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Text File | 1993-10-23 | 37.4 KB | 1,394 lines |
- ; COMPILE.S: compilation words 20/07/90.
- ; Copyright <C> John Redmond 1989, 1990.
- ; Public domain for non-commercial use.
- ;
- section text
- even
- ;
- ;****************************************
- ;* *
- ;* general entry for compilation code: *
- ;* *
- ;****************************************
- ;
- ifval = 17
- bval = 18
- doval = 19
- wval = 20
- casval = 30
- colval = 999
- ;
- fstate: ds.l 1 ;compilation flag
- codestart: ds.l 1 ;address of current code
- ffa: ds.l 1 ;address for flags & length
- edge: ds.w 1 ;just expanded a macro?
- edges: ds.l 2 ;active edges
- ;
- call: lea mcro,a1
- tst.l (a1) ;macros allowed
- beq.s mustcall ;force call if not
- call2: bsr flag
- tst.w d2
- beq mustcall ;not a macro
- move.l d2,d4
- swap d4
- and.w #maxsize,d4 ;max macro length
- lea longest,a1
- move.l (a1),d3
- cmp.w d3,d4
- ble inline
- mustcall: lea origin,a1
- move.l (a1),d0
- cmp.l d0,a0
- bcc .mc5
- bsr warn
- .mc5: push a0 ;code address
- bsr only_16
- bcs toofar
- move.l d1,(a6) ;replace code address with distance
- push #$6100 ;bsr
- bsr _comma ;opcode
- bsr only_8
- bne.s .c5 ;long call
- bsr tocode ;in a1
- pop d0
- move.b d0,-1(a1) ;short call
- bra.s callx
- .c5: bsr _comma ;branch value
- callx: bsr edgeoff
- bsr clrflag
- bsr toptypoff
- rts
- ;
- toofar: pop d0
- sub.l origin(pc),d0 ;convert code address to an offset
- push d0
- push #$203c ;move.l #32bit,d0
- bsr _comma ;opcode
- bsr _lcomma ;immed value
- push #$4eb50800 ;jsr 0(a5,d0.l)
- bsr _lcomma
- bra callx
- ;
- warn: movem.l d2/d4/a0,-(a7)
- lea pocket,a0
- move.l (a0),a0
- moveq.l #0,d0
- move.b (a0)+,d0
- addq.l #1,d0
- push a0
- push d0
- bsr _type
- movem.l (a7)+,d2/d4/a0
- rts
- ;
- ;force compilation of inline code
- ;
- nocall: bsr tocode ;force an expansion
- bra copycode
- ;
- expand: bsr flag ;update flag for current word
- inline: bsr tocode
- lea edge,a2
- move.w (a2),d5 ;just compiled any pushes?
- tst.w d5 ;test for pushes
- beq.s copycode ;if not
- btst #31,d2 ;expecting any edges?
- beq copycode ;no try at optimisation
- bsr.s opt ;otherwise optimise
- ;
- copycode: subq.w #1,d4 ;ready for DBRA
- blt.s .finis
- .nclp: move.w (a0)+,(a1)+
- dbra d4,.nclp
- .finis: suba.l a5,a1 ;offset of dictionary space
- lea cp,a0
- move.l a1,(a0) ;update HERE
- bsr doedge
- rts
- ;
- tocode: lea cp,a1
- move.l (a1),a1
- adda.l a5,a1 ;free code space
- rts
- ;
- opt: move.w -(a1),d1 ;last word compiled
- cmp.w d1,d2 ;useless push?
- beq.s .optx
- and.w #$ffc0,d1
- cmp.w #$2d00,d1 ;was it a push?
- bne.s .noopt
- move.w (a0),d0 ;first word to compile
- and.w #$f03f,d0
- cmp.w #$201e,d0 ;is it a pop?
- bne.s .noopt
- move.w (a1),d0 ;old push
- and.w #$f03f,d0 ;mask out dest field
- move.w (a0),d1 ;new pop
- and.w #$0fc0,d1 ;get new dest field
- or.w d1,d0 ;merge into old push
- move.w d0,(a1)+ ;put it back
- .optx: addq.l #2,a0 ;push and pop not needed
- subq.w #1,d4 ;less words to copy
- cmp.w #99,d5
- beq.s .opty ;previous word was a test
- subq.w #1,d5 ;decrease # edges
- beq .opty ;all edges used up
- btst #30,d2 ;set if 2 edges expected
- beq.s .opty ;no further optimization
- bsr ptchpush ;patch the lower edge
- moveq #0,d5 ;no more valid edges
- addq.l #2,a0 ;yet one less word to compile
- subq.w #1,d4
- rts
- .noopt: addq.l #2,a1
- .opty: rts
- ;
- ;update macro flag for word being compiled:
- ;
- flag: lea fstate,a4
- tst.w d2 ;latest flag
- beq.s .fl5 ;force change if zero
- move.w 2(a4),d3 ;current flag state
- beq.s .no
- cmp.w #-2,d3 ;flag not yet altered?
- bne.s .no ;quit if already altered
- .fl5: move.l d2,d0 ;save macro specs
- and.l #$c000ffff,d2 ;isolate the edges expected
- move.l d2,(a4) ;flag state of first word in definition
- move.l d0,d2 ;restore macro specs
- .no: tst.w d2
- rts ;return flags for d2
- ;
- kpflag: move.l #$ffff,d2 ;fake true macro flag
- bsr.s flag
- rts
- ;
- clrflag: lea fstate,a0
- clr.l (a0)
- rts
- ;
- ;check whether address is within 32k (16 bits signed relative):
- ;
- only_16: bsr _here
- pop d0 ;free dictionary space
- addq.l #2,d0
- move.l (a6),d1 ;copy code address
- sub.l d0,d1 ;how far?
- cmp.l #-32768,d1
- rts
- ;
- ;check whether displacement on stack is within 8 bits signed relative:
- ;
- only_8: move.l (a6),d1 ;copy displacement
- ext.w d1
- cmp.w 2(a6),d1
- rts
- ;
- ; manipulate the edge flag to indicate how many valid edges:
- ;
- doedge: bsr toptypoff
- btst #29,d2 ;returning an edge?
- beq edgeoff
- btst #28,d2 ;just done a DUP or SWAP?
- bne twoon
- btst #27,d2 ;just done a test?
- bne doedge3
- btst #26,d2
- bne plusedge ;just done SP@ or RP@?
- beq oneon ;force just one new edge
- doedge3: move.w #99,d5 ;99 is the test flag
- doedge4: lea edge,a0
- move.w d5,(a0) ;update the edge
- lea edges,a0
- move.l 4(a0),(a0) ;shuffle left
- bsr tocode ;address in a1
- suba.l #2,a1 ;^ latest push
- move.l a1,4(a0)
- rts
- ;
- oneon: moveq #1,d5 ;force one edge
- bra doedge4
- ;
- twoon: lea edges,a0 ;force two edges
- bsr tocode ;address in a1
- suba.l #2,a1 ;^ latest push
- move.l a1,4(a0)
- suba.l #2,a1
- move.l a1,(a0) ;^ previous push
- lea edge,a0
- move.w #2,(a0) ;update the edge
- bsr toptypoff
- rts
- ;
- edgeoff: lea edge,a0
- clr.w (a0) ;no valid edge
- bsr toptypoff
- rts
- ;
- plusedge: lea edge,a0
- move.w (a0),d5
- addq.w #1,d5
- bra doedge4
- ;
- toptypoff: lea toptyp,a0
- clr.w (a0)
- rts
- ;
- ;patch push in second edge to move to register d1:
- ;
- ptchpush: lea edges,a3
- move.l (a3),a3 ;^ previous push
- move.w (a3),d0
- and.w #$f03f,d0
- or.w #$0200,d0 ;'move to d1'
- move.w d0,(a3) ;patch code back
- rts
- ;
- ;system compilation utilities
- ;
- comphead: bsr _ifcomp
- bsr _head ;get cfa
- pop a0
- rts
- ;
- setstart: lea cp,a0
- move.l (a0),d0
- add.l a5,d0
- lea codestart,a0
- move.l d0,(a0)
- rts
- ;
- setffa: push a0 ;ffa is in d0
- lea ffa,a0
- move.l d0,(a0)
- pop a0
- rts
- ;
- virgin: lea mcro,a1
- lea fstate,a0
- move.l #$fffe,d0 ;virgin flag state
- and.l (a1),d0 ;only if macros allowed
- move.l d0,(a0)
- rts
- ;
- fillffa: clr.l d0 ;start with zero ffa
- lea edge,a0
- move.w (a0),d0
- beq.s .ff5
- cmp.w #1,d0
- bne.s .ff1
- move.w #$2000,d0 ;one edge returned
- bra.s .ff4
- .ff1: cmp.w #99,d0
- bne.s .ff2
- move.w #$2800,d0 ;a test returned
- bra.s .ff4
- .ff2: move.w #$3000,d0 ;two edges returned
- .ff4: swap d0
- .ff5: lea fstate,a1
- or.l (a1),d0 ;merge edges expected
- lea ffa,a0
- move.l (a0),a0 ;where to store flags & length
- move.l d0,(a0) ;do the store
- ;
- push a0 ;still need the address
- bsr _here
- pop d0
- lea codestart,a0
- sub.l (a0),d0
- subq.l #2,d0 ;ignore RTS
- asr.l #1,d0 ;convert to words
- and.w #maxsize,d0 ;limit it to maxsize
- pop a0 ;address of ffa
- or.w d0,(a0) ;merge in the code length
- bsr edgeoff
- rts
- ;
- colonbody: lea hp,a0
- lea headmark,a1
- move.l (a0),(a1) ;in case of error
- bsr header
- lea cp,a0
- push (a0)
- move.l (a6),-(a6) ;two copies
- bsr _there
- pop d0
- subq.l #4,d0
- bsr setffa ;where to patch flags and length
- bsr _hcomma ;offset ^code in cfa
- bsr _hcomma ;offset ^code flag in pfa
- bsr dolength ;add length field to header
- bsr setstart ;mark start of compiled code
- rts
- ;
- ;*******************************;
- ;* User ;
- ;* Compilation utilities ;
- ;* ;
- ;*******************************;
- ;
- _laddat: pop a0
- pop d1
- add.l d1,(a0)
- rts
- ;
- _ccomma: lea cp,a0
- move.l (a0),d0
- addq.l #1,(a0)
- pop d1
- move.b d1,(a5,d0.l)
- rts
- ;
- _comma: bsr _align
- lea cp,a0
- move.l (a0),d0
- addq.l #2,(a0)
- pop d1
- move.w d1,(a5,d0.l)
- rts
- ;
- _lcomma: bsr _align
- lea cp,a0
- move.l (a0),a1
- addq.l #4,(a0)
- adda.l a5,a1
- pop (a1)
- rts
- ;
- _hcomma: bsr _align
- lea hp,a0
- move.l (a0),a1
- addq.l #4,(a0)
- adda.l a5,a1
- pop (a1)
- rts
- ;
- _allot: bsr _even
- lea cp,a0
- push a0
- bsr _laddat
- rts
- ;
- _hallot: bsr _even
- lea hp,a0
- push a0
- bsr _laddat
- rts
- ;
- _align: bsr _here
- pop d0
- btst #0,d0
- beq .alx
- push #1
- bsr _allot
- .alx: rts
- ;
- _halign: bsr _there
- pop d0
- btst #0,d0
- beq .alx
- push #1
- bsr _hallot
- .alx: rts
- ;
- _even: pop d0
- move.l d0,d1
- and.l #1,d1
- add.l d1,d0
- push d0
- rts
- ;
- name: push #32
- bsr _word
- move.l (a6),a0 ;copy ^name
- move.b (a0),d0
- beq namerror
- cmp.b #31,d0
- bgt lenerror
- bsr upper
- rts
- ;
- upper: move.l (a6),a0 ;copy ^name
- clr.w d1
- move.b (a0)+,d1 ;get length
- sub.w #1,d1
- .uplp: move.b (a0),d0
- cmp.b #$61,d0
- blt .up5
- cmp.b #$7a,d0
- bgt .up5
- and.b #$5f,d0
- .up5: move.b d0,(a0)+
- dbra d1,.uplp
- rts
- ;
- ;***************************************;
- ;* ;
- ;* Higher-level compilation words ;
- ;* ;
- ;***************************************;
- ;
- _literal: bsr _ifcomp
- bsr.s bliteral
- push #$2d00 ;push d0
- bsr _comma
- bsr plusedge
- ; bsr toptypoff
- bsr kpflag
- rts
- ;
- bliteral: move.l (a6),d0 ;copy literal value
- beq.s .lit2 ;easy if it is zero
- move.l d0,d1 ;a test copy
- ext.w d1
- ext.l d1 ;sign extend 8 bits to 32
- cmp.l d0,d1
- bne.s .lit5 ;longer than 8 bits
- andi.l #$ff,d0 ;mask off high bits
- .lit2: ori.l #$7000,d0 ;moveq #XX,d0 opcode
- move.l d0,(a6) ;overwrite literal value
- bsr _comma
- moveq.l #-1,d0 ;short literal
- bra.s .litx
- .lit5: push #$203c ;move.l #32-bit,d0
- bsr _comma
- bsr _lcomma ;immediate value
- moveq.l #-2,d0 ;long literal
- .litx: lea toptyp,a0
- move.w d0,(a0)
- rts
- ;
- _const: push 4(a0) ;constant value in pfa
- bsr stateat
- beq .cox
- bsr _literal
- .cox: rts
- ;
- _def: move.l 4(a0),a0 ;pfa has offset of ^variable address
- adda.l a5,a0
- push a0
- bsr stateat
- beq dodef
- bsr bvar
- push #$2010 ;move.l (a0),d0
- bsr _comma
- push #$4eb50800 ;jsr (a5,d0.l)
- bsr _lcomma
- bsr toptypoff
- bsr kpflag
- bsr edgeoff
- rts
- dodef: pop a0
- move.l (a0),d0
- jsr (a5,d0.l)
- rts
- ;
- _vect: move.l 4(a0),a0 ;^^code
- adda.l a5,a0
- push a0
- bsr stateat
- beq dodef
- pop a0
- move.l 4(a0),d2 ;flags and length
- move.l (a0),a0
- adda.l a5,a0 ;code address
- bsr call
- rts
- ;
- _var: move.l 4(a0),a0 ;pfa has offset of ^variable address
- adda.l a5,a0
- push a0 ;code address
- bsr stateat
- beq.s direct ;execution mode
- pvar: bsr.s bvar
- push #$2d08 ;'push a0'
- bsr _comma
- moveq.l #1,d0 ;return non-zero
- bsr plusedge
- direct: rts ;return zero if not compiling
- ;
- bvar: bsr only_16 ;displacement returned in d1
- bge .dolea ;lea if close enough
- pop a0 ;else get ready for offset reference
- suba.l a5,a0
- push a0 ;address offset
- push #$217c ;movea.l #32-bit,a0
- bsr _comma
- bsr _lcomma ;32-bit immediate value
- push #$d1cd ;adda.l a5,a0
- bsr _comma
- moveq.l #-4,d0 ;long address
- bra.s var5
- .dolea: move.l d1,(a6) ;overwrite address with displacement
- push #$41fa
- bsr _comma ;lea
- bsr _comma ;displacement
- moveq.l #-3,d0 ;short address
- var5: lea toptyp,a0
- move.w d0,(a0)
- ; bsr toptypoff
- bsr clrflag
- bvarx: rts
- ;
- _bdoes: move.l (a7)+,-(a6) ;get return address
- bsr castore ;patch into cfa of generic word
- bsr _immediate ;make generic word immediate
- rts
- ;
- xplace: move.l 4(a0),a0 ;pfa has offset of ^variable address
- adda.l a5,a0
- push a0
- push #-1
- bsr pushin ;read input from text
- pop a0
- moveq.l #0,d0
- move.b (a0)+,d0
- lea hmac,a1
- move.l d0,(a1) ;text length
- lea macptr,a1
- move.l a0,(a1) ;text address
- lea macin,a1
- clr.l (a1) ;zero pointer offset
- rts
- ;
- xdoes: bsr _var ;used during action of generic word
- beq.s .xd5 ;normal execution mode
- move.l (a7)+,a1 ;return address = compilation record
- move.l (a1)+,a0 ;get code offset from compilation record
- move.l (a1)+,d2 ;and the length and flags
- adda.l a5,a0 ;point to code
- bsr call ;call it
- rts
- .xd5: move.l (a7)+,a1
- move.l (a1),d0
- jmp (a5,d0.l) ;skip over compilation record
- rts
- ;
- _does: lea _bdoes,a0 ;definition of defining word
- bsr mustcall ;defining word calls it
- lea xdoes,a0
- bsr mustcall ;defined word calls it
- lea cp,a0
- move.l (a0),d0
- lea hp,a1
- move.l (a1),a1
- adda.l a5,a1 ;point to end of header
- move.l d0,-6(a1) ;pfa now points to compilation record
- addq.l #8,d0 ;for now, point past compilation record
- push d0
- subq.l #4,d0 ;point back into compilation record
- add.l a5,d0 ;make it a real address
- bsr setffa ;ffa for later patching
- bsr _lcomma ;code pointer in compilation record
- push #0 ;save it for _semicolon
- bsr _lcomma ;dummy length and flags
- bsr setstart ;new start for code
- bsr virgin ;virgin flag state
- bsr edgeoff
- rts
- ;
- _recurse: lea codestart,a0
- move.l (a0),a0
- bsr mustcall ;latest definition calls itself
- rts
- ;
- _bra: lea state,a0
- move.l #0,(a0)
- rts
- ;
- _ket: lea state,a0
- move.l #-1,(a0)
- rts
- ;
- _create: bsr header
- lea _var,a0
- bsr do_ptrs
- bsr dolength
- bsr _immediate
- rts
- ;
- _variable: bsr _create
- push #0
- bsr _lcomma
- rts
- ;
- _constant: bsr header
- lea _const,a0
- suba.l a5,a0 ;convert to offset
- push a0
- bsr _hcomma ;code pointer in cfa
- bsr _hcomma ;constant value in pfa
- bsr dolength
- bsr _immediate
- rts
- ;
- _address: bsr header
- lea _var,a0
- suba.l a5,a0 ;convert to offset
- push a0
- bsr _hcomma ;code pointer in cfa
- pop d0
- sub.l a5,d0 ;convert address to offset
- push d0
- bsr _hcomma ;constant value in pfa
- bsr dolength
- bsr _immediate
- rts
- ;
- _defer: bsr header
- lea _def,a0
- def5: suba.l a5,a0 ;convert to offset
- push a0
- bsr _hcomma ;code pointer in cfa
- lea cp,a0
- push (a0)
- bsr _hcomma ;offset ^value in pfa
- lea _noop,a0 ;point to noop
- sub.l a5,a0 ;convert address to offset
- push a0
- bsr _lcomma ;code offset in compilation record
- push #0 ;dummy length and flag field
- bsr _lcomma
- bsr dolength
- bsr _immediate
- rts
- ;
- _vector: bsr header
- lea _vect,a0
- bra def5
- ;
- _is: bsr _head
- bsr stateat
- beq .is7 ;no compilation
- pop -(a7) ;header of vector word
- pop a0 ;header of vectored word
- push -4(a0) ;flags and length
- move.l 4(a0),a0 ;code offset from pfa
- adda.l a5,a0
- push a0 ;code address
- bsr bvar ;'load address to a0'
- bsr bliteral ;'flags and length to d0'
- push #$91cd2208 ;'suba.l a5,a0 move.l a0,d1'
- bsr _lcomma
- move.l (a7)+,a1 ;address of vector word
- move.l 4(a1),a1
- adda.l a5,a1 ;^data fields
- push a1
- bsr bvar ;'dest address to a0'
- push #$20c12080 ;'move.l d1,(a0)+,move.l d0,(a0)'
- bsr _lcomma
- rts
- .is7: pop a1 ;header of vector word
- move.l 4(a1),a1
- adda.l a5,a1 ;^data fields
- pop a0 ;header of vectored word
- move.l -4(a0),4(a1) ;copy flags and length
- move.l 4(a0),(a1) ;code offset
- rts
- ;
- _file: bsr _create
- push #24
- bsr _allot
- rts
- ;
- _colon: bsr clrlve ;clear leave stack
- bsr edgeoff
- bsr colonbody
- bsr _ket
- bsr _smudge
- bsr virgin ;initialise push flag
- push #colval ;balance marker
- rts
- ;
- _semicolon: bsr _ifcomp
- pop d0
- cmp.l #colval,d0
- bne strerror
- push #$4e75 ;RTS
- bsr _comma
- bsr _bra
- bsr _smudge
- bsr fillffa
- rts
- ;
- _dotq: bsr _q
- lea _type,a0
- bsr mustcall ;force a call
- rts
- ;
- _abortq: bsr _if
- bsr _dotq
- lea _abort,a0
- bsr mustcall ;force a call
- bsr _then
- rts
- ;
- _q: bsr _ifcomp
- lea _bq,a0
- bsr mustcall ;force a call
- bsr _qcomma
- rts
- ;
- _qcomma: push #34 ;"
- qc2: bsr _word ;get string with this delimiter
- move.l (a6),a0 ;copy ^name
- clr.l d0
- move.b (a0),d0 ;get string length
- beq namerror
- addq.l #2,d0
- clr.b -1(a0,d0.w) ;null at end of string
- move.l d0,-(a7)
- bsr _here ;destination
- move.l (a7),-(a6) ;length
- bsr _cmove
- move.l (a7)+,-(a6) ;length
- bsr _allot
- bsr _align
- rts
- ;
- _bq: move.l (a7)+,a0 ;^string in a0
- clr.l d0
- move.b (a0)+,d0 ;string length
- movem.l d0/a0,-(a6) ;address and length
- add.l a0,d0 ;end of string
- addq.l #1,d0 ;bump past null
- move.l d0,d1
- andi.l #1,d1
- add.l d1,d0 ;adjust to even address
- move.l d0,-(a7) ;return address
- rts
- ;
- _rplace: bsr _ifexec
- bsr header
- lea xplace,a0
- bsr do_ptrs
- bsr dolength
- bsr _immediate
- lea delim,a0
- push (a0) ;delimiter has been set
- bsr qc2
- rts
- ;
- _ifcomp: bsr stateat
- bne.s .ifcx
- lea stterr,a0
- bra _error
- .ifcx: rts
- ;
- _ifexec: bsr stateat
- beq.s .ifex
- lea exerr,a0
- bra _error
- .ifex: rts
- ;
- ; _compile is used to define a defining word which will compile code
- ; as it is at the time of definition of the DEFINING word
- ;
- _compile: bsr comphead
- bsr special
- bne .c5
- move.l 4(a0),a0 ;indirection needed
- adda.l a5,a0
- push 4(a0) ;length and macro flag if deferred
- bra.s .c6
- .c5: push -4(a0) ;normal length and macro flag
- .c6: move.l (a0),a0
- adda.l a5,a0
- push a0 ;code address
- bsr bvar ;'load code address into a0'
- push #$243c
- bsr _comma ;'load immed val of length & flag
- bsr _lcomma ;into d2'
- lea call,a0 ;code for child word
- bsr mustcall ;'call or expand in child word'
- rts
- ;
- ;_delay is used in a definition of a defining word. It will compile
- ;the code to to used by @execute when the defining word is used.
- _delay: bsr comphead
- bsr special
- bne deferror ;cannot delay normal words
- move.l 4(a0),a0 ;indirection needed
- adda.l a5,a0
- push a0 ;code address
- bsr bvar ;'load comp record address into a0'
- lea delaycall,a0 ;code for child word
- bsr mustcall ;'call or expand in child word'
- rts
- ;
- delaycall: move.l 4(a0),d2
- move.l (a0),a0
- adda.l a5,a0
- bsr call
- rts
- ;
- special: move.l (a0),d0
- add.l a5,d0
- lea _vect,a1
- cmp.l d0,a1 ;is it a vectored word?
- beq .sx
- lea _def,a1
- cmp.l d0,a1
- .sx: rts ;return zero if OK
- ;
- _call: bsr comphead
- move.l (a0),a0
- adda.l a5,a0
- bsr mustcall
- rts
- ;
- _btick: bsr _ifcomp
- bsr _tick ;fetch address
- bsr pvar ;code to put it onto stack
- rts
- ;
- _bcompile: bsr comphead
- move.l (a0),d0
- cmp.l 4(a0),d0 ;equal in normal words
- beq .bc5
- bra deferror
- .bc5: move.l -4(a0),d2 ;length and macro flag
- move.l (a0),a0
- adda.l a5,a0 ;code address
- bsr call
- rts
- ;
- _stcsp: bsr _spat
- lea csp,a0
- pop (a0)
- rts
- ;
- _pairs: bsr _equal
- pop d0
- bne .pairsx
- lea strerr,a0
- bra _error
- .pairsx: rts
- ;
- ;*********************************************************;
- ; ;
- ; Low-level words for defining logical structures ;
- ; ;
- ;*********************************************************;
- ;
- _fmark: bsr _here
- push #0
- bsr _comma
- bsr edgeoff
- rts
- ;
- _bmark: bsr _here
- bsr edgeoff
- rts
- ;
- _fresolve:
- bsr _here
- bsr _over
- bsr _sub
- bsr _swap
- bsr _wstore
- bsr edgeoff
- rts
- ;
- _bresolve:
- bsr _here
- bsr _sub
- bsr only_8
- bne .br5
- bsr tocode ;returned in a1
- pop d0
- move.b d0,-1(a1) ;short branch
- bra.s .brx
- .br5: bsr _comma
- .brx: bsr edgeoff
- rts
- ;
- _bif: pop d0
- dc.w $6700 ;beq
- rts
- ;
- doif: move.w edge(pc),d0
- cmp.w #99,d0
- bne .di5 ;last instruct not a test
- bsr tocode ;address in a1
- subq.l #8,a1
- move.w (a1),d0
- andi.w #$0f00,d0
- eori.w #$0100,d0 ;reverse the logic
- ori.w #$6000,d0
- move.w d0,(a1)+ ;replace as a branch
- suba.l a5,a1
- lea cp,a0
- move.l a1,(a0) ;correct HERE
- bsr edgeoff
- rts
- .di5: lea _bif,a0 ;start of code
- move.l #exp_d0,d2 ;macro flag & one edge
- moveq #2,d4 ;length
- bsr inline
- rts
- ;
- clrlve: lea lstkptr,a0
- move.l a0,(a0)
- rts
- ;
- pushlve: lea lstkptr,a1
- move.l (a1),a0
- subq.l #4,a0
- pop (a0)
- move.l a0,(a1)
- rts
- ;
- poplve: lea lstkptr,a1
- move.l (a1),a0
- push (a0)
- addq.l #4,a0
- move.l a0,(a1)
- rts
- ;
- reslve: bsr poplve ;value on leave stack
- move.l (a6),d0
- beq .reslx
- bsr _fresolve
- bra reslve
- .reslx: addq.l #4,a6 ;discard zero
- bsr edgeoff
- rts
- ;
- _bdo: move.l (a7)+,a0
- lea lpstkptr,a1 ;loop stack pointer
- move.l (a1),a2
- movem.l d6-d7,-(a2)
- move.l a2,(a1) ;keep altered stack pointer
- movem.l (a6)+,d6-d7
- add.l #$80000000,d7
- sub.l d7,d6
- cmp.l #$80000000,d6 ;indexes equal?
- jmp (a0)
- ;
- _bunloop: lea lpstkptr,a1
- move.l (a1),a2
- movem.l (a2)+,d6-d7 ;pop loop stack
- move.l a2,(a1)
- rts
- ;
- bloop: addq.l #1,d6
- dc.w $6800 ;BVC xxxx
- rts
- ;
- bploop: pop d0
- add.l d0,d6
- dc.w $6800 ;BVC xxxx
- rts
- ;
- bi: move.l d6,d0
- add.l d7,d0
- push d0
- rts
- ;
- bip: move.l d7,d0
- add.l #$80000000,d0
- push d0
- rts
- ;
- bj: lea lpstkptr,a0
- move.l (a0),a0
- push (a0)
- rts
- ;
- bof: pop d0
- cmp.l d0,d6
- dc.w $6600
- ;
- ;***************************************;
- ;* ;
- ;* User words for logical structures ;
- ;* ;
- ;***************************************;
- ;
- _case: bsr _ifcomp
- push #0
- bsr pushlve ;zero marker
- push #$2f062c1e ;move.l d6,-(a7) pop d6
- bsr _lcomma
- push #casval
- bsr edgeoff
- rts
- ;
- _endcase: bsr _ifcomp
- pop d0
- cmp.l #casval,d0
- bne strerror
- bsr reslve
- push #$2c1f ;move.l (a7)+,d6
- bsr _comma
- rts
- ;
- _of: move.l (a6),d0
- cmp.l #casval,d0
- bne strerror
- lea bof,a0
- move.l #exp_d0,d2 ;one edge, 'pop d0' required
- move.w #3,d4
- bsr inline
- bsr.s if2
- rts
- ;
- _endof: bsr _ifcomp
- pop d0
- cmp.l #ifval,d0
- bne strerror
- bsr lv2
- bsr _fresolve
- rts
- ;
- _if: bsr _ifcomp
- bsr doif
- if2: bsr _fmark
- push #ifval
- rts
- ;
- _then: bsr _ifcomp
- pop d0
- cmp.l #ifval,d0
- bne strerror
- bsr _fresolve
- rts
- ;
- _else: bsr _ifcomp
- pop d0
- cmp.l #ifval,d0
- bne strerror
- push #$6000 ;bra
- bsr _comma
- bsr _fmark
- bsr _swap
- bsr _fresolve
- push #ifval
- rts
- ;
- _begin: bsr _ifcomp
- push #0
- bsr pushlve ;zero marker
- bsr _bmark
- push #bval
- rts
- ;
- _until: bsr _ifcomp
- pop d0
- cmp.l #bval,d0
- bne strerror
- bsr doif
- bsr _bresolve
- bsr reslve
- rts
- ;
- _again: bsr _ifcomp
- pop d0
- cmp.l #bval,d0
- bne strerror
- push #$6000
- bsr _comma
- bsr _bresolve
- bsr reslve
- rts
- ;
- _while: bsr _ifcomp
- pop d0
- cmp.l #bval,d0
- bne strerror
- bsr doif
- bsr _fmark
- push #wval
- rts
- ;
- _repeat: bsr _ifcomp
- pop d0
- cmp.l #wval,d0
- bne strerror
- push #$6000 ;bra
- bsr _comma
- bsr _swap
- bsr _bresolve
- bsr _fresolve
- bsr reslve
- rts
- ;
- _leave: bsr _ifcomp
- lv2: push #$6000 ;bra
- bsr _comma
- bsr _fmark
- bsr pushlve
- rts
- ;
- _exit: push #$4e75 ;rts
- bsr _comma
- rts
- ;
- _do: bsr _ifcomp
- push #0
- bsr pushlve ;zero marker
- lea _bdo,a0
- bsr mustcall
- push #$6700
- bsr _comma
- bsr _fmark ;beq XXXX
- bsr _bmark ;for backward branch
- push #doval
- rts
- ;
- _loop: bsr _ifcomp
- pop d0
- cmp.l #doval,d0
- bne strerror
- lea bloop,a0
- moveq #2,d4 ;length
- bsr nocall
- lp5: bsr _bresolve ;<resolve
- bsr reslve
- bsr _fresolve ;>resolve if indexes equal
- lea _bunloop,a0
- bsr mustcall
- bsr edgeoff
- rts
- ;
- _ploop: bsr _ifcomp
- pop d0
- cmp.l #doval,d0
- bne strerror
- lea bploop,a0 ;start of inline code
- move.l #exp_d0,d2 ;look for one edge
- move.w #3,d4
- bsr inline
- bra lp5
- ;
- _i: bsr _ifcomp
- lea bi,a0
- move.l #ret1_any,d2
- moveq #3,d4 ;length
- bsr inline
- rts
- ;
- _ip: bsr _ifcomp
- move.l #ret1_any,d2
- lea bip,a0
- moveq #5,d4 ;length
- bsr inline
- rts
- ;
- _j: bsr _ifcomp
- lea bj,a0
- bsr mustcall
- rts
- ;
- section data
- even
- ;
- dc.b $c6,'MACROS',$a0
- ptrs _macros,20
- ;
- dc.b $c5,'CALL','S'!$80
- ptrs _calls,18
- ;
- dc.b $c1,'I'!$80
- ptrs _i,14
- ;
- dc.b $c1,'J'!$80
- ptrs _j,14
- ;
- dc.b $c2,"I'",$a0
- ptrs _ip,16
- ;
- dc.b $c2,'R>',$a0
- ptrs _rgt,16
- ;
- dc.b $c2,'>R',$a0
- ptrs _gtr,16
- ;
- dc.b $c2,'R@',$a0
- ptrs _rat,16
- ;
- dc.b $c1,'['!$80
- ptrs _bra,14
- ;
- dc.b $c1,']'!$80
- ptrs _ket,14
- ;
- dc.b $84,'!CSP',$a0
- ptrs _stcsp,18
- ;
- dc.b $86,'?PAIRS',$a0
- ptrs _pairs,20
- ;
- dc.b $85,'>MAR','K'!$80
- ptrs _fmark,18
- ;
- dc.b $88,'>RESOLVE',$a0
- ptrs _fresolve,22
- ;
- dc.b $85,'<MAR','K'!$80
- ptrs _bmark,18
- ;
- dc.b $88,'<RESOLVE',$a0
- ptrs _bresolve,22
- ;
- dc.b $85,'?COM','P'!$80
- ptrs _ifcomp,18
- ;
- dc.b $85,'?EXE','C'!$80
- ptrs _ifexec,18
- ;
- dc.b $c3,"['","]"!$80
- ptrs _btick,16
- ;
- dc.b $c7,'LITERA','L'!$80
- ptrs _literal,20
- ;
- dc.b $c6,'SMUDGE',$a0
- ptrs _smudge,20
- ;
- dc.b $c9,'IMMEDIAT','E'!$80
- ptrs _immediate,22
- ;
- dc.b $85,'ALLO','T'!$80
- ptrs _allot,18
- ;
- dc.b $84,'EVEN',$a0
- ptrs _even,18
- ;
- dc.b $85,'ALIG','N'!$80
- ptrs _align,18
- ;
- dc.b $81,','!$80
- ptrs _lcomma,14
- ;
- dc.b $82,'W,',$a0
- ptrs _comma,16
- ;
- dc.b $82,'C,',$a0
- ptrs _ccomma,16
- ;
- dc.b $82,'",',$a0
- ptrs _qcomma,16
- ;
- dc.b $81,':'!$80
- ptrs _colon,14
- ;
- dc.b $c1,';'!$80
- ptrs _semicolon,14
- ;
- dc.b $c2,'IF',$a0
- ptrs _if,16
- ;
- dc.b $c4,'ELSE',$a0
- ptrs _else,18
- ;
- dc.b $c4,'THEN',$a0
- ptrs _then,18
- ;
- dc.b $c2,'DO',$a0
- ptrs _do,16
- ;
- dc.b $c4,'LOOP',$a0
- ptrs _loop,18
- ;
- dc.b $c5,'+LOO','P'!$80
- ptrs _ploop,18
- ;
- dc.b $c5,'LEAV','E'!$80
- ptrs _leave,18
- ;
- dc.b $c4,'EXIT',$a0
- ptrs _exit,18
- ;
- dc.b $c5,'BEGI','N'!$80
- ptrs _begin,18
- ;
- dc.b $c5,'UNTI','L'!$80
- ptrs _until,18
- ;
- dc.b $c5,'AGAI','N'!$80
- ptrs _again,18
- ;
- dc.b $c5,'WHIL','E'!$80
- ptrs _while,18
- ;
- dc.b $c6,'REPEAT',$a0
- ptrs _repeat,20
- ;
- dc.b $c4,'CASE',$a0
- ptrs _case,18
- ;
- dc.b $c7,'ENDCAS','E'!$80
- ptrs _endcase,20
- ;
- dc.b $c2,'OF',$a0
- ptrs _of,16
- ;
- dc.b $c5,'ENDO','F'!$80
- ptrs _endof,18
- ;
- dc.b $86,'CREATE',$a0
- ptrs _create,20
- ;
- dc.b $c5,'DOES','>'!$80
- ptrs _does,18
- ;
- dc.b $87,'REPLAC','E'!$80
- ptrs _rplace,20
- ;
- dc.b $c6,'ABORT"',$a0
- ptrs _abortq,20
- ;
- dc.b $c2,46,34,$a0
- ptrs _dotq,16
- ;
- dc.b $c1,34!$80
- ptrs _q,14
- ;
- dc.b $88,'VARIABLE',$A0
- ptrs _variable,22
- ;
- dc.b $88,'CONSTANT',$a0
- ptrs _constant,22
- ;
- dc.b $87,'ADDRES','S'!$80
- ptrs _address,20
- ;
- dc.b $c5,'DEFE','R'!$80
- ptrs _defer,18
- ;
- dc.b $c2,'IS',$a0
- ptrs _is,16
- ;
- dc.b $c7,'COMPIL','E'!$80
- ptrs _compile,20
- ;
- dc.b $c9,'[COMPILE',']'!$80
- ptrs _bcompile,22
- ;
- dc.b $c5,'DELA','Y'!$80
- ptrs _delay,18
- ;
- dc.b $c4,'CALL',$a0
- ptrs _call,18
- ;
- dc.b $c6,'VECTOR',$a0
- ptrs _vector,20
- ;
- dc.b $84,'FILE',$a0
- ptrs _file,18
- ;
- dc.b $c7,'RECURS','E'!$80
- ptrs _recurse,20
- ;
- dc.b $87,'EXECUT','E'!$80
- ptrs _execute,20
- ;
- dc.b $88,'@EXECUTE',$a0
- ptrs _atexec,22
- ;