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- /************************************************************************
- * *
- * The SB-Prolog System *
- * Copyright SUNY at Stony Brook, 1986; University of Arizona, 1987 *
- * *
- ************************************************************************/
- /*-----------------------------------------------------------------
- SB-Prolog is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
- but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY. No author or distributor
- accepts responsibility to anyone for the consequences of using it
- or for whether it serves any particular purpose or works at all,
- unless he says so in writing. Refer to the SB-Prolog General Public
- License for full details.
- Everyone is granted permission to copy, modify and redistribute
- SB-Prolog, but only under the conditions described in the
- SB-Prolog General Public License. A copy of this license is
- supposed to have been given to you along with SB-Prolog so you
- can know your rights and responsibilities. It should be in a
- file named COPYING. Among other things, the copyright notice
- and this notice must be preserved on all copies.
- ------------------------------------------------------------------ */
- /* $inprog1.P */
- /* **********************************************************************
- $inprog1_export([$inprog0/2]).
- $inprog1_use($targlist1,[$thead/8,_,_]).
- $inprog1_use($convrhs1,[$convrhs/12]).
- $inprog1_use($blist,[$append/3,_,$member1/2]).
- $inprog1_use($flatten1,[$add_uni_hdr/6,_]).
- $inprog1_use($procclp1,[$procclp/2,_]).
- $inprog1_use($meta,[_,_,$length/2]).
- $inprog1_use($computil1,[_,_,_,_,$max/3,_,_,_,_,_,_,_,_,_,_,_,_,_,_,_]).
- $inprog1_use($inline1,[$inline/2]).
- ********************************************************************** */
- $inprog0([],_) :- !.
- $inprog0([C1|Rest], Prog) :- $inprog01(C1, Rest, Prog).
- $inprog01(fact(Fact,_), ClRest, Prog) :-
- $inprog(Fact,Prog,Clprag),
- $inprog0(ClRest,Prog).
- $inprog01(rule(H,B,_,_), ClRest, Prog) :-
- $inprog((H :- B),Prog,Clprag),
- $inprog0(ClRest,Prog).
- $inprog(Clause,Prog,Clprag) :-
- Clprag=[St|_], St = st(Clist,Vlist),
- (Clause = (Head :- Goalsr) ->
- ($thead(Head,VidTbl,Prog,Targs,Oldclauses,Vlist,UniList,BindList),
- $convrhs(Goalsr,Tgoals,VidTbl,1,_,St,1,_,BindList,NFlag,AFlag,1),
- $member1(c(1,A,ClP),Clist), A1 is A+1,
- $member1(nv(NV),ClP),
- $member1(alloc(AFlag),ClP),
- $member1(normalize(NFlag),ClP)
- ) ;
- ($thead(Clause,VidTbl,Prog,Targs,Oldclauses,Vlist,UniList,_),
- A1 = 0, NV = 0, Tgoals = nil
- )
- ),
- $add_uni_hdr(UniList,A1,NV,Vlist,Tgoals,VGoals),
- $inp_get_chunk_lastgoals(VGoals,1,_,LastGoals),
- $member1(clause(Targs,VGoals,Clprag),Oldclauses),
- $procclp(Clprag,LastGoals).
- $inp_get_chunk_lastgoals(nil,N,N,[]) :- !.
- $inp_get_chunk_lastgoals(and(C1,_,C2),N0,N2,L) :-
- !,
- $inp_get_chunk_lastgoals(C1,N0,N1,L0),
- $append(L0,L1,L),
- $inp_get_chunk_lastgoals(C2,N1,N2,L1).
- $inp_get_chunk_lastgoals(or(C1,_,C2),N0,N2,L) :-
- !,
- $inp_get_chunk_lastgoals(C1,N0,N1a,L0),
- $append(L0,L1,L),
- $inp_get_chunk_lastgoals(C2,N0,N1b,L1),
- $max(N1a,N1b,N2).
- $inp_get_chunk_lastgoals(if_then_else(T,_,C1,C2),N0,N2,L) :-
- !,
- $inp_get_chunk_lastgoals(C1,N0,N1a,L0),
- $inp_get_chunk_lastgoals(C2,N0,N1b,L1),
- $max(N1a,N1b,N2),
- $append(L0,L1,L).
- $inp_get_chunk_lastgoals('_call'(P,Args,_),N,N,[]) :-
- $length(Args,Arity),
- $inline(P,Arity),
- !.
- $inp_get_chunk_lastgoals(Call,N0,N1,[chunk(N0,Call)]) :- N1 is N0 + 1.
- /* ---------------------------- $inprog1.P ---------------------------- */