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- #APP
- | take floating point to integer and fractional pieces
- |
- | C interface
- | double modf( double value, double *iptr)
- | returns fractional part of value
- | in *iptr returns the integral part
- | such that (*iptr + fractional) == value
- |
- |-----------------------------------------------------------------------------
- | ported to 68000 by Kai-Uwe Bloem, 12/89
- | #1 original author: Peter S. Housel 9/21/88,01/17/89,03/19/89,5/24/89
- | #2 replaced shifts by swap if possible for speed increase -kub-, 01/90
- | #3 ported to gcc ++jrb 03/90
- |-----------------------------------------------------------------------------
- BIAS8 = 0x3ff - 1
- .text; .even
- .globl _modf
- _modf:
- lea sp@(4),a0 | a0 -> float argument
- movel sp@(12),a1 | a1 -> ipart result
- moveml d2-d7,sp@- | save d2-d7
- movew a0@,d0 | extract value.exp
- movew d0,d2 | extract value.sign
- lsrw #4,d0
- andw #0x7ff,d0 | kill sign bit
- cmpw #BIAS8,d0
- bge 1f | fabs(value) >= 1.0
- clrl a1@ | store zero as the integer part
- clrl a1@(4)
- moveml a0@,d0-d1 | return entire value as fractional part
- jra L0
- 1:
- cmpw #BIAS8+53,d0 | all integer, with no fractional part ?
- blt 2f | no, mixed
- movel a0@,a1@ | store entire value as the integer part
- movel a0@(4),a1@(4)
- moveq #0,d0 | return zero as fractional part
- moveq #0,d1
- L0:
- moveml sp@+,d2-d7 | restore saved d2-d7
- rts
- 2:
- | moveml d3-d7,sp@- | save some registers (d2 is pushed already)
- moveml a0@,d4-d5 | get value
- andl #0x0fffff,d4 | remove exponent from value.mantissa
- orl #0x100000,d4 | restore implied leading "1"
- moveq #0,d6 | zero fractional part
- moveq #0,d7
- 3:
- cmpw #BIAS8+37,d0 | fast shift, 16 bits ?
- bgt 4f
- movew d6,d7 | shift down 16 bits
- movew d5,d6
- movew d4,d5
- clrw d4
- swap d7
- swap d6
- swap d5
- swap d4
- addw #16,d0
- bra 3b
- 4:
- cmpw #BIAS8+53,d0 | done ?
- bge 5f
- lsrl #1,d4 | shift integer part
- roxrl #1,d5
- roxrl #1,d6 | shift high bit into fractional part
- roxrl #1,d7
- addw #1,d0 | increment ipart exponent
- bra 4b | keep shifting
- 5:
- | normalize ipart (all values are in correct reggies)
- | save a1, save d2-d7 that norm_df will pop
- movel a1,sp@-
- pea L1 | set up return address
- moveml d2-d7,sp@- | norm_df will pop this
- clrw d1
- jmp norm_df | go do it
- L1: | norm_df will rts to here
- movel sp@+,a1 | pop saved a1
- moveml d0-d1,a1@ | store result into ipart
- | norm fractional part
- movel d6,d4 | get frac into d4/d5
- movel d7,d5
- clrw d1 | rounding = 0
- movew #BIAS8-11,d0 | set frac part exponent, sign already in d2
- jmp norm_df | norm_df will pop d2/d7 we save before
- | it will return to our caller via rts
- | with result in d0-d1