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- * The SB-Prolog System *
- * Copyright SUNY at Stony Brook, 1986; University of Arizona, 1987 *
- * *
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- /*-----------------------------------------------------------------
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- ------------------------------------------------------------------ */
- /* $targlist1.P */
- /* **********************************************************************
- $targlist1_export([$thead/8,$targlist/11,$targ_is/8]).
- $targlist1_use($meta,[_,$univ/2,$length/2]).
- $targlist1_use($blist,[_,_,$member1/2]).
- $targlist1_use($glob,[_,$gennum/1,_]).
- $targlist1_use($flatten1,[_,$flatten1/8]).
- $targlist1_use($compare,['$=='/2,_,_,_,_,_,_]).
- ********************************************************************** */
- $thead(Head,VidTbl,Prog,Targs,Oldclauses,Vlist,UniList,BindList) :-
- functor(Head,Pred,Arity),
- $targlist(Head,Arity,Targs,VidTbl,Vlist,0,0,1,UniList,BindList,0),
- $member1(preddef(Pred,Arity,Oldclauses,_),Prog).
- $targlist(Term,Arity,Targs,VidTbl,Vlist,
- Pathno,Litno,Argno,UniList,BindList,LFlag) :-
- Argno =< Arity ->
- (arg(Argno,Term,Arg),
- Targs = [Targ|TargsRest],
- $targ(Arg,Targ,VidTbl,Vlist,Pathno,Litno,Argno,UniList,BindList,LFlag),
- Nextargno is Argno+1,
- $targlist(Term,Arity,TargsRest,VidTbl,Vlist,Pathno,Litno,Nextargno,UniList,BindList,LFlag)
- ) ;
- Targs = [].
- $targ(X,TX,VidTbl,Vlist,Pathno,Litno,Argno,UniList,BindList,LFlag) :-
- ((var(X), TX = v(Vid,Prag), $gennum(Vno), Prag = vrec(_,_,_,_),
- $targl_lookup_vid(X,VidTbl,Vid), $member1(v(Vid,Occlist),Vlist),
- (LFlag =:= 1 -> PathId = lastlit(Pathno) ; PathId = Pathno),
- $member1(o(Vno,PathId,Litno,Argno,t,Prag),Occlist)
- ) ;
- (nonvar(X), TX = [Str|Fflds], functor(X,Str,N),
- $tfldlist(X,1,N,Tflds,VidTbl,Vlist,Pathno,Litno,Argno,LFlag),
- $flatten1(Tflds,Vlist,Pathno,Litno,Argno,Fflds,UniList,BindList)
- )
- ).
- $targ_is(X,TX,VidTbl,Vlist,Pathno,Litno,Argno,LFlag) :-
- ((var(X), TX = v(Vid,Prag), $gennum(Vno),
- Prag = vrec(_,_,_,_),
- $targl_lookup_vid(X,VidTbl,Vid), $member1(v(Vid,Occlist),Vlist),
- (LFlag =:= 1 -> PathId = lastlit(Pathno) ; PathId = Pathno),
- $member1(o(Vno,PathId,Litno,Argno,t,Prag),Occlist)
- ) ;
- (nonvar(X), TX = [Str|Fflds], functor(X,Str,N),
- $tfldlist(X,1,N,Fflds,VidTbl,Vlist,Pathno,Litno,Argno,LFlag)
- )).
- $tfldlist(T,N,Arity,Targ,VidTbl,Vlist,Pathno,Litno,Argno,LFlag) :-
- N =< Arity ->
- (arg(N,T,Fld), Targ = [Tfld|TfldRest],
- $tfld(Fld,Tfld,VidTbl,Vlist,Pathno,Litno,Argno,LFlag),
- N1 is N+1,
- $tfldlist(T,N1,Arity,TfldRest,VidTbl,Vlist,Pathno,Litno,Argno,LFlag)
- ) ;
- Targ = [].
- $tfld(X,TX,VidTbl,Vlist,Pathno,Litno,Argno,LFlag) :-
- (var(X), TX = v(Vid,Prag), $gennum(Vno),
- Prag = vrec(_,_,_,_),
- $targl_lookup_vid(X,VidTbl,Vid), $member1(v(Vid,Occlist),Vlist),
- (LFlag =:= 1 -> PathId = lastlit(Pathno) ; PathId = Pathno),
- $member1(o(Vno,PathId,Litno,Argno,s,Prag),Occlist)
- ) ;
- (nonvar(X), TX = [Str|Tflds], functor(X,Str,N),
- $tfldlist(X,1,N,Tflds,VidTbl,Vlist,Pathno,Litno,Argno,LFlag)
- ).
- $targl_lookup_vid(V,VidTbl,Vid) :-
- ((var(VidTbl), $gennum(Vid), VidTbl = [(V,Vid)|_]) ;
- (nonvar(VidTbl), VidTbl = [(V1,Vid1)|VidRest],
- (('$=='(V,V1), Vid = Vid1) ; ($targl_lookup_vid(V,VidRest,Vid)))
- )
- ).
- /* ---------------------------- $targlist1.P ---------------------------- */