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- DPOKE :vre,|RELTAB-1
- sec
- ; carry must be set for :loop
- :loop ldy #3 ; copy reloc
- :l1 lda (:vre),y ; dir. in..
- sta :mod-1,y
- dey
- bne :l1
- lda :vre ; update :L1
- adc #2 ; pointer to the reloc table (+ Carry)
- sta :vre ; INC INC might
- bcc :_foo ; be shorter
- inc :vre+1
- clc
- :_foo lda :siz
- adc :src
- sta :siz
- lda :siz+1
- adc :src+1
- sta :siz+1
- lda :mod ; what to reloc
- bmi :found ; EOP reached!!
- beq :inst ; instructions ->
- cmp #2 ; relocatable
- bcs :data ; data ->
- :l2 lda (:src),y ; Xfer 1 byte
- sta (:dst),y ; slowly...
- lda #1 ; add one to
- jsr :chk ; pts and check
- bcc :l2 ; ok one more
- bcs :loop ; new segment
- ;
- :inst lda (:src),y ; get instr
- sta (:dst),y
- and # $F ; examine l.sign
- tax ; nybble
- lda :lsbtab,x ; known val. ?
- bpl :ez ; yep ->
- jsr :lookdeep ; special case
- :ez tax ; save #bytes
- cmp #2 ; need to reloc
- bcc :dochk ; no ->
- beq :twobyte ; no ->
- iny
- jsr :xreloc ; maybe ...
- dey
- jmp :dochk
- :found jmp (|MEMLO)
- :twobyte iny
- lda (:src),y
- sta (:dst),y
- dey
- :dochk txa
- jsr :chk
- bcc :inst ; ok one more
- bcs :loop
- :data cmp #3 ; DBYTE ?
- beq :dbytes
- bcs :eofmove ; -able code
- :ldata sec
- jsr :xreloc
- lda #2
- jsr :chk
- bcc :ldata
- bcs :loop
- :dbytes iny
- sec
- lda (:src),y ; do the
- sbc :dif ; same (no SEC)
- sta (:dst),y ; here ofcourse
- dey
- lda (:src),y
- sbc :dif+1
- sta (:dst),y
- lda #2
- jsr :chk
- bcc :dbytes
- jmp :loop
- ; ------------------------------
- ; And handle the special cases
- ; too.
- ; ------------------------------
- :lookdeep lda (:src),y
- lsr a
- lsr a
- lsr a
- lsr a
- cpx #9
- beq :e1o2
- ;
- cmp #8
- bcc :e1o2o3
- lda #2
- rts
- ;
- :e1o2 and #1
- adc #1
- rts
- ;
- :e1o2o3 tax
- lda :msbtab,x
- rts
- ; -------------------------------
- ; This isn't absolutely clear yet
- ; -------------------------------
- :lsbtab .byte 128,2,2,2,2,2,2,2
- .byte 1,128,1,3,3,3,3,3
- ;
- :msbtab .byte 1,2,3,2,1,2,1,2
- .byte 2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2
- ; -------------------------------
- ; If we encountered the STOP
- ; moving code bit we keep on
- ; relocating. but set :SRC ==
- ; :DST!. Can do that only ONCE
- ; -------------------------------
- :eofmove DMOVE :src,:dst
- jmp :loop
- ; -------------------------------------------------------------
- ; Actual relocating action. Rite here before your eyes. No I am
- ; not in a Speed Demon mood this evening. Therefore another
- ; nice memory saving subroutine. Test whether the address is in
- ; the relocatable range.
- ; Carry must be set.
- ; -------------------------------------------------------------
- :xreloc lda (:src),y ; See them
- sbc #<|R_START-1 ; the try
- iny ; to bring
- lda (:src),y ; the hammer down
- sbc #>|R_START-1 ; no damn
- bcc :toolow ; chains can
- dey
- lda #<|R_END ; hold me to
- sbc (:src),y ; the ground
- lda #>|R_END
- iny
- sbc (:src),y
- bcc :toolow ; too HI!
- dey ; one up
- lda (:src),y ; do the
- sbc :dif ; same (no SEC)
- sta (:dst),y
- iny
- lda (:src),y
- sbc :dif+1
- sta (:dst),y ; here ofcourse
- dey
- rts
- :toolow lda (:src),y ; copy 2
- sta (:dst),y ; w/o reloc
- dey ; maybe a CHIP
- lda (:src),y ; access or
- sta (:dst),y ; a call to
- rts ; OS
- iny
- lda (:src),y ; do the
- sbc :dif+1 ; same (no SEC)
- sta (:dst),y ; here ofcourse
- dey
- lda (:src),y
- sbc :dif
- sta (:dst),y
- ; ------------------------------
- ; CHK look whether we're leaving
- ; a segment. (e.g. DATA->INSTR)
- ; and update pointer according
- ; to the value in A
- ; ------------------------------
- :chk tax
- clc
- adc :src
- sta :src
- bcc :ok
- inc :src+1
- clc
- :ok txa
- adc :dst
- sta :dst
- bcc :ok2
- inc :dst+1
- :ok2 lda :src+1 ; src+1 < siz+1
- cmp :siz+1
- bne :not_yet ; yes -> carry clear : continue
- lda :src ; src < siz
- cmp :siz ; carry clear : yes, continue
- :not_yet rts