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- /************************************************************************
- * *
- * The SB-Prolog System *
- * Copyright SUNY at Stony Brook, 1986; University of Arizona, 1987 *
- * *
- ************************************************************************/
- /*-----------------------------------------------------------------
- SB-Prolog is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
- but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY. No author or distributor
- accepts responsibility to anyone for the consequences of using it
- or for whether it serves any particular purpose or works at all,
- unless he says so in writing. Refer to the SB-Prolog General Public
- License for full details.
- Everyone is granted permission to copy, modify and redistribute
- SB-Prolog, but only under the conditions described in the
- SB-Prolog General Public License. A copy of this license is
- supposed to have been given to you along with SB-Prolog so you
- can know your rights and responsibilities. It should be in a
- file named COPYING. Among other things, the copyright notice
- and this notice must be preserved on all copies.
- ------------------------------------------------------------------ */
- /* $deb.P */
- /* Trace and Debug package */
- /* To be able to trace execution, you should either consult the
- file containing the predicate definitions or compile them with the 't'
- option and load them. The 't' option keeps the assembler from optimizing
- subroutine linkage and allows the trace to intercept any call. To trace
- the system, all predicates to be traced must be passed to trace/1. For
- example,
- :- trace([pred1/1,pred2/2]),trace(pred3/2).
- will set up tracing of pred1, pred2 and pred3 (of the indicated arities.)
- The compile and consult predicates have been modified to
- return a list of predicates defined, which can be directly passed to trace,
- to set up interception. This also turns tracing on. The facilities are
- roughly similar to CProlog's debugging facility, but you can only trace
- routines for which you've done a trace/1. This makes trace and spy very
- similar; it is essentially just two levels of spy points. The times that
- tracing (and spying) occur differ somewhat from CProlog's. Here tracing
- occurs at Call (i.e., entry to a predicate), successful Exit from a clause,
- and Failure of an entire call. Skip, leap, etc. work in ways similar to
- CProlog. We do not support the leashing modes of CProlog (but it would be
- easy enough to add).
- */
- $deb_export([$debug/0,$nodebug/0,$trace/1,$untrace/1,$spy/1,$nospy/1,
- $trace/0,$untrace/0, $debugging/0, $deb_tracepreds/1, $deb_spypreds/1]).
- /* $deb_use($glob,[$globalset/1,$gennum/1,$gensym/2]).
- $deb_use($call,[call/1,'_$interp'/2,'_$call'/1]).
- $deb_use($meta,[$functor/3,$univ/2,$length/2]).
- $deb_use($name,[$name/2,$name0/2]).
- $deb_use($bio,[$writename/1,$writeqname/1,$put/1,$nl/0,$tab/1,
- $tell/1,$tell/2,$telling/1,$told/0,$get/1,$get0/1,$see/1,$seeing/1,
- $seen/0]).
- $deb_use($io,[$write/1,$writeq/1,$display/1,$print/1]).
- $deb_use($assert,[$assert/1,$asserti/2,$assert_union/2,$assert_call_s/1,
- $assert_get_prref/2,$assert_put_prref/2,$assert_abolish_i/1]).
- $deb_use($retr,[$retract/1,_,_]).
- $deb_use($defint,[$defint_call/4]).
- $deb_use($buff,[$alloc_perm/2,$alloc_heap/2,$trimbuff/3,$buff_code/4,
- $symtype/2,
- $substring/6,$subnumber/6,$subdelim/6,$conlength/2,
- $pred_undefined/1, $hashval/3]).
- */
- $debug :-
- $globalset($deb_ugging(1)),
- $globalset($deb_tracing(1)),
- $globalset($deb_invoke_num(1)),
- $globalset($deb_skipping(0)),
- $globalset($deb_quasiskip(0)).
- $nodebug :-
- $globalset($deb_ugging(0)),
- $globalset($deb_skipping(1)),
- $globalset($deb_tracing(0)).
- $deb_trace(Call) :-
- $deb_ugging(D),
- (D=:=0,'_$call'(Call);
- D=\=0,
- $deb_invoke_num(N),N1 is N+1,$globalset($deb_invoke_num(N1)),
- $deb_tracing(T),
- (T=:=0,'_$call'(Call);
- T=\=0, /* $deb_tracing */
- $deb_quasiskip(S), /* skipping implies quasiskipping */
- (S=\=0,'_$call'(Call) /* skipping or quasi_skipping */
- ;
- S=:=0,$deb_enterpred(N,Call,nospy)
- )
- )
- ).
- /* routine for processing spy points */
- $deb_spy(Call) :-
- $deb_ugging(D),
- (D=:=0,'_$call'(Call)
- ;
- D=\=0,
- $deb_invoke_num(N),N1 is N+1,$globalset($deb_invoke_num(N1)),
- $deb_skipping(S),
- (S=\=0,'_$call'(Call) /* skipping */
- ;
- S=:=0,
- $globalset($deb_tracing(1)),
- $deb_enterpred(N,Call,spy)
- )
- ).
- $deb_enterpred(N,Call,Spy) :-
- $deb_traceget(N,Spy,'Call',Call,_),
- $deb_tracing(D1),
- (D1=:=0,'_$call'(Call)
- ;
- D1=\=0, /* $deb_tracing */
- ('_$call'(Call),
- $deb_tracing(D2),
- (D2=:=0;
- D2=\=0,
- $globalset($deb_quasiskip(0)),$globalset($deb_skipping(0)),
- $deb_traceget(N,Spy,'Exit',Call,_)
- )
- ;
- $globalset($deb_quasiskip(0)),$globalset($deb_skipping(0)),
- $deb_tracing(D3),
- D3=\=0, /*fail if not still tracing */
- $deb_traceget(N,Spy,'Fail',Call,C2),
- C2=114, /* r: retry, otherwise just fail */
- $globalset($deb_invoke_num(N)), /* reset call number */
- $deb_retry(Call,Spy)
- )
- ).
- $deb_retry(Call,spy) :- !,$deb_spy(Call).
- $deb_retry(Call,nospy) :- $deb_trace(Call).
- $deb_traceget(N,Spy,Type,Call,C) :-
- $telling(Of),$tell(user),
- $deb_writepref(Spy),
- $writename(' ('),$writename(N),$writename(') '),
- $writename(Type),$writename(': '),
- Call =.. [Clpred|Args],
- $name(Clpred,[99,111,100,101,36|Namelist]), /* code$ */
- $name(Pname,Namelist),
- Tcall =.. [Pname|Args],$write(Tcall),
- $deb_prompt(Of,Type,Spy,C).
- $deb_writepref(spy) :- $writename('**').
- $deb_writepref(nospy) :- $writename(' ').
- $deb_prompt(Of,'Call',nospy,C) :-
- $deb_getonechar(C),$tell(Of),$deb_ug(C).
- $deb_prompt(Of,'Fail',nospy,C) :-
- /*nl,$tell(Of).*/
- $deb_getonechar(C),$tell(Of),$deb_ug(C).
- $deb_prompt(Of,'Exit',nospy,C) :-
- $nl,$tell(Of).
- $deb_prompt(Of,_,spy,C) :-
- $deb_getonechar(C),$tell(Of),$deb_ug(C).
- $deb_ug(10) :- !, /* <cr>: creep */
- $globalset($deb_tracing(1)).
- $deb_ug(97) :- !,abort. /* a: abort */
- $deb_ug(98) :- !, /* break */
- break. /* and creep when return */
- $deb_ug(99) :- !, /* c: creep */
- $globalset($deb_tracing(1)).
- $deb_ug(101) :- !,halt. /* e: exit Prolog */
- $deb_ug(102) :- !,fail. /* f: fail */
- $deb_ug(108) :- !, /* l: leap */
- $globalset($deb_tracing(0)).
- $deb_ug(110) :- !, /* n: nodebug */
- $nodebug.
- $deb_ug(113) :- !, /* q: quasi-skip */
- $globalset($deb_quasiskip(1)).
- $deb_ug(114) :- !. /* r: retry */
- $deb_ug(115) :- !, /* s: skip */
- $globalset($deb_quasiskip(1)),
- $globalset($deb_skipping(1)).
- $deb_printhelp :- $telling(Of),$tell(user),
- $tab(3),$writename('<cr>'),$tab(3),$writename('creep'),
- $tab(10),$writename('a'),$tab(6),$writename('abort'),$nl,
- $tab(3),$writename('c'),$tab(6),$writename('creep'),
- $tab(10),$writename('f'),$tab(6),$writename('fail'),$nl,
- $tab(3),$writename('r'),$tab(6),$writename('retry (fail)'),
- $tab(3),$writename('h'),$tab(6),$writename('help'),$nl,
- $tab(3),$writename('n'),$tab(6),$writename('nodebug'),
- $tab(8),$writename('e'),$tab(6),$writename('exit'),$nl,
- $tab(3),$writename('b'),$tab(6),$writename('break'),
- $tab(10),$writename('s'),$tab(6),$writename('skip'),$nl,
- $tab(3),$writename('q'),$tab(6),$writename('quasi-skip'),
- $tab(5),$writename('l'),$tab(6),$writename('leap'),
- $tell(Of).
- $deb_getonechar(C) :-
- $writename(' ? '),
- $seeing(If),$see(user),$get0(C1),
- (C1=:=10,C=C1,$see(If)
- ;
- C1=\=10,$deb_skiptoaft,
- (C1=:=104, /*help*/
- $deb_printhelp,$deb_getonechar(C)
- ;
- C1=\=104,C=C1,$see(If)
- )
- ).
- $deb_skiptoaft :- $get0(C),C=\=10,!,$deb_skiptoaft.
- $deb_skiptoaft.
- $spy(X) :- $untrace(X),$deb_setspy(X),$debug,$globalset($deb_tracing(0)).
- $deb_setspy(X) :-
- (nonvar(X), $deb_setspy0(X)) ;
- (var(X), print('*** spy: argument cannot be a variable ***'), nl).
- $deb_setspy0(P/A) :-
- (atomic(P), integer(A)) ->
- ( ($symtype('_$spy_points'(_),Type),
- Type > 0,
- not('_$spy_points'(P/A)),!, /* noop if already there */
- $assert('_$spy_points'(P/A)),
- $deb_set(P,A,$deb_spy(_))
- ) ;
- true
- ) ;
- (print('*** illegal arguments to spy: '), print(P), print('/'), print(A), $nl).
- $deb_setspy0([Pred|More]) :- $deb_setspy0(Pred),$deb_setspy(More).
- $deb_setspy0([]).
- $trace(X) :- $debug,$deb_settrace(X).
- $deb_settrace(X) :-
- (nonvar(X), $deb_settrace0(X)) ;
- (var(X), print('*** trace: argument cannot be a variable ***'), nl).
- $deb_settrace0(P/A) :-
- (atomic(P), integer(A)) ->
- (($symtype('_$traced_preds'(_),Type),
- Type > 0,
- '_$traced_preds'(P/A)
- ) ->
- (print('*** trace: already tracing '), print(P), print('/'), print(A),
- nl
- ) ;
- ($functor(F,P,A),
- $symtype(F,Symtype),
- ((Symtype =:= 1 ; Symtype =:= 2) ->
- ($assert('_$traced_preds'(P/A)),
- $deb_set(P,A,$deb_trace(_))
- ) ;
- (print('*** '), print(P), print('/'), print(A),
- print(' not defined, cannot trace ***'), $nl
- )
- )
- )
- ) ;
- (print('*** illegal argument to trace: '),print(X), nl).
- $deb_settrace0([Pred|More]) :- $deb_settrace0(Pred),$deb_settrace(More).
- $deb_settrace0([]).
- /* add a check so that give error if try to trace undefined pred */
- $deb_set(P,A,Tracerout) :-
- $name(P,Pnamelist),
- $name(Codepname,[99,111,100,101,36|Pnamelist]), /* code$p */
- $functor(Codecall,Codepname,A),
- $functor(Pcall,P,A),
- /* make PRED and code$PRED have identical ep's */
- $buff_code(Codecall,0,19 /* copy ep */ ,Pcall),
- /* now define PRED(A1,..,An) :- $deb_trace(code$PRED(A1,..,An)). */
- $defint_call(Pcall,A,Codecall,Tracerout).
- $nospy(X) :- $deb_nospy(X),$trace(X),$nodebug.
- $deb_nospy(X) :-
- (nonvar(X), $deb_nospy0(X)) ;
- (var(X), print('*** nospy: argument cannot be a variable ***'), nl).
- $deb_nospy0(P/A) :-
- (atomic(P), integer(A)) ->
- ( ($symtype('_$spy_points'(_),Type),
- Type > 0,
- '_$spy_points'(P/A), /* no-op if not there */
- $retract('_$spy_points'(P/A)),!,
- $deb_unset(P/A)
- ) ;
- true
- ) ;
- (print('*** illegal argument to nospy: '), print(P), print('/'), print(A), nl).
- $deb_nospy0([Pred|More]) :- $deb_nospy0(Pred),$deb_nospy(More).
- $deb_nospy0([]).
- $untrace(X) :- $deb_unsettrace(X).
- $deb_unsettrace(X) :-
- (nonvar(X), $deb_unsettrace0(X)) ;
- (var(X), print('*** untrace: argument cannot be a variable ***'), nl).
- $deb_unsettrace0(P/A) :-
- (atomic(P), integer(A)) ->
- ( ($symtype('_$traced_preds'(_),Type),
- Type > 0,
- '_$traced_preds'(P/A),
- $retract('_$traced_preds'(P/A)),!,
- $deb_unset(P/A)
- ) ;
- true /* succeed even if retract fails */
- ) ;
- (print('*** illegal argument to untrace: '), print(P), print('/'), print(A), nl).
- $deb_unsettrace0([Pred|More]) :- $deb_unsettrace0(Pred),$deb_unsettrace(More).
- $deb_unsettrace0([]).
- $deb_unset(P/A) :- /* add checks */
- $name(P,Pnamelist),
- $name(Codepname,[99,111,100,101,36|Pnamelist]), /* code$p */
- $functor(Codecall,Codepname,A),
- $functor(Pcall,P,A),
- $buff_code(Pcall,0,19 /* copy ep */ ,Codecall).
- $trace :- $flags(1,1). /* Simulator generated trace */
- $untrace :- $flags(1,0).
- $debugging :- not( $debugging_0 ).
- $debugging_0 :-
- $deb_ugging(X),
- ((X =:= 1, print('Debug mode on')) ; (X =\= 1, print('Debug mode off'))), nl,
- $deb_tracepreds(L0),
- (L0 = [] -> ( print('No predicates being traced'), nl) ;
- (print('Traced predicates: '), $nl, tab(5), $deb_printtrace(L0))
- ),
- $deb_spypreds(L1),
- (L1 = [] -> (print('No spy points set'), nl) ;
- (print('Spy points set on: '), $nl, tab(5), $deb_printtrace(L1))
- ),
- !,
- fail.
- $deb_tracepreds(L) :- $findall(X,'_$traced_preds'(X), L).
- $deb_spypreds(L) :- $findall(X, '_$spy_points'(X), L).
- $deb_printtrace([]) :- $nl.
- $deb_printtrace([(P/N)|L]) :- print(P), print('/'), print(N), print(', '), $deb_printtrace(L).
- /* ------------------------------ $deb.P ------------------------------ */