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- .ZEXT _string1
- .VfL_BOCHUM _string2 ;; VFL_BOCHUM == ZEXT
- .VfL_BOCHUM _tmp1
- ; --------------------------------------------------------------
- ; These are just like the C-routines you know
- ; To properly use these, you must define in the source three
- ; word locations for _string1, _string2, _tmp1 in zero page
- ; --------------------------------------------------------------
- ; STRCAT strcat( dst, src), where >dst< = _string1 >src< = 2
- ; Appends src string that ends with a 0 to dst, which also ends
- ; with a 0. Wild things will happen, if they don't end with a 0
- ;
- ; STRCPY strcpy( dst, src), where >dsr< = _string1 >src< = 2
- ; Copies src string that ends with a 0 into dst.
- ; --------------------------------------------------------------
- .local
- STREND ldy #0 ; don't really use this for now
- :loop lda (_string1),y
- beq :done
- inc _string1
- bne :loop
- inc _string1+1
- bne :loop
- :done rts
- STRCAT: jsr STREND ; Go to the of DST
- beq :copy ; hop into copy of STRCPY
- STRCPY: ldy #0 ; cleverly use code for STRCPY as well
- :copy lda (_string2),y
- sta (_string1),y
- beq :finish
- iny
- bne :copy
- inc _string2+1
- inc _string1+1
- bne :copy
- :finish rts
- .local
- ; -------------------------------------------------------------
- ; Flags on exit mean:
- ; CS -- _string1 > _string2
- ; CC -- _string1 > _string2
- ; EQ -- _string1 = _string2
- ; -------------------------------------------------------------
- STRCMP: ldy #0
- :copy lda (_string2),y
- cmp (_string1),y
- bne :done
- lda (_string1),y
- beq :done
- clc
- lda (_string2),y
- beq :done
- iny
- bne :copy
- inc _string2+1
- inc _string1+1
- bne :copy
- :done rts
- .local
- ; --------------------------------------------------------------
- ; These are STRNCAT and STRNCPY. Note that there is an inplied
- ; limit on string size that is 32K. That won't hurt on a 6502
- ; I would say.
- ; STRNCAT( dst, src, aux)
- ; STRNCPY( dst, src, aux) where aux is the maximum number of
- ; bytes in both cases.
- ; --------------------------------------------------------------
- bcc :load
- STRNCPY: ldy #0 ; cleverly use code for STRCPY as well
- :load ldx _tmp1
- bne :copy
- lda _tmp1+1
- beq :done
- dec _tmp1+1
- :copy lda (_string2),y
- sta (_string1),y
- beq :done
- dex
- bne :cont
- dec _tmp1+1
- bpl :done
- :cont iny
- bne :copy
- inc _string2+1
- inc _string1+1
- bne :copy
- :done rts
- .local
- ; -------------------------------------------------------------
- ; Flags on exit mean:
- ; CS -- _string1 < _string2
- ; CC -- _string1 > _string2
- ; EQ -- _string1 = _string2
- ; -------------------------------------------------------------
- STRNCMP: ldy #0
- :load ldx _tmp1
- bne :copy
- lda _tmp1+1
- beq :done
- dec _tmp1+1
- :copy lda (_string2),y
- cmp (_string1),y
- bne :done
- lda (_string1),y
- beq :done
- clc
- lda (_string2),y
- beq :done
- dex
- bne :cont
- dec _tmp1+1
- bpl :done
- :cont iny
- bne :copy
- inc _string2+1
- inc _string1+1
- bne :copy
- :done rts
- .local
- STRLEN ldy #0
- sty _tmp1+1
- :loop lda (_string1),y
- beq :done
- iny
- bne :loop
- inc _tmp1+1
- bne :loop
- :done sty _tmp1
- rts