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- /************************************************************************
- * *
- * The SB-Prolog System *
- * Copyright SUNY at Stony Brook, 1986; University of Arizona,1987 *
- * *
- ************************************************************************/
- /*-----------------------------------------------------------------
- SB-Prolog is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
- but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY. No author or distributor
- accepts responsibility to anyone for the consequences of using it
- or for whether it serves any particular purpose or works at all,
- unless he says so in writing. Refer to the SB-Prolog General Public
- License for full details.
- Everyone is granted permission to copy, modify and redistribute
- SB-Prolog, but only under the conditions described in the
- SB-Prolog General Public License. A copy of this license is
- supposed to have been given to you along with SB-Prolog so you
- can know your rights and responsibilities. It should be in a
- file named COPYING. Among other things, the copyright notice
- and this notice must be preserved on all copies.
- ------------------------------------------------------------------ */
- /* This file contains predicates that traverse a buffer containing
- asserted code, and reconstruct the clause that was asserted. This
- code is tied fairly tightly to the code generated by "assert", so
- changes to assert may require corresponding updates to this code.
- This also means that compiled code (i.e. that generated by "compile")
- cannot be decompiled. */
- $decompile_export([$clause/2,$clause/3,$listing/1,$instance/2,$listing/0]).
- $decompile_use($bio, [$writename/1,_,_,$nl/0,_,$tell/1,_,$telling/1,
- $told/0,_,_,_,_,_,_]).
- $decompile_use($buff, [_,_,_,$buff_code/4,$symtype/2,_,_,_,_,_,_]).
- $decompile_use($bmeta,[_,_,_,_,_,_,_,_,$arity/2,_,_,$mkstr/3,$is_buffer/1]).
- $decompile_use($meta,[$functor/3,_,_]).
- $decompile_use($assert,[_,_,_,_,_,_,_,_,_,_,$assert_get_prref/2,_,_]).
- $decompile_use($blist,[$append/3,_,$memberchk/2,_]).
- $decompile_use($deb,[$debug/0,$nodebug/0,_,_,_,_,_,_,_,_,_,$deb_set/3,
- $deb_unset/1]).
- $decompile_use($currsym,[_,_,$predicate_property/2,_,_,_,_,_]).
- $clause(Hd,Body) :- $clause(Hd,Body,_,1).
- $clause(Hd,Body,Ref) :- $clause(Hd,Body,Ref,1).
- $clause(Hd,Body,Ref,Xform) :-
- nonvar(Hd),
- !,
- $decompile(Hd, Body, Ref, Xform).
- $clause(Hd,Body,Ref,Xform) :-
- $is_buffer(Ref), /* better be a DB ref! */
- $dec_getpsc(Ref,16,_,Psc),
- $mkstr(Psc,Hd0,Arity),
- !,
- $decompile_clause(Ref,Arity,Hd0,Body0),
- (Body0 ?= true ->
- (Hd = Hd0, Body = Body0) ;
- (arg(Arity,Hd0,CutArg),
- $dec_xform(Body0,CutArg,Body,Xform),
- RArity is Arity - 1,
- $functor(Hd0,Pred,_), $functor(Hd,Pred,RArity),
- $dec_copyargs(RArity,Hd0,Hd)
- )
- ).
- $clause(Hd,B,R,_) :-
- $telling(X), $tell(stderr),
- $writename('*** Error: illegal argument(s) to clause/[2,3]: <'),
- $write(Hd), $write(', '), $write(B), $write(', '), $write(R), $write('> ***'), $nl,
- $told, $tell(X),
- fail.
- $listing :-
- $predicate_property(X,interpreted),
- $functor(X,P,N),
- $listing(P/N),
- fail.
- $listing.
- $listing(Pred) :- $listing(Pred,1).
- $listing([],_) :- !.
- $listing([H|L],Xform) :-
- !,
- ($listing(H,Xform) -> true ; true), /* do the rest anyway */
- $listing(L,Xform).
- $listing(Pred,Xform) :-
- nonvar(Pred) ->
- (Pred = P/N ->
- ($functor(Hd,P,N),
- ($decompile(Hd,Body,_,Xform),
- $portray_clause((Hd :- Body)),
- fail /* backtrack to get all clauses */
- ) ;
- true
- ) ;
- ($errmsg('*** Error: argument to listing/1 must be of the form <pred>/<arity>'), $nl
- )
- ) ;
- ($errmsg('*** Error: argument to listing/1 must be instantiated ***'), fail).
- $instance(Ref, Instance) :-
- $is_buffer(Ref) ->
- $instance_1(Ref, Instance) ;
- ($telling(X), $tell(stderr),
- $write('*** Error: argument 1 of instance/2 must be a DB reference ***'), $nl,
- $told, $tell(X),
- fail
- ).
- $instance_1(Ref, Instance) :-
- $clause(H, B, Ref),
- (H = '_$record_db'(_, Instance) ->
- true ;
- Instance = (H :- B)
- ).
- $dec_getbuffwd(Buff,Li,Lo,Word) :-
- Lo is Li+2, $buff_code(Buff,Li,6 /* gb */,Word).
- $dec_getbuffnum(Buff,Li,Lo,Num) :-
- Lo is Li+4, $buff_code(Buff,Li,5 /* gn */,Num).
- $dec_getbuffloat(Buff,Li,Lo,Num) :-
- Lo is Li+4, $buff_code(Buff,Li,29 /* gf */,Num).
- $dec_getpsc(Buff,Li,Lo,Psc) :-
- Lo is Li+4, $buff_code(Buff,Li,28 /* gppsc */, Psc).
- $decompile(Head, Body, Clref, Xform) :-
- $functor(Head,P,N),
- $symtype(Head, Type),
- (Type =\= 1 ->
- ($dec_errmsg(Type,P,N), fail) ;
- ($dec_GetPrref(Head,Prref),
- $buff_code(Prref,8,8 /* gpb */, FirstClref),
- $clause_addr(FirstClref, Clref,P,N),
- NArity is N + 1, /* extra argument introduced during assert
- to handle cuts */
- $functor(NHd,P,NArity),
- $dec_copyargs(N,Head,NHd),
- arg(NArity,NHd,CutArg),
- $decompile_clause(Clref, NArity, NHd, Body0),
- $dec_xform(Body0,CutArg,Body,Xform)
- )
- ).
- $dec_GetPrref(Head,Prref) :-
- $assert_get_prref(Head, Prref0),
- $dec_getbuffwd(Prref0,4,_,Op),
- (Op =:= 91 /* jumptbreg */ -> /* clause present, no interception */
- Prref = Prref0 ;
- (Op =:= 92 /* unexec */ -> /* call intercept: trace/ET &c. */
- ($functor(Head,P,N), Pred = P/N,
- $dec_undo_inters(Pred,Inters),
- $dec_GetPrref(Head,Prref),
- $dec_do_inters(Inters,P,N)
- )
- )
- ).
- $dec_undo_inters(Pred,Inters) :- /* undo effects of call interception */
- (($symtype('_$traced_preds'(_),TType),
- TType > 0,
- '_$traced_preds'(Pred)
- ) ->
- (Inters = [trace|I0], $deb_unset(Pred)) ;
- Inters = I0
- ),
- (($symtype('_$spy_points'(_),SType),
- SType > 0,
- '_$spy_points'(Pred)
- ) ->
- (I0 = [spy|I1], $deb_unset(Pred)) ;
- I0 = I1
- ),
- (($symtype($deb_ugging(_),DType),
- DType > 0
- ) ->
- (I1 = [debugging(X)], $deb_ugging(X)) ;
- I1 = []
- ).
- $dec_do_inters([],P,A).
- $dec_do_inters([I|IRest],P,A) :-
- $dec_do_inters1(I,P,A), $dec_do_inters(IRest,P,A).
- $dec_do_inters1(trace,P,A) :- $deb_set(P,A,$deb_trace(_)).
- $dec_do_inters1(spy, P,A) :- $deb_set(P,A,$deb_spy(_)).
- $dec_do_inters1(debugging(X),_,_) :- X =:= 1 -> $debug ; $nodebug.
- /* $clause_addr/4 takes the reference of the first clause for a predicate,
- and returns the reference of a clause for the predicate, backtracking
- successively through all of them. */
- $clause_addr(CurrClref,Clref,P,N) :-
- $buff_code(CurrClref,4,6 /* gb */, Sop),
- ((Sop =:= 44 ; Sop =:= 85) -> /* trustmeelsefail or noop */
- $clause_addr1(CurrClref,Clref,P,N) ;
- ((Sop =:= 42 ; Sop =:= 43) -> /* trymeelse or retrymeelse */
- ($buff_code(CurrClref,8,8 /* gpb */, NextClref),
- ($clause_addr1(CurrClref,Clref,P,N) ;
- $clause_addr(NextClref, Clref,P,N) /* get next clause */
- )
- )
- )
- ).
- $clause_addr1(CurrCl,Cl,P,N) :-
- $buff_code(CurrCl,20,6 /* gb */,55) -> /* check if SOB-buffer */
- ($buff_code(CurrCl,36,8 /* gpb */,Clref),
- $clause_addr(Clref,Cl,P,N)
- ) ;
- ($buff_code(CurrCl,12,6 /* gb */,77 /* jump */) ->
- ($telling(X), $tell(stderr),
- $writename('*** Warning: '),
- $writename(P), $writename('/'), $writename(N),
- $writename(' contains compiled code that is not being decompiled ***'), $nl,
- $told, $tell(X),
- fail
- ) ;
- Cl = CurrCl
- ).
- $decompile_clause(Clref, N, Head, Body) :-
- $buff_code(Clref,12,6 /* gb */, Op),
- $opcode(fail, FailOp),
- Op =\= FailOp, /* make sure the clause hasn't been erased */
- $dec_mk_rmap(4,4,Rmap0),
- $decompile_head(Clref,1,N,Head,20,Lm,Rmap0,Rmap1),
- $decompile_body(Clref,Body,Lm,Rmap1).
- $decompile_head(Buff,Arg,Arity,Term,Li,Lo,Rmap0,Rmap1) :-
- Arg > Arity ->
- (Li = Lo, Rmap0 = Rmap1) ;
- ($dec_getbuffwd(Buff,Li,Lm0,Op),
- $dec_argreg(Op,Buff,Lm0,Reg),
- (Reg =:= Arg ->
- $dec_hdarg(Op,Buff,Term,Lm0,Lm1,Rmap0,Rmap2) ;
- (Lm1 = Li, Rmap2 = Rmap0,
- $dec_map_lookup(Arg,Rmap0,X),
- arg(Arg,Term,X)
- )
- ),
- NextArg is Arg+1,
- $decompile_head(Buff,NextArg,Arity,Term,Lm1,Lo,Rmap2,Rmap1)
- ).
- $dec_hdarg(3,Buff,Term,Li,Lo,Rmap,Rmap) :- /* gettval(R1,R2) */
- Li1 is Li+2, /* skip pad word */
- $dec_getbuffwd(Buff,Li1,Lm1,Arg1),
- $dec_getbuffwd(Buff,Lm1,Lo,Arg2),
- arg(Arg1,Term,T), arg(Arg2,Term,T),
- $dec_map_lookup(Arg1,Rmap,T),
- $dec_map_lookup(Arg2,Rmap,T).
- $dec_hdarg(4,Buff,Term,Li,Lo,Rmap,Rmap) :- /* getcon(Con, N) */
- $dec_getbuffwd(Buff,Li,Lm,Arg),
- arg(Arg,Term,Const),
- $dec_getpsc(Buff,Lm,Lo,Const),
- $dec_map_lookup(Arg,Rmap,Const).
- $dec_hdarg(5,Buff,Term,Li,Lo,Rmap,Rmap) :- /* getnil(N) */
- $dec_getbuffwd(Buff,Li,Lo,Arg),
- arg(Arg,Term,[]),
- $dec_map_lookup(Arg,Rmap,[]).
- $dec_hdarg(6,Buff,Term,Li,Lo,R0,R1) :- /* getstr(Str,N) */
- $dec_getbuffwd(Buff,Li,Lm1,Arg),
- $dec_getpsc(Buff,Lm1,Lm2,Func),
- $mkstr(Func,Str,Arity),
- arg(Arg,Term,Str),
- $dec_subs(1,Arity,Buff,Str,Lm2,Lo,R0,R1),
- $dec_map_lookup(Arg,R1,Str).
- $dec_hdarg(7,Buff,Term,Li,Lo,R0,R1) :- /* getlist(N) */
- $dec_getbuffwd(Buff,Li,Lm1,Arg),
- List = [_|_], arg(Arg,Term,List),
- $dec_subs(1,2,Buff,List,Lm1,Lo,R0,R1),
- $dec_map_lookup(Arg,R1,List).
- $dec_hdarg(14,Buff,Term,Li,Lo,Rmap,Rmap) :- /* getnumcon(Num, N) */
- $dec_getbuffwd(Buff,Li,Lm,Arg),
- arg(Arg,Term,N),
- $dec_getbuffnum(Buff,Lm,Lo,N),
- $dec_map_lookup(Arg,Rmap,N).
- $dec_hdarg(32,Buff,Term,Li,Lo,Rmap,Rmap) :- /* getfloatcon(Num, N) */
- $dec_getbuffwd(Buff,Li,Lm,Arg),
- arg(Arg,Term,N),
- $dec_getbuffloat(Buff,Lm,Lo,N),
- $dec_map_lookup(Arg,Rmap,N).
- $dec_hdarg(39,Buff,Term,Li,Lo,Rmap,Rmap) :- /* getlist_tvar_tvar */
- $dec_getbuffwd(Buff,Li,Lm0,Arg),
- $dec_getbuffwd(Buff,Lm0,Lm1,R1),
- $dec_getbuffwd(Buff,Lm1,Lo,R2),
- $dec_map_lookup(R1,Rmap,A1),
- $dec_map_lookup(R2,Rmap,A2),
- Sub = [A1|A2], arg(Arg,Term,Sub),
- $dec_map_lookup(Arg,Rmap,Sub).
- $dec_hdarg(40,Buff,Term,Li,Lo,R0,R1) :- /* getcomma(N) */
- $dec_getbuffwd(Buff,Li,Lm1,Arg),
- Sub = ','(_,_), arg(Arg,Term,Sub),
- $dec_subs(1,2,Buff,Sub,Lm1,Lo,R0,R1),
- $dec_map_lookup(Arg,R1,Sub).
- $dec_hdarg(41,Buff,Term,Li,Lo,Rmap,Rmap) :- /* getcomma_tvar_tvar */
- $dec_getbuffwd(Buff,Li,Lm0,Arg),
- $dec_getbuffwd(Buff,Lm0,Lm1,R1),
- $dec_getbuffwd(Buff,Lm1,Lo,R2),
- $dec_map_lookup(R1,Rmap,A1),
- $dec_map_lookup(R2,Rmap,A2),
- Sub = ','(A1,A2), arg(Arg,Term,Sub),
- $dec_map_lookup(Arg,Rmap,Sub).
- /* $dec_argreg/3 returns the "main" register number for an instruction in
- a buffer. Argument 1 is the opcode of the "current" instruction. */
- $dec_argreg(3,Buff,Disp,N) :- /* gettval(R,N) */
- Lr is Disp + 4, /* skip pad byte, op1 */
- $buff_code(Buff,Lr,6 /* gb */, N).
- $dec_argreg(Op,Buff,Disp,N) :-
- Op >= 4, Op =< 7, /* getcon(C,N)|getnil(N)|getstr(Str,N)|getlist(N) */
- $buff_code(Buff,Disp,6 /* gb */, N).
- $dec_argreg(14,Buff,Disp,N) :- /* getnumcon(Num,N) */
- $buff_code(Buff,Disp,6 /* gb */, N).
- $dec_argreg(32,Buff,Disp,N) :- /* getfloatcon(Num,N) */
- $buff_code(Buff,Disp,6 /* gb */, N).
- $dec_argreg(Op,Buff,Disp,N) :-
- Op >= 39, /* getlist_tvar_tvar(N,_,_) | getcomma(N) | */
- Op =< 41, /* getcomma_tvar_tvar(N,_,_) */
- $buff_code(Buff,Disp,6 /* gb */, N).
- /* if we hit a "put" instruction we know we're past the head, so return an
- "impossible" register number. */
- $dec_argreg(15,Buff,Disp,-1). /* putnumcon(Num,N) */
- $dec_argreg(18,Buff,Disp,-1). /* puttvar(T,R) */
- $dec_argreg(20,Buff,Disp,-1). /* putcon(C,R) */
- $dec_argreg(21,Buff,Disp,-1). /* putnil(R) */
- $dec_argreg(22,Buff,Disp,-1). /* putstr(S,R) */
- $dec_argreg(23,Buff,Disp,-1). /* putlist(R) */
- $dec_argreg(33,Buff,Disp,-1). /* putfloatcon(Num,N) */
- $dec_argreg(58,Buff,Disp,-1). /* movreg(T,R) */
- $dec_argreg(74,Buff,Disp,-1). /* proceed */
- $dec_argreg(75,Buff,Disp,-1). /* execute(P) */
- $dec_subs(N,Arity,Buff,Term,Li,Lo,Rin,Rout) :-
- N > Arity ->
- (Li = Lo, Rin = Rout) ;
- ($dec_getbuffwd(Buff,Li,Lm1,Op),
- $dec_sub(Op,Buff,Sub,Lm1,Lm2,Rin,Rmid),
- arg(N,Term,Sub),
- N1 is N+1,
- $dec_subs(N1,Arity,Buff,Term,Lm2,Lo,Rmid,Rout)
- ).
- $dec_sub(10,Buff,X,Li,Lo,Rmap,Rmap) :- /* unitvar(R) */
- $dec_getbuffwd(Buff,Li,Lo,R),
- $dec_map_lookup(R,Rmap,X).
- $dec_sub(11,Buff,X,Li,Lo,Rmap,Rmap) :- /* unitval(R) */
- $dec_getbuffwd(Buff,Li,Lo,R),
- $dec_map_lookup(R,Rmap,X).
- $dec_sub(12,Buff,Con,Li,Lo,Rmap,Rmap) :- /* unicon(Con) */
- Lm is Li+2, /* skip pad bytes */
- $dec_getpsc(Buff,Lm,Lo,Con).
- $dec_sub(13,Buff,[],Li,Lo,Rmap,Rmap) :- /* uninil */
- Lo is Li + 2.
- $dec_sub(26,Buff,X,Li,Lo,Rin,Rout) :- /* bldtvar(R) */
- $dec_getbuffwd(Buff,Li,Lo,R),
- $dec_map_update(R,Rin,X,Rout).
- $dec_sub(27,Buff,X,Li,Lo,Rmap,Rmap) :- /* bldtval(R) */
- $dec_getbuffwd(Buff,Li,Lo,R),
- $dec_map_lookup(R,Rmap,X).
- $dec_sub(28,Buff,Con,Li,Lo,Rmap,Rmap) :- /* bldcon(Con) */
- Lm is Li+2, /* skip pad byte */
- $dec_getpsc(Buff,Lm,Lo,Con).
- $dec_sub(29,Buff,[],Li,Lo,Rmap,Rmap) :- /* bldnil */
- Lo is Li + 2.
- $dec_sub(30,Buff,Num,Li,Lo,Rmap,Rmap) :- /* uninumcon(Num) */
- Lm is Li+2, /* skip pad bytes */
- $dec_getbuffnum(Buff,Lm,Lo,Num).
- $dec_sub(31,Buff,Num,Li,Lo,Rmap,Rmap) :- /* bldnumcon(Num) */
- Lm is Li+2, /* skip pad bytes */
- $dec_getbuffnum(Buff,Lm,Lo,Num).
- $dec_sub(34,Buff,Num,Li,Lo,Rmap,Rmap) :- /* unifloatcon(Num) */
- Lm is Li+2, /* skip pad bytes */
- $dec_getbuffloat(Buff,Lm,Lo,Num).
- $dec_sub(35,Buff,Num,Li,Lo,Rmap,Rmap) :- /* bldfloatcon(Num) */
- Lm is Li+2, /* skip pad bytes */
- $dec_getbuffloat(Buff,Lm,Lo,Num).
- $decompile_body(Buff,Body,Loc,Rmap) :-
- $dec_getbuffwd(Buff,Loc,Lm0,Op),
- (Op =:= 74 -> /* proceed */
- Body = true ;
- (Op =:= 75 -> /* execute(P) */
- (Lm1 is Lm0 + 2, /* skip pad bytes */
- $dec_getpsc(Buff,Lm1,_,Psc),
- $mkstr(Psc,Body,Arity),
- $dec_procputs(Arity,Rmap,Body)
- ) ;
- ($dec_bodyinst(Op,Buff,Lm0,Lm1,Rmap,Rmap0),
- $decompile_body(Buff,Body,Lm1,Rmap0)
- )
- )
- ).
- $dec_bodyinst(3,Buff,Li,Lo,Rmap,Rmap) :- /* gettval(R1,R2) */
- Li1 is Li+2, /* skip pad bytes */
- $dec_getbuffwd(Buff,Li1,Lm1,Arg1),
- $dec_getbuffwd(Buff,Lm1,Lo,Arg2),
- $dec_map_lookup(Arg1,Rmap,T),
- $dec_map_lookup(Arg2,Rmap,T).
- $dec_bodyinst(4,Buff,Li,Lo,Rmap,Rmap) :- /* getcon(Con, N) */
- $dec_getbuffwd(Buff,Li,Lm,R),
- $dec_getpsc(Buff,Lm,Lo,Const),
- $dec_map_lookup(R,Rmap,Const).
- $dec_bodyinst(5,Buff,Li,Lo,Rmap,Rmap) :- /* getnil(N) */
- $dec_getbuffwd(Buff,Li,Lo,R),
- $dec_map_lookup(R,Rmap,[]).
- $dec_bodyinst(6,Buff,Li,Lo,Rin,Rout) :- /* getstr(Str,N) */
- $dec_getbuffwd(Buff,Li,Lm1,R),
- $dec_getpsc(Buff,Lm1,Lm2,Func),
- $mkstr(Func,Str,Arity),
- $dec_map_lookup(R,Rin,Str),
- $dec_subs(1,Arity,Buff,Str,Lm2,Lo,Rin,Rout).
- $dec_bodyinst(7,Buff,Li,Lo,Rin,Rout) :- /* getlist(N) */
- $dec_getbuffwd(Buff,Li,Lm1,R),
- List = [_|_],
- $dec_map_lookup(R,Rin,List),
- $dec_subs(1,2,Buff,List,Lm1,Lo,Rin,Rout).
- $dec_bodyinst(14,Buff,Li,Lo,Rmap,Rmap) :- /* getnumcon(Num, N) */
- $dec_getbuffwd(Buff,Li,Lm,R),
- $dec_getbuffnum(Buff,Lm,Lo,N),
- $dec_map_lookup(R,Rmap,N).
- $dec_bodyinst(15,Buff,Li,Lo,Rin,Rout) :-
- $dec_getbuffwd(Buff,Li,Lm,R), /* putnumcon(Num,R) */
- $dec_getbuffnum(Buff,Lm,Lo,Num),
- $dec_map_update(R,Rin,Num,Rout).
- $dec_bodyinst(18,Buff,Li,Lo,Rin,Rout) :- /* puttvar(R1, R2) */
- Li1 is Li + 2,
- $dec_getbuffwd(Buff,Li1,Lm,R1),
- $dec_getbuffwd(Buff,Lm,Lo,R2),
- $dec_map_update(R1,Rin,X,Rmid),
- $dec_map_update(R2,Rmid,X,Rout).
- $dec_bodyinst(20,Buff,Li,Lo,Rin,Rout) :-
- $dec_getbuffwd(Buff,Li,Lm,R), /* putcon(Con,R) */
- $dec_getpsc(Buff,Lm,Lo,Con),
- $dec_map_update(R,Rin,Con,Rout).
- $dec_bodyinst(21,Buff,Li,Lo,Rin,Rout) :-
- $dec_getbuffwd(Buff,Li,Lo,R), /* putnil(R) */
- $dec_map_update(R,Rin,[],Rout).
- $dec_bodyinst(22,Buff,Li,Lo,Rin,Rout) :-
- $dec_getbuffwd(Buff,Li,Lm0,R), /* putstr(Str,R) */
- $dec_getpsc(Buff,Lm0,Lm1,Psc),
- $mkstr(Psc,Str,Arity),
- $dec_subs(1,Arity,Buff,Str,Lm1,Lo,Rin,Rmid),
- $dec_map_update(R,Rmid,Str,Rout).
- $dec_bodyinst(23,Buff,Li,Lo,Rin,Rout) :-
- List = [_|_], /* putlist(R) */
- $dec_getbuffwd(Buff,Li,Lm,R),
- $dec_map_update(R,Rin,List,Rmid),
- $dec_subs(1,2,Buff,List,Lm,Lo,Rmid,Rout).
- $dec_bodyinst(32,Buff,Li,Lo,Rmap,Rmap) :- /* getfloatcon(Num, N) */
- $dec_getbuffwd(Buff,Li,Lm,R),
- $dec_getbuffloat(Buff,Lm,Lo,N),
- $dec_map_lookup(R,Rmap,N).
- $dec_bodyinst(33,Buff,Li,Lo,Rin,Rout) :-
- $dec_getbuffwd(Buff,Li,Lm,R), /* putfloatcon(Num,R) */
- $dec_getbuffloat(Buff,Lm,Lo,Num),
- $dec_map_update(R,Rin,Num,Rout).
- $dec_bodyinst(39,Buff,Li,Lo,Rmap,Rmap) :- /* getlist_tvar_tvar */
- $dec_getbuffwd(Buff,Li,Lm0,R0),
- $dec_getbuffwd(Buff,Lm0,Lm1,R1),
- $dec_getbuffwd(Buff,Lm1,Lo,R2),
- $dec_map_lookup(R1,Rmap,A1),
- $dec_map_lookup(R2,Rmap,A2),
- $dec_map_lookup(R0,Rmap,[A1|A2]).
- $dec_bodyinst(40,Buff,Li,Lo,Rin,Rout) :- /* getcomma(N) */
- $dec_getbuffwd(Buff,Li,Lm1,R),
- Sub = ','(_,_), $dec_map_lookup(R,Rin,Sub),
- $dec_subs(1,2,Buff,Sub,Lm1,Lo,Rin,Rout).
- $dec_bodyinst(41,Buff,Li,Lo,Rmap,Rmap) :- /* getcomma_tvar_tvar */
- $dec_getbuffwd(Buff,Li,Lm0,R0),
- $dec_getbuffwd(Buff,Lm0,Lm1,R1),
- $dec_getbuffwd(Buff,Lm1,Lo,R2),
- $dec_map_lookup(R1,Rmap,A1),
- $dec_map_lookup(R2,Rmap,A2),
- $dec_map_lookup(R0,Rmap,','(A1,A2)).
- $dec_bodyinst(58,Buff,Li,Lo,Rin,Rout) :- /* movreg(R1,R2) */
- Lm0 is Li + 2, /* skip pad bytes */
- $dec_getbuffwd(Buff,Lm0,Lm1,R1),
- $dec_getbuffwd(Buff,Lm1,Lo,R2),
- $dec_map_lookup(R1,Rin,Val),
- $dec_map_update(R2,Rin,Val,Rout).
- $dec_procputs(Arg,Rmap,Body) :-
- Arg =:= 0 ->
- true ;
- ($dec_map_lookup(Arg,Rmap,Val),
- arg(Arg,Body,Val),
- Next is Arg - 1,
- $dec_procputs(Next,Rmap,Body)
- ).
- $dec_xform(Body0,C,Body1,N) :-
- N > 0 -> $dec_xform_1(Body0,C,Body1) ; Body0 = Body1.
- $dec_xform_1(','(A0,A1,A2,A3),C,(B0,B1,B2,B3)) :-
- !,
- $dec_xform_1(A0,C,B0),
- $dec_xform_1(A1,C,B1),
- $dec_xform_1(A2,C,B2),
- $dec_xform_1(A3,C,B3).
- $dec_xform_1(','(A0,A1),C,','(B0,B1)) :-
- !,
- $dec_xform_1(A0,C,B0),
- $dec_xform_1(A1,C,B1).
- $dec_xform_1(';'(A0,A1),C,';'(B0,B1)) :-
- !,
- $dec_xform_1(A0,C,B0),
- $dec_xform_1(A1,C,B1).
- $dec_xform_1('->'(A0,A1),C,'->'(B0,B1)) :-
- !,
- $dec_xform_1(A0,C,B0),
- $dec_xform_1(A1,C,B1).
- $dec_xform_1('_$cutto'(V),C,Lit) :-
- !,
- (C == V -> Lit = '!' ; Lit = '_$cutto'(V)).
- $dec_xform_1(L,_,L).
- $dec_errmsg(Type,P,N) :-
- $telling(X), $tell(stderr),
- $writename('*** Warning: '),
- $writename(P), $writename('/'), $writename(N),
- $dec_errmsg1(Type, ErrType),
- $writename(ErrType), $writename(', cannot decompile ***'), $nl,
- $told, $tell(X).
- $dec_errmsg1(0, ' is undefined').
- $dec_errmsg1(2, ' is compiled').
- /* The following predicates manipulate a "register map", which is
- basically an array of 256 elements represented as a complete quadtree
- of height 4. */
- $dec_mk_rmap(Level,Arity,Map) :-
- $functor(Map,rm,Arity),
- (Level =:= 1 ->
- true ;
- (Lev1 is Level - 1,
- $dec_mk_rmaps(Arity,Arity,Lev1,Map)
- )
- ).
- $dec_mk_rmaps(Argno,Arity,Level,Map) :-
- Argno =:= 0 ->
- true ;
- (arg(Argno,Map,SubMap),
- $dec_mk_rmap(Level,Arity,SubMap),
- NextArg is Argno - 1,
- $dec_mk_rmaps(NextArg,Arity,Level,Map)
- ).
- $dec_map_lookup(I,Tree,Val) :-
- Index is I - 1,
- $dec_map_lookup(4,Index,Tree,Val).
- $dec_map_lookup(Level,Index,Tree,Val) :-
- $get_currindex(Level,Index,CurrInd),
- (Level =:= 1 ->
- arg(CurrInd,Tree,Val) ;
- (arg(CurrInd,Tree,SubTree),
- NewLevel is Level - 1,
- $dec_map_lookup(NewLevel,Index,SubTree,Val)
- )
- ).
- $dec_map_update(I,Tree,Val,NTree) :-
- Index is I-1,
- $dec_map_update(4,Index,Tree,Val,NTree).
- $dec_map_update(Level,Index,Tree,Val,NTree) :-
- NTree = rm(_,_,_,_),
- $get_currindex(Level,Index,CurrInd),
- (Level =:= 1 ->
- $subst_arg(4,CurrInd,Tree,Val,NTree) ;
- (arg(CurrInd,Tree,SubTree),
- NewLevel is Level - 1,
- $dec_map_update(NewLevel,Index,SubTree,Val,NSubTree),
- $subst_arg(4,CurrInd,Tree,NSubTree,NTree)
- )
- ).
- $subst_arg(N,I,Tree,Val,NTree) :-
- N =:= 0 -> /* done! */
- true ;
- ((N =:= I -> /* make the change */
- arg(N,NTree,Val) ;
- (arg(N,Tree,Arg), arg(N,NTree,Arg))
- ),
- N1 is N - 1,
- $subst_arg(N1,I,Tree,Val,NTree)
- ).
- $get_currindex(Level,Index,N) :-
- Shift is (Level-1) << 1, /* Shift = 2*(Level-1) */
- Mask is 2'11 << Shift,
- N is ((Index /\ Mask) >> Shift) + 1.
- $dec_copyargs(N,T1,T2) :-
- N =:= 0 ->
- true ;
- (arg(N,T1,X), arg(N,T2,X),
- N1 is N - 1,
- $dec_copyargs(N1,T1,T2)
- ).
- /* ----------------------------- $decompile.P ----------------------------- */