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- /************************************************************************
- * *
- * The SB-Prolog System *
- * Copyright SUNY at Stony Brook, 1986; University of Arizona, 1987 *
- * *
- ************************************************************************/
- /*-----------------------------------------------------------------
- SB-Prolog is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
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- Everyone is granted permission to copy, modify and redistribute
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- file named COPYING. Among other things, the copyright notice
- and this notice must be preserved on all copies.
- ------------------------------------------------------------------ */
- /* $consult.P */
- /* consult(Filename) consults the named file for interpretation.
- The second (optional) parameter to consult is a list of options.
- A `v' means verbose. An `e' means expand macros. `t' means put trace
- points on any untraced predicate in the file being consulted. `q'
- means do a "quick" consult.
- (Macros are clauses with ::-. They are evaluated, if possible,
- at compile time. They MUST be PURE Horn clauses)
- The third (optional) parameter is used to return a list of
- predicate/arity pairs that were defined by the consult. This list
- can be passed to trace/1 so that they can be traced.
- */
- $consult_export([$consult/1,$consult/2,$consult/3,$consult_list/1]).
- /* $consult_use($blist,[$append/3,$member/2,$memberchk/2]).
- $consult_use($bio,[$writename/1,$writeqname/1,$put/1,$nl/0,$tab/1,
- $tell/1,$tell/2,$telling/1,$told/0,$get/1,$get0/1,$see/1,$seeing/1,
- $seen/0]).
- $consult_use($assert,[$assert/1,$asserti/2,$assert_union/2,$assert_call_s/1,
- $assert_get_prref/2,$assert_put_prref/2,$assert_abolish_i/1]).
- $consult_use($getclauses,[$getclauses/2,$getclauses/3,_]).
- $consult_use($bmeta,[$atom/1,$atomic/1,$integer/1,$number/1,$structure/1,
- $functor0/2,$bldstr/3,$arg/3,$arity/2,$real/1,$floor/2]).
- $consult_use($mac,[$macexp/3]).
- */
- $consult(File) :- $consult(File,[e]).
- $consult(File,Opts) :- not(not($consult(File,Opts,_))). /* side-effects only*/
- $consult(File,Opts,Predlist) :-
- $atomic(File) ->
- ($consultable(File) ->
- ($getclauses(File,Clslist,Predlist),!,
- $macexp(Clslist,Opts,Nclslist),
- $consult_s(File,Nclslist,Opts),
- $symtype('_$traced_preds'(_),Tr),
- (Tr > 0 -> $consult_untrace(Predlist) ; true),
- ($memberchk(t,Opts) -> $consult_trace(Predlist) ; true),
- !
- ) ;
- ($print('** No such file: '), $print(File), $nl)
- ) ;
- ($print('** Illegal filename '), $print(File),
- $print(' for consult: filename must be atomic'), $nl
- ).
- $consultable(user).
- $consultable(File) :- $exists(File).
- $consult_s(File,Clslist,Opts) :-
- /* Clslist is list of terms: pred(Pred,Arity,_,_,ClauseList)
- where Clauselist is a list of terms:
- fact(Fact,CpyFlagRest) or rule(Head,Body,CpyFlag,CpyFlagRest) */
- $member(pred(Pred,Arity,_,_,Clauselist),Clslist),
- $bldstr(Pred,Arity,Call),$consult_abolish(Call),
- ($member(v,Opts)->
- $tab(15),$writename('including : '),$writename(Pred),
- $writename('/'),$writename(Arity),$nl
- ;
- true),
- $consult_islist(Clauselist),
- $member(Factorrule,Clauselist),
- $consult_assert(Factorrule),
- fail.
- $consult_s(_,_,_).
- $consult_islist([]) :- !.
- $consult_islist([_|Tail]) :- $consult_islist(Tail).
- $consult_abolish(Goal) :- $buff_code(Goal,0,11,0).
- $consult_assert(fact(Fact,_)) :- $assert(Fact).
- $consult_assert(rule(Head,Body,_,_)) :- $assert((Head:-Body)).
- $consult_untrace([]).
- $consult_untrace(['/'(P,N)|Prest]) :-
- ('_$traced_preds'(P/N) ->
- ($retract('_$traced_preds'(P/N)), trace(P/N)) ;
- true
- ),
- $consult_untrace(Prest).
- $consult_trace(L) :-
- $symtype('_$traced_preds'(_),N),
- (N > 0 -> $consult_trace1(L) ; trace(L)).
- $consult_trace1([]).
- $consult_trace1([P|Prest]) :-
- ('_$traced_preds'(P) -> true ; trace(P)),
- $consult_trace1(Prest).
- $consult_list([]).
- $consult_list([H|T]) :- $consult_list1(H), $consult_list(T).
- $consult_list1('-'(File)) :- !, $consult(File).
- $consult_list1(File) :- $consult(File).
- /* ------------------------------ $consult.P ------------------------------ */