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- * The SB-Prolog System *
- * Copyright SUNY at Stony Brook, 1986; University of Arizona, 1987 *
- * *
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- ------------------------------------------------------------------ */
- /* $funrel.P */
- /* the predicates in this file are called from $getclauses: they
- traverse a clause and convert functional syntax in arithmetic
- expressions to relational expressions. For example,
- X is 1 + sqrt(Y)
- is converted to
- square(Z, Y), X is 1 + Z
- The set of "evaluable functors", and the predicates they are
- converted to, are defined in the table $fun_to_rel/3 at the
- end of this file.
- */
- $funrel_export([$fun_rel/2,$expand_body/2]).
- $funrel_use($bmeta,[_,_,_,_,$structure/1,_,_,_,_,_,_,_,_]).
- $funrel_use($meta,[$functor/3,-,_]).
- $fun_rel((H :- B), (H :- B1)) :- !, $expand_body(B, B1).
- $fun_rel(T, T).
- $expand_body(X, call(X)) :- var(X), !.
- $expand_body((A1,B1), (A2,B2)) :-
- !, $expand_body(A1,A2), $expand_body(B1,B2).
- $expand_body((A1;B1), (A2;B2)) :-
- !, $expand_body(A1,A2), $expand_body(B1,B2).
- $expand_body((A1 -> B1), (A2 -> B2)) :-
- !, $expand_body(A1,A2), $expand_body(B1,B2).
- $expand_body('=:='(A1,B1), G) :-
- !, $funrel_proc_exp(A1,A2,G1), $funrel_proc_exp(B1,B2,G2),
- $chk_goals(G1,G2,'=:='(A2,B2), G).
- $expand_body('=/='(A1,B1), G) :-
- !, $funrel_proc_exp(A1,A2,G1), $funrel_proc_exp(B1,B2,G2),
- $chk_goals(G1,G2,'=/='(A2,B2), G).
- $expand_body('>='(A1,B1), G) :-
- !, $funrel_proc_exp(A1,A2,G1), $funrel_proc_exp(B1,B2,G2),
- $chk_goals(G1,G2,'>='(A2,B2), G).
- $expand_body('>'(A1,B1), G) :-
- !, $funrel_proc_exp(A1,A2,G1), $funrel_proc_exp(B1,B2,G2),
- $chk_goals(G1,G2,'>'(A2,B2), G).
- $expand_body('=<'(A1,B1), G) :-
- !, $funrel_proc_exp(A1,A2,G1), $funrel_proc_exp(B1,B2,G2),
- $chk_goals(G1,G2,'=<'(A2,B2), G).
- $expand_body('<'(A1,B1), G) :-
- !, $funrel_proc_exp(A1,A2,G1), $funrel_proc_exp(B1,B2,G2),
- $chk_goals(G1,G2,'<'(A2,B2), G).
- $expand_body(not(A1), not(A2)) :-
- !, $expand_body(A1,A2).
- $expand_body(is(A,Exp1), B) :-
- !, $funrel_proc_exp(Exp1,Exp2,G,Conv),
- (Conv =:= 1 ->
- (var(Exp2) ->
- (A = Exp2, B = G) ;
- B = (G,is(A,Exp2))
- ) ;
- B = is(A,Exp1)
- ).
- $expand_body(T,T).
- $funrel_proc_exp(E1,E2,G) :- $funrel_proc_exp(E1,E2,G,_).
- $funrel_proc_exp(E1,E3,G,C) :-
- $structure(E1) ->
- ($functor(E1,F,N), $functor(E2,F,N),
- $funrel_proc_subexps(N,E1,E2,true,G1,0,C0),
- ($fun_to_rel(E2,G2,E3) ->
- (C = 1,
- (G1 = true -> G = G2 ; G = (G1,G2))
- ) ;
- (E3 = E2, G = G1, C = C0)
- )
- ) ;
- (E3 = E1, G = true, C = 0).
- $funrel_proc_subexps(N,Ein,Eout,Gin,Gout,Cin,Cout) :-
- N =:= 0 ->
- (Cin = Cout, Gin = Gout) ;
- (arg(N,Ein,T1), arg(N,Eout,T2),
- $funrel_proc_exp(T1,T2,G,C0),
- N1 is N-1,
- (Gin = true -> Gmid = G ; Gmid = (Gin,G)),
- (Cin =:= 1 -> C1 = 1 ; C1 = C0),
- $funrel_proc_subexps(N1,Ein,Eout,Gmid,Gout,C1,Cout)
- ).
- $chk_goals(A,B,C,D) :-
- A ?= true ->
- (B ?= true ->
- D = C ;
- D = (B,C)
- ) ;
- (B ?= true ->
- D = (A,C) ;
- D = (A,B,C)
- ).
- % $fun_to_rel(T1, T2, Z) is true iff T2 represents the "relational syntax"
- % version of the "functional syntax" expression "Z = T1".
- $fun_to_rel(sqrt(X), square(Y,X), Y).
- $fun_to_rel(square(X), square(X,Y), Y).
- $fun_to_rel(integer(X), floor(X,Y), Y).
- $fun_to_rel(float(X), floor(Y,X), Y).
- $fun_to_rel(exp(X), exp(X,Y), Y).
- $fun_to_rel(ln(X), exp(Y,X), Y).
- $fun_to_rel(sin(X), sin(X,Y), Y).
- $fun_to_rel(arcsin(X), sin(Y,X), Y).