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- /************************************************************************
- * *
- * The SB-Prolog System *
- * Copyright SUNY at Stony Brook, 1986; University of Arizona, 1987 *
- * *
- ************************************************************************/
- /*-----------------------------------------------------------------
- SB-Prolog is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
- but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY. No author or distributor
- accepts responsibility to anyone for the consequences of using it
- or for whether it serves any particular purpose or works at all,
- unless he says so in writing. Refer to the SB-Prolog General Public
- License for full details.
- Everyone is granted permission to copy, modify and redistribute
- SB-Prolog, but only under the conditions described in the
- SB-Prolog General Public License. A copy of this license is
- supposed to have been given to you along with SB-Prolog so you
- can know your rights and responsibilities. It should be in a
- file named COPYING. Among other things, the copyright notice
- and this notice must be preserved on all copies.
- ------------------------------------------------------------------ */
- /* aux.h */
- #define FREE 0x0
- #define CS 0x1
- #define NUM 0x2
- #define LIST 0x3
- #define CS_TAG 0x1
- #define NUM_TAG 0x2
- #define LIST_TAG 0x3
- #define INT_TAG 0x6
- #define FLOAT_TAG 0x2
- #define LONGBUFF 65535
- /******************************************************************************/
- #define FOLLOW(op) (*(LONG_PTR)(op)) /* return what op points to */
- #define TAG(op) ((op) & 0x3)
- #define ISVAR(op) (TAG(op) == FREE)
- #define ISCONSTR(op) (TAG(op) == CS_TAG)
- #define ISNUM(op) (TAG(op) == NUM_TAG)
- #define ISLIST(op) (TAG(op) == LIST_TAG)
- #define ISINTEGER(op) (((op) & 0x7) == INT_TAG)
- #define ISFLOAT(op) (((op) & 0x7) == FLOAT_TAG)
- #define ISNONVAR(op) (TAG(op) != FREE) /* must have been derefed */
- #define ISFREE(variable) ((LONG)variable == FOLLOW(variable))
- #define ISATOM(op) (ISCONSTR(op) && (GET_STR_ARITY(op) == 0))
- #define ISNIL(op) ((op) == nil_sym)
- #define MAKEINT(op) ((LONG)((((LONG)(op) << 3) | INT_TAG) & 0x7fffffff))
- #define MAKEADD(op) ((LONG)((((LONG)(op) << 3) | INT_TAG) ))
- #define MAKENUM(op) (floatp ? makefloat(op) : MAKEINT(op))
- #define INTVAL(op) (((LONG)(op) << 1) >> 4)
- #define NUMVAL(op) (ISINTEGER(op) ? INTVAL(op) : floatval(op))
- #define ADDVAL(op) ((LONG)(((LONG)(op) >> 3) & 0x1fffffff))
- #define POS_OVERFLOW(op) ((LONG)(op) & 0xf8000000)
- #define NEG_OVERFLOW(op) (((LONG)(op) & 0xf8000000) != 0xf8000000)
- #define POS_ANS(op1,op2) (((LONG)(op1)&0x40000000) == ((LONG)(op2)&0x40000000))
- #define UNTAG(op) ((op) &= 0xfffffffc) /* remove the tag from op */
- #define UNTAGGED(op) ((op) & 0xfffffffc) /* return val of op w/out tag */
- #define DEREF(op) while (ISVAR(op)) { \
- top = (LONG_PTR)op; \
- if (ISFREE(top)) \
- break; \
- op = FOLLOW(top); \
- }
- #define NDEREF(op,labl) top = (LONG_PTR)op; \
- if (!ISFREE(top)) { \
- op = FOLLOW(top); \
- goto labl; \
- }
- #define PUSHTRAIL(val) if (((val) > (LONG)breg) || ((val) < (LONG)hbreg)) { \
- *trreg-- = val; \
- if (trreg < tstack) \
- quit("Trail overflow\n"); \
- }
- #define ENV_SIZE(op) (*(BYTE_PTR)((LONG)(op) - 5))
- #define BUFF_SIZE(ptr) ( GET_LENGTH(ptr) == LONGBUFF ? \
- 5 + ((*(LONG_PTR)(GET_NAME(ptr) - 4) + 3) >> 2) : \
- 4 + ((GET_LENGTH(ptr) + 3) >> 2) )
- /******************************************************************************/
- /* The following are macros for setting heap values. */
- #define MAKE_FREE(type,variable) (variable) = (type)&(variable)
- /* must pass a simple pointer, not an expression */
- #define NEW_HEAP_FREE MAKE_FREE(LONG, *hreg); hreg++
- /* make a free variable on the top of the heap */
- #define NEW_HEAP_CON(x) *hreg++ = ((x)|CS_TAG)
- /* make a new con node on the heap, with pointer value x, which can
- be any untagged one word type */
- #define NEW_HEAP_INT(val) *hreg++ = MAKEINT(val)
- #define NEW_HEAP_FLOAT(val) *hreg++ = val
- /* make a new num node on the heap, with value val */
- #define NEW_HEAP_NODE(x) *hreg++ = x
- /* make a new heap node with value x (one word type) */
- /******************************************************************************/
- /* ! ! ! ! IMPORTANT ! ! ! !
- * The following macros are for accessing PSC record fields. PLEASE use
- * them other than actual field names so that we can change the data
- * structure easily in the future !!!
- *
- * In the following macros, 'ptr' is typed PSC_REC_PTR (struct psc_rec *)
- */
- #define GET_ETYPE(ptr) ((ptr)->entry_type)
- #define GET_ARITY(ptr) ((ptr)->arity)
- #define GET_LENGTH(ptr) ((ptr)->length)
- #define GET_EP(ptr) ((ptr)->ep)
- #define GET_NAME(ptr) ((ptr)->nameptr)
- #define IS_PRED(psc) (GET_ETYPE(psc) == T_PRED)
- #define IS_DYNA(psc) (GET_ETYPE(psc) == T_DYNA)
- #define IS_ORDI(psc) (GET_ETYPE(psc) == T_ORDI)
- #define IS_BUFF(psc) (GET_ETYPE(psc) == T_BUFF)
- /* macro for computing indexing */
- #define GEN_SOT(opcode,arg1,arg2,arg3,ep) \
- *ep++ = opcode; \
- *ep++ = arg1; \
- *((WORD_PTR)ep)++ = arg2; \
- *((WORD_PTR)ep)++ = arg3
- #define GEN_TRY(opcode,arg1,arg2,ep) \
- *ep++ = opcode; \
- *ep++ = arg1; \
- *(LONG_PTR)ep = arg2; \
- ep += 2
- #define IHASH(val,size) ((val & 0x3ffffffc) >> 2 + TAG(val)) % size
- struct hrec {
- LONG l;
- LONG_PTR link;
- };
- struct hrec indextab[1024];
- /******************************************************************************/
- #define ERROR(arg) printf ("error %d\n",arg)
- #define FAIL1 lpcreg = (WORD_PTR)*(breg + 1)
- #define FAIL0 if (hitrace) printf("Fail\n"); pcreg = (WORD_PTR)*(breg + 1)
- /******************************************************************************/