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- /* $setof.P */
- % File : SETOF.PL
- % Author : R.A.O'Keefe
- % Updated: 17 November 1983
- % Purpose: define set_of/3, bag_of/3, findall/3, and findall/4
- % Needs : Not.Pl
- %
- % Modified for SB-Prolog by Saumya K. Debray, May 1988.
- % Some of the code for the SB-Prolog version, specifically
- % the version of $findall/3 using buff_code, was written by
- % David S. Warren (in 1986?).
- /* This file defines two predicates which act like setof/3 and bagof/3.
- I have seen the code for these routines in Dec-10 and in C-Prolog,
- but I no longer recall it, and this code was independently derived
- in 1982 by me and me alone.
- Most of the complication comes from trying to cope with free variables
- in the Filter; these definitions actually enumerate all the solutions,
- then group together those with the same bindings for the free variables.
- There must be a better way of doing this. I do not claim any virtue for
- this code other than the virtue of working. In fact there is a subtle
- bug: if setof/bagof occurs as a data structure in the Generator it will
- be mistaken for a call, and free variables treated wrongly. Given the
- current nature of Prolog, there is no way of telling a call from a data
- structure, and since nested calls are FAR more likely than use as a
- data structure, we just put up with the latter being wrong. The same
- applies to negation.
- Would anyone incorporating this in their Prolog system please credit
- both me and David Warren; he thought up the definitions, and my
- implementation may owe more to subconscious memory of his than I like
- to think. At least this ought to put a stop to fraudulent claims to
- having bagof, by replacing them with genuine claims.
- Thanks to Dave Bowen for pointing out an amazingly obscure bug: if
- the Template was a variable and the Generator never bound it at all
- you got a very strange answer! Now fixed, at a price.
- */
- /*
- :- public
- findall/3, % Same effect as C&M p152
- findall/4, % A variant I have found very useful
- bag_of/3, % Like bagof (Dec-10 manual p52)
- set_of/3. % Like setof (Dec-10 manual p51)
- :- mode
- bag_of(+,+,?),
- concordant_subset(+,+,-),
- concordant_subset(+,+,-,-),
- concordant_subset(+,+,+,+,-),
- findall(+,+,?),
- findall(+,+,+,?),
- list_instances(+,-),
- list_instances(+,+,-),
- list_instances(+,+,+,-),
- list_instances(+,+,+,+,-),
- replace_key_variables(+,+,+),
- save_instances(+,+),
- set_of(+,+,?).
- */
- $setof_export([$setof/3,$bagof/3,$findall/3,$sort/2,$keysort/3]).
- /* $setof_use($meta,[$functor/3,$univ/2,$length/2]).
- $setof_use($buff,[$alloc_perm/2,$alloc_heap/2,$trimbuff/3,$buff_code/4,
- $symtype/2,
- $substring/6,$subnumber/6,$subdelim/6,$conlength/2,
- $pred_undefined/1, $hashval/3]).
- $setof_use($bmeta,[$atom/1,$atomic/1,$integer/1,$number/1,$structure/1,
- $functor0/2,$bldstr/3,$arg/3,$arity/2,$real/1,$floor/2]).
- */
- % findall(Template, Generator, List)
- % is a special case of bagof, where all free variables in the
- % generator are taken to be existentially quantified. It is
- % described in Clocksin & Mellish on p152. The code they give
- % has a bug (which the Dec-10 bagof and setof predicates share)
- % which this has not.
- /*
- % SB-Prolog doesn't have record/recorded, so we use buff_code.
- findall(Template, Generator, List) :-
- save_instances(-Template, Generator),
- list_instances([], List).
- */
- $findall(T,Call,Result) :-
- $alloc_heap(10000,Buff),
- $findall_1(T,Call,Result,Buff).
- $findall_1(T,Call,Result,Buff) :-
- $copyterm([],Buff,8,4,_), /* init result list to empty */
- $buff_code(Buff,0,2 /*pn*/ ,8), /* init where to put next answer */
- $buff_code(Buff,4,2 /*pn*/ ,12), /* init first free place */
- call(Call),
- $buff_code(Buff,0,5 /*gn*/ ,Place), /* get where to put answer */
- $buff_code(Buff,4,5 /*gn*/ ,Start), /* get first free place */
- $copyterm([T],Buff,Place,Start,End),
- Tailloc is Start+4,
- $buff_code(Buff,0,2 /*pn*/ ,Tailloc), /* where to put next answer */
- $buff_code(Buff,4,2 /*pn*/ ,End), /* next first free place */
- fail.
- $findall_1(_,_,Result,Buff) :-
- $buff_code(Buff,4,5 /*gn*/ ,Length), /* Length =\= 12 fail if [] */
- $trimbuff(Length,Buff,1),
- $buff_code(Buff,8,18 /*vtb*/ ,Result).
- % findall(Template, Generator, SoFar, List) :-
- % findall(Template, Generator, Solns),
- % append(Solns, SoFar, List).
- % But done more cheaply.
- %
- % findall/4 commented out for SB-Prolog since the current version
- % of SB-Prolog doesn't have record/recorded/erase
- %
- % findall(Template, Generator, SoFar, List) :-
- % save_instances(-Template, Generator),
- % list_instances(SoFar, List).
- % $setof(Template, Generator, Set)
- % finds the Set of instances of the Template satisfying the Generator.
- % The set is in ascending order (see compare/3 for a definition of
- % this order) without duplicates, and is non-empty. If there are
- % no solutions, set_of fails. set_of may succeed more than one way,
- % binding free variables in the Generator to different values. This
- % predicate is defined on p51 of the Dec-10 Prolog manual.
- $setof(Template, Filter, Set) :-
- $bagof(Template, Filter, Bag),
- $sort(Bag, Set).
- % $bagof(Template, Generator, Bag)
- % finds all the instances of the Template produced by the Generator,
- % and returns them in the Bag in they order in which they were found.
- % If the Generator contains free variables which are not bound in the
- % Template, it assumes that this is like any other Prolog question
- % and that you want bindings for those variables. (You can tell it
- % not to bother by using existential quantifiers.)
- % bag_of records three things under the key '.':
- % the end-of-bag marker -
- % terms with no free variables -Term
- % terms with free variables Key-Term
- % The key '.' was chosen on the grounds that most people are unlikely
- % to realise that you can use it at all, another good key might be ''.
- % The original data base is restored after this call, so that set_of
- % and bag_of can be nested. If the Generator smashes the data base
- % you are asking for trouble and will probably get it.
- % The second clause is basically just findall, which of course works in
- % the common case when there are no free variables.
- %
- % SB-Prolog version modified to use findall instead of record/recorded - SKD
- %
- $bagof(Template, Generator, Bag) :-
- free_variables(Generator, Template, [], Vars),
- Vars \= [],
- !,
- Key =.. [.|Vars],
- functor(Key, ., N),
- $findall(Key-Template,Generator,OmniumGatherum),
- $keysort(OmniumGatherum, Gamut), !,
- concordant_subset(Gamut, Key, Answer),
- Bag = Answer.
- $bagof(Template, Generator, Bag) :-
- $findall(Template,Generator,Bag).
- /***********
- % save_instances(Template, Generator)
- % enumerates all provable instances of the Generator and records the
- % associated Template instances. Neither argument ends up changed.
- save_instances(Template, Generator) :-
- recorda(., -, _),
- call(Generator),
- recorda(., Template, _),
- fail.
- save_instances(_, _).
- % list_instances(SoFar, Total)
- % pulls all the -Template instances out of the data base until it
- % hits the - marker, and puts them on the front of the accumulator
- % SoFar. This routine is used by findall/3-4 and by bag_of when
- % the Generator has no free variables.
- list_instances(SoFar, Total) :-
- recorded(., Term, Ref),
- erase(Ref), !, % must not backtrack
- list_instances(Term, SoFar, Total).
- list_instances(-, SoFar, Total) :- !,
- Total = SoFar. % = delayed in case Total was bound
- list_instances(-Template, SoFar, Total) :-
- list_instances([Template|SoFar], Total).
- % list_instances(Key, NVars, BagIn, BagOut)
- % pulls all the Key-Template instances out of the data base until
- % it hits the - marker. The Generator should not touch recordx(.,_,_).
- % Note that asserting something into the data base and pulling it out
- % again renames all the variables; to counteract this we use replace_
- % key_variables to put the old variables back. Fortunately if we
- % bind X=Y, the newer variable will be bound to the older, and the
- % original key variables are guaranteed to be older than the new ones.
- % This replacement must be done @i<before> the keysort.
- list_instances(Key, NVars, OldBag, NewBag) :-
- recorded(., Term, Ref),
- erase(Ref), !, % must not backtrack!
- list_instances(Term, Key, NVars, OldBag, NewBag).
- list_instances(-, _, _, AnsBag, AnsBag) :- !.
- list_instances(NewKey-Term, Key, NVars, OldBag, NewBag) :-
- replace_key_variables(NVars, Key, NewKey), !,
- list_instances(Key, NVars, [NewKey-Term|OldBag], NewBag).
- ********** */
- % There is a bug in the compiled version of arg in Dec-10 Prolog,
- % hence the rather strange code. Only two calls on arg are needed
- % in Dec-10 interpreted Prolog or C-Prolog.
- replace_key_variables(0, _, _) :- !.
- replace_key_variables(N, OldKey, NewKey) :-
- arg(N, NewKey, Arg),
- nonvar(Arg), !,
- M is N-1,
- replace_key_variables(M, OldKey, NewKey).
- replace_key_variables(N, OldKey, NewKey) :-
- arg(N, OldKey, OldVar),
- arg(N, NewKey, OldVar),
- M is N-1,
- replace_key_variables(M, OldKey, NewKey).
- % concordant_subset([Key-Val list], Key, [Val list]).
- % takes a list of Key-Val pairs which has been keysorted to bring
- % all the identical keys together, and enumerates each different
- % Key and the corresponding lists of values.
- concordant_subset([Key-Val|Rest], Clavis, Answer) :-
- concordant_subset(Rest, Key, List, More),
- concordant_subset(More, Key, [Val|List], Clavis, Answer).
- % concordant_subset(Rest, Key, List, More)
- % strips off all the Key-Val pairs from the from of Rest,
- % putting the Val elements into List, and returning the
- % left-over pairs, if any, as More.
- concordant_subset([Key-Val|Rest], Clavis, [Val|List], More) :-
- Key == Clavis,
- !,
- concordant_subset(Rest, Clavis, List, More).
- concordant_subset(More, _, [], More).
- % concordant_subset/5 tries the current subset, and if that
- % doesn't work if backs up and tries the next subset. The
- % first clause is there to save a choice point when this is
- % the last possible subset.
- concordant_subset([], Key, Subset, Key, Subset) :- !.
- concordant_subset(_, Key, Subset, Key, Subset).
- concordant_subset(More, _, _, Clavis, Answer) :-
- concordant_subset(More, Clavis, Answer).
- % File : NOT.PL
- % Author : R.A.O'Keefe
- % Updated: 17 November 1983
- % Purpose: "suspicious" negation
- /* This file defines a version of 'not' which checks that there are
- no free variables in the goal it is given to "disprove". Bound
- variables introduced by the existential quantifier ^ or set/bag
- dummy variables are accepted. If any free variables are found,
- a message is printed on the terminal and a break level entered.
- It is intended purely as a debugging aid, though it shouldn't slow
- interpreted code down much. There are several other debugging
- aids that you might want to use as well, particularly
- unknown(_, trace)
- which will detect calls to undefined predicates (as opposed to
- predicates which have clauses that don't happen to match).
- The predicate free_variables/4 defined in this files is also used
- by the set_of/bag_of code.
- Note: in Dec-10 Prolog you should normally use "\+ Goal" instead
- of "not(Goal)". In C-Prolog you can use either, and would have to
- do some surgery on pl/init to install this version of "not". The
- reason that I have called this predicate "not" is so that people
- can choose whether to use the library predicate not/1 (in Invoca.Pl)
- or this debugging one, not because I like the name.
- */
- /*
- :- public
- (not)/1. % new checking denial
- :- mode
- explicit_binding(+,+,-,-),
- free_variables(+,+,+,-),
- free_variables(+,+,+,+,-),
- list_is_free_of(+,+),
- not(+),
- term_is_free_of(+,+),
- term_is_free_of(+,+,+).
- :- op(900, fy, not).
- not(Goal) :-
- free_variables(Goal, [], [], Vars),
- Vars \== [], !,
- fwritef(user, '\n! free variables %t\n! in goal not(%t)\n',
- [Vars,Goal]),
- break,
- call(Goal),
- !, fail.
- not(Goal) :-
- call(Goal),
- !, fail.
- not(_).
- */
- % In order to handle variables properly, we have to find all the
- % universally quantified variables in the Generator. All variables
- % as yet unbound are universally quantified, unless
- % a) they occur in the template
- % b) they are bound by X^P, setof, or bagof
- % free_variables(Generator, Template, OldList, NewList)
- % finds this set, using OldList as an accumulator.
- free_variables(Term, Bound, VarList, [Term|VarList]) :-
- var(Term),
- term_is_free_of(Bound, Term),
- list_is_free_of(VarList, Term),
- !.
- free_variables(Term,_Bound, VarList, VarList) :-
- var(Term),
- !.
- free_variables(Term, Bound, OldList, NewList) :-
- explicit_binding(Term, Bound, NewTerm, NewBound),
- !,
- free_variables(NewTerm, NewBound, OldList, NewList).
- free_variables(Term, Bound, OldList, NewList) :-
- functor(Term, _, N),
- free_variables(N, Term, Bound, OldList, NewList).
- free_variables(0,_Term,_Bound, VarList, VarList) :- !.
- free_variables(N, Term, Bound, OldList, NewList) :-
- arg(N, Term, Argument),
- free_variables(Argument, Bound, OldList, MidList),
- M is N-1, !,
- free_variables(M, Term, Bound, MidList, NewList).
- % explicit_binding checks for goals known to existentially quantify
- % one or more variables. In particular \+ is quite common.
- explicit_binding(\+ _Goal, Bound, fail, Bound ) :- !.
- explicit_binding(not(_Goal), Bound, fail, Bound ) :- !.
- explicit_binding(Var^Goal, Bound, Goal, Bound+Var) :- !.
- explicit_binding(setof(Var,Goal,Set), Bound, Goal-Set, Bound+Var) :- !.
- explicit_binding(bagof(Var,Goal,Bag), Bound, Goal-Bag, Bound+Var) :- !.
- explicit_binding(set_of(Var,Goal,Set), Bound, Goal-Set, Bound+Var) :- !.
- explicit_binding(bag_of(Var,Goal,Bag), Bound, Goal-Bag, Bound+Var) :- !.
- term_is_free_of(Term, Var) :-
- var(Term), !,
- Term \== Var.
- term_is_free_of(Term, Var) :-
- functor(Term, _, N),
- term_is_free_of(N, Term, Var).
- term_is_free_of(0,_Term,_Var) :- !.
- term_is_free_of(N, Term, Var) :-
- arg(N, Term, Argument),
- term_is_free_of(Argument, Var),
- M is N-1, !,
- term_is_free_of(M, Term, Var).
- list_is_free_of([Head|Tail], Var) :-
- Head \== Var,
- !,
- list_is_free_of(Tail, Var).
- list_is_free_of([], _).
- /*======================================================================*/
- /* This routine copies a term into a buffer. It is passed:
- Term: the term to copy,
- Buffer: the buffer to copy it into,
- Worddisp: the word of the buffer in which to put the copy (or
- a pointer to the copy.)
- Start: the disp of the next free location in the buffer, before the
- copy is done.
- End: (returned) the location of the first free location after the
- copying.
- Variables are copied into the buffer and the copied variables are
- pointed into the buffer and trailed. Thus later binding of these
- `outside' variables will cause the copied variables to be changed,
- too. If, however, the $copyterm call is failed over, the variables
- in the buffer will be ``disconnected'' from the outer variables.
- Copyterm is a prime candidate for moving down into the simulator as
- a builtin written in C.
- */
- $copyterm(Term,Buff,Worddisp,Start,Start) :-
- var(Term),!,$buff_code(Buff,Worddisp,17 /*pvar*/ ,Term).
- $copyterm(Term,Buff,Worddisp,Start,Start) :-
- number(Term),!,$buff_code(Buff,Worddisp,14 /*ptv*/ ,Term).
- $copyterm(Term,Buff,Worddisp,Start,Start) :-
- $atom(Term),!,$buff_code(Buff,Worddisp,14 /*ptv*/ ,Term).
- $copyterm(Term,Buff,Worddisp,Start,End) :-
- Term=[_|_],!,
- $buff_code(Buff,Worddisp,16 /*ptl*/ ,Start), /* ptr to list rec */
- Newstart is Start+8, /* reserve rec space */
- $copyargs(Term,1,2,Buff,Start,Newstart,End).
- $copyterm(Term,Buff,Worddisp,Start,End) :-
- $structure(Term),!,
- $buff_code(Buff,Worddisp,15 /*ptp*/ ,Start), /* ptr to str rec */
- $buff_code(Buff,Start,0 /*ppsc*/ ,Term), /* rec psc ptr */
- Argsloc is Start+4,
- $arity(Term,Arity),Newstart is Argsloc+4*Arity, /* reserve rec space*/
- $copyargs(Term,1,Arity,Buff,Argsloc,Newstart,End).
- $copyargs(Term,Argno,Maxargs,Buff,Argloc,Start,End) :-
- Argno > Maxargs,
- Start=End;
- Argno =< Maxargs,
- arg(Argno,Term,Arg),$copyterm(Arg,Buff,Argloc,Start,Mid),
- Nargno is Argno+1, Nargloc is Argloc+4,
- $copyargs(Term,Nargno,Maxargs,Buff,Nargloc,Mid,End).
- $sort(L,R) :- $length(L,N), $sort(N,L,_,R).
- $sort(N,U,L,R) :-
- N > 2 ->
- (N1 is N >> 1, N2 is N-N1,
- $sort(N1,U,L2,R1),
- $sort(N2,L2,L,R2),
- $merge(R1,R2,R)
- ) ;
- (N =:= 2 ->
- (U = [X1|L1],
- L1 = [X2|L],
- compare(Delta,X1,X2),
- (Delta ?= (<) -> R = [X1,X2] ;
- Delta ?= (>) -> R = [X2,X1] ;
- R = [X2]
- )
- ) ;
- (N =:= 1 ->
- (U = [X|L], R = [X]) ;
- (U = L, R = []) /* N == 0 */
- )
- ).
- $merge(R1,R2,R3) :-
- R1 ?= [] ->
- R3 = R2 ;
- R2 ?= [] ->
- R3 = R1 ;
- (R1 = [X1|R1a], R2 = [X2|R2a], R3 = [X|R],
- compare(Delta,X1,X2),
- (Delta ?= (<) ->
- (X = X1, $merge(R1a,R2,R)) ;
- (Delta ?= (>) ->
- (X = X2, $merge(R1,R2a,R)) ;
- (X = X1, $merge(R1a,R2a,R))
- )
- )
- ).
- /* Sorting on keys by bisecting and merging. */
- $keysort(L,R) :- $length(L,N), $keysort(N,L,_,R1), R=R1.
- $keysort(N,U,L,R) :-
- N > 2 ->
- (N1 is N >> 1, N2 is N-N1,
- $keysort(N1,U,L2,R1),
- $keysort(N2,L2,L,R2),
- $keymerge(R1,R2,R)
- ) ;
- (N =:= 2 ->
- (U = [X1|L1],
- L1 = [X2|L],
- $compare_keys(Delta,X1,X2),
- (Delta ?= (>) -> R = [X2,X1] ; R = [X1,X2])
- ) ;
- (N =:= 1 ->
- (U = [X|L], R = [X]) ;
- (U = L, R = []) /* N == 0 */
- )).
- $keymerge([],R,R) :- !.
- $keymerge(R,[],R) :- !.
- $keymerge(R1,R2,[X|R]) :-
- R1 = [X1|R1a], R2 = [X2|R2a],
- $compare_keys(Delta,X1,X2),
- (Delta ?= (>) ->
- (X = X2, $keymerge(R1,R2a,R)) ;
- (X = X1, $keymerge(R1a,R2,R))
- ).
- $compare_keys(Delta,K1-X1,K2-X2) :- compare(Delta,K1,K2).
- X^P :- call(P).
- /* ------------------------------ $setof.P ------------------------------ */