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- * The SB-Prolog System *
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- /* $preprocess1.P */
- /* "preprocess0" effects a source-to-source translation of predicates whose
- clauses contain cuts, negations etc. */
- /* **********************************************************************
- $preprocess1_export([$preprocess0/3]).
- $preprocess1_use($translcuts1,[$transl_cuts/5,
- $transl_softcuts/5,$find_prag/4]).
- $preprocess1_use($tindex1,[$tindex/2]).
- $preprocess1_use($aux1,[_,_,_,_,_,_,_,_,$logical_or/3]).
- $preprocess1_use($cond1,[_,$get_test/3,$complementary/3,_]).
- $preprocess1_use($meta,[$functor/3,$univ/2,$length/2]).
- $preprocess1_use($compare,['$=='/2,_,_,_,_,_,_]).
- ********************************************************************** */
- $preprocess0(PredDef,PragList,[NPredDefs]) :-
- PredDef = pred(P,N,CFlag,CutFlag,Clauses),
- $process_cpyflags(Clauses,CFlag,CutFlag),
- (
- (CFlag =:= 0,
- $find_prag(P,N,PragList,Prag),
- $tindex(pred(P,N,CFlag,CutFlag,Clauses,Prag),NPredDefs)
- ) ;
- (CFlag =\= 0, $preprocess1(PredDef,PragList,NPredDefs))
- ).
- $preprocess1(Pred,PragList,[NPred]) :-
- Pred = pred(P,N,0,C,Clauses), NPred = pred(P,N,0,C,Clauses,Prag),
- $find_prag(P,N,PragList,Prag).
- $preprocess1(pred(P,N,1,0,Clauses),PragList,NPred) :-
- $find_prag(P,N,PragList,Prag),
- $preprocess_transform0(P,N,Clauses,NClauses),
- /* no cuts, but needs processing */
- $tindex(pred(P,N,1,0,NClauses,Prag),NPred).
- $preprocess1(pred(P,N,1,1,Clauses),PragList,NPredDefs) :-
- $transl_cuts(P,N,Clauses,PragList,NPredDefs). /* predicate has cuts */
- :- index($preprocess_transform0,4,3).
- $preprocess_transform0(_,_,[],[]).
- $preprocess_transform0(P,N,[Fact|Rest],[Fact|NRest]) :-
- Fact = fact(F,C),
- $preprocess_transform0(P,N,Rest,NRest).
- $preprocess_transform0(P,N,[Rule|Rest],[NRule|NRest]) :-
- Rule = rule(H,B,CFlag,CRest),
- (
- (CFlag =:= 1, $transl_softcuts(P,N,B,NB,0),
- NRule = rule(H,NB,CFlag,CRest)) ;
- (CFlag =\= 1, NRule = Rule)
- ),
- (
- (CRest =:= 1, $preprocess_transform0(P,N,Rest,NRest)) ;
- (CRest =\= 1, Rest = NRest)
- ).
- $process_cpyflags([],X,Y) :- (X = 0 ; X = 1), (Y = 0 ; Y = 1), !.
- $process_cpyflags([fact(_,CFlag)|CRest],CFlag,CutFlag) :-
- $process_cpyflags(CRest,CFlag,CutFlag).
- $process_cpyflags([rule(H,B,CFlag0,CFlag1)|CRest],CFlag,CutFlag) :-
- $process_cpyflags_1(B,CFlag0,CutFlag0),
- $process_cpyflags(CRest,CFlag1,CutFlag1),
- $logical_or(CFlag0,CFlag1,CFlag),
- $logical_or(CutFlag0,CutFlag1,CutFlag).
- $process_cpyflags_1(V,1,0) :- var(V), !.
- $process_cpyflags_1(','(G1,G2),CFlag,CutFlag) :-
- !,
- $process_cpyflags_1(G1,CFlag0,CutFlag0),
- ((CutFlag0 =:= 1, CFlag = 1, CutFlag = 1) ;
- (CutFlag0 =\= 1, $process_cpyflags_1(G2,CFlag1,CutFlag), $logical_or(CFlag0,CFlag1,CFlag))
- ).
- $process_cpyflags_1('->'(G1,G2),1,0) :- !. /* cuts in -> are soft */
- $process_cpyflags_1(';'('->'(T,G1),G2),1,0) :- !. /* cuts in -> are soft */
- $process_cpyflags_1(';'(G1,G2),1,CutFlag) :-
- $get_test(G1,T1,_), $get_test(G2,T2,_),
- $univ(T1,[Op1 | Args1]), $univ(T2,[Op2 | Args2]),
- Args1 == Args2,
- $length(Args1,Arity),
- $complementary(Op1,Arity,Op2),
- !, /* if-then-else */
- $process_cpyflags_1(G1,_,CutFlag0),
- ((CutFlag0 =:= 1, CutFlag = 1) ;
- (CutFlag0 =\= 1, $process_cpyflags_1(G2,_,CutFlag))
- ).
- $process_cpyflags_1(';'(G1,G2),CFlag,CutFlag) :-
- !,
- $process_cpyflags_1(G1,CFlag0,CutFlag0),
- ((CutFlag0 =:= 1, CFlag = 1, CutFlag = 1) ;
- (CutFlag0 =\= 1, $process_cpyflags_1(G2,CFlag1,CutFlag), $logical_or(CFlag0,CFlag1,CFlag))
- ).
- $process_cpyflags_1(not(G),1,0) :- !. /* cuts in not are soft */
- $process_cpyflags_1(G,1,1) :- $functor(G,'!',0), !.
- $process_cpyflags_1(call(X),1,0) :- !.
- $process_cpyflags_1([_|_], 1, 0) :- !. /* consult */
- $process_cpyflags_1(G,0,0).
- $transl_cuts(P,N,Clauses,PragList,[PredDef1 | PredDefRest]) :-
- $functor(Head,P,N),
- N1 is N + 1,
- $gensym_pred(P,NP),
- $univ(Head,[_|Args]),
- $append(Args,[B],NArgs),
- $univ(NLit,[NP|NArgs]),
- $transl_cut_clauses(NP,Clauses,NewCls),
- ((symtype('_$mode'(_,_,_),MDef), MDef > 0, '_$mode'(P,N,Mode)) ->
- ($append(Mode,[2],NMode),
- assert('_$mode'(NP,N1,NMode))
- ) ; /* new pred inherits mode */
- true
- ),
- $find_prag(P,N,PragList,Prag),
- PredDef1 = pred(P,N,1,1,[rule(Head,('_$savecp'(B),NLit),0,0)],Prag),
- PredDef2 = pred(NP,N1,1,1,NewCls,Prag),
- $tindex(PredDef2,PredDefRest).
- $transl_softcuts(P,N,Call,TCall,NCall) :-
- var(Call) ->
- (
- ((NCall =:= 0, $translcuts_naked_var_msg(P,N)) ;
- (NCall =\= 0)
- ),
- TCall = ('_$savecp'(X), '_$interp'(Call,X))
- ) ;
- $transl_softcuts1(P,N,Call,TCall,NCall).
- :- mode($transl_softcuts1,5,[c,c,nv,d,d]).
- :- index($transl_softcuts1,5,3).
- $transl_softcuts1(P,N,','(A,B), ','(NA,NB),Call) :- !,
- $transl_softcuts(P,N,A,NA,Call),
- $transl_softcuts(P,N,B,NB,Call).
- $transl_softcuts1(P,N,'->'(A,B),NB,Call) :-
- !,
- $transl_cuts_ifthenelse(P,N,A,B,fail,NB,Call).
- $transl_softcuts1(P,N,';'('->'(A,B),C),NB,Call) :-
- !,
- $transl_cuts_ifthenelse(P,N,A,B,C,NB,Call).
- $transl_softcuts1(P,N,';'(A,B),if_then_else(Test,TP,FP),Call) :-
- $cond(A,B,Test,TP0,FP0),
- !,
- $transl_softcuts(P,N,TP0,TP,Call),
- $transl_softcuts(P,N,FP0,FP,Call).
- $transl_softcuts1(P,N,';'(A,B), ';'(NA,NB),Call) :- !,
- $transl_softcuts(P,N,A,NA,Call),
- $transl_softcuts(P,N,B,NB,Call).
- $transl_softcuts1(P,N,not(Goal), NewGoal,Call) :- !,
- (
- ($inline_neg(Goal, NewGoal)) ;
- (NewGoal = ('_$savecp'(B),((NegGoal,'_$cutto'(B),fail) ; true)),
- $transl_softcuts(P,N,Goal, NegGoal,Call)
- )
- ).
- $transl_softcuts1(P,N,call(Goal),NewGoal,_) :-
- !,
- $transl_softcuts(P,N,Goal,NewGoal,1).
- $transl_softcuts1(_,_,L,$consult_list(L), _) :- L = [_|_], !.
- $transl_softcuts1(P,N,Goal,Goal,_).
- :- index($transl_cut_clauses,3,2).
- $transl_cut_clauses(_,[],[]).
- $transl_cut_clauses(P,[C1|CRest],[NC1|NCRest]) :-
- $transl_cut_clauses1(P,C1,NC1),
- $transl_cut_clauses(P,CRest,NCRest).
- :- mode($transl_cut_clauses1,3,[c,nv,d]).
- :- index($transl_cut_clauses1,3,2).
- $transl_cut_clauses1(P,fact(Fact,CFlag),fact(NewFact,CFlag)) :-
- $univ(Fact,[P1|Args]),
- $append(Args,[_],NArgs),
- $univ(NewFact,[P|NArgs]).
- $transl_cut_clauses1(P,rule(H,B,CFlag0,CFlag1),rule(NH,NB,CFlag0,CFlag1)) :-
- $univ(H,[P1|Args]),
- $append(Args,[V],NArgs),
- $univ(NH,[P|NArgs]),
- $transl_hardcuts(P,N,V,B,NB,0).
- $transl_hardcuts(P,N,V,Call,TCall,NCall) :-
- var(Call) ->
- (
- ((NCall =:= 0, $translcuts_naked_var_msg(P,N)) ;
- (NCall =\= 0)
- ),
- TCall = ('_$savecp'(X), '_$interp'(Call,X))
- ) ;
- $transl_hardcuts1(P,N,V,Call,TCall,NCall).
- :- mode($transl_hardcuts1,6,[c,c,d,nv,d,d]).
- :- index($transl_hardcuts1,6,4).
- $transl_hardcuts1(P,N,V,','(A1,B1),','(A2,B2),Call) :-
- !,
- $transl_hardcuts(P,N,V,A1,A2,Call),
- $transl_hardcuts(P,N,V,B1,B2,Call).
- $transl_hardcuts1(P,N,V,'->'(A,B),NB,Call) :-
- $transl_cuts_ifthenelse(P,N,A,B,fail,NB,Call).
- $transl_hardcuts1(P,N,V,';'('->'(A,B),C),NB,Call) :-
- $transl_cuts_ifthenelse(P,N,A,B,C,NB,Call).
- $transl_hardcuts1(P,N,V,';'(A1,B1),if_then_else(Test,TP,FP),Call) :-
- $cond(A1,B1,Test,TP0,FP0),
- !,
- $transl_hardcuts(P,N,V,TP0,TP,Call),
- $transl_hardcuts(P,N,V,FP0,FP,Call).
- $transl_hardcuts1(P,N,V,';'(A1,B1),';'(A2,B2),Call) :-
- !,
- $transl_hardcuts(P,N,V,A1,A2,Call),
- $transl_hardcuts(P,N,V,B1,B2,Call).
- $transl_hardcuts1(P,N,V,not(Goal),NewGoal,Call) :-
- !,
- (
- ($inline_neg(Goal, NewGoal)) ;
- (NewGoal = ('_$savecp'(B),((NegGoal,'_$cutto'(B),fail) ; true)),
- $transl_hardcuts(P,N,B,Goal, NegGoal,Call)
- )
- ).
- $transl_hardcuts1(P,N,V,'!','_$cutto'(V),_) :- !.
- $transl_hardcuts1(P,N,V,call(Goal),NewGoal,_) :-
- !,
- $transl_hardcuts(P,N,V,Goal,NewGoal,1).
- $transl_hardcuts1(_,_,_,L,$consult_list(L), _) :- L = [_|_], !.
- $transl_hardcuts1(_,_,_,L,L,_).
- :- mode($transl_contains_cut,1,[nv]).
- $transl_contains_cut(X) :- var(X), !, fail.
- $transl_contains_cut(','(A,B)) :-
- $transl_contains_cut(A) ;
- $transl_contains_cut(B).
- $transl_contains_cut(';'(A,B)) :-
- $transl_contains_cut(A) ;
- $transl_contains_cut(B).
- $transl_contains_cut('->'(A,B)) :-
- $transl_contains_cut(A) ;
- $transl_contains_cut(B).
- $transl_contains_cut(not(C)) :- $transl_contains_cut(C).
- $transl_contains_cut(call(C)) :- $transl_contains_cut(C).
- $transl_contains_cut('!').
- $translcuts_naked_var_msg(P,N) :-
- $umsg(['*** Warning: naked variable being called in',P,'/',N,'***']).
- $translcuts_inline_ifthenelse(P,N,A,B,C,NewBody,Call) :-
- (($transl_contains_cut(B), !,
- NewBody = ','('_$savecp'(X),if_then_else(NA,NB0,NC)),
- $transl_hardcuts(P,N,X,A,NA,Call),
- $transl_hardcuts(P,N,X,B,NB0,Call),
- $transl_hardcuts(P,N,X,C,NC,Call)
- ) ;
- (NewBody = if_then_else(NA,NB0,NC),
- $transl_softcuts(P,N,A,NA,Call),
- $transl_softcuts(P,N,B,NB0,Call),
- $transl_softcuts(P,N,C,NC,Call)
- )
- ).
- $transl_cuts_ifthenelse(P,N,A,B,C,NB,Call) :-
- $transl_all_inlines(A),
- $translcuts_inline_ifthenelse(P,N,A,B,C,NB,Call).
- $transl_cuts_ifthenelse(P,N,A,B,C,NB,Call) :-
- NB = ','('_$savecp'(X),';'((T1,'_$cutto'(X),NB0),NC)),
- $transl_hardcuts(P,N,X,A,T1,Call),
- $transl_hardcuts(P,N,X,B,NB0,Call),
- $transl_hardcuts(P,N,X,C,NC,Call).
- /* at this point, a test is considered to be inline (and hence a candidate
- for transformation to "if-then-else" iff it is either an inline test,
- or a conjunction of inline tests, or a disjunction of inline tests.
- We could set it up so that arbitrary constructs involving inlines are
- allowed, but this complicates code generation quite a bit, and it's not
- clear that more complex constructs are encountered frequently in
- practice. */
- $transl_all_inlines(','(G1,G2)) :-
- !,
- $transl_all_inlines_conj(G1),
- $transl_all_inlines_conj(G2).
- $transl_all_inlines(';'(G1,G2)) :-
- !,
- $transl_all_inlines_disj(G1),
- $transl_all_inlines_disj(G2).
- $transl_all_inlines(A) :-
- $functor(A,Pred,Arity),
- $inline_test(Pred,Arity).
- $transl_all_inlines_conj(','(G1,G2)) :-
- !,
- $transl_all_inlines_conj(G1),
- $transl_all_inlines_conj(G2).
- $transl_all_inlines_conj(A) :-
- $functor(A,Pred,Arity),
- $inline_test(Pred,Arity).
- $transl_all_inlines_disj(';'(G1,G2)) :-
- !,
- $transl_all_inlines_disj(G1),
- $transl_all_inlines_disj(G2).
- $transl_all_inlines_disj(A) :-
- $functor(A,Pred,Arity),
- $inline_test(Pred,Arity).
- $find_prag(P,N,PragList,Prag) :- $member(prag(P,N,Prag),PragList), !.
- $find_prag(_,_,_,[]).
- :- mode($inline_test,2,[c,c]).
- $inline_test('>',2).
- $inline_test('>=',2).
- $inline_test('=<',2).
- $inline_test('<',2).
- $inline_test('=:=',2).
- $inline_test('=\=',2).
- $inline_test(var,1).
- $inline_test(nonvar,1).
- $inline_test(true,0).
- $inline_test(integer,1).
- /* --------------------------- $preprocess1.P --------------------------- */