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(provide (quote byte-compile)) (defvar byte-compile-constnum -1 "\ Transfer vector index of last constant allocated.") (defvar byte-compile-constants nil "\ Alist describing contents to put in transfer vector. Each element is (CONTENTS . INDEX)") (defvar byte-compile-macro-environment nil "\ Alist of (MACRONAME . DEFINITION) macros defined in the file which is being compiled.") (defvar byte-compile-pc 0 "\ Index in byte string to store next opcode at.") (defvar byte-compile-output nil "\ Alist describing contents to put in byte code string. Each element is (INDEX . VALUE)") (defvar byte-compile-depth 0 "\ Current depth of execution stack.") (defvar byte-compile-maxdepth 0 "\ Maximum depth of execution stack.") (defconst byte-varref 8 "\ Byte code opcode for variable reference.") (defconst byte-varset 16 "\ Byte code opcode for setting a variable.") (defconst byte-varbind 24 "\ Byte code opcode for binding a variable.") (defconst byte-call 32 "\ Byte code opcode for calling a function.") (defconst byte-unbind 40 "\ Byte code opcode for unbinding special bindings.") (defconst byte-constant 192 "\ Byte code opcode for reference to a constant.") (defconst byte-constant-limit 64 "\ Maximum index usable in byte-constant opcode.") (defconst byte-constant2 129 "\ Byte code opcode for reference to a constant with vector index >= 0100.") (defconst byte-goto 130 "\ Byte code opcode for unconditional jump") (defconst byte-goto-if-nil 131 "\ Byte code opcode for pop value and jump if it's nil.") (defconst byte-goto-if-not-nil 132 "\ Byte code opcode for pop value and jump if it's not nil.") (defconst byte-goto-if-nil-else-pop 133 "\ Byte code opcode for examine top-of-stack, jump and don't pop it if it's nil, otherwise pop it.") (defconst byte-goto-if-not-nil-else-pop 134 "\ Byte code opcode for examine top-of-stack, jump and don't pop it if it's not nil, otherwise pop it.") (defconst byte-return 135 "\ Byte code opcode for pop value and return it from byte code interpreter.") (defconst byte-discard 136 "\ Byte code opcode to discard one value from stack.") (defconst byte-dup 137 "\ Byte code opcode to duplicate the top of the stack.") (defconst byte-save-excursion 138 "\ Byte code opcode to make a binding to record the buffer, point and mark.") (defconst byte-save-window-excursion 139 "\ Byte code opcode to make a binding to record entire window configuration.") (defconst byte-save-restriction 140 "\ Byte code opcode to make a binding to record the current buffer clipping restrictions.") (defconst byte-catch 141 "\ Byte code opcode for catch. Takes, on stack, the tag and an expression for the body.") (defconst byte-unwind-protect 142 "\ Byte code opcode for unwind-protect. Takes, on stack, an expression for the body and an expression for the unwind-action.") (defconst byte-condition-case 143 "\ Byte code opcode for condition-case. Takes, on stack, the variable to bind, an expression for the body, and a list of clauses.") (defconst byte-temp-output-buffer-setup 144 "\ Byte code opcode for entry to with-output-to-temp-buffer. Takes, on stack, the buffer name. Binds standard-output and does some other things. Returns with temp buffer on the stack in place of buffer name.") (defconst byte-temp-output-buffer-show 145 "\ Byte code opcode for exit from with-output-to-temp-buffer. Expects the temp buffer on the stack underneath value to return. Pops them both, then pushes the value back on. Unbinds standard-output and makes the temp buffer visible.") (defconst byte-nth 56) (defconst byte-symbolp 57) (defconst byte-consp 58) (defconst byte-stringp 59) (defconst byte-listp 60) (defconst byte-eq 61) (defconst byte-memq 62) (defconst byte-not 63) (defconst byte-car 64) (defconst byte-cdr 65) (defconst byte-cons 66) (defconst byte-list1 67) (defconst byte-list2 68) (defconst byte-list3 69) (defconst byte-list4 70) (defconst byte-length 71) (defconst byte-aref 72) (defconst byte-aset 73) (defconst byte-symbol-value 74) (defconst byte-symbol-function 75) (defconst byte-set 76) (defconst byte-fset 77) (defconst byte-get 78) (defconst byte-substring 79) (defconst byte-concat2 80) (defconst byte-concat3 81) (defconst byte-concat4 82) (defconst byte-sub1 83) (defconst byte-add1 84) (defconst byte-eqlsign 85) (defconst byte-gtr 86) (defconst byte-lss 87) (defconst byte-leq 88) (defconst byte-geq 89) (defconst byte-diff 90) (defconst byte-negate 91) (defconst byte-plus 92) (defconst byte-max 93) (defconst byte-min 94) (defconst byte-point 96) (defconst byte-goto-char 98) (defconst byte-insert 99) (defconst byte-point-max 100) (defconst byte-point-min 101) (defconst byte-char-after 102) (defconst byte-following-char 103) (defconst byte-preceding-char 104) (defconst byte-current-column 105) (defconst byte-indent-to 106) (defconst byte-eolp 108) (defconst byte-eobp 109) (defconst byte-bolp 110) (defconst byte-bobp 111) (defconst byte-current-buffer 112) (defconst byte-set-buffer 113) (defconst byte-read-char 114) (defconst byte-interactive-p 116) (defun byte-recompile-directory (directory &optional arg) "\ Recompile every .el file in DIRECTORY that needs recompilation. This is if a .elc file exists but is older than the .el file. If the .elc file does not exist, offer to compile the .el file only if a prefix argument has been specified." (interactive "DByte recompile directory: P") (byte-code "אêו êז✓!ë⓪êח✓אט#יאא⑨ àc כ @!?àO ז @✓\"ë④àO ל!מPë⑤àO נ!âD ס\"éO ╱àO עפצQ!àZ ק!ê♪Të③ê Aë①êé⑦ êרש♪♪תUâq ןér ך#,ç" [directory files nil count source dest arg save-some-buffers expand-file-name directory-files "\\.el\\'" 0 auto-save-file-name-p file-name-sans-versions "c" file-exists-p file-newer-than-file-p y-or-n-p "Compile " "? " byte-compile-file message "Done (Total of %d file%s compiled)" 1 "" "s"] 15)) (defun byte-compile-file (filename) "\ Compile a file of Lisp code named FILENAME into a file of byte code. The output file's name is made by appending \"c\" to the end of FILENAME." (interactive "fByte compile file: ") (byte-code "גêט✓!ë⓪êיכ✓\"êלמ!לנ!גגג╱ə⑨è qêס êע✓!êפbê qêצ êס êè qêקר!êשת!àH ןפ!êé7 êm?)àa ך !ë⑥╱êםף╱! \"êé3 ê qêפbêץ§גו#àÄ ש∧!àè ∞α!êקβ!êשΓ!àè πפ!êΣcêéh êפbêץ§גו#àכ שσ!àז `S✓גµτÅàו קβ!ê✓èΦ ê`)=àו שΓ!àו πפ!êΣc)êéÆ êו ΘפdΩ✓!δP#)ê∮p!ê∮ !)-êוç" [filename inbuffer outbuffer byte-compile-macro-environment nil case-fold-search sexp t this-line vms-stmlf-recfm expand-file-name message "Compiling %s..." get-buffer-create " *Compiler Input*" " *Compiler Output*" erase-buffer insert-file-contents 1 emacs-lisp-mode skip-chars-forward " " looking-at ";" forward-line read print byte-compile-file-form search-forward " (" "defun \\|autoload " forward-sexp 3 " " "\"" forward-char "\\ " "defvar \\|defconst " (byte-code "IJא!êijç" [t forward-sexp 3] 2) ((error (byte-code "ijç" [nil] 1))) beginning-of-line write-region file-name-sans-versions "c" kill-buffer] 32)) (defun byte-compile-file-form (form) (byte-code "✓<?â