home *** CD-ROM | disk | FTP | other *** search
- /* MEMO: tried TABCHAR stuff, for various files */
- #define LASTDITCH 1
- /* ---------------------------------------------------------------------- */
- /* Copyright (C) 1992 by Natürlich! */
- /* This file is copyrighted! */
- /* Refer to the documentation for details. */
- /* ---------------------------------------------------------------------- */
- /* rev. history 1.0 -- */
- /* 1.1 -- */
- /* 1.2 -- */
- /* 1.3 -- got a bit more userfriendly */
- /* 1.4 -- bug fix ? */
- /* 1.5 -- merged with tos_unix */
- /* 1.6 -- fixed little masking bug in <mode> */
- /* different tabchar */
- /* last ditch code added */
- /* 1.7 -- increased portability */
- /* time date setting for everyone */
- /* ---------------------------------------------------------- */
- #include "defines.h"
- #undef VERSION
- #undef REVISION
- #define VERSION 1
- #define REVISION 7
- #include <stdio.h>
- #include <ctype.h>
- #include <stdlib.h>
- #include <string.h>
- #include OSBIND
- #include "nasm.h"
- #ifndef __hp9000s300
- # define MALLOCING 1
- #endif
- #if OS == AMIGA || defined( SUN)
- # include <utime.h>
- #endif
- #if OS == MSDOS && __TURBOC__
- # define perror( s) fputs( s, stderr)
- #endif
- #if OS == TOS || OS == MSDOS
- # if OS == TOS
- # include <ext.h> /* for stat */
- # endif
- static struct ffblk fbuf;
- #endif
- #if OS == TOS
- # define LOSER() keypress()
- int tossable;
- void keypress()
- {
- if( tossable)
- {
- while( Bconstat( 2))
- Bconin( 2);
- Bconin( 2);
- }
- }
- # ifdef __TURBOC__ /* PUREC fouls up too */
- # define stat( x, y) mystat( y)
- void mystat( p)
- struct stat *p;
- {
- p->st_size = fbuf.ff_fsize;
- p->st_mtime = *(long *) &fbuf.ff_ftime; /* sorta hackish */
- }
- # endif
- #else
- # define LOSER()
- #endif
- #ifdef __TURBOC__
- # define off_t slword
- #endif
- # if OS == TOS || OS == MSDOS
- static char ditch[ 128] = "f:\\tmp\\";
- # define DIR_SLASH '\\'
- # else
- static char ditch[ 128] = "/tmp/";
- # define DIR_SLASH '/'
- # endif
- void last_ditch( to_file, abuffer, size)
- char *to_file;
- void huge *abuffer;
- lword size;
- {
- int fd;
- char *z;
- strcat( ditch, (z = strrchr( to_file, DIR_SLASH)) ? z + 1 : to_file);
- if( (fd = (int) Fkreate( ditch, 0644)) >= 0)
- {
- # if OS == /* fucking */ MSDOS
- _fmode = O_BINARY;
- # endif
- Fwrite( fd, size, abuffer);
- Fclose( fd);
- fprintf( stderr, "*** Backup in \"%s\" ***\n", ditch);
- }
- }
- #else
- # define last_ditch( x, y, z)
- #endif
- void nerror( s)
- char *s;
- {
- static char buf[256];
- sprintf( buf, "crlf155: Error \"%s\"\n", s);
- perror( buf);
- LOSER();
- exit(1);
- }
- void nserror( s, t)
- char *s, *t;
- {
- static char buf[256];
- sprintf( buf, s, t);
- nerror( buf);
- }
- #define MAXBUF 0x40000 /* sorry but the fucking HP malloc commits */
- /* suicide when fragmenting ... (or what ?)*/
- static char foobuf[ MAXBUF],
- memerr2[] = "static buffer too small, recompile!";
- #endif
- static char huge *p;
- static char memerr1[] = "out of memory",
- blurb[] =
- {
- 'c','r','l','f','1','5','5',' ','v',VERSION+'0','.',REVISION+'0',' ',
- '(','c',')',' ','1','9','9','2',' ','b','y',' ',
- 'N','a','t','u','e','r','l','i','c','h','!',
- ' ','-','-',' ','c','o','n','v','e','r','t','s',' ',
- #if OS == UNIX || AMIGA
- 'C','R','/','L','F',' ','t','o',' ','L','F',
- #else
- 'L','F',' ','t','o',' ','C','R','/','L','F',
- #endif
- ' ','a','n','d',' ','m','o','r','e','.','.','.','\n'
- };
- #if OS == TOS || OS == MSDOS
- # define UNIX_TOS 0
- # define TOS_UNIX 4
- # else
- # define TOS_UNIX 0
- # define UNIX_TOS 4
- #endif
- #define ATARI_UNIX 1
- #define ATARI_TOS 2
- #define UNIX_ATARI 5
- #define TOS_ATARI 6
- FILE *fp, *fq, *fopen();
- int fd,
- showstuff,
- mode,
- untabify,
- tabchar,
- eliminate,
- tabs = -1,
- xtabc = -1,
- hardtabs = 1,
- unmatched= 1;
- char huge *atari_tos( size)
- register lword size;
- {
- register byte huge *q;
- if( ! (p = Malloc( size + size)))
- nerror( memerr1);
- #else
- if( size >= MAXBUF)
- nerror( memerr2);
- #endif
- for( q = (byte huge *) p; size--;)
- if( (*q++ = getc( fp)) == 155)
- {
- q[ -1] = '\r';
- *q++ = '\n';
- }
- return( (char huge *) q);
- }
- char huge *atari_unix( size)
- register lword size;
- {
- register byte *q;
- register int c;
- if( ! (p = Malloc( size)))
- nerror( memerr1);
- #else
- if( size >= MAXBUF)
- nerror( memerr2);
- #endif
- for( q = (byte huge *) p; size--;)
- *q++ = ((c = getc( fp)) == 155) ? '\n' : c;
- return( (char huge *) q);
- }
- char huge *tos_atari( size)
- register lword size;
- {
- register char huge *q;
- if( ! (p = Malloc( size)))
- nerror( memerr1);
- #else
- if( size >= MAXBUF)
- nerror( memerr2);
- #endif
- for( q = p; size--;)
- if( (*q++ = getc( fp)) == '\r' &&
- (size-- ? ((*q++ = getc( fp)) == '\n') : (size = 0)))
- q--[ -2] = 155;
- return( q);
- }
- char huge *unix_atari( size)
- register lword size;
- {
- register char huge *q;
- register int c;
- if( ! (p = Malloc( (lword) size)))
- nerror( memerr1);
- #else
- if( size + size >= MAXBUF)
- nerror( memerr2);
- #endif
- for( q = p; size--;)
- *q++ = (c = getc( fp)) == '\n' ? 155 : c;
- return( q);
- }
- char huge *none( size)
- register lword size;
- {
- register char huge *q;
- if( ! (p = Malloc( (lword) size)))
- nerror( memerr1);
- #else
- if( size + size >= MAXBUF)
- nerror( memerr2);
- #endif
- for( q = p; size--;)
- *q++ = getc( fp);
- return( q);
- }
- char huge *unix_tos( size)
- lword size;
- {
- register char huge *q;
- register int c;
- if( ! (p = Malloc( (lword) (size + size))))
- nerror( memerr1);
- #else
- if( size + size >= MAXBUF)
- nerror( memerr2);
- #endif
- for( q = p, c = 'a'; c != EOF;)
- if( (*q++ = c = getc( fp)) == '\n')
- {
- q[ -1] = '\r';
- *q++ = '\n';
- }
- return( q - 1);
- }
- char huge *tos_unix( size)
- lword size;
- {
- register char huge *q;
- register int c;
- if( ! (p = Malloc( (lword) size)))
- nerror( memerr1);
- #else
- if( size >= MAXBUF)
- nerror( memerr2);
- #endif
- if( eliminate)
- {
- for( q = p, c = 'a'; c != EOF;)
- {
- while( (c = getc( fp)) == 032);
- #if OS == UNIX || AMIGA
- if( (*q++ = c) == '\r' &&
- (q[-1] = getc( fp)) != '\n')
- {
- *q = q[-1];
- q[ -1] = c;
- c = *q;
- }
- #else
- *q++ = c;
- #endif
- }
- }
- else
- for( q = p, c = 'a'; c != EOF;)
- #if OS == UNIX || AMIGA
- if( (*q++ = c = getc( fp)) == '\r' &&
- (q[-1] = getc( fp)) != '\n')
- {
- *q = q[-1];
- q[ -1] = c;
- c = *q;
- }
- #else
- *q++ = c = getc( fp);
- #endif
- return( q - 1);
- }
- void do_it( to_file)
- char *to_file;
- {
- off_t size, oldsize;
- struct stat sbuf;
- register char huge *q;
- register lword y;
- p = foobuf;
- #endif
- if( q = getenv( "TMPDIR"))
- strcpy( ditch, (char *) q);
- if( ! (fp = fopen( to_file, (mode & 0xB) ? "rb" : "r" )))
- nserror("File open of \"%s\" failed", to_file);
- stat( to_file, &sbuf);
- if( ! (oldsize = sbuf.st_size))
- {
- printf("File \"%s\" is empty\n", to_file);
- return;
- }
- if( showstuff)
- {
- printf("Converting \"%s\" with %ld bytes ", to_file, (long) oldsize);
- fflush( stdout);
- }
- if( (size_t) oldsize != (off_t) oldsize)
- nerror("runtime: conversion problem");
- switch( mode)
- {
- default :
- q = none( oldsize);
- break;
- case UNIX_TOS :
- q = unix_tos( oldsize);
- break;
- case TOS_UNIX :
- q = tos_unix( oldsize);
- break;
- case ATARI_UNIX:
- q = atari_unix( oldsize);
- break;
- case UNIX_ATARI:
- q = unix_atari( oldsize);
- break;
- case TOS_ATARI:
- q = tos_atari( oldsize);
- break;
- case ATARI_TOS:
- q = atari_tos( oldsize);
- }
- fclose( fp);
- size = (off_t) ( q - p);
- if( untabify)
- for( q = p, y = size; *q++ != tabchar && y; y--);
- if( untabify && y)
- {
- register lword i, len;
- register int j, c;
- if( ! (fq = fopen( to_file, "wb")))
- nserror("Opening of \"%s\" failed", to_file);
- if( hardtabs) /* won't expand last char in file */
- for( q = p, i = len = 0, j = tabs; i != size - 1; i++)
- if( (c = *q++) != tabchar)
- {
- if( putc( c, fq) == '\n' || ! --j)
- j = tabs;
- len++;
- }
- else
- {
- while( j)
- {
- putc( ' ', fq);
- len++;
- j--;
- }
- j = tabs;
- }
- else
- for( q = p, len = i = 0; i != size - 1; i++)
- {
- if( (c = *q++) != tabchar)
- {
- putc( c, fq);
- len++;
- }
- else
- for( j = tabs; j; putc( ' ', fq), len++, j--);
- }
- if( putc( *q, fq) == EOF)
- {
- fclose( fq);
- last_ditch( to_file, p, size);
- nerror("write failed");
- }
- if( showstuff)
- printf("%s to %ld bytes\n", (len > oldsize) ? "up" : "down",
- (long) len);
- fclose( fq);
- }
- else
- if( (mode & 0x3) || size != oldsize)
- {
- if( (fd = (int) Fkreate( to_file, 0644)) < 0)
- nserror("Creation of \"%s\" failed", to_file);
- #if OS == /* fucking */ MSDOS
- _fmode = O_BINARY;
- #endif
- if( showstuff)
- printf("%s to %ld bytes\n", (size > oldsize) ? "up" : "down",
- (long) size);
- if( size != Fwrite( fd, size, p))
- {
- Fclose( fd);
- last_ditch( to_file, p, size);
- nerror("write failed");
- }
- Fclose( fd);
- }
- else
- {
- if( showstuff)
- puts( "to equal size. [no update]");
- goto free_em;
- }
- /* due to CLOSE writing the creation date, we got to do this */
- #if OS == TOS
- if( (fd = (int) Fopen( to_file, 0)) < 0)
- fprintf( stderr, "Someone snarfed your output file (not me!)\n");
- else
- {
- Fdatime( (DOSTIME *) &sbuf.st_mtime, fd, 1);
- Fclose( fd);
- }
- #else
- {
- struct utimbuf time;
- time.actime = sbuf.st_atime;
- time.modtime = sbuf.st_mtime;
- if( utime( to_file, &time))
- nserror("Timestamp update failed on \"%s\"", to_file);
- }
- #endif
- free_em:
- Mfree( (void *) p)
- #endif
- ;
- }
- main( argc, argv)
- int argc;
- char **argv;
- {
- int i = 0,
- foo;
- if( argc == 1)
- goto usage;
- while( ++i < argc)
- {
- if( *argv[ i] == '-')
- switch( argv[ i][ 1])
- {
- #ifdef __DATE__
- case ':' :
- fputs( __DATE__, stderr);
- # ifdef __TIME__
- fprintf( stderr, " %s", __TIME__);
- # endif
- putc( '\n', stderr);
- break;
- #endif
- #if OS == TOS
- case 'T' :
- case 't' :
- tossable = ! tossable;
- break;
- #endif
- case 'V' : /* at runtime would be better, but more painful */
- case 'v' : /* to code */
- fputs( blurb, stderr);
- break;
- case 'h' :
- case 'H' :
- hardtabs = ! hardtabs;
- break;
- case 'z' :
- case 'Z' :
- eliminate = ! eliminate;
- break;
- case 'a' :
- case 'A' :
- mode = (mode & 0xFC) | ATARI_UNIX;
- break;
- case 'x' :
- case 'X' :
- mode = (mode & 0xFC) | ATARI_TOS;
- break;
- case 'b' :
- case 'B' :
- mode ^= UNIX_TOS | TOS_UNIX;
- break;
- case 'u' :
- case 'U' :
- untabify = ! untabify;
- if( argv[ i][ 2] && sscanf( &argv[ i][ 2],"%X", &foo))
- tabs = foo;
- break;
- case 's' :
- case 'S' :
- showstuff = ! showstuff;
- break;
- case 'N' :
- case 'n' :
- mode ^= 0x8;
- break;
- case 'C' :
- case 'c' :
- {
- unsigned char d = argv[ i][ 2];
- if( d == '\\')
- switch( argv[ i][ 2])
- {
- case 't' :
- d = '\t';
- break;
- case 'r' :
- d = '\r';
- break;
- case 'b' :
- d = '\b';
- break;
- case 'n' :
- d = '\b';
- break;
- default :
- goto usage;
- }
- else
- if( d >= '0' && d <= '9')
- d = (char) atoi( &argv[ i][ 2]);
- xtabc = d;
- break;
- }
- default :
- goto usage;
- }
- else
- {
- static char xbuf[ 256];
- static char fname[ 13];
- char *p, *q;
- if( tabs < 0)
- tabs = (mode == TOS_UNIX || mode == TOS_ATARI) ? 3 : 8;
- tabchar = (xtabc < 0)
- ? ((mode == ATARI_UNIX || mode == ATARI_TOS)
- ? 127 : '\t')
- : xtabc;
- #if OS == TOS || OS == MSDOS /* if findfirst works */
- q = argv[ i];
- p = xbuf;
- strcpy( p, q);
- if( ! (p = strrchr( q, '\\')))
- p = xbuf;
- else
- p = xbuf + (int) ((q = p + 1) - argv[ i]);
- strcpy( p, "*.*");
- if( findfirst( xbuf, &fbuf, 0)) /* only normal files ? */
- nserror("Directory search failed for \"%s\"", xbuf);
- {
- register char *x, *y;
- do
- {
- for( x = fbuf.ff_name, y = fname; *x; y++, x++)
- *y = tolower( *x);
- *y = 0;
- if( wildmat( fname, q))
- {
- unmatched = 0;
- strcpy( p, fname);
- do_it( xbuf);
- }
- }
- while( ! findnext( &fbuf));
- }
- #else
- do_it( argv[ i]);
- unmatched = 0;
- #endif
- }
- }
- return( unmatched);
- usage:
- fputs( "\
- usage: crlf155 ([flags] <pattern>)+\n\
- \t-a\t: convert 155 to LF\n\
- \t-n\t: just untabify\n\
- \t-x\t: convert 155 to CR/LF\n\
- \t-c<chr>\t: tab character\n\
- \t-h\t: no hardtabs\n\
- \t-z\t: eliminates ^Zs from MSDOS files\n\
- \t-b\t: backwards, change conversion direction, f.e. LF to 155\n\
- \t-u[val]\t: untabify, default spaces: TOS->UNIX : 3, UNIX->TOS : 8\n\
- \t-s\t: show some statistics for user amusement\n", stderr);
- #if OS == TOS
- fputs( "\
- \t-t\t: halt screen before exiting\n\n\
- \t\t* Warning: filenames and patterns: all lowercase!\n\
- \t\t *.C won't work, *.c will\n", stderr);
- #endif
- fputs( "\n\
- \t\t Insure that there is enough discspace, else one file might\n\
- \t\t get truncated\n", stderr);
- LOSER();
- exit(1);
- }
- #if OS != UNIX
- /* $Revision: 1.7 $
- **
- ** Do shell-style pattern matching for ?, \, [], and * characters.
- ** Might not be robust in face of malformed patterns; e.g., "foo[a-"
- ** could cause a segmentation violation. It is 8bit clean.
- **
- ** Written by Rich $alz, mirror!rs, Wed Nov 26 19:03:17 EST 1986.
- ** Rich $alz is now <rsalz@bbn.com>.
- ** April, 1991: Replaced mutually-recursive calls with in-line code
- ** for the star character.
- **
- ** Special thanks to Lars Mathiesen <thorinn@diku.dk> for the ABORT code.
- ** This can greatly speed up failing wildcard patterns. For example:
- ** pattern: -*-*-*-*-*-*-12-*-*-*-m-*-*-*
- ** text 1: -adobe-courier-bold-o-normal--12-120-75-75-m-70-iso8859-1
- ** text 2: -adobe-courier-bold-o-normal--12-120-75-75-X-70-iso8859-1
- ** Text 1 matches with 51 calls, while text 2 fails with 54 calls. Without
- ** the ABORT, then it takes 22310 calls to fail. Ugh. The following
- ** explanation is from Lars:
- ** The precondition that must be fulfilled is that DoMatch will consume
- ** at least one character in text. This is true if *p is neither '*' nor
- ** '\0'.) The last return has ABORT instead of FALSE to avoid quadratic
- ** behaviour in cases like pattern "*a*b*c*d" with text "abcxxxxx". With
- ** FALSE, each star-loop has to run to the end of the text; with ABORT
- ** only the last one does.
- **
- ** Once the control of one instance of DoMatch enters the star-loop, that
- ** instance will return either TRUE or ABORT, and any calling instance
- ** will therefore return immediately after (without calling recursively
- ** again). In effect, only one star-loop is ever active. It would be
- ** possible to modify the code to maintain this context explicitly,
- ** eliminating all recursive calls at the cost of some complication and
- ** loss of clarity (and the ABORT stuff seems to be unclear enough by
- ** itself). I think it would be unwise to try to get this into a
- ** released version unless you have a good test data base to try it out
- ** on.
- */
- #define TRUE 1
- #define FALSE 0
- #define ABORT -1
- /* What character marks an inverted character class? */
- #define NEGATE_CLASS '^'
- /* Is "*" a common pattern? */
- /* Do tar(1) matching rules, which ignore a trailing slash? */
- /*
- ** Match text and p, return TRUE, FALSE, or ABORT.
- */
- static int
- DoMatch(text, p)
- char *text;
- char *p;
- {
- int last;
- int matched;
- int reverse;
- for ( ; *p; text++, p++) {
- if (*text == '\0' && *p != '*')
- return ABORT;
- switch (*p) {
- case '\\':
- /* Literal match with following character. */
- p++;
- default:
- if (*text != *p)
- return FALSE;
- continue;
- case '?':
- /* Match anything. */
- continue;
- case '*':
- while (*++p == '*')
- /* Consecutive stars act just like one. */
- continue;
- if (*p == '\0')
- /* Trailing star matches everything. */
- return TRUE;
- while (*text)
- if ((matched = DoMatch(text++, p)) != FALSE)
- return matched;
- return ABORT;
- case '[':
- reverse = p[1] == NEGATE_CLASS ? TRUE : FALSE;
- if (reverse)
- /* Inverted character class. */
- p++;
- for (last = 0400, matched = FALSE; *++p && *p != ']'; last = *p)
- /* This next line requires a good C compiler. */
- if (*p == '-' ? *text <= *++p && *text >= last : *text == *p)
- matched = TRUE;
- if (matched == reverse)
- return FALSE;
- continue;
- }
- }
- if (*text == '/')
- return TRUE;
- #endif /* MATCH_TAR_ATTERN */
- return *text == '\0';
- }
- /*
- ** User-level routine. Returns TRUE or FALSE.
- */
- int
- wildmat(text, p)
- char *text;
- char *p;
- {
- if (p[0] == '*' && p[1] == '\0')
- return TRUE;
- #endif /* OPTIMIZE_JUST_STAR */
- return DoMatch(text, p) == TRUE;
- }
- #endif