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- /************************************************************************
- * *
- * The SB-Prolog System *
- * Copyright SUNY at Stony Brook, 1986; University of Arizona,1987 *
- * *
- ************************************************************************/
- /*-----------------------------------------------------------------
- SB-Prolog is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
- but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY. No author or distributor
- accepts responsibility to anyone for the consequences of using it
- or for whether it serves any particular purpose or works at all,
- unless he says so in writing. Refer to the SB-Prolog General Public
- License for full details.
- Everyone is granted permission to copy, modify and redistribute
- SB-Prolog, but only under the conditions described in the
- SB-Prolog General Public License. A copy of this license is
- supposed to have been given to you along with SB-Prolog so you
- can know your rights and responsibilities. It should be in a
- file named COPYING. Among other things, the copyright notice
- and this notice must be preserved on all copies.
- ------------------------------------------------------------------ */
- /* This file contains code that supports a macro facility for Prolog.
- Its exported predicate is $macexp which takes a list of predicate
- definitions constructed by $getclauses and produces another such list
- with macros expanded. Its basic mechanism is a simple partial
- evaluator. It is to be called by $consult and $compile.
- `Macros', or predicates to be evaluated at compile-time, are defined
- in a predicate ::-(Head,Body), where facts have `true' as their body.
- For easy input, the following addition to the read op-table can be made:
- assert($read_curr_op(1200,xfx,('::-'))).
- so then macro clauses can be input to look very much like regular
- clauses (except that facts need a `true' body.)
- The partial evaluator will expand any deterministic call to a
- predicate with a definition in ::-/2. A call is deterministic if it
- unifies with the head of only one clause in ::-/2. If a call is not
- deterministic, it will not be expanded. Notice that this is not a
- fundamental restriction, since `;' is permitted in the body of a
- clause.
- The partial evaluator is actually a Prolog interpreter written
- `purely' in Prolog, i.e., variable assignments are explicitly
- handled. This is necessary to be able to handle impure constructs
- such as `var(X),X=a'. As a result this is a VERY SLOW Prolog
- evaluator.
- Since the partial evaluator can be put into an infinite loop, it
- maintains a depth-bound and will not expand recursive calls deeper
- than that. The depth is determined by the globalset predicate
- $mac_depth. */
- $mac_export([$macexp/3]).
- /* $mac_use($blist,[$append/3,$member/2,$memberchk/2]).
- $mac_use($bio,[$writename/1,$writeqname/1,$put/1,$nl/0,$tab/1,
- $tell/1,$tell/2,$telling/1,$told/0,$get/1,$get0/1,$see/1,$seeing/1,
- $seen/0]).
- $mac_use($inlines,['='/2,'<'/2,'=<'/2,'>='/2,'>'/2,'=:='/2,
- '=\='/2,is/2,eval/2,'_$savecp'/1,'_$cutto'/1,var/1,nonvar/1,
- fail/0,true/0,halt/0]).
- $mac_use($setof,[$setof/3,$bagof/3,$findall/3,$sort/2,$keysort/3]).
- $mac_use($meta,[$functor/3,$univ/2,$length/2]).
- $mac_use($bmeta,[$atom/1,$atomic/1,$integer/1,$number/1,$structure/1,
- $functor0/2,$bldstr/3,$arg/3,$arity/2,$real/1,$float/1,_,_]).
- */
- /* $macexp(Clslist,Opts,Expclslist) takes an input list of
- predicates Clslist (as produced by $getclauses) and produces another
- list, Expclslist, in which macros are expanded. Also the macros are
- also converted so as to define equivalent run-time predicates, too.
- (e.g., p ::- q. is converted to the clause p :- q.). Opts is an
- options list: v: verbose and print that macros are (or are not)
- being expanded; e: expand macros; d: dump all clauses after
- expanding to user, used for debugging and determining exactly what
- the expander did. */
- $macexp(Clslist,Opts,Expclslist) :-
- $member(pred((::-),2,_,_,Dblist),Clslist) ->
- ($member(e,Opts) ->
- ($member(v,Opts) -> tab(15),write('expanding macros:'),nl;true),
- ($pred_undefined($mac_depth(_)) ->
- $globalset($mac_depth(50));true),
- $maccvtcls(Dblist,Db),
- $macexpall(Clslist,Nclslist,Db),
- $mactocls(Nclslist,Expclslist),
- ($member(d,Opts) -> $macprintprds(Expclslist);true)
- ;
- ($member(v,Opts) -> tab(15),$writename('Not expanding macros'),$nl;
- true),
- $mactocls(Clslist,Expclslist)
- )
- ;
- Expclslist=Clslist.
- /* convert macro db from fact(..) form to ::-(.,.) form */
- $maccvtcls([],[]).
- $maccvtcls([fact(Cls,_)|R],[Cls|Rp]) :- $maccvtcls(R,Rp).
- $maccvtcls([rule(H,B,_,_)|R],Rp) :-
- $telling(Ostr), $tell(stderr),
- $writename('Illegal macro: '),
- $write(H), $write((':-')), $write(B),
- $nl,$maccvtcls(R,Rp).
- /* add to end of open-tailed list */
- $macmemberadd(X,L) :- var(L),!,L=[X|_].
- $macmemberadd(X,[_|L]) :- $macmemberadd(X,L).
- $macmktail(X,L) :- var(L),!,X=L.
- $macmktail(X,[_|L]) :- $macmktail(X,L).
- /* expand macros in every clause */
- $macexpall([],[],Db).
- $macexpall([P|R],[P|Rp],Db) :- P = pred((::-),_,_,_,_),!,$macexpall(R,Rp,Db).
- $macexpall([pred(P,A,X1,X2,Clauselist)|R],
- [pred(P,A,X1,X2,Nclauselist)|Rp],Db) :-
- $macexpall1(Clauselist,Nclauselist,Db),$macexpall(R,Rp,Db).
- $macexpall1([],[],_).
- $macexpall1([fact(Fact,A1)|R],[fact(Fact,A1)|Rp],Db) :- $macexpall1(R,Rp,Db).
- $macexpall1([rule(Head,Body,A1,A2)|R],[rule(Head,Nbody,A1,A2)|Rp],Db) :-
- /* $maceximp(Body,Nbody,Db), */
- $macpartevg(Body,Nbody,Db),
- $macexpall1(R,Rp,Db).
- /* convert ::- facts to :- rules and facts */
- $mactocls([],[]).
- $mactocls([pred((::-),2,_,_,Clauses)|Clslist],Nclslist) :- !,
- $mactopred(Clauses,Nclslist),$macmktail(Rem,Nclslist),
- $mactocls(Clslist,Rem).
- $mactocls([P|R],[P|Rp]) :- $mactocls(R,Rp).
- $mactopred([],_).
- $mactopred([fact(::-(Head,Body),A1)|More],List) :- !,
- $functor(Head,Fun,Arity),
- $member(pred(Fun,Arity,_,_,Clist),List),!,
- (Body=true -> $macmemberadd(fact(Head,_),Clist);
- $macmemberadd(rule(Head,Body,_,_),Clist)),
- $mactopred(More,List).
- $mactopred([rule(::-(Head,Body),Rbody,A1,A2)|More],List) :- !,
- $mactopred(More,List).
- /* $maceximp traverses a body and treats each goal separately. This
- is just for efficiency, and is used only at the top level.
- partevalgoal could be called directly instead of this. */
- $maceximp((A,B),(Ea,Eb),D) :- !,$maceximp(A,Ea,D),$maceximp(B,Eb,D).
- $maceximp((A->B;C),(Ea->Eb;Ec),D) :- !,$maceximp(A,Ea,D),$maceximp(B,Eb,D),
- $maceximp(C,Ec,D).
- $maceximp((A;B),(Ea;Eb),D) :- !,$maceximp(A,Ea,D),$maceximp(B,Eb,D).
- $maceximp(not(A),not(Ea),D) :- !,$maceximp(A,Ea,D).
- $maceximp(\+(A),\+(Ea),D) :- !,$maceximp(A,Ea,D).
- $maceximp(A,Ea,D) :- not(not($member(::-(A,_),D))),!,$macpartevg(A,Ea,D).
- $maceximp(A,A,_).
- /* This is a Prolog partial evaluator in which ALL variable manipulation is
- done explicitly. */
- $macpartevg(Q,A,Db) :-
- $mac_depth(N),$macpartev(Q,R,[],V,Db,N),$macpartevp(Q,R,V,A).
- $macpartevp(Q,R,V,A) :-
- $macgetfreev(Q,Fv),$macgetbnds(Fv,V,Bnd),$macgetfvb(V,Fv,Vfb),
- $macapplyfv(V,Vfb,R,Rp),
- (Bnd=true->A=Rp;(Rp=true->A=Bnd;A=(Rp,Bnd))).
- /* $macpartev(G,R,Vi,Vo,Db) where G is the goal, R is the result of the
- partial evluation (the residue), V is a list of _V=binding pairs,
- Db is a list of clauses that define what predicates are to be
- evaluated. */
- $macpartev(A,B,C,D,E,F) :- /* write(call(A,B)),nl, */
- $macpartev1(A,B,C,D,E,F).
- /* write(exit(A,B)),nl. */
- $macpartev1((A,B),R,Vi,Vo,Db,N) :- !,$macpartev(A,Ra,Vi,Vm,Db,N),
- (Ra=fail -> R=fail,Vo=Vm;
- Ra=true -> $macpartev(B,R,Vm,Vo,Db,N);
- $macpartev(B,Rb,Vm,Vo,Db,N),(Rb=true -> R=Ra;R=(Ra,Rb))
- ).
- $macpartev1(true,true,V,V,_,_) :- !.
- $macpartev1(A,R,Vi,Vo,_,_) :- $macbichk(A,Vi),!,
- $macapplynv(Vi,A,Ag), /* new variables! */
- ('_$call'(Ag) ->
- $macunify(A,Ag,Vi,Vo),R=true;
- R=fail,Vi=Vo
- ).
- $macpartev1((A->B;C),R,Vi,Vo,Db,N) :- !,$macpartev(A,Ea,Vi,Vm,Db,N),
- (Ea=true -> $macpartev(B,R,Vm,Vo,Db,N);
- Ea=fail -> $macpartev(C,R,Vi,Vo,Db,N);
- $macpartev(B,Eb,Vm,V1,Db,N),$macpartevp(B,Eb,V1,Ebb),
- $macpartev(C,Ec,Vi,V2,Db,N),$macpartevp(C,Ec,V2,Ecc),
- R=(Ea->Ebb;Ecc),Vo=Vi
- ).
- $macpartev1((A;B),R,Vi,Vo,Db,N) :- !,
- $macpartev(A,Ea,Vi,V1,Db,N),
- $macpartev(B,Eb,Vi,V2,Db,N),
- (Ea=fail -> R=Eb,Vo=V2;
- Eb=fail -> R=Ea,Vo=V1;
- $macpartevp(A,Ea,V1,Eaa),
- $macpartevp(B,Eb,V2,Ebb),
- R=(Eaa;Ebb),Vo=Vi
- ).
- $macpartev1(not(A),R,Vi,Vi,Db,N) :- !,$macpartev(A,Ea,Vi,_,Db,N),
- (Ea=true -> R=fail;
- Ea=fail -> R=true;
- R=not(Ea)
- ).
- $macpartev1(\+(A),R,Vi,Vi,Db,N) :- !,$macpartev(A,Ea,Vi,_,Db,N),
- (Ea=true -> R=fail;
- Ea=fail -> R=true;
- R= \+(Ea)
- ).
- $macpartev1('!','!',V,V,_,_) :- !,
- $writename('Expansion error: illegal cut(!)'),$nl.
- $macpartev1(A,R,Vi,Vo,Db,N) :-
- $macapplyv(Vi,A,Ag),
- $findall(::-(Ag,B),$member(::-(Ag,B),Db),Clauses),
- (Clauses=[Clause] ->
- (N=<0 -> $writename('Too deeply nested macros'),$nl,R=Ag,Vo=Vi;
- N1 is N-1,$maccbv(Clause,::-(Nh,Nb),Vi,Vm),
- $macunify(Ag,Nh,Vm,Vm2),$macpartev(Nb,R,Vm2,Vo,Db,N1)
- );
- R=Ag,Vo=Vi
- ).
- $macbichk(X=Y,_).
- $macbichk(X is Y,V) :- $macground(Y,V).
- $macbichk(A,V) :- $macarith(A),$macground(A,V).
- $macbichk($arg(N,T,X),V) :- $macground(N,V),$macnonvar(T,V).
- $macbichk(arg(N,T,X),V) :- $macground(N,V),$macnonvar(T,V).
- $macbichk($functor(T,F,N),V) :- $macnonvar(N,V),$macnonvar(F,V).
- $macbichk($functor(T,F,N),V) :- $macnonvar(T,V).
- $macbichk($functor(T,F,N),V) :- integer(T,V).
- $macbichk(var(X),V) :- $macnonvar(X,V).
- $macbichk(nonvar(X),V) :- $macnonvar(X,V).
- $macarith(_<_).
- $macarith(_>_).
- $macarith(_=<_).
- $macarith(_>=_).
- $macarith(_=:=_).
- $macarith(_=\=_).
- $macunify(Term1,Term2,Vi,Vo) :-
- $macderef(Term1,T1,Vi),$macderef(Term2,T2,Vi),
- (var(T1) -> (T1==T2 -> Vo=Vi;Vo=[T1=T2|Vi]);
- var(T2) -> Vo=[T2=T1|Vi];
- $functor(T1,F,N),$functor(T2,F,N),$macunifyl(T1,T2,N,Vi,Vo)
- ).
- $macunifyl(T1,T2,0,V,V) :- !.
- $macunifyl(T1,T2,N,Vi,Vo) :-
- arg(N,T1,A1),arg(N,T2,A2),$macunify(A1,A2,Vi,Vm),
- N1 is N-1,$macunifyl(T1,T2,N1,Vm,Vo).
- $macderef(T1,T2,V) :- nonvar(T1) -> T1=T2;$macderef(T1,T2,V,V).
- $macderef(T1,T1,[],_) :- !.
- $macderef(T1,T2,[T1p=T3|_],Vb) :- T1==T1p,!,$macderef(T3,T2,Vb).
- $macderef(T1,T2,[_|V],Vb) :- $macderef(T1,T2,V,Vb).
- $macapplyv(V,Ti,To) :- $macderef(Ti,Tt,V),
- (var(Tt) -> To=Tt;
- $atomic(Tt) -> To=Tt;
- $functor(Tt,F,N),$functor(To,F,N),$macapplyvl(V,Tt,To,N)
- ).
- $macapplyvl(_,_,_,0) :- !.
- $macapplyvl(V,Ti,To,N) :- arg(N,Ti,A1),$macapplyv(V,A1,Ta1),arg(N,To,Ta1),
- N1 is N-1,$macapplyvl(V,Ti,To,N1).
- $macapplynv(V,Ti,To) :- $macderef(Ti,Tt,V),
- (var(Tt) -> true; /* new variables! */
- $atomic(Tt) -> To=Tt;
- $functor(Tt,F,N),$functor(To,F,N),$macapplynvl(V,Tt,To,N)
- ).
- $macapplynvl(_,_,_,0) :- !.
- $macapplynvl(V,Ti,To,N) :- arg(N,Ti,A1),$macapplynv(V,A1,Ta1),arg(N,To,Ta1),
- N1 is N-1,$macapplynvl(V,Ti,To,N1).
- $macnonvar(X,V) :- $macderef(X,Xd,V),nonvar(Xd).
- $macground(X,V) :- $macderef(X,Xd,V),nonvar(Xd),$arity(Xd,N),$macgndl(Xd,N,V).
- $macgndl(X,N,V) :- N=:=0 -> true;
- arg(N,X,A),$macground(A,V),N1 is N-1,$macgndl(X,N1,V).
- $maccbv(Term,Newterm,Vi,Vo) :- var(Term),!,$macchkbnding(Term=Newterm,Vi,Vo).
- $maccbv(T,Nt,Vi,Vo) :-
- $functor(T,F,N),$functor(Nt,F,N),$maccbvl(N,T,Nt,Vi,Vo).
- $maccbvl(N,T,Nt,Vi,Vo) :-
- N=:=0 -> Vi=Vo;
- arg(N,T,T1),
- $maccbv(T1,Nt1,Vi,Vm),
- arg(N,Nt,Nt1),
- N1 is N-1,$maccbvl(N1,T,Nt,Vm,Vo).
- $macchkbnding(Nv=Ov,[],[Nv=Ov]) :- !.
- $macchkbnding(Nv=Ov,V,V) :- V=[Nv1=Ov|_],Nv == Nv1,!.
- $macchkbnding(P,[X|Vi],[X|Vo]) :- $macchkbnding(P,Vi,Vo).
- $macgetfreev(Q,V) :- $macgetfreev(Q,V,[]).
- $macgetfreev(Q,Vo,Vi) :-
- var(Q) -> $macaddee(Q,Vi,Vo);
- $functor(Q,F,N),$macgetfreel(Q,Vo,Vi,N).
- $macgetfreel(Q,Vo,Vi,N) :- N=:=0 -> Vo=Vi;
- arg(N,Q,A),$macgetfreev(A,Vm,Vi),N1 is N-1,$macgetfreel(Q,Vo,Vm,N1).
- $macaddee(Q,[],[Q]).
- $macaddee(Q,V,V) :- V=[Qp|_],Qp==Q,!.
- $macaddee(Q,[X|Vi],[X|Vo]) :- $macaddee(Q,Vi,Vo).
- $macgetbnds(Fv,V,B) :- $macgetbnds(Fv,V,B,true).
- $macgetbnds([],_,B,B).
- $macgetbnds([X|Fv],V,Bo,Bi) :-
- $macapplyv(V,X,T),
- (var(T) -> $macgetbnds(Fv,V,Bo,Bi);
- (Bi=true -> Bm=(X=T);Bm=(X=T,Bi)),
- $macgetbnds(Fv,V,Bo,Bm)
- ).
- $macgetfvb(V,[],[]).
- $macgetfvb(V,[X|Fvs],[X=T|Fbs]) :- $macvderef(X,T,V),$macgetfvb(V,Fvs,Fbs).
- $macvderef(T1,T2,V) :- $macvderef(T1,T2,V,V).
- $macvderef(T1,T1,[],_) :- !.
- $macvderef(T1,T2,[T1p=T3|V],Vb) :-
- T1==T1p,!,(var(T3) -> $macvderef(T3,T2,Vb);T2=T1).
- $macvderef(T1,T2,[_|V],Vb) :- $macvderef(T1,T2,V,Vb).
- $macapplyfv(V,Vf,Ti,To) :-
- var(Ti) -> $macvderef(Ti,T1,V),$macunderef(T1,To,Vf);
- $functor(Ti,F,N),$functor(To,F,N),$macapplyfvl(V,Vf,Ti,To,N).
- $macapplyfvl(V,Vf,Ti,To,N) :- N=:=0 -> true;
- arg(N,Ti,A1),$macapplyfv(V,Vf,A1,Ta1),arg(N,To,Ta1),
- N1 is N-1,$macapplyfvl(V,Vf,Ti,To,N1).
- $macunderef(T1,T1,[]) :- !.
- $macunderef(T1,T2,[T2=T3|V]) :- T1==T3,!.
- $macunderef(T1,T2,[_|V]) :- $macunderef(T1,T2,V).
- $macprintprds([]).
- $macprintprds([pred(_,_,_,_,Clauses)|R]) :-
- $macprintcls(Clauses),nl,$macprintprds(R).
- $macprintcls([]).
- $macprintcls([fact(Fact,_)|R]) :-
- $portray_term(Fact), $write('.'), $nl, $macprintcls(R).
- $macprintcls([rule(Head,Body,_,_)|R]) :-
- $portray_clause((Head :- Body)),
- $macprintcls(R).