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- /* m05mch.c */
- /*
- * (C) Copyright 1989
- * All Rights Reserved
- *
- * Alan R. Baldwin
- * 721 Berkeley St.
- * Kent, Ohio 44240
- */
- #include <stdio.h>
- #include <setjmp.h>
- #include "asm.h"
- #include "6805.h"
- #define NB 256
- int *bp;
- int bm;
- int bb[NB];
- struct sdp sdp[] = {
- };
- /*
- * Process a machine op.
- */
- machine(mp)
- struct mne *mp;
- {
- register op, t1, t2, type;
- struct expr e1, e2, e3;
- addr_t espv;
- struct area *espa;
- char id[NCPS];
- int flag, v1;
- op = mp->m_valu;
- type = mp->m_type;
- switch (type) {
- case S_SDP:
- espa = NULL;
- if (more()) {
- getid(id, -1);
- espa = alookup(id);
- if ( espa == NULL) {
- err('u');
- }
- }
- if (espa) {
- sdp->s_area = espa;
- } else {
- sdp->s_area = dot->s_area;
- }
- lmode = SLIST;
- break;
- case S_INH:
- outab(op);
- break;
- case S_BRA:
- expr(&e1, 0);
- v1 = e1.e_addr - dot->s_addr - 2;
- if ((v1 < -128) || (v1 > 127))
- aerr();
- if (e1.e_base.e_ap != dot->s_area)
- rerr();
- outab(op);
- outab(v1);
- break;
- case S_TYP1:
- t1 = addr(&e1);
- espv = e1.e_addr;
- espa = e1.e_base.e_ap;
- if (t1 == S_A) {
- outab(op+0x10);
- break;
- }
- if (t1 == S_X) {
- outab(op+0x20);
- break;
- }
- if (t1 == S_DIR) {
- outab(op);
- outrb(&e1, 0);
- break;
- }
- if (t1 == S_IX) {
- outab(op+0x40);
- break;
- }
- if (t1 == S_DIRX) {
- outab(op+0x30);
- outrb(&e1, 0);
- break;
- }
- aerr();
- break;
- case S_TYP2:
- t1 = addr(&e1);
- espv = e1.e_addr;
- espa = e1.e_base.e_ap;
- if (t1 == S_IMMED) {
- if ((op == 0xA7) ||
- (op == 0xAC) ||
- (op == 0xAF))
- aerr();
- outab(op);
- outrb(&e1, 0);
- break;
- }
- if (t1 == S_DIR) {
- outab(op+0x10);
- outrb(&e1, 0);
- break;
- }
- if (t1 == S_EXT) {
- outab(op+0x20);
- outrw(&e1, 0);
- break;
- }
- if (t1 == S_IX) {
- outab(op+0x50);
- break;
- }
- if (t1 == S_DIRX) {
- outab(op+0x40);
- outrb(&e1, 0);
- break;
- }
- if (t1 == S_INDX) {
- if (pass == 0) {
- dot->s_addr += 3;
- } else
- if (e1.e_flag ||
- (espa && espa != dot->s_area)) {
- outab(op+0x30);
- outrw(&e1, 0);
- } else
- if (pass == 1) {
- if (e1.e_addr >= dot->s_addr)
- e1.e_addr -= fuzz;
- flag = 0;
- if (espv & ~0xFF)
- ++flag;
- if (setbit(flag)) {
- dot->s_addr += 3;
- } else {
- dot->s_addr += 2;
- }
- } else {
- if (getbit()) {
- outab(op+0x30);
- outrw(&e1, 0);
- } else {
- outab(op+0x40);
- outrb(&e1, 0);
- }
- }
- break;
- }
- aerr();
- break;
- case S_TYP3:
- case S_TYP4:
- t1 = addr(&e1);
- espv = e1.e_addr;
- if (t1 != S_IMMED)
- aerr();
- if (espv & ~0x07)
- aerr();
- e1.e_addr = op + 2*(espv&0x07);
- comma();
- t2 = addr(&e2);
- if (t2 != S_DIR)
- aerr();
- espa = e2.e_base.e_ap;
- if (espa && espa != sdp->s_area)
- rerr();
- if (type == S_TYP4) {
- expr(&e3, 0);
- v1 = e3.e_addr - dot->s_addr - 3;
- if ((v1 < -128) || (v1 > 127))
- aerr();
- if (e3.e_base.e_ap != dot->s_area)
- rerr();
- }
- outrb(&e1, 0);
- outrb(&e2, 0);
- if (type == S_TYP4)
- outab(v1);
- break;
- default:
- err('o');
- }
- }
- /*
- * The next character must be a
- * comma.
- */
- comma()
- {
- if (getnb() != ',')
- qerr();
- }
- /*
- * Machine specific initialization.
- * Set up the bit table.
- * Reset direct page.
- */
- minit()
- {
- bp = bb;
- bm = 1;
- sdp->s_area = dot->s_area;
- }
- /*
- * Store `b' in the next slot of the bit table.
- * If no room, force the longer form of the offset.
- */
- int
- setbit(b)
- {
- if (bp >= &bb[NB])
- return(1);
- if (b)
- *bp |= bm;
- bm <<= 1;
- if (bm == 0) {
- bm = 1;
- ++bp;
- }
- return(b);
- }
- /*
- * Get the next bit from the bit table.
- * If none left, return a `1'.
- * This will force the longer form of the offset.
- */
- int
- getbit()
- {
- register f;
- if (bp >= &bb[NB])
- return (1);
- f = *bp & bm;
- bm <<= 1;
- if (bm == 0) {
- bm = 1;
- ++bp;
- }
- return (f);
- }