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- /************************************************************************
- * *
- * The SB-Prolog System *
- * Copyright SUNY at Stony Brook, 1986; University of Arizona, 1987 *
- * *
- ************************************************************************/
- /*-----------------------------------------------------------------
- SB-Prolog is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
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- accepts responsibility to anyone for the consequences of using it
- or for whether it serves any particular purpose or works at all,
- unless he says so in writing. Refer to the SB-Prolog General Public
- License for full details.
- Everyone is granted permission to copy, modify and redistribute
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- SB-Prolog General Public License. A copy of this license is
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- can know your rights and responsibilities. It should be in a
- file named COPYING. Among other things, the copyright notice
- and this notice must be preserved on all copies.
- ------------------------------------------------------------------ */
- /* $compile1.P */
- /* This Prolog program is a first attempt to take an input Prolog program in
- a simple syntax, relatively close to standard Prolog, and to output an
- annotated term, with pragmas attached, so that the pilgen translator can
- generate correct intermediate code.
- The input clauses will be read (using Prolog's read command) one at a time
- from standard input (for now), until end-of-file is reached.
- During the translation of a clause, a Symbol Table (St) is constructed. It
- contains information on each occurrence of a variable in the clause, as
- follows. It is a record st(Clist,Vlist); where Clist is the list of records
- c(Litno,Npars,Pragma) where Litno is the number of the literal on the rhs of
- the rule, Npars is the number of arguments to that literal, and Pragma is
- the pragma associated with the _call record for that literal in the clause;
- Vlist is a list of records, v(id,Occlist), one for each variable; where id
- the unique identifier for the variable, and Occlist is a list of occurrence
- records, o(Occno,Litno,Argno,Context,Pragma), one for each occurrence of the
- variable in the clause; where Occno uniquely determines the occurrence of
- this variable; Litno is the number of the literal (0=head, 1=first on
- rhs,...); Argno is the number of the argument in which it appears (starting
- with 1) Context is `s' if it is in a structure and `t' if it is at the top
- level; and Pragma is the list that is the Pragma for the occurrence of the
- variable in the code.
- */
- $compile_export([$compile/0,$compile/1,$compile/2,$compile/3,$compile/4]).
- $compile_use($name,[$name/2,_]).
- $compile_use($blist,[$append/3,$member/2,$member1/2,$not_member1/2]).
- $compile_use($bio,[$writename/1,$writeqname/1,$put/1,$nl/0,$tab/1,$tell/1,
- $telling/1,$told/0,$get/1,$get0/1,$see/1,$seeing/1,$seen/0]).
- $compile_use($bmeta,[$atom/1,$atomic/1,$integer/1,$number/1,$structure/1,
- $functor0/2,$bldstr/3,$arg/3,$arity/2,$real/1,$floor/2]).
- $compile_use($osys,[$cputime/1,_,_,_]).
- $compile_use($compare,['$=='/2,_,_,_,_,_,_]).
- $compile_use($listutil1,[$reverse/2,$merge/3,$absmember/2,$absmerge/3,
- $nthmember/3,$nthmember1/3,$member2/2,$closetail/1]).
- $compile_use($getclauses,[$getclauses/2,$getclauses/3,$attach/2,_]).
- $compile_use($mac,[$macexp/3]).
- /* **********************************************************************
- $compile_use($aux1,[$roundtosq/2,$get_compiletime/2,$message1/1,
- $output_msg/3,$umsg/1,$name_aslfile/2,_,_,_]).
- $compile_use($translate1,[$translateasm/3,$translate/3]).
- ********************************************************************** */
- $compile :- $writename('compile: Usage: compile(<inputfile> [,<outputfile>, [,<option>] ])'), $nl.
- $compile(InFile) :-
- $atomic(InFile) ->
- ($name(InFile,Fname),
- $append(Fname,".out",OFname),
- $name(OutFile,OFname),
- $compile_default_opts(Options),
- $compile0(InFile,OutFile,Options,_)
- ) ;
- ($writename('*** Error: filenames must be atomic! ***'),
- $nl,
- abort
- ).
- $compile(InFile,Opt2) :-
- $atomic(InFile) ->
- ($atomic(Opt2), !, /* Opt2 is filename */
- $compile_default_opts(Options),
- $compile0(InFile,Opt2,Options,_)
- ) ;
- ($writename('*** Error: input filename must be atomic! ***'),
- $nl,
- abort
- ).
- $compile(InFile,Opt2) :- /* Opt2 is Options */
- $name(InFile,Fname),
- $append(Fname,".out",OFname),
- $name(OutFile,OFname),
- $compile0(InFile,OutFile,Opt2,_).
- $compile(InFile, Opt1, Opt2) :-
- $atomic(InFile) ->
- ($atomic(Opt1), !, /* Opt1 is filename */
- $compile0(InFile,Opt1,Opt2,_)
- ) ;
- ($writename('*** Error: input filename must be atomic! ***'),
- $nl,
- abort
- ).
- $compile(InFile, Opt1, Opt2) :-
- $atomic(Opt2) ->
- ( /* Opt2 is filename */
- $compile0(InFile,Opt2,Opt1,_)
- ) ;
- ( $writename('*** Error: output filename must be atomic! ***'),
- $nl,
- abort
- ).
- $compile(InFile, Opt1, Opt2,PredList) :-
- $atomic(InFile) ->
- ($atomic(Opt1), !, /* Opt1 is filename */
- $compile0(InFile,Opt1,Opt2,PredList)
- ) ;
- ($writename('*** Error: input filename must be atomic! ***'),
- $nl,
- abort
- ).
- $compile(InFile, Opt1, Opt2,PredList) :-
- $atomic(Opt2) ->
- ( /* Opt2 is filename */
- $compile0(InFile,Opt2,Opt1,PredList)
- ) ;
- ( $writename('*** Error: output filename must be atomic! ***'),
- $nl,
- abort
- ).
- /* default_opts([v]). */
- $compile_default_opts([l]).
- /* translate */
- $compile0(InFile, OutFile, Options, PredList) :-
- $nl,
- $writename( 'Compile : ' ), $writename( InFile ), $writename(' => '),
- $writename( OutFile ), $nl,
- $exists(InFile) -> $compile1(InFile,OutFile,Options,PredList) ;
- $umsg(['*** No such file:',InFile]).
- $compile1(InFile, OutFile, Options, PredList) :-
- $init_indexinfo,
- $cputime(X1),
- ($member1(a,Options) -> /* create intermediate .asl file */
- ($message1(Options),
- $name_aslfile(InFile, OutFile1),
- $compile_gen_PIL(InFile,OutFile1,Options,PredList),
- $asm(OutFile1,OutFile,Options)
- ) ;
- $compile_gen_BC(InFile,OutFile,Options,PredList)
- ),
- ($member1(l, Options) -> /* load byte code */
- load(OutFile) ;
- true
- ),
- $compile_cleanup,
- $tell(user),
- $cputime(X2),
- CTime is X2 - X1, $get_compiletime(CTime,Time),
- $writename('compilation complete -- '),
- $writename(Time),$writename(' secs'),$nl.
- $compile_gen_PIL(InFile, OutFile1, Options,PredList) :-
- $getclauses(InFile,IProg,PredList),
- $macexp(IProg,Options,Prog),
- $compile_indexinfo(PredList,IndexInfo),
- $compile_getmodes(Prog,Options,IndexInfo,PredList,Modes),
- $tell(OutFile1),
- !,
- $compile_transl_preds(Prog,Options,IndexInfo,Modes,PredList),
- $told.
- $compile_transl_preds(ClauseList,Options,Prag,Modes,PredList) :-
- $member(PredDef, ClauseList),
- PredDef = pred(P,N,_,_,_),
- $output_msg(P,N,Options),
- ($member2([P,N,Mode],Modes) -> true ; $zerolist(N,Mode)),
- $translate(PredDef,Options,Prag,Mode,PredList),
- fail.
- $compile_transl_preds(_,_,_,_,_).
- $compile_gen_BC(InFile, OutFile, Options,PredList) :-
- $getclauses(InFile,IProg,PredList),
- $macexp(IProg,Options,Prog),
- $compile_indexinfo(PredList,IndexInfo),
- $compile_getmodes(Prog,Options,IndexInfo,PredList,Modes),
- $tell(OutFile),
- $compile_translasm_preds(Prog,Options,IndexInfo,Modes,PredList),
- $told.
- $compile_translasm_preds(ClauseList,Options,Prag,Modes,PredList) :-
- $member(PredDef, ClauseList),
- PredDef = pred(P,N,_,_,_),
- $output_msg(P,N,Options),
- ($member2([P,N,Mode],Modes) -> true ; $zerolist(N,Mode)),
- $translateasm(PredDef,Options,Prag,Mode,PredList),
- fail.
- $compile_translasm_preds(_,_,_,_,_).
- $compile_getmodes(Prog,Options,Prag,PredList,Modes) :-
- ((symtype('_$mode'(_,_,_),MDef), MDef > 0) ->
- $bagof([P,N,M],'_$mode'(P,N,M),Modes1) ;
- Modes1 = []
- ),
- ($member1(m,Options) ->
- ($mode_inf(Prog,Options,Prag,PredList,Modes0),
- $rplc_mode(Modes1,Modes0,Modes)
- ) ;
- Modes = Modes1
- ).
- $rplc_mode([],M,M).
- $rplc_mode([M|MRest0],Modes1,Modes) :-
- $rplc_mode1(Modes1,M,Modes2),
- $rplc_mode(MRest0,Modes2,Modes).
- $rplc_mode1([],M,[M]).
- $rplc_mode1([[P,N,Mode1]|Rest],[P,N,Mode0],[[P,N,Mode0]|Rest]) :- !.
- $rplc_mode1([M1|MRest],M0,[M1|NRest]) :- $rplc_mode1(MRest,M0,NRest).
- $zerolist(0,[]).
- $zerolist(N,[0|L]) :- N > 0, N1 is N-1, $zerolist(N1,L).
- $compile_indexinfo(PredList,Index) :-
- $check_legit_index(PredList),
- $compile_indexinfo1(PredList,Index).
- $check_legit_index(Preds) :-
- $bagof((P/N), K^'_$index'(P,N,K), IndexList),
- $telling(OFile), $tell(user),
- $check_legit1(IndexList,Preds),
- $told, $tell(OFile).
- $check_legit1([],_).
- $check_legit1([X|L],Preds) :-
- ($member1(X,Preds) ->
- true ;
- (X = '/'(P,N),
- $write('*** Warning: index set on undefined predicate '),
- $write(P), $write('/'), $write(N), $nl
- )
- ),
- $check_legit1(L,Preds).
- $compile_indexinfo1([],[]).
- $compile_indexinfo1([(P/N)|Preds],[prag(P,N,[index(K)])|IRest]) :-
- ('_$index'(P,N,K) ->
- true ;
- K = 1
- ),
- $compile_indexinfo1(Preds,IRest).
- $init_indexinfo :-
- $symtype('_$index'(_,_,_), L),
- (L > 0 -> true ; $assert(('_$index'(_,_,_) :- fail))).
- $compile_cleanup :-
- $abolish('_$mode'(_,_,_)),
- $abolish('_$emode'(_,_,_)),
- $abolish('_$index'(_,_,_)).
- /* ---------------------------- $compile1.P ---------------------------- */