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- /* asout.c */
- /*
- * (C) Copyright 1989
- * All Rights Reserved
- *
- * Alan R. Baldwin
- * 721 Berkeley St.
- * Kent, Ohio 44240
- */
- #include <stdio.h>
- #include <setjmp.h>
- #include "asm.h"
- #define R_WORD 0 /* 16 bit */
- #define R_BYTE 01
- #define R_AREA 0 /* Base type */
- #define R_SYM 02
- #define R_NORM 0 /* PC adjust */
- #define R_PCR 04
- #define R_DEF 00 /* Global def. */
- #define R_REF 01 /* Global ref. */
- #define R_REL 00 /* Relocatable */
- #define R_ABS 02 /* Absolute */
- #define R_GBL 00 /* Global */
- #define R_LCL 04 /* Local */
- #define NTXT 16
- #define NREL 16
- char txt[NTXT];
- char rel[NREL];
- char *txtp = { &txt[0] };
- char *relp = { &rel[0] };
- /*
- * Output absolute byte.
- */
- outab(b)
- {
- if (pass == 2) {
- out_lb(b);
- if (oflag) {
- outchk(1, 0);
- *txtp++ = lobyte(b);
- }
- }
- ++dot->s_addr;
- }
- /*
- * Output absolute word.
- * Low then high.
- */
- outaw(w)
- {
- if (pass == 2) {
- out_lw(w);
- if (oflag) {
- outchk(2, 0);
- out_tw(w);
- }
- }
- dot->s_addr += 2;
- }
- /*
- * Output relocatable byte.
- */
- outrb(esp, pcrf)
- register struct expr *esp;
- {
- register n, r;
- if (pass == 2) {
- out_lb(esp->e_addr);
- if (oflag) {
- if (esp->e_flag==0 && esp->e_base.e_ap==NULL) {
- outchk(1, 0);
- *txtp++ = lobyte(esp->e_addr);
- } else {
- outchk(1, 4);
- *txtp++ = lobyte(esp->e_addr);
- r = R_BYTE;
- if (pcrf)
- r |= R_PCR;
- if (esp->e_flag) {
- n = esp->e_base.e_sp->s_ref;
- r |= R_SYM;
- } else {
- n = esp->e_base.e_ap->a_ref;
- }
- *relp++ = r;
- *relp++ = txtp - txt - 1;
- out_rw(n);
- }
- }
- }
- ++dot->s_addr;
- }
- /*
- * Output relocatable word.
- * Low then high.
- */
- outrw(esp, pcrf)
- register struct expr *esp;
- {
- register n, r;
- if (pass == 2) {
- out_lw(esp->e_addr);
- if (oflag) {
- if (esp->e_flag==0 && esp->e_base.e_ap==NULL) {
- outchk(2, 0);
- out_tw(esp->e_addr);
- } else {
- outchk(2, 4);
- out_tw(esp->e_addr);
- r = R_WORD;
- if (pcrf)
- r |= R_PCR;
- if (esp->e_flag) {
- n = esp->e_base.e_sp->s_ref;
- r |= R_SYM;
- } else {
- n = esp->e_base.e_ap->a_ref;
- }
- *relp++ = r;
- *relp++ = txtp - txt - 2;
- out_rw(n);
- }
- }
- }
- dot->s_addr += 2;
- }
- /*
- * Clear out any bufferred text and relocation information
- */
- outall()
- {
- if (oflag && pass==2)
- outbuf();
- }
- /*
- * Check text buffer and relocation buffer.
- */
- outchk(nt, nr)
- {
- register struct area *ap;
- if (txtp+nt > &txt[NTXT] || relp+nr > &rel[NREL]) {
- outbuf();
- }
- if (txtp == txt) {
- out_tw(dot->s_addr);
- if (ap = dot->s_area) {
- *relp++ = R_WORD|R_AREA;
- *relp++ = 0;
- out_rw(ap->a_ref);
- }
- }
- }
- /*
- * Output any bufferred text and relocation information
- */
- outbuf()
- {
- if (txtp > &txt[2]) {
- fprintf(ofp, "T");
- out(txt, txtp-txt);
- fprintf(ofp, "\n");
- txtp = txt;
- if (relp > rel) {
- fprintf(ofp, "R");
- out(rel, relp-rel);
- fprintf(ofp, "\n");
- relp = rel;
- }
- } else {
- txtp = txt;
- relp = rel;
- }
- }
- /*
- * Walk through the symbol table and the
- * area list and put out the global
- * symbol information at the front of the
- * relocatable file. This routine is also
- * responsible for setting up the reference
- * numbers in the symbol tabel.
- */
- outgsd()
- {
- register struct area *ap;
- register struct sym *sp;
- register i, j;
- char *ptr;
- int c, narea, nglob, rn;
- narea = areap->a_ref + 1;
- nglob = 0;
- for (i = 0; i < NHASH; ++i) {
- sp = symhash[i];
- while (sp) {
- if (sp->s_flag&S_GBL)
- ++nglob;
- sp = sp->s_sp;
- }
- }
- if (xflag == 0) {
- fprintf(ofp, "X%c\n", hilo ? 'H' : 'L');
- fprintf(ofp, "H %X areas %X global symbols\n", narea, nglob);
- } else
- if (xflag == 1) {
- fprintf(ofp, "Q%c\n", hilo ? 'H' : 'L');
- fprintf(ofp, "H %o areas %o global symbols\n", narea, nglob);
- } else
- if (xflag == 2) {
- fprintf(ofp, "D%c\n", hilo ? 'H' : 'L');
- fprintf(ofp, "H %u areas %u global symbols\n", narea, nglob);
- }
- /*
- * Module name
- */
- if (module[0]) {
- fprintf(ofp, "M ");
- ptr = &module[0];
- while (ptr < &module[NCPS]) {
- if (c = *ptr++)
- putc(c, ofp);
- }
- putc('\n', ofp);
- }
- /*
- * Global references and absolutes.
- */
- rn = 0;
- for (i=0; i<NHASH; ++i) {
- sp = symhash[i];
- while (sp) {
- if (sp->s_area==NULL && sp->s_flag&S_GBL) {
- sp->s_ref = rn++;
- outsym(sp);
- }
- sp = sp->s_sp;
- }
- }
- /*
- * Global relocatables.
- */
- for (i=0; i<narea; ++i) {
- ap = areap;
- while (ap->a_ref != i)
- ap = ap->a_ap;
- outarea(ap);
- for (j=0; j<NHASH; ++j) {
- sp = symhash[j];
- while (sp) {
- if (sp->s_area==ap && sp->s_flag&S_GBL) {
- sp->s_ref = rn++;
- outsym(sp);
- }
- sp = sp->s_sp;
- }
- }
- }
- }
- /*
- * Output the relocatable item defining
- * an area.
- */
- outarea(ap)
- register struct area *ap;
- {
- register char *ptr;
- register c;
- fprintf(ofp, "A ");
- ptr = &ap->a_id[0];
- while (ptr < &ap->a_id[NCPS]) {
- if (c = *ptr++)
- putc(c, ofp);
- }
- if (xflag == 0) {
- fprintf(ofp, " size %X flags %X\n", ap->a_size, ap->a_flag);
- } else
- if (xflag == 1) {
- fprintf(ofp, " size %o flags %o\n", ap->a_size, ap->a_flag);
- } else
- if (xflag == 2) {
- fprintf(ofp, " size %u flags %u\n", ap->a_size, ap->a_flag);
- }
- }
- /*
- * Output the relocatable item describing a
- * global symbol.
- */
- outsym(sp)
- register struct sym *sp;
- {
- register char *ptr;
- register c;
- fprintf(ofp, "S ");
- ptr = &sp->s_id[0];
- while (ptr < &sp->s_id[NCPS]) {
- if (c = *ptr++)
- putc(c, ofp);
- }
- fprintf(ofp, " %s", sp->s_type==S_NEW ? "Ref" : "Def");
- if (xflag == 0) {
- fprintf(ofp, "%04X\n", sp->s_addr);
- } else
- if (xflag == 1) {
- fprintf(ofp, "%06o\n", sp->s_addr);
- } else
- if (xflag == 2) {
- fprintf(ofp, "%05u\n", sp->s_addr);
- }
- }
- out(p, n)
- register char *p;
- register n;
- {
- while (n--) {
- if (xflag == 0) {
- fprintf(ofp, " %02X", (*p++)&0377);
- } else
- if (xflag == 1) {
- fprintf(ofp, " %03o", (*p++)&0377);
- } else
- if (xflag == 2) {
- fprintf(ofp, " %03u", (*p++)&0377);
- }
- }
- }
- /*
- * Output a byte to the listing buffer.
- */
- out_lb(b)
- register b;
- {
- if (cp < &cb[NCODE])
- *cp++ = b;
- }
- /*
- * Output ordered word to the listing buffer.
- */
- out_lw(n)
- register n;
- {
- if (hilo) {
- out_lb(hibyte(n));
- out_lb(lobyte(n));
- } else {
- out_lb(lobyte(n));
- out_lb(hibyte(n));
- }
- }
- /*
- * Output ordered 'Relocation' word.
- */
- out_rw(n)
- register n;
- {
- if (hilo) {
- *relp++ = hibyte(n);
- *relp++ = lobyte(n);
- } else {
- *relp++ = lobyte(n);
- *relp++ = hibyte(n);
- }
- }
- /*
- * Output ordered 'Text' word.
- */
- out_tw(n)
- register n;
- {
- if (hilo) {
- *txtp++ = hibyte(n);
- *txtp++ = lobyte(n);
- } else {
- *txtp++ = lobyte(n);
- *txtp++ = hibyte(n);
- }
- }
- /*
- * Extract low half of a word.
- */
- int
- lobyte(n)
- {
- return (n&0377);
- }
- /*
- * Extract high half of a word.
- */
- int
- hibyte(n)
- {
- return ((n>>8)&0377);
- }