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- * The SB-Prolog System *
- * Copyright SUNY at Stony Brook, 1986; University of Arizona, 1987 *
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- ------------------------------------------------------------------ */
- /* $index1.P */
- /* "index" generates code for indexing into the head of a set of clauses
- for a predicate. */
- /* **********************************************************************
- $index1_export([$index/8]).
- $index1_use($glob,[_,$gennum/1,_]).
- $index1_use($blist,[_,$member/2,$member1/2]).
- $index1_use($meta,[_,_,$length/2]).
- $index1_use($listutil1,[_,_,_,_,$nthmember/3,_,_,_]).
- $index1_use($bmeta,[_,_,_,$number/1,_,_,_,_,_]).
- ********************************************************************** */
- /* argument 8 of $index is 1 if a switchonlist instruction was generated
- (in which case special code must be generated for the clauses), 0 o/w */
- $index(Pred,0,Clauses,_,Pil,Pilr,Prag,0) :-
- $index_noarg_chain(Clauses,Chain),
- $gennum(N),
- $index_gen0(0,Chain,(Pred,0,N),Pil,Pilr).
- $index(P,Arity,Clauses,PPrag,[label((P,Arity,N))|Pil],Pilr,Prag,SwList) :-
- $gennum(N),
- ($member1(index(Narg),Prag) ; Narg = 1),
- $index1(Clauses,Narg,ArgList),
- $length(ArgList, NumClauses),
- ((ArgList = [argt(T1,_,L1),argt(T2,_,L2)],
- $index_sot_inst(T1,T2,Narg,L1,L2,Inst,SwList),
- Pil = [Inst|Pil2],
- T = 1
- );
- (SwList = 0,
- $index_yn(P,Arity,ArgList,Prag,T),
- ((T =:= 1, Pil = [pred((P, Arity, N), NumClauses)|Pil1],
- $index_gen_tab(ArgList, P, Pil1, Pil3),
- Pil3 = [switchonbound(Narg, N, N)|Pil2]
- );
- (T =\= 1, Pil2 = Pil)
- )
- )
- ),
- ((T =:= 1, /* index created */
- symtype('_$mode'(_,_,_),ModeDef), ModeDef > 0,
- '_$mode'(P,Arity,Mode),
- $nthmember(BoundArg,Mode,Narg),
- BoundArg > 0 /* indexed arg is bound */
- ) ->
- Pil2 = Pilr ;
- ($index_noarg_chain(Clauses, Chain),
- $index_gen0(Arity, Chain, _, Pil2, Pilr)
- )
- ).
- $index_yn(P,Arity,ArgList,Prag,T) :-
- ($member(index(_),Prag) ; $member(index,Prag)),
- $index_yn1(ArgList,1,T).
- $index_yn(P, Arity,_,_,0).
- $index_yn1([], T, T).
- $index_yn1([argt(v,_,_)|Rest],_,0).
- $index_yn1([_|Rest], T2, T) :- $index_yn1(Rest, T2, T).
- $index_gen_tab([], _, Pil, Pil).
- $index_gen_tab([argt(T, Arg, (_, Arity, N))|Rest], P,
- [arglabel(T, Arg, (P, Arity, N))|Pil], Pilr) :-
- $index_gen_tab(Rest, P, Pil, Pilr).
- $index1([],_,[]).
- $index1([clause(Arglist,_,P)|CRest], N, [argt(Type,NewArg,L)|AtypeRest]) :-
- $nthmember(Arg, Arglist, N),
- $member1(label(L),P),
- $index_getargtype(Arg,argt(Type, NewArg, L)),
- $index1(CRest,N,AtypeRest).
- $index_getargtype([[]], argt(n, [], _)).
- $index_getargtype([X], argt(i, X, _)) :- $number(X).
- $index_getargtype([C], argt(c,C,_)).
- $index_getargtype(v(_,_),argt(v,v,_)).
- $index_getargtype([.|A], argt(l,l,_)).
- $index_getargtype([S|A],argt(s,(S, Ar),_)) :- $length(A, Ar), Ar =\= 0.
- $index_noarg_chain([],[]).
- $index_noarg_chain([clause(_,_,Prag)|ClRest],[lab(Label)|LRest]) :-
- $member1(label(Label),Prag),
- $index_noarg_chain(ClRest,LRest).
- :- index($index_gen0, 5, 2).
- $index_gen0(_,[],abs(-1),Pil,Pil).
- $index_gen0(_,[lab(Label)],Label,Pil,Pil) :-
- (var(Label), Label = (sot_label, -1, N), $gennum(N)) ; nonvar(Label).
- $index_gen0(Arity,[lab(Label)|Rest],L,[label(L),try(Label,Arity)|Pil],Pilr) :-
- Rest = [_|_],
- ((var(L), L = (sot_label, -1, N), $gennum(N)) ; nonvar(L)),
- $index_gen1(Arity,Rest,Pil,Pilr).
- $index_gen1(Arity,[lab(L1)],[trust(L1,Arity)|Pilr],Pilr).
- $index_gen1(Arity,[lab(L1)|Rest],[retry(L1,Arity)|Pil],Pilr) :-
- Rest = [_|_],
- $index_gen1(Arity,Rest,Pil,Pilr).
- $index_sot_inst(i,l,N,L1,L2,switchonterm(N,L1,L2),0).
- $index_sot_inst(i,s,N,L1,L2,switchonterm(N,L1,L2),0).
- $index_sot_inst(n,l,N,L1,L2,Inst,SwList) :-
- N =:= 1 ->
- (L1 = (P,K,L1a), L2 = (_,_,L2a),
- Inst = switchonlist(N,(P,K,L1nil),(P,K,L2lis)),
- SwList = 1,
- $concat_atom(L1a,nil,L1nil),
- $concat_atom(L2a,lis,L2lis)
- ) ;
- (Inst = switchonterm(N,L1,L2), SwList = 0).
- $index_sot_inst(n,s,N,L1,L2,switchonterm(N,L1,L2),0).
- $index_sot_inst(c,l,N,L1,L2,switchonterm(N,L1,L2),0).
- $index_sot_inst(c,s,N,L1,L2,switchonterm(N,L1,L2),0).
- $index_sot_inst(l,i,N,L1,L2,switchonterm(N,L2,L1),0).
- $index_sot_inst(s,i,N,L1,L2,switchonterm(N,L2,L1),0).
- $index_sot_inst(l,n,N,L1,L2,Inst,SwList) :-
- N =:= 1 ->
- (L1 = (P,K,L1a), L2 = (_,_,L2a),
- Inst = switchonlist(N,(P,K,L2nil),(P,K,L1lis)),
- SwList = 1,
- $concat_atom(L2a,nil,L2nil),
- $concat_atom(L1a,lis,L1lis)
- ) ;
- (Inst = switchonterm(N,L2,L1), SwList = 0).
- $index_sot_inst(s,n,N,L1,L2,switchonterm(N,L2,L1),0).
- $index_sot_inst(l,c,N,L1,L2,switchonterm(N,L2,L1),0).
- $index_sot_inst(s,c,N,L1,L2,switchonterm(N,L2,L1),0).
- /* ------------------------------ $index1.P ------------------------------ */