xbra.next = (xptr) Setexc(0x102, _XBRA_VEC(term_xbra));
- my_base = _base;
- }
- /*
- * unlink a handler in a xbra friendly manner from the exc chain
- */
- static void unlink_handler(me, exc)
- xbra_struct *me;
- int exc;
- {
- xbra_struct *this, *prev;
- long save_ssp;
- this = (xbra_struct *) /* get head of chain */
- ((unsigned long)Setexc(exc, -1L) - offsetof(xbra_struct, jump));
- if(this == me)
- { /* at the head, just unlink */
- Setexc(exc, me->next);
- return;
- }
- /* otherwise find me in the chain and unlink */
- save_ssp = Super(0L);
- for(prev = this; this && (this != me); prev = this, this = this->next)
- {
- /* validate the xbra */
- if(this->xbra_magic != _XBRA_MAGIC)
- { /* shame on you */
- Super(save_ssp);
- Setexc(exc, me->next); /* nuke it, otherwise it may call ME */
- return; /* after i am deinstalled */
- }
- }
- if(this == me)
- { /* unlink me from middle of the chain */
- prev->next = this->next;
- Super(save_ssp);
- return;
- }
- /* we are screwed */
- Super(save_ssp);
- Cconws("\r\nwhat the fuck!\r\n\n");
- }
- static void remove_handlers()
- {
- /* first validate pid */
- if(_base == *act_pd)
- {
- if(_base != my_base) /* in vfork()ed parallel addr space */
- _base -= 2;
- else
- {
- /* do i need to Super and raise IPL here ?? */
- #ifdef _USE_TIMER_C_
- unlink_handler(&tick_xbra, 276>>2);
- #else
- unlink_handler(&tick_xbra, 0x100);
- #endif
- unlink_handler(&term_xbra, 0x102);
- installed = 0;
- }
- }
- }