home *** CD-ROM | disk | FTP | other *** search
- .include #stddef
- .include #system
- .include #cio
- .include #os
- .include #handler.h65
- .zext _tmp1
- .zext _tmp2
- .zext _tmp3
- install:
- bput 0,:header,:headerend-:header
- getc 0
- sta theirid
- print 0
- lda #$60 ; an RTS
- :loop
- cmp $E500,y
- :osmsb = *-1
- beq :found
- iny
- bne :loop
- inc :osmsb
- bne :loop
- print 0,"Your ROMS are fucked up"
- rts
- :fault
- print 0,"Target handler not found"
- rts
- :found
- tya
- bne :ok2
- dec :osmsb
- :ok2
- dey
- sty osrts
- move :osmsb,osrts+1
- lda theirid
- jsr fhatabs
- bcc :fault
- bne :fault
- iny
- lda HATABS,y
- sta _tmp1
- lda HATABS+1,y
- sta _tmp1+1
- dpoke_y HATABS,ourtab
- ldy #0
- dpoke _tmp3,theirtab
- lda #<theirtab
- cmp #$F4
- bcc :ok
- .macro fix
- lda #>%1
- ldx #<%1
- jsr :fixup
- .endm
- fix fix1
- fix fix2
- fix fix3
- fix fix4
- fix fix5
- fix fix6
- fix _tmp3
- :ok
- ldx #6
- clc
- :copy
- lda (_tmp1),y
- adc #1
- sta (_tmp3),y
- iny
- lda (_tmp1),y
- adc #0
- sta (_tmp3),y
- iny
- dex
- bne :copy
- lda (_tmp1),y
- sta (_tmp3),y
- iny
- lda (_tmp1),y
- sta (_tmp3),y
- iny
- lda (_tmp1),y
- sta (_tmp3),y
- dpoke MEMLO,install
- print 0,"Snooper successfully installed"
- rts
- :fixup
- stx _tmp2
- sta _tmp2+1
- lda (_tmp2),y
- clc
- adc #15
- sta (_tmp2),y
- iny
- lda (_tmp2),y
- adc #0
- sta (_tmp2),y
- dey
- rts
- theirid:
- .byte 'D
- :header
- .byte "The HANDLER snooper by Natuerlich!",155
- .byte "developed with NASM! 1991 for NASTY",155
- .byte "Displays some info during CIO calls",155,155
- .byte "OPTION - to single step",155
- .byte "START - to run",155
- .byte "RESET - to deinstall",155,155
- .byte "CIO device ID to snoop ? > "
- :headerend