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- /************************************************************************
- * *
- * The SB-Prolog System *
- * Copyright SUNY at Stony Brook, 1986; University of Arizona, 1987 *
- * *
- ************************************************************************/
- /*-----------------------------------------------------------------
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- and this notice must be preserved on all copies.
- ------------------------------------------------------------------ */
- /* $db.P */
- /* Last modification: Aug 25, 1989 -- Paco Romero */
- /*
- These are the basic routines that support assert and retract in our system.
- The system supports a concept of a Prref, a predicate reference.
- A Prref is a database reference to a sequence of asserted clauses.
- Normally a Prref is associated with a psc-entry (in the e.p. field),
- the psc entry of the main functor symbol of all the clauses. But that
- need not be the case. A Prref can be created, asserted to, and
- called explicitly.
- The system also supports a concept of Clref, a clause reference.
- These are quite similar to the db references in CProlog. A Clref is
- a reference to a single clause. A Clref can also be called.
- Normally a Clref is chained into a Prref.
- */
- $db_export([$db_new_prref/1,$db_assert_fact/5,
- $db_assert_fact/7, $db_add_clref/6,
- $db_call_prref/2,$db_call_prref_s/2,$db_call_prref_s/3,
- $db_call_clref/2,$db_get_clauses/3,$db_kill_clause/1]).
- $db_use($dbcmpl,[$db_cmpl/5,$db_putbuffop/4,
- $db_putbuffbyte/4,$db_putbuffnum/4]).
- $db_use($buff, [$alloc_perm/2,$alloc_heap/2,$trimbuff/3,$buff_code/4,
- $symtype/2,$substring/6,$subnumber/6,$subdelim/6,$conlength/2,
- $pred_undefined/1, $hashval/3]).
- $db_use($bmeta,[$atom/1,$atomic/1,$integer/1,$number/1,$structure/1,
- $functor0/2,$bldstr/3,$arg/3,$arity/2,$real/1,$floor/2]).
- $db_use($bio,[$writename/1,$writeqname/1,$put/1,$nl/0,$tab/1,$tell/1,$tell/2,
- $telling/1,$told/0,$get/1,$get0/1,$see/1,$seeing/1,$seen/0]).
- /* $db_new_prref(Prref): creates an empty Prref, i.e. one with no
- clauses in it. If called, it will simply fail. Prref must be a
- variable at the time of call. */
- $db_new_prref(Prref) :- $db_new_prref(Prref,0,0).
- $db_new_prref(Prref,Where,Supbuff) :-
- $alloc_buff(20,Prref,Where,Supbuff,0),
- /* disp 16 for pointer to last clause */
- $opcode( fail, FailOp ),
- $buff_code(Prref, 0, 14 /*ptv*/ ,Prref), /*set back pointer*/
- $buff_code(Prref, 4, 3 /*ps*/ ,FailOp /* fail*/ ),
- $buff_code(Prref, 6, 3 /*ps*/ ,0),
- $buff_code(Prref, 12, 3 /*ps*/ ,FailOp /* fail*/ ),
- $buff_code(Prref, 14, 3 /*ps*/ ,0).
- /* $db_assert_fact(Fact,Prref,AZ,Index,Clref): where Fact is a fact to
- be asserted; Prref is a predicate reference to which to add the
- asserted fact; AZ is either 0 indicating the fact should be inserted
- as the first clause in Prref, or 1 indicating it should be inserted
- as the last; Index is 0 if no index is to be built, or n if an index
- on the nth argument of the fact is to be used; Clref is returned and
- it is the clause reference of the asserted fact. */
- $db_assert_fact(Fact,Prref,AZ,Index,Clref) :-
- $db_assert_fact(Fact,Prref,AZ,Index,Clref,0,0).
- $db_assert_fact(Clause,Prref,AZ,Index,Clref,Where,Supbuff) :-
- $db_cmpl(Clause,Clref,Index,Where,Supbuff),
- (var(Prref) -> $db_new_prref(Prref,Where,Supbuff) ; true),
- (Clause = (Head:-_) -> ($arity(Head,Arity));
- (Clause=Head, $arity(Head,Ar1),Arity is Ar1+1)
- ),
- $db_add_clref(Head,Arity,Prref,AZ,Index,Clref,Where,Supbuff).
- /* $db_add_clref(Fact,Arity,Prref,AZ,Index,Clref) adds a clause buffer to a
- prref. So Prref and Clref must be bound. Arity is the number of registers
- to save in a choice point (if Fact is a fact, it is Arity(Fact)+1, for cut)
- The other parameters are as above.
- */
- $db_add_clref(Fact,Arity,Prref,AZ,Index,Clref) :-
- $db_add_clref(Fact,Arity,Prref,AZ,Index,Clref,0,0).
- $db_add_clref(Fact,Arity,Prref,AZ,Index,Clref,Where,Supbuff) :-
- Index =< 0 ->
- (AZ =:= 0 ->
- $db_addbuffa(Arity,Clref,Prref);
- $db_addbuffz(Arity,Clref,Prref));
- (AZ =:= 0 ->
- $writename('Indexed add to beginning not supported'),$nl,fail
- ;
- ((arg(Index, Fact, Arg), nonvar(Arg)) ->
- $db_addbuffz_i(Arity,Clref,Prref,Index,Arg,Where,Supbuff) ;
- $db_addbuffz(Arity,Clref,Prref)
- )
- ).
- /* Add Clref to empty Prref */
- $db_addbuffonly(Arity,Clref,Prref) :-
- $opcode( jumptbreg, JmpOp ),
- $buff_code(Prref, 4, 3 /*ps*/ ,JmpOp /*jump and save breg */ ),
- $buff_code(Prref, 6, 3 /*ps*/ ,Arity),
- $buff_code(Prref, 8, 10 /*pbr*/ ,Clref),
- $buff_code(Prref, 16, 10 /*pbr*/ ,Clref), /* ptr to last clause */
- $opcode( noop, NoopOp ),
- $buff_code(Clref, 4, 3 /*ps*/ ,NoopOp /*noop*/ ),
- $buff_code(Clref, 6, 3 /*ps*/ ,2).
- /* add Clref to end of Prref */
- $db_addbuffz(Arity,Clref,Prref) :-
- /* Prref must be dummy header */
- $opcode( fail, FailOp ),
- $buff_code(Prref, 4, 6 /*gs*/ ,Op),
- (Op =:= FailOp, /*fail*/
- $db_addbuffonly(Arity,Clref,Prref)
- ;
- Op =\= FailOp, /*fail*/
- ($opcode( jumptbreg, JmpOp ),
- Op =:= JmpOp, /* must be a jump-and-save-breg to next clause */
- $buff_code(Prref, 16, 8 /*gpb*/ ,Lbuff), /* last buff */
- $buff_code(Lbuff, 4, 6 /*gs*/ ,Sop),
- $opcode( noop, NoopOp ),
- $opcode( trustmeelsefail, TrustOp ),
- (Sop =:= NoopOp, /* noop, change to try */
- $opcode( trymeelse, TryOp ),
- $buff_code(Lbuff, 4, 3 /*ps*/ ,TryOp /*trymeelse*/)
- ;
- Sop =\= NoopOp,
- Sop =:= TrustOp, /* must be a trustmeelsefail */
- $opcode( retrymeelse, RetryOp ),
- $buff_code(Lbuff, 4, 3 /*ps*/ ,RetryOp /*retrymeelse*/)
- ),
- $buff_code(Lbuff, 6, 3 /*ps*/ ,Arity),
- $buff_code(Lbuff, 8, 10 /*pbr*/ ,Clref),
- $buff_code(Clref, 4, 3 /*ps*/ ,TrustOp /*trustmeelsefail*/ ),
- $buff_code(Clref, 6, 3 /*ps*/ ,Arity),
- $buff_code(Clref, 8, 3 /*ps*/ ,NoopOp /*noop*/ ),
- $buff_code(Clref, 10, 3 /*ps*/ ,0),
- $buff_code(Prref, 16, 10 /*pbr*/ ,Clref) /* point to new last */
- )
- ).
- /* add a buffer to the beginning of the chain */
- $db_addbuffa(Arity,Clref,Prref) :-
- $opcode( fail, FailOp ),
- $buff_code(Prref, 4, 6 /*gs*/ ,Op),
- (Op =:= FailOp, /* fail */
- /* only dummy clause there */
- $db_addbuffonly(Arity,Clref,Prref)
- ;
- Op =\= FailOp,
- ($opcode( jumptbreg, JmpOp ),
- $opcode( trymeelse, TryOp ),
- Op =:= JmpOp, /* must be a jump-and-save-breg, otw fail */
- $buff_code(Prref, 8, 8 /*gpb*/ ,Sbuff), /* next buff */
- $buff_code(Sbuff, 4, 6 /*gs*/ ,Sop),
- $opcode( noop, NoopOp ),
- (Sop =:= NoopOp, /* noop, change to trust */
- $opcode( trustmeelsefail, TrustOp ),
- $buff_code(Sbuff, 4, 3 /*ps*/ ,TrustOp ),
- $buff_code(Sbuff, 6, 3 /*ps*/ ,Arity),
- $buff_code(Sbuff, 8, 3 /*ps*/ ,NoopOp /*noop*/ ),
- $buff_code(Sbuff, 10, 3 /*ps*/ ,0)
- ;
- Sop =\= NoopOp, /* not noop */
- Sop =:= TryOp, /* must be try, else fail */
- $opcode( retrymeelse, RetryOp ),
- $buff_code(Sbuff, 4,3 /*ps*/ ,RetryOp ) /* make retry */
- ),
- $buff_code(Prref, 8, 10 /*pbr*/, Clref), /* point first to new */
- $buff_code(Clref, 4, 3 /*ps*/ , TryOp /*trymeelse*/),
- $buff_code(Clref, 6, 3 /*ps*/ , Arity),
- $buff_code(Clref, 8, 10 /*pbr*/, Sbuff) /* point new to old 2nd*/
- )
- ).
- /* adds a buffer to an index chain */
- $db_addbuffz_i(Arity,Clref,Prref,Index,Arg,_,_) :-
- $opcode( fail, FailOp ),
- $opcode( noop, NoopOp ),
- $opcode( switchonbound, SobOp ),
- $buff_code(Prref, 4, 6 /*gs*/ ,Op),
- Op =\= FailOp, /* fail if no clrefs */
- $buff_code(Prref, 16, 8 /*gpb*/ ,Lbuff), /* last buff */
- $buff_code(Lbuff, 12, 6 /*gs*/ ,NoopOp), /* noop if SOB */
- $buff_code(Lbuff, 20, 6 /*gs*/ ,SobOp), /* op code must be sob */
- $buff_code(Lbuff, 22, 6,Index), /* must be same arg */
- !,
- $buff_code(Lbuff, 28, 5 /*gn*/, N), /* tabsize */
- $db_proc_all_chain(Arity,Lbuff,Clref),
- $db_proc_hash_chain(Arg,Arity,Lbuff,Clref,N).
- $db_addbuffz_i(Arity,Clref,Prref,Index,Arg,Where,Supbuff) :-
- /* must add new sop buffer */
- $db_create_sob(Sbuff,N,Where,Supbuff), /* get sob buffer */
- $db_gen_sobcode(Index, Sbuff, Clref, N),
- $db_proc_hash_chain(Arg, Arity, Sbuff, Clref, N),
- $db_addbuffz(Arity,Sbuff,Prref).
- $db_create_sob(Sbuff,N,Where,Supbuff) :-
- '_$tab_size'(N), Size is 12 + 8 + 12 + 8 + 4 * N + 4,
- $alloc_buff(Size,Sbuff,Where,Supbuff,0),
- $buff_code(Sbuff, 0, 14 /*ptv*/, Sbuff). /* backptr */
- $db_gen_sobcode(Narg, Sbuff, Clref, N) :-
- $opcode( noop, NoopOp ),
- $opcode( switchonbound, SobOp ),
- $opcode( jump, JumpOp ),
- $buff_code(Sbuff, 12, 3 /*ps*/ , NoopOp /*noop*/),
- $buff_code(Sbuff, 14, 3 /*ps*/ , 2),
- $buff_code(Sbuff, 16, 10 /*pbr*/ ,Clref),
- $buff_code(Sbuff, 20, 3 /*ps*/ , SobOp /*switchonbound*/),
- $buff_code(Sbuff, 22, 3 /*ps*/ , Narg),
- $buff_code(Sbuff, 40, 33, AddrTab), /* get addr of tab */
- $buff_code(Sbuff, 24, 32, AddrTab), /* store addr of tab */
- $buff_code(Sbuff, 28, 2, N /* size of hashtab */),
- $buff_code(Sbuff, 32, 3 /*ps*/ , JumpOp /* jump */),
- $buff_code(Sbuff, 34, 3 /*ps*/ , 0),
- $buff_code(Sbuff, 36, 10, Clref),
- $buff_code(Clref, 4, 3 /*ps*/, NoopOp /*noop*/),
- $buff_code(Clref, 6, 3 /*ps*/, 2),
- $db_init_tab(Sbuff, N).
- $db_init_tab(Clref, N) :-
- Disp is 40 + 4 * N,
- $opcode( fail, FailOp ),
- $buff_code(Clref, Disp, 3 /*ps*/ , FailOp /*fail*/),
- Disp1 is Disp + 2,
- $buff_code(Clref, Disp1, 3 /*ps*/ , 0),
- $buff_code(Clref, Disp, 33, FailAddr),
- $db_init_hashtab(0, 40, N, Clref, FailAddr).
- $db_init_hashtab(N, Lin, Size, Clref, FailAddr) :-
- N >= Size;
- N < Size,
- $buff_code(Clref, Lin, 32 /* word num */, FailAddr),
- Lout is Lin + 4,
- N1 is N + 1,
- $db_init_hashtab(N1, Lout, Size, Clref, FailAddr).
- $db_proc_all_chain(Arity, Sbuff, Clref) :-
- $opcode( noop, NoopOp ),
- $opcode( trustmeelsefail, TrustOp ),
- $buff_code(Sbuff, 16, 8, Lbuff), /* last buff on all chain */
- $buff_code(Lbuff, 4, 6 /*gs*/ ,Sop),
- (Sop =:= NoopOp, /* noop, change to try */
- $opcode( trymeelse, TryOp ),
- $buff_code(Lbuff, 4, 3 /*ps*/ ,TryOp /*trymeelse*/)
- ;
- Sop =\= NoopOp,
- Sop =:= TrustOp, /* must be a trustmeelsefail */
- $opcode( retrymeelse, RetryOp ),
- $buff_code(Lbuff, 4, 3 /*ps*/ , RetryOp /*retrymeelse*/)
- ),
- $buff_code(Lbuff, 6, 3 /*ps*/ ,Arity),
- $buff_code(Lbuff, 8, 10 /*pbr*/ ,Clref),
- $buff_code(Clref, 4, 3 /*ps*/ ,TrustOp /*trustmeelsefail*/ ),
- $buff_code(Clref, 6, 3 /*ps*/ ,Arity),
- $buff_code(Clref, 8, 3 /*ps*/ ,NoopOp /*noop*/ ),
- $buff_code(Clref, 10, 3 /*ps*/ ,0),
- $buff_code(Sbuff, 16, 10 /*pbr*/ ,Clref). /* point to new last */
- $db_proc_hash_chain(Arg, Arity, Tbuff, Buff, N) :-
- nonvar(Arg),
- $hashval(Arg, N, Hashval),
- Bucket is 40 + 4 * Hashval,
- $buff_code(Tbuff, Bucket, 5, Addr),
- Faild is 40 + 4 * N,
- $buff_code(Tbuff, Faild, 33, Faddr),
- ((Addr = Faddr, $db_link_first(Bucket, Tbuff, Buff), !);
- ($db_get_hash_next(Bucket, Tbuff, NextBuff, Disp, B),
- $db_link_all(Arity, NextBuff, Disp, Buff, B))
- ).
- $db_link_first(Bucket, Tbuff, Buff) :-
- $db_get_addr(Buff, _, Hash_addr),
- $buff_code(Tbuff, Bucket, 32, Hash_addr).
- $db_get_addr(Buff, Disp, Hash_addr) :-
- $conlength(Buff, Len),
- Disp is Len - 16,
- $buff_code(Buff, Disp, 33, Hash_addr).
- $db_get_hash_next(Bucket, Tbuff, NextBuff, Disp, B) :-
- /* get buffer pointed to by the bucket */
- $buff_code(Tbuff, Bucket, 21 /* gnb */, NextBuff),
- $conlength(NextBuff, Len),
- Disp is Len - 16,
- $buff_code(NextBuff, Disp, 6 /*gb*/ , B).
- $db_link_all(Arity, NextBuff, Disp, Buff, B) :-
- $opcode( noop, NoopOp ),
- $opcode( trymeelse, TryOp ),
- ((B =:= NoopOp, /* noop */
- $db_putbuffop( TryOp /* trymeelse */, NextBuff, Disp, L1),
- $db_putbuffbyte(Arity, NextBuff, L1, L2),
- $db_get_addr(Buff, BuffDisp, Hash_addr),
- $db_putbuffnum(Hash_addr, NextBuff, L2, _),
- $db_set_index_trust(Arity, Buff, BuffDisp));
- (B =\= NoopOp,
- B =:= TryOp, /* trymeelse */
- Loc is Disp + 4,
- $db_get_hash_next(Loc, NextBuff, Clref, NewDisp, NewB),
- $db_link_rest(Arity, Clref, NewDisp, Buff, NewB))
- ).
- $db_link_rest(Arity, NextBuff, Disp, Buff, B) :-
- $opcode( retrymeelse, RetryOp ),
- ((B =:= RetryOp, /* retrymeelse */
- Loc is Disp + 4,
- $db_get_hash_next(Loc, NextBuff, Clref, NewDisp, NewB),
- $db_link_rest(Arity, Clref, NewDisp, Buff, NewB));
- (B =\= RetryOp,
- $opcode( trustmeelsefail, TrustOp ),
- B =:= TrustOp, /* trustmeelsefail */
- $db_get_addr(Buff, BDisp, Hash_addr),
- $db_set_index_retry(Arity, NextBuff, Disp, Hash_addr),
- $db_set_index_trust(Arity, Buff, BDisp))
- ).
- $db_set_index_trust(Arity, Buff, Disp) :-
- $opcode( trustmeelsefail, TrustOp ),
- $opcode( noop, NoopOp ),
- $db_putbuffop( TrustOp, Buff, Disp, L1),
- $db_putbuffbyte(Arity, Buff, L1, L2),
- $db_putbuffop( NoopOp, Buff, L2, L3),
- $db_putbuffbyte(0, Buff, L3, _).
- $db_set_index_retry(Arity, Buff, Disp, Addr) :-
- $opcode( retrymeelse, RetryOp ),
- $db_putbuffop( RetryOp, Buff, Disp, L1),
- $db_putbuffbyte(Arity, Buff, L1, L2),
- $db_putbuffnum(Addr, Buff, L2, _).
- /* $db_call_prref(Call,Prref): where Call is a literal and Prref is a
- predicate reference. This calls the Prref using Call as the call.
- The call is done by simply branching to the first clause. Thus the
- trust optimization is used, and so new facts added to the Prref after
- the last fact is retrieved but before the call is failed through will
- NOT be used. */
- $db_call_prref(Call,Prref) :- $buff_code(Prref,4,13 /*execb*/ ,Call).
- /* $db_call_prref_s(Call,Prref): with the same arguments as the
- previous and also calling the clauses. The difference from
- $db_call_prref is that it does not use the trust optimization so that any
- new fact addd before final failure will be used. */
- $db_call_prref_s(Goal,Prref) :- $db_call_prref_s(Goal,Prref,_).
- /* same as above, but also returns cl_ref of successful clause */
- $db_call_prref_s(Goal,Prref,Cur_clref) :-
- $db_get_first_clref(Prref,Clref),$db_get_clrefs(Clref,Cur_clref,0),
- $db_call_clref(Goal,Cur_clref).
- /* $db_call_clref(Call,Clref): will call the clause referenced by Clref
- using the literal Call as the call. */
- $db_call_clref(Call,Clref) :- $buff_code(Clref,12,13 /*execb*/ ,Call).
- /* $db_get_clauses(Prref,Clref,Dir): This returns nondeterministically all
- the clause references for clauses asserted to Prref. If Dir is 0, then
- the first on the list is returned first; if Dir is 1, then they are
- returned in reverse order.
- */
- $db_get_clauses(Prref,Clref,Dir) :-
- $db_get_first_clref(Prref,Fclref),
- $db_get_clrefs(Fclref,Clref,Dir).
- /* given a pr_ref, get the cl_ref for the first clause. */
- $db_get_first_clref(Prref,Clref) :-
- $opcode( jumptbreg, JmpOp ),
- $buff_code(Prref, 4, 6 /*gs*/ , JmpOp), /* must be jump-and-save-breg */
- $buff_code(Prref, 8, 8 /*gpb*/ ,Clref).
- /* return, through backtracking, the sequence of cl_refs chained from
- the given one, returning given one first */
- $db_get_clrefs(Clref,N_clref,1) :-
- $db_get_next_clref(Clref,Nxt_clref),
- $db_get_clrefs(Nxt_clref,N_clref,1).
- $db_get_clrefs(Clref,N_clref,Dir) :-
- $buff_code(Clref,12,6 /*gs*/ ,Nop), /* if sob, is noop */
- $opcode( noop, NoopOp ),
- (Nop =:= NoopOp ->
- $buff_code(Clref,20,6 /*gs*/ ,Sop), /* op code must be sob */
- $opcode( switchonbound, SobOp ),
- (Sop =:= SobOp -> /* sob buffer */
- $buff_code(Clref, 36, 8 /*gpb*/ ,Tclref), /* first of all */
- $db_get_clrefs(Tclref,N_clref,Dir) /* and recurse */
- ;
- N_clref=Clref /* not a sob buffer */
- )
- ;
- N_clref=Clref
- ).
- $db_get_clrefs(Clref,N_clref,0) :-
- $db_get_next_clref(Clref,Nxt_clref),
- $db_get_clrefs(Nxt_clref,N_clref,0).
- /* get the next cl_ref following the given one. */
- $db_get_next_clref(Clref,Nxt_clref) :-
- $opcode( retrymeelse, RetryOp ),
- $buff_code(Clref,4,6 /*gs*/ ,B),
- (B =:= RetryOp, /* retrymeelse, so there is another clause */
- $buff_code(Clref,8,8 /*gpb*/ ,Nxt_clref)
- ;
- B =\= RetryOp,
- $opcode( trymeelse, TryOp ),
- B =:= TryOp, /* trymeelse, so ditto */
- $buff_code(Clref,8,8 /*gpb*/ ,Nxt_clref)
- ).
- /* $db_kill_clause(Clref): retracts the fact referenced by Clref. It
- does this by simply making the first instruction of the clause a
- fail instruction. */
- $db_kill_clause(Clref) :-
- $opcode( fail, FailOp ),
- $buff_code(Clref, 12, 3 /*ps*/ ,FailOp /*fail*/ ).
- /* ---------------------------------------------------------------------- */