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- /*
- * MC6800/02 specific processing
- */
- /* addressing modes */
- #define IMMED 0 /* immediate */
- #define IND 1 /* indexed */
- #define OTHER 2 /* NOTA */
- /*
- * localinit --- machine specific initialization
- */
- localinit()
- {
- }
- /*
- * do_op --- process mnemonic
- *
- * Called with the base opcode and it's class. Optr points to
- * the beginning of the operand field.
- */
- do_op(opcode,class)
- int opcode; /* base opcode */
- int class; /* mnemonic class */
- {
- int dist; /* relative branch distance */
- int amode; /* indicated addressing mode */
- char *peek;
- /* guess at addressing mode */
- peek = Optr;
- amode = OTHER;
- while( !delim(*peek) && *peek != EOS) /* check for comma in operand field */
- if( *peek++ == ',' ){
- amode = IND;
- break;
- }
- if( *Optr == '#' ) amode = IMMED;
- switch(class){
- case INH: /* inherent addressing */
- emit(opcode);
- return;
- case GEN: /* general addressing */
- do_gen(opcode,amode);
- return;
- case REL: /* relative branches */
- eval();
- dist = Result - (Pc+2);
- emit(opcode);
- if( (dist >127 || dist <-128) && Pass==2){
- error("Branch out of Range");
- emit(lobyte(-2));
- return;
- }
- emit(lobyte(dist));
- return;
- case NOIMM:
- if( amode == IMMED){
- error("Immediate Addressing Illegal");
- return;
- }
- if((opcode == 0x8D) && (amode == IND)){
- Cycles-=2;
- }
- do_gen(opcode,amode);
- return;
- case LONGIMM:
- if( amode == IMMED ){
- emit(opcode);
- Optr++;
- eval();
- eword(Result);
- return;
- }
- do_gen(opcode,amode);
- return;
- case GRP2:
- if( amode == IND ){
- Cycles++;
- do_indexed(opcode);
- return;
- }
- /* extended addressing */
- eval();
- emit(opcode+0x10);
- eword(Result);
- return;
- default:
- fatal("Error in Mnemonic table");
- }
- }
- /*
- * do_gen --- process general addressing modes
- */
- do_gen(op,mode)
- int op;
- int mode;
- {
- if( mode == IMMED){
- Optr++;
- emit(op);
- eval();
- emit(lobyte(Result));
- return;
- }
- else if( mode == IND ){
- Cycles+=3;
- do_indexed(op+0x20);
- return;
- }
- else if( mode == OTHER){
- eval();
- if(Force_word){
- emit(op+0x30);
- eword(Result);
- Cycles+=2;
- return;
- }
- if(Force_byte){
- emit(op+0x10);
- emit(lobyte(Result));
- Cycles++;
- return;
- }
- if(Result>=0 && Result <=0xFF){
- emit(op+0x10);
- emit(lobyte(Result));
- Cycles++;
- return;
- }
- else {
- emit(op+0x30);
- eword(Result);
- Cycles+=2;
- return;
- }
- }
- else {
- error("Unknown Addressing Mode");
- return;
- }
- }
- /*
- * do_indexed --- handle all wierd stuff for indexed addressing
- */
- do_indexed(op)
- int op;
- {
- emit(op);
- eval();
- if( mapdn(*++Optr) != 'x' )
- warn("Indexed Addressing Assumed");
- if( Result < 0 || Result > 255)
- warn("Value Truncated");
- emit(lobyte(Result));
- }
- ə