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- ; GLOBALS.S: ForST macros, version 1.13
- ; Copyright <C> John Redmond 1989,1990
- ; Public domain for non-commercial use.
- ;
- section text
- ;
- opt A+ ;PC-rel
- ;
- ; Bit flags for stack expectations and results of macros:
- ;
- ;
- none_none = 0 ;0 args expected, 0 results returned
- none_one = $20
- one_none = $80
- one_one = $a0
- one_two = $b0
- ;
- two_none = $c0 ; 2 args expected, 0 results returned
- two_one = $e0
- two_two = $f0
- ;
- two_result = $e8 ; 2 args expected, boolean result returned
- one_result = $a8
- exp_d0 = (one_none<<24)!$2d00
- ret1_any = (none_one<<24)!$ffff
- ;
- push: macro $\1
- move.l \1,-(a6)
- endm
- pop: macro $\1
- move.l (a6)+,\1
- endm
- rpush: macro $\1
- move.l \1,-(a7)
- endm
- rpop: macro $\1
- move.l (a7)+,\1
- endm
- offs: macro \1
- dc.l \1-index
- endm
- len: macro \1
- dc.w (\1-*-2)/2
- endm
- ;
- ptrs: macro \1
- dc.l 0
- dc.l \1-index,\1-index
- dc.w \2
- endm
- lptrs: macro \1 ;word with length for copying
- dc.w \2 ;length
- dc.w 0
- dc.l \1-index,\1-index
- dc.w \3
- endm
- mptrs: macro ;macro words
- dc.b \4,\3 ;macro length
- ifc '\2','noedge'
- dc.w -1
- elseif
- move.l \2,-(a6) ;macro flag
- endc
- dc.l \1-index,\1-index
- dc.w \5
- endm
- ;
- vptrs: macro \1 ;variables
- dc.l 0
- dc.l _var-index,\1-index
- dc.w \2
- endm
- ;
- cptrs: macro \1 ;constants
- dc.l 0
- dc.l _const-index,\1
- dc.w \2
- endm
- ;
- dptrs: macro \1 ;deferred words
- dc.l 0
- dc.l _def-index,\1-index
- dc.w \2
- endm
- ;
- vectptrs: macro \1 ;vectored words
- dc.l 0
- dc.l _vect-index,\1-index
- dc.w \2
- endm
- ;
- vect: macro \1,$\2,%\3,%\4 ;compile-time vectoring
- dc.b \4,\3 ;macro length
- ifc '\2','noedge'
- dc.w -1
- elseif
- move.l \2,-(a6) ;macro flag
- endc
- dc.l _vect-index,\1-index
- dc.w \5
- endm
- ;
- decide: macro \1,$\2,%\3,%\4,\5,\6 ;compile-time vectoring
- dc.b \4,\3 ;macro length
- ifc '\2','noedge'
- dc.w -1
- elseif
- move.l \2,-(a6) ;macro flag
- endc
- dc.l \6-index,\1-index
- dc.w \5
- endm
- ;
- fetch: macro \1,\2,\3,\4,\5 ;compile-time vectoring
- decide \1,\2,\3,\4,\5,_fetchopt
- endm
- ;
- store: macro \1,\2,\3,\4,\5 ;compile-time vectoring
- decide \1,\2,\3,\4,\5,_storeopt
- endm
- ;
- invert: macro \1,\2,\3,\4,\5 ;compile-time vectoring
- decide \1,\2,\3,\4,\5,_notopt
- endm
- ;
- ; system constants to be set before assembly
- ;
- wspace = $10000 ;space for code and buffers
- rspace = $2000 ;space for return stack
- hspace = $8000 ;space for headers
- kbuffsiz = 80 ;keyboard input buffer
- bsize = 24 ;size of file structure
- nobuffs = 8 ;# system iobuffers
- maxsize = $3ff ;max # words in a macro