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- /* ---------------------------------------------------------------------- */
- /* Copyright (C) 1991 by Natürlich! */
- /* This file is copyrighted! */
- /* Refer to the documentation for details. */
- /* ---------------------------------------------------------------------- */
- #define TEST 0 /* may fail on big MACROS */
- /* these aren't actually _MAXIMAL_ values,but 'malloc' values */
- /* if your malloc only allocates 64K and you don't want to go */
- /* for farmalloc (as in MesS-DOS), figure values that keep */
- /* sizeof( struct) * _MAXIMAL_ + 256 to < 0xFFFF */
- /* The values look very suggestively, like the higher the */
- /* better but actually 1/2 1/4 or even 1/8 won't reduce the */
- /* speed dramatically */
- /* too small values may actually CRASH your system */
- #if ! VERSION && TEST
- # define LABMAX 10L /* #global labels */
- # define LLABMAX 10L /* #local labels */
- # define STRMAX 0x100L /* #bytes for strings */
- # define EXPMAX 0x40L /* #expressions */
- # define FIXMAX 0x10L /* #forward ref fixes */
- # define LEXPMAX 0x10L /* #lexpression */
- # define REFMAX 0x80L /* #forward refs */
- # define MACTOKMAX 0x100L /* #token in macro buffer */
- # define NBUFSIZ 0x1000L /* #bytes file buffer space */
- # define SEGMAX 10L /* #code segments */
- # define IMMMAX 50L /* #immediate patch pointers */
- #else
- # define LABMAX 1000L /* #global labels */
- # define LLABMAX 100L /* #local labels */
- # define STRMAX 0x2000L /* #bytes for strings */
- # define EXPMAX 0x400L /* #expressions */
- # define FIXMAX 0x40L /* #forward ref fixes */
- # define LEXPMAX 0x200L /* #lexpression */
- # define REFMAX 0x80L /* #forward refs */
- # define MACTOKMAX 0x1000L /* #token in macro buffer */
- # define NBUFSIZ 0x2000L /* #bytes file buffer space */
- # define SEGMAX 50L /* #code segments */
- # define IMMMAX 100L /* #immediate patch pointers */
- #endif
- /* ---------------------------------------------------------- */
- #define MAXMODULE 0xFE00L /* 64K address space on 6502 */
- #if OS == UNIX
- # define LIBMAX 0x80000L /* Library maximum size 512K */
- #endif
- #if OS == MSDOS
- # define LIBMAX 0x40000L
- #endif
- #define MAXFLOATS 32 /* #floats in one line */
- #define MACSPACE (MACTOKMAX * (sizeof( int) + sizeof( lword)))
- #if __NSTDC__ && __TURBOC__
- void huge *nmalloc( lword),
- nfree( void huge *);
- #else
- void huge *nmalloc();
- void nfree();
- #endif
- /* ---------------------------------------------------------- */
- /* Copyright (c) 1990 by Natürlich! */
- /* ---------------------------------------------------------- */
- /* This is a generic function so to speak (it is of course */
- /* just a simple macro) that builds a custom mallocer for a */
- /* structure. The benefits are: */
- /* Speed */
- /* Garbage collectability */
- /* Fragmentation */
- /* The detriments (?) are: */
- /* No "free()" */
- /* Not all that portable if it isn't ANSI-C. */
- /* <space> ## <space> used to stand here, but some */
- /* Compilers can't take it. */
- /* ---------------------------------------------------------- */
- #define make_mallocer( type, max, fun_name) \
- typedef struct _ ## type ## _m \
- { \
- long free; \
- type huge *tab; \
- struct _ ## type ## _m huge *before; \
- } type ## _m; \
- \
- type ## _m huge * ## type ## _h = 0; \
- \
- type *fun_name() \
- { \
- register type ## _m huge *p; \
- \
- if( (p = type ## _h) && p->free--) \
- return( p->tab++); \
- p = nmalloc( (lword) (sizeof(type ## _m) + \
- max * sizeof( type))); \
- p->free = max - 1; \
- p->tab = (type *) ((char huge *) p + sizeof( type ## _m)); \
- p->before = (type ## _m *) type ## _h; \
- type ## _h = p; \
- return( p->tab++); \
- }
- #else
- #define make_mallocer( type, max, fun_name) \
- typedef struct _/**/type/**/_m \
- { \
- long free; \
- type huge *tab; \
- struct _/**/type/**/_m huge *before; \
- } type/**/_m; \
- \
- type/**/_m huge */**/type/**/_h = 0; \
- \
- type *fun_name() \
- { \
- register type/**/_m huge *p; \
- \
- if( (p = type/**/_h) && p->free--) \
- return( p->tab++); \
- p = nmalloc((lword) (sizeof(type/**/_m)+ \
- max * sizeof( type))); \
- p->free = max - 1; \
- p->tab = (type *) ((char huge *) p + sizeof( type/**/_m)); \
- p->before = (type/**/_m *) type/**/_h; \
- type/**/_h = p; \
- return( p->tab++); \
- }
- #endif
- #else
- #define make_mallocer( type, max, fun_name) \
- typedef struct _ ## type ## _m \
- { \
- long free; \
- type huge *tab; \
- struct _ ## type ## _m huge *before; \
- } type ## _m; \
- \
- type ## _m huge * ## type ## _h = 0; \
- \
- type *fun_name() \
- { \
- register type ## _m huge *p; \
- extern word _a_ ## type, \
- _m_ ## type; \
- extern lword _s_ ## type; \
- \
- _a_ ## type++; \
- if( (p = type ## _h) && p->free--) \
- return( p->tab++); \
- _m_ ## type++; \
- _s_ ## type = sizeof(type ## _m) + max * sizeof( type); \
- p = nmalloc( (lword) (sizeof(type ## _m) + \
- max * sizeof( type))); \
- p->free = max - 1; \
- p->tab = (type *) ((char huge *) p + sizeof( type ## _m)); \
- p->before = (type ## _m *) type ## _h; \
- type ## _h = p; \
- return( p->tab++); \
- }
- #else
- #define make_mallocer( type, max, fun_name) \
- typedef struct _/**/type/**/_m \
- { \
- long free; \
- type huge *tab; \
- struct _/**/type/**/_m huge *before; \
- } type/**/_m; \
- \
- type/**/_m huge */**/type/**/_h = 0; \
- \
- type *fun_name() \
- { \
- register type/**/_m huge *p; \
- extern word _a_/**/type, \
- _m_/**/type; \
- extern lword _s_/**/type; \
- \
- _a_/**/type++; \
- if( (p = type/**/_h) && p->free--) \
- return( p->tab++); \
- _m_/**/type++; \
- _s_/**/type = sizeof(type/**/_m) + max * sizeof( type); \
- p = nmalloc((lword) sizeof(type/**/_m)+ \
- max * sizeof( type))); \
- p->free = max - 1; \
- p->tab = (type *) ((char huge *) p + sizeof( type/**/_m)); \
- p->before = (type/**/_m *) type/**/_h; \
- type/**/_h = p; \
- return( p->tab++); \
- }
- #endif
- #endif
- #define dup_mallocer( type, max, fun_name, id) \
- type ## _m huge * id ## type ## _h = 0; \
- \
- type *fun_name() \
- { \
- register type ## _m huge *p; \
- \
- if( (p = id ## type ## _h) && p->free--) \
- return( p->tab++); \
- p = nmalloc((lword) (sizeof(type ## _m) + \
- max * sizeof( type))); \
- p->free = max - 1; \
- p->tab = (type *) ((char huge *) p + sizeof( type ## _m)); \
- p->before = (type ## _m *) id ## type ## _h; \
- id ## type ## _h = p; \
- return( p->tab++); \
- }
- #else
- #define dup_mallocer( type, max, fun_name, id) \
- \
- type/**/_m huge *id/**/type/**/_h = 0; \
- \
- type *fun_name() \
- { \
- register type/**/_m huge *p; \
- \
- if( (p = id/**/type/**/_h) && p->free--) \
- return( p->tab++); \
- p = nmalloc((lword) (sizeof(type/**/_m)+ \
- max * sizeof( type))); \
- p->free = max - 1; \
- p->tab = (type *) ((char huge *) p + sizeof( type/**/_m)); \
- p->before = (type/**/_m *) id/**/type/**/_h; \
- id/**/type/**/_h = p; \
- return( p->tab++); \
- }
- #endif
- #else
- #define dup_mallocer( type, max, fun_name, id) \
- type ## _m huge * id ## type ## _h = 0; \
- \
- type *fun_name() \
- { \
- register type ## _m huge *p; \
- extern word _a_ ## id ## type, \
- _m_ ## id ## type; \
- extern lword _s_ ## id ## type; \
- \
- _a_ ## id ## type++; \
- if( (p = id ## type ## _h) && p->free--) \
- return( p->tab++); \
- _m_ ## id ## type++; \
- _s_ ## id ## type = sizeof(type ## _m) + max * sizeof( type); \
- p = nmalloc( (lword) (sizeof(type ## _m) + \
- max * sizeof( type))); \
- p->free = max - 1; \
- p->tab = (type *) ((char huge *) p + sizeof( type ## _m)); \
- p->before = (type ## _m *) id ## type ## _h; \
- id ## type ## _h = p; \
- return( p->tab++); \
- }
- #else
- #define dup_mallocer( type, max, fun_name, id) \
- type/**/_m huge *id/**/type/**/_h = 0; \
- \
- type *fun_name() \
- { \
- register type/**/_m huge *p; \
- extern word _a_/**/id/**/type, \
- _m_/**/id/**/type; \
- extern lword _s_/**/id/**/type; \
- \
- _a_/**/id/**/type++; \
- if( (p = id/**/type/**/_h) && p->free--) \
- return( p->tab++); \
- _m_/**/id/**/type++; \
- _s_/**/id/**/type = sizeof(type/**/_m) + max * sizeof( type); \
- p = nmalloc((lword) (sizeof(type/**/_m)+ \
- max * sizeof( type))); \
- p->free = max - 1; \
- p->tab = (type *) ((char huge *) p + sizeof( type/**/_m)); \
- p->before = (type/**/_m *) id/**/type/**/_h; \
- id/**/type/**/_h = p; \
- return( p->tab++); \
- }
- #endif
- #endif