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- ----------------------------------------------------------------------
- Copyright (C) 1990 by Natürlich!
- This file is copyrighted!
- Refer to the documentation for details.
- ----------------------------------------------------------------------
- NLIB65 --- a library manager for NASM65 object files
- Preliminary manual for NLIB65
- Copyright © 1990 by Natürlich!
- on sources, binaries and manuals
- »» Bang that Bit that doesn't Bang ««
- I n t r o d u c t i o n
- NLIB65 is a portable (?) single-pass librarian that stores .O65 files.
- NLIB65 currently runs on the 68000 Atari under TOS. The library
- that NLIB65 produces can be used with NLINK65 to produce binary
- files for the Atari 8-Bit.
- U s a g e
- nlib65 [-t -w][-acude][-l library][-b batchfile] <object files>
- -t TOS switch, wait for a keypress after running
- -w The "what the ...." switch, even though errors occured an output
- file is generated.
- -b Use linkfile to read in the names of [more] <object files>
- -l Specify alternate output file pathname (or filename)
- -a Add <object files> to library. Create library if it does
- not exist.
- -u Update <object files> in library.
- -c Create library. Kill old library if it exists.
- -e Extract <object files> from existing library.
- -d Delete <object files> from library.
- -v List modules in library. -vfl shows the symbols as well.
- C r e a t i n g a n d a d d i n g t o a l i b r a r y
- Type from a shell:
- nlib65 -a -l <library path> <object files>
- That will create a library file <object>.l65. Use this library
- furtheron with NLINK65. Using -c instead of -a destroys a possibly
- existing library. It is important to note that the module name
- will be the same name as the name of the object file that appeared
- in the command line.
- U p d a t i n g a l i b r a r y
- Type from a shell:
- nlib65 -u -l <library path> <object files>
- This is like deleting a module from a library first, and then
- adding a likewise named module to it. Note that the module
- might change its position in the ordering. This may be problematic
- if the modules have some dependencies between themselves.
- L i s t i n g t h e l i b r a r y
- Type from a shell:
- nlib65 -v -l <library path>
- This will give a listing of the modules in the library as well
- as some information concerning the time the module was included
- and the size of the module like:
- Modules in library:
- 00214 bytes [23:46-21.Dec.1990] : a
- 00234 bytes [23:46-21.Dec.1990] : b
- 00117 bytes [23:46-21.Dec.1990] : foo.o65
- Size Date Module name
- Specify -vfl instead of -v to get the symbols included in the
- module as well like
- Modules in library:
- 00214 bytes [23:46-21.Dec.1990] : a
- 00234 bytes [23:46-21.Dec.1990] : b
- 00117 bytes [23:46-21.Dec.1990] : foo.o65
- E x t r a c t i n g a m o d u l e f r o m t h e l i b r a r y
- Object files aren't "lost" in a library, they can be extracted as
- well.
- Type from a shell:
- nlib65 -e -l <library path> <module>
- D e l e t i n g f r o m t h e l i b r a r y
- Type from a shell:
- nlib65 -d -l <library path> <module>
- That will delete <module> from <library> and write back the new
- library.
- B a t c h f i l e s
- There are solely used, because GEMDOS can only provide 128 bytes of
- commandline space, and especially NLIB65 command lines tend to
- need more room. The batchfile is not a real replacement for the
- commandline, you can only specify a list of object files that are
- to be linked. Lines that start of with a '#' are treated as comment.
- e.g.:
- # Little batch file
- a.o65
- b.o65
- c.o65
- foo.o65
- # That's it