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- /************************************************************************
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- * The SB-Prolog System *
- * Copyright SUNY at Stony Brook, 1986; University of Arizona, 1987 *
- * *
- ************************************************************************/
- /*-----------------------------------------------------------------
- SB-Prolog is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
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- accepts responsibility to anyone for the consequences of using it
- or for whether it serves any particular purpose or works at all,
- unless he says so in writing. Refer to the SB-Prolog General Public
- License for full details.
- Everyone is granted permission to copy, modify and redistribute
- SB-Prolog, but only under the conditions described in the
- SB-Prolog General Public License. A copy of this license is
- supposed to have been given to you along with SB-Prolog so you
- can know your rights and responsibilities. It should be in a
- file named COPYING. Among other things, the copyright notice
- and this notice must be preserved on all copies.
- ------------------------------------------------------------------ */
- /* $getclauses.P */
- $getclauses_export([$getclauses/2,$getclauses/3,$attach/2,$expand_term/2]).
- $getclauses_use($bio,[_,_,_,_,_,_,_,_,_,_,$see/1,$seeing/1,$seen/0]).
- $getclauses_use($listutil1,[$reverse/2,$merge/3,$absmember/2,$absmerge/3,
- $nthmember/3,$nthmember1/3,$member2/2,$closetail/1]).
- $getclauses_use($blist,[$append/3,$member/2,$member1/2]).
- $getclauses_use($meta,[$functor/3,$univ/2,$length/2]).
- $getclauses_use($read,[$read/1,$read/2]).
- $getclauses(Filename,ClauseList) :- $getclauses(Filename,ClauseList,_).
- $getclauses(Filename, ClauseList,PredList) :-
- $seeing(InStr),
- $see(Filename),
- $getclauses1(ClauseList0,[],PredList),
- $seen,
- $see(InStr),
- $getcl_collect(ClauseList0, ClauseList),
- $getcl_closetails(ClauseList).
- $getclauses1(ClauseList,ClauseListTail,PredList) :-
- $read(T),
- $expand_term(T,T0),
- $fun_rel(T0,Cl),
- (Cl = end_of_file ->
- (ClauseListTail = ClauseList,
- $closetail(PredList),
- !
- ) ;
- (Cl = ':-'(Command) ->
- (call(Command),
- $getclauses1(ClauseList,ClauseListTail,PredList)
- ) ;
- (ClauseList = [Cl | ClauseListRest],
- $getcl_pred(Cl,P,N),
- $member1( (P/N), PredList),
- $getclauses1(ClauseListRest,ClauseListTail,PredList)
- )
- )
- ).
- /* "$getcl_collect" is used to gather together the clauses for individual
- predicates. Each entry for a predicate is of the form
- pred(Pred,Arity,CpyFlag,CutFlag,ClauseList).
- Once all the clauses have been read, the list of such 5-tuples
- that has been constructed will be traversed to set the values
- of "CpyFlag" and "CutFlag", which are as follows: if "CpyFlag"
- is 1 then the predicate contains constructs like cut, negation or
- if-then-else that require copying, while if it is 0 then it does
- not; "CutFlag" indicates whether or not the predicate contains cuts.
- This is useful because whenever cuts or negations are present, the
- program must be transformed to handle them, and this involves the
- creation of structures on the heap.
- Each clause is represented as terms of the form
- fact(Fact,CpyFlagRest) or rule(Head,Body,CpyFlag,CpyFlagRest)
- where CpyFlag is 1 or 0 depending on whether the rule contains
- constructs like cut, negation or if-then-else, and CpyFlagRest gives
- the same information for the remaining clauses. */
- $getcl_collect([],L) :- $closetail(L), !.
- $getcl_collect([(H :- B)|PRest],L) :- !,
- $functor(H,Pred,Arity),
- $member1(pred(Pred,Arity,_,_,Clauses),L),
- $attach(rule(H,B,_,_),Clauses),
- $getcl_collect(PRest,L).
- $getcl_collect([(Fact)|PRest],L) :-
- $functor(Fact,Pred,Arity),
- $member1(pred(Pred,Arity,_,_,Clauses),L),
- $attach(fact(Fact,_),Clauses),
- $getcl_collect(PRest,L).
- $attach(X,Y) :- (var(Y), Y = [X|_]) ;
- (nonvar(Y), Y = [_|T], $attach(X,T)).
- $getcl_pred((H :- B),P,N) :- !, $functor(H,P,N).
- $getcl_pred(Fact,P,N) :- $functor(Fact,P,N).
- $getcl_closetails([]).
- $getcl_closetails([Pred|PRest]) :-
- $getcl_closetails1(Pred), !, $getcl_closetails(PRest).
- $getcl_closetails1(pred(P,N,_,_,Clauses)) :- $closetail(Clauses).
- $expand_term(T1,T2) :- term_expansion(T1,T2), !.
- $expand_term(T1,T2) :- functor(T1,'-->',2), !, $dcg(T1,T2).
- $expand_term(T,T).
- /* --------------------------- $getclauses.P --------------------------- */