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- * The SB-Prolog System *
- * Copyright SUNY at Stony Brook, 1986; University of Arizona, 1987 *
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- /* $eval1.P */
- /* **********************************************************************
- $eval1_export([$eval_exp/7,$eval_arithreloptab/4,$arithrelop/1]).
- $eval1_use($computil1,[_,$hold/3,$release/3,$getreg/2,
- _,_,_,_,_,_,_,_,_,$occ/2,_,_,_,$alloc_reg/3,_,$release_if_done0/5]).
- $eval1_use($bmeta,[_,_,_,$number/1,_,_,_,_,_]).
- $eval1_use($aux1,[_,_,_,_,$umsg/1,_,_,_,_]).
- $eval1_use($blist,[_,_,$member1/2]).
- $eval1_use($inst1,[$varinst/8,_,_,_,_]).
- ********************************************************************** */
- :- mode($eval_exp,8,[nv,d,d,d,d,d,d,c]).
- /* the 8th argument of $eval_exp/8 is a flag that indicates whether
- or not the register in which the value of the expression is
- computed will be overwritten: if the value of this flag is 1,
- then the register is guaranteed to not be overwritten. */
- $eval_exp(A,B,C,D,E,F,G) :- $eval_exp(A,B,C,D,E,F,G,0).
- $eval_exp([N],R,[Inst|Pil],Pil,_,Tin,Tout,_) :-
- !, $eval_const(N,R,Inst,Tin,Tout).
- $eval_exp(v(_,Prag),R,Pil,Pilr,_,Tin,Tout,Nowrite) :-
- !,
- $eval_var(Prag,R,Pil,Pilr,Tin,Tout,Nowrite).
- $eval_exp([BinOp,E1,E2],R,Pil,Pilr,HoldR,Tin,Tout,Nowrite) :-
- $eval_binop(BinOp),
- !,
- $eval_binop(BinOp,E1,E2,R,Pil,Pilr,HoldR,Tin,Tout,Nowrite).
- $eval_exp([mod,E1,E2],R,Pil,Pilr,HoldR,Tin,Tout,Nowrite) :-
- !,
- $eval_exp(E1,R0,Pil,Pilm0,HoldR,Tin,Tmid,0),
- $eval_exp(E2,R1,Pilm0,Pilm1,HoldR,Tmid,Tmid1,Nowrite),
- $getreg(Tmid1,R),
- Pilm1 = [movreg(R0,R),idivreg(R1,R0),mulreg(R1,R0),subreg(R0,R)|Pilr],
- $release_if_done0(E1,R0,HoldR,Tmid1,Tmid2),
- $release_if_done0(E2,R1,HoldR,Tmid2,Tout).
- $eval_exp(['+',E2],R,Pil,Pilr,HoldR,Tin,Tout,Nowrite) :- /* unary plus */
- !,
- $eval_exp(E2,R,Pil,Pilr,HoldR,Tin,Tout,Nowrite).
- $eval_exp(['-',E2],R,Pil,Pilr,HoldR,Tin,Tout,_) :- /* unary minus */
- !,
- $getreg(Tin,R), $hold(R,Tin,Tmid1),
- Pil = [putnumcon(0,R)|Pilm],
- $eval_exp(E2,R1,Pilm,[subreg(R1,R)|Pilr],HoldR,Tmid1,Tmid2,1),
- $release(R,Tmid2,Tmid3),
- $release_if_done0(E2,R1,HoldR,Tmid3,Tout).
- $eval_exp(['\',Arg],R,Pil,Pilr,HoldR,Tin,Tout,Nowrite) :-
- !,
- $eval_exp(Arg,R,Pil,[negate(R)|Pilr],HoldR,Tin,Tout,Nowrite).
- $eval_exp(['.', Arg, [[]] ],R,Pil,Pilr,HoldR,Tin,Tout,Nowrite) :-
- !,
- $eval_exp(Arg,R,Pil,Pilr,HoldR,Tin,Tout,Nowrite).
- $eval_exp([Op|_],1,[fail|Pilr],Pilr,HoldR,T,T,_) :-
- $umsg(['*** error: unknown operator in arithmetic expression: ', Op]).
- :- mode($eval_binoptab,4,[c,d,d,d]).
- $eval_binoptab(+,R1,R2,addreg(R2,R1)).
- $eval_binoptab(-,R1,R2,subreg(R2,R1)).
- $eval_binoptab(*,R1,R2,mulreg(R2,R1)).
- $eval_binoptab(/,R1,R2,divreg(R2,R1)).
- $eval_binoptab('//',R1,R2,idivreg(R2,R1)).
- $eval_binoptab('/\',R1,R2,and(R2,R1)).
- $eval_binoptab('\/',R1,R2,or(R2,R1)).
- $eval_binoptab('<<',R1,R2,lshiftl(R2,R1)).
- $eval_binoptab('>>',R1,R2,lshiftr(R2,R1)).
- :- mode($eval_binop,1,[c]).
- $eval_binop('+').
- $eval_binop('-').
- $eval_binop('*').
- $eval_binop('/').
- $eval_binop('//').
- $eval_binop('/\').
- $eval_binop('\/').
- $eval_binop('<<').
- $eval_binop('>>').
- :- mode($arithrelop,1,[c]).
- $arithrelop('<').
- $arithrelop('=<').
- $arithrelop('>').
- $arithrelop('>=').
- $arithrelop('=:=').
- $arithrelop('=\=').
- :- mode($eval_arithreloptab,4,[d,c,d,d]).
- :- index($eval_arithreloptab,4,2).
- $eval_arithreloptab(R,<,Label,jumpge(R,Label)).
- $eval_arithreloptab(R,=<,Label,jumpgt(R,Label)).
- $eval_arithreloptab(R,>=,Label,jumplt(R,Label)).
- $eval_arithreloptab(R,>,Label,jumple(R,Label)).
- $eval_arithreloptab(R,=:=,Label,jumpnz(R,Label)).
- $eval_arithreloptab(R,=\=,Label,jumpz(R,Label)).
- $eval_const(N,R,Inst,Tin,Tout) :-
- $number(N) ->
- ($getreg(Tin,R),
- $hold(R,Tin,Tout),
- (integer(N) -> Inst = putnumcon(N,R) ; Inst = putfloatcon(N,R))
- ) ;
- ($umsg(['*** Error: non-numeric constant in numeric expression: ',N,' ***']),
- Inst = fail, Tin = Tout, R = 0
- ).
- $eval_var(Prag,R,Pil,Pilr,Tin,Tout,Nowrite) :-
- $alloc_reg(Prag,Tin,Tmid),
- (($occ(Prag,s),
- $eval_numgetinst(Prag,R,Pil,Pilr,Tmid,Tout,Nowrite)) ;
- ($umsg('*** Error: unbound variable in arithmetic expression ***'),
- Pil = [fail|Pilr], R = 0, Tmid = Tout
- )
- ).
- $eval_binop(Op,E1,E2,R1,Pil,Pilr,HoldR,Tin,Tout,_) :-
- $eval_exp(E1,R1,Pil,Pilm,HoldR,Tin,Tmid1,0),
- $eval_exp(E2,R2,Pilm,[Inst|Pilr],HoldR,Tmid1,Tmid2,1),
- $eval_binoptab(Op,R1,R2,Inst),
- $release_if_done0(E2,R2,HoldR,Tmid2,Tout).
- $eval_numgetinst(vrec(t,_,Loc,Misc),R,Pil,Pilr,Tin,Tout,Nowrite) :-
- !,
- ($member1(tail,Misc) ; Nowrite =:= 1) ->
- (R = Loc, Pil = Pilr,
- ($member(tail,Misc) -> Tin = Tout ; $hold(R,Tin,Tout))
- ) ;
- ($getreg(Tin,R),
- $hold(R,Tin,Tout),
- Pil = [movreg(Loc,R)|Pilr]
- ).
- $eval_numgetinst(vrec(T0,L,Loc,_),R,Pil,Pilr,Tin,Tout,_) :-
- $getreg(Tin,R), $hold(R,Tin,Tout),
- (T0 = p -> T = d ; T = T0),
- $varinst(b,L,T,Loc,R,Pil,Pilr,Tout).
- $eval_power2(N0,N,K0,K) :-
- ((N0 =:= N, K0 = K) ;
- (N0 =\= N, N0 < N, N1 is N0 << 1, K1 is K0+1,
- $eval_power2(N1,N,K1,K)
- )
- ).
- /* end $eval1.P ***********************************/