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- /************************************************************************
- * *
- * The SB-Prolog System *
- * Copyright SUNY at Stony Brook, 1986; University of Arizona, 1987 *
- * *
- ************************************************************************/
- /*-----------------------------------------------------------------
- SB-Prolog is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
- but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY. No author or distributor
- accepts responsibility to anyone for the consequences of using it
- or for whether it serves any particular purpose or works at all,
- unless he says so in writing. Refer to the SB-Prolog General Public
- License for full details.
- Everyone is granted permission to copy, modify and redistribute
- SB-Prolog, but only under the conditions described in the
- SB-Prolog General Public License. A copy of this license is
- supposed to have been given to you along with SB-Prolog so you
- can know your rights and responsibilities. It should be in a
- file named COPYING. Among other things, the copyright notice
- and this notice must be preserved on all copies.
- ------------------------------------------------------------------ */
- /* loader.c */
- #include "sim.h"
- #include "inst.h"
- #include "aux.h"
- #define GET_DATA(x,y) (y*sizeof(*x) - fread(x,sizeof(char),y*sizeof(*x),fp))
- #define PUT_DATA(x,y) (fwrite(x, sizeof(char), y*sizeof(*x), fp)/sizeof(*x))
- /* GET_DATA and PUT_DATA are defined in this way to avoid byte
- ordering problems when words are written out -- this way we
- write things out, and read them in, a byte at a time. */
- #define ST_PTRPTRPSC(i_addr) \
- *(LONG_PTR *)i_addr = reloc_table[*(LONG_PTR)i_addr];
- #define ST_PTRPSC(i_addr) \
- *(LONG_PTR)i_addr = *reloc_table[*(LONG_PTR)i_addr];
- static WORD_PTR inst_addr;
- static LONG_PTR hptr;
- static LONG_PTR reloc_table[500];
- static LONG_PTR last_text;
- WORD eof_flag;
- LONG psc_bytes, text_bytes, index_bytes, magic;
- int (*load_routine[20])();
- static FILE *fp;
- static BYTE perm = PERM;
- extern LONG_PTR reloc_addr(); /* actually it is defined below */
- /****************************************************************************/
- /* */
- /* fix_bb4: fixes the byte-backwards problem. It is passed a pointer to a */
- /* sequence of 4 bytes read in from a file as bytes. It then converts */
- /* those bytes to represent a number. This code works for any machine, and */
- /* makes the byte-code machine independent. */
- /* */
- /****************************************************************************/
- fix_bb4(lptr)
- BYTE_PTR lptr;
- {
- LONG_PTR numptr = (LONG_PTR)lptr;
- *numptr = (((((*lptr << 8) | *(lptr+1)) << 8) | *(lptr+2)) << 8) | *(lptr+3);
- }
- /****************************************************************************/
- /* */
- /* fix_bb2: fixes the byte-backwards problem. It is passed a pointer to a */
- /* sequence of 2 bytes read in from a file as bytes. It then converts */
- /* those bytes to represent a number. This code works for any machine, and */
- /* makes the byte-code machine independent. */
- /* */
- /****************************************************************************/
- fix_bb2(lptr)
- BYTE_PTR lptr;
- {
- WORD_PTR numptr = (WORD_PTR)lptr;
- *numptr = (*lptr << 8) | *(lptr+1);
- }
- /****************************************************************************/
- /* */
- /* Load the file into permanent space, starting from "curr_fence". */
- /* Data segment first (mixed psc entries and name strings), then text */
- /* segment, ended with a virtual instruction "endfile <pointer>" where the */
- /* pointer is a pointer to the next text segment (of another byte code */
- /* file). */
- /* */
- /****************************************************************************/
- loader(file)
- CHAR_PTR file;
- {
- CHAR_PTR restore;
- WORD err_msg;
- fp = fopen(file, "r");
- if (fp == NULL)
- return 10;
- if (hitrace)
- printf("\n ...... loading file %s\n", file);
- while ((eof_flag = GET_DATA(&magic, 1)) == 0) {
- if (eof_flag = GET_DATA(&psc_bytes, 1))
- return 1;
- if (eof_flag = GET_DATA(&text_bytes, 1))
- return 1;
- if (eof_flag = GET_DATA(&index_bytes, 1))
- return 1;
- err_msg = load_syms();
- if (err_msg != 0) {
- printf("error %d loading file %s: bad symbol table\n", err_msg, file);
- exit(1); /* eventually upper level routines will determine */
- } else {
- restore = curr_fence;
- err_msg = load_text();
- if (err_msg != 0) {
- printf("error %d loading file %s: bad text segment\n", err_msg, file);
- curr_fence = restore;
- exit(1); /* eventually upper level routines will determine */
- } else {
- err_msg = load_index();
- if (err_msg != 0) {
- printf("error %d in (index) loading file %s: bad index segment\n", err_msg, file);
- curr_fence = restore;
- exit(1); /*eventually upper level routines will determine */
- } else {
- if (eof_flag = GET_DATA(inst_addr, 4))
- return eof_flag;
- fix_bb2(inst_addr);
- if (*inst_addr != endfile)
- *inst_addr = endfile;
- inst_addr += 2; /* skip opcode and pad */
- *(LONG_PTR)inst_addr = 0; /* force 0 address (LONG) */
- last_text = (LONG_PTR)inst_addr;
- inst_addr += 2;
- curr_fence = (CHAR_PTR)inst_addr;
- if (curr_fence >= max_fence)
- quit("Program area overflow\n");
- }
- }
- }
- }
- fclose(fp);
- return 0;
- } /* end of loader */
- /*************************************************************************
- * *
- * Load_syms is a function which loads a symbol table given in a byte *
- * code file into an appropriate format in the pcs table. As part of *
- * its function it resolves entry points for byte code intructions (call *
- * to relloc_addr), and maintains a tableau so that instructions *
- * with indices into the pcs table may have those indices resloved before *
- * loading them in the intruction array (byte code program space). The *
- * intructions are loaded by a separate function. *
- * The function returns a short integer which is an error code. Relevant *
- * error codes are listed below. *
- * *
- * 1: in load_syms: incomplete or missing psc count *
- * 2: in load_syms: incomplete or missing ep in record dec *
- * 3: in load_syms: incomplete or missing arity in record dec *
- * 4: in load_syms: incomplete or missing length in record dec *
- * 5: in load_syms: incomplete or missing name in record dec *
- * 8: can not open file *
- * *
- *************************************************************************/
- load_syms()
- {
- CHAR name[256];
- LONG ep_offset;
- LONG i = 0, j, count = 0;
- BYTE temp_len;
- BYTE temp_arity;
- LONG_PTR insert();
- fix_bb4(&psc_bytes); /* caller read psc_bytes, we just fix it */
- while (count < psc_bytes && eof_flag == 0) {
- if (eof_flag = GET_DATA(&ep_offset, 1))
- return 2;
- fix_bb4(&ep_offset);
- if (eof_flag = GET_DATA(&temp_arity, 1))
- return 3;
- if (eof_flag = GET_DATA(&temp_len, 1))
- return 4;
- if (eof_flag = GET_DATA(name, temp_len))
- return 5;
- reloc_table[i] = insert(name, temp_len, temp_arity, &perm);
- set_temp_ep(*reloc_table[i], ep_offset);
- count += temp_len + 6;
- i++;
- }
- for (j = 0; j < i; j++)
- set_real_ep(*reloc_table[j], curr_fence);
- pspace_used = ((LONG)curr_fence - (LONG)(pspace)) / 4;
- return 0;
- } /* end of load_syms */
- /************************************************************************
- * *
- * Load_text loads the byte code instruction from a byte code file to *
- * the byte code program space. References to indices to the pcs table *
- * are resolved with the use of the macro st_index. New index relies *
- * on the symbol table array which is assigned values by load_syms. *
- * The routine assumes the current length (8/18/84) of byte code *
- * intructions when reading from the byte code file. *
- * The function returns a short integer which is a error code. Relevant *
- * error codes are listed below. *
- * *
- * 6: in load_text: byte code Operands are non-existent *
- * 7: in load_text: Illegal instruction from PIL file *
- * 8: can not open file *
- * *
- ************************************************************************/
- load_text()
- {
- WORD current_opcode = 0;
- LONG count = 0;
- WORD opval;
- /* set text segments chain */
- if (inst_begin == 0)
- inst_begin = (WORD_PTR)curr_fence;
- else
- *last_text = (LONG)curr_fence;
- inst_addr = (WORD_PTR)curr_fence;
- fix_bb4(&text_bytes);
- while (count < text_bytes &&
- (eof_flag = GET_DATA(¤t_opcode, 1)) == 0) {
- fix_bb2(¤t_opcode);
- *inst_addr++ = current_opcode;
- if (current_opcode >= 100) {
- switch (current_opcode - 100) {
- case 0 : opval = 0x05; break;
- case 1 : opval = 0x08; break;
- case 2 : opval = 0x11; break;
- case 3 : opval = 0x46; break;
- case 4 : opval = 0x05; break;
- case 5 : opval = 0x27; break;
- case 6 : opval = 0x27; break;
- case 7 : opval = 0x03; break;
- case 8 : opval = 0x07; break;
- }
- (*load_routine[xxopcode[opval].type])();
- count += xxopcode[opval].size;
- } else {
- (*load_routine[xxopcode[current_opcode].type])();
- count += xxopcode[current_opcode].size;
- }
- }
- if (count != text_bytes)
- return 9; /* missing instructions */
- return 0;
- } /* end of load_text */
- load_index()
- {
- LONG psc_offset, clause_no, temp_len;
- LONG count = 0;
- LONG_PTR psc;
- WORD_PTR gen_index();
- fix_bb4(&index_bytes);
- while (count < index_bytes && eof_flag == 0) {
- if (eof_flag = GET_DATA(&psc_offset, 1))
- return 10;
- fix_bb4(&psc_offset);
- psc = (LONG_PTR)*reloc_table[psc_offset];
- if (eof_flag = GET_DATA(&clause_no, 1))
- return 1;
- fix_bb4(&clause_no);
- if (eof_flag = get_index_tab(clause_no, &temp_len))
- return eof_flag;
- inst_addr = gen_index(clause_no, psc);
- count += (8 + temp_len);
- }
- return 0;
- }
- get_index_tab(clause_no, lenptr)
- LONG clause_no;
- LONG_PTR lenptr;
- {
- LONG hashval, size, j;
- LONG count = 0;
- BYTE type;
- LONG val;
- LONG_PTR label, reloc_addr();
- hptr = hreg;
- size = hsize(clause_no);
- for (j = 0; j < size; j++) {
- indextab[j].l = 0;
- indextab[j].link = (LONG_PTR)(&(indextab[j].link));
- }
- for (j = 0; j < clause_no; j++) {
- if (eof_flag = GET_DATA(&type, 1))
- return 11;
- switch (type) {
- case 'i': if (eof_flag = GET_DATA(&val, 1))
- return 12;
- fix_bb4(&val);
- count += 9;
- break;
- case 'l': /* val = UNTAGGED(list_str); */
- val = *(LONG_PTR)UNTAGGED(list_str);
- count += 5;
- break;
- case 'n': /* val = UNTAGGED(nil_sym); */
- val = *(LONG_PTR)UNTAGGED(nil_sym);
- count += 5;
- break;
- case 's': if (eof_flag = GET_DATA(&val, 1))
- return 12;
- fix_bb4(&val);
- count += 9;
- /* val = (WORD)reloc_table[val]; */
- val = *reloc_table[val];
- break;
- case 'c': if (eof_flag = GET_DATA(&val, 1))
- return 12;
- fix_bb4(&val);
- count += 9;
- /* val = (WORD)reloc_table[val]; */
- val = *reloc_table[val];
- break;
- }
- if (eof_flag = GET_DATA(&label, 1))
- return 13;
- fix_bb4(&label);
- label = reloc_addr((LONG)label);
- hashval = IHASH(val, size);
- inserth(label, &indextab[hashval]);
- }
- *lenptr = count;
- return 0;
- } /* end of get_index_tab */
- WORD_PTR gen_index(clause_no, psc_ptr)
- LONG clause_no;
- PSC_REC_PTR psc_ptr;
- {
- WORD_PTR ep1, ep2;
- LONG j, size;
- LONG_PTR temp;
- size = hsize(clause_no);
- ep1 = inst_addr;
- *ep1++ = hash; /* opcode 'hash' */
- *ep1++ = size;
- ep2 = inst_addr + 2 + 2 * size;
- temp = GET_EP(psc_ptr) + 1; /* here the hash table size is */
- *temp++ = (LONG)(inst_addr + 2); /* computed and inserted into */
- *temp = size; /* sob instructions */
- for (j = 0; j < size; j++) {
- if (indextab[j].l == 0) {
- *(LONG_PTR)ep1 = (LONG)trap_vector[0];
- ep1 += 2;
- } else if (indextab[j].l == 1) {
- *(LONG_PTR)ep1 = (LONG)*(indextab[j].link);
- ep1 += 2;
- } else {
- /* otherwise create try/retry/trust instruction */
- *(LONG_PTR)ep1 = (LONG)ep2;
- ep1 += 2;
- temp = (LONG_PTR)(indextab[j].link);
- GEN_TRY(try, GET_ARITY(psc_ptr), *temp++, ep2);
- while (*temp != (LONG)temp) {
- temp = (LONG_PTR)*temp;
- GEN_TRY(retry, GET_ARITY(psc_ptr), *temp++, ep2);
- }
- *(ep2 - 4) = trust;
- }
- }
- return ep2;
- }
- inserth(label, bucket)
- LONG_PTR label;
- struct hrec *bucket;
- {
- LONG_PTR temp;
- bucket->l++;
- temp = (LONG_PTR)&(bucket->link);
- if (bucket->l > 1) {
- temp = (LONG_PTR)*temp;
- while ((LONG_PTR)*temp != temp)
- temp = (LONG_PTR)*(++temp);
- }
- *temp = (LONG)hptr;
- *hptr++ = (LONG)label;
- *hptr++ = *temp + 4; /* *hptr++ = (LONG)hptr; */
- }
- hsize(numentry)
- LONG numentry;
- {
- LONG i, j, temp;
- temp = numentry + 1;
- hashsod:
- j = temp / 2 + 1;
- for (i = 2; i <= j; i++) {
- if (i != temp && (temp % i) == 0) {
- temp++;
- goto hashsod;
- }
- }
- return temp;
- }
- /************************************************************************
- * *
- * Reloc_addr calculates the entry point of the code using the entry *
- * point stored in the byte code file as an offset, and the stack *
- * pointer curr_fence as the relative address. Note trap vectors are *
- * are indicated with a - 1, in the byte code file. *
- * *
- ************************************************************************/
- LONG_PTR reloc_addr(offset)
- LONG offset;
- {
- if (offset >= 0)
- return (LONG_PTR)((LONG)curr_fence + offset);
- else if (-(offset+1) <= MAXTRAPS)
- return trap_vector[-(offset+1)];
- else
- return (LONG_PTR)((LONG)curr_fence + offset);
- }
- l_E()
- {
- }
- l_P() /* pad only, no operands */
- {
- if (GET_DATA(inst_addr, 1))
- quit("incomplete instruction\n");
- inst_addr++;
- }
- l_PSS() /* pad; operand 1 = 2 bytes; operand 2 = 2 bytes */
- {
- if (GET_DATA(inst_addr, 3))
- quit("incomplete instruction\n");
- else {
- inst_addr++;
- fix_bb2(inst_addr);
- inst_addr++;
- fix_bb2(inst_addr);
- inst_addr++;
- }
- }
- l_PC() /* pad; operand 1 = 4 bytes */
- {
- if (GET_DATA(inst_addr, 3))
- quit("incomplete instruction\n");
- else {
- inst_addr++;
- fix_bb4(inst_addr);
- ST_PTRPTRPSC(inst_addr);
- inst_addr += 2;
- }
- }
- l_PL() /* pad; operand 1 = 4 bytes (number) */
- {
- if (GET_DATA(inst_addr, 3))
- quit("incomplete instruction\n");
- else {
- inst_addr++;
- fix_bb4(inst_addr);
- inst_addr += 2;
- }
- }
- l_PW() /* operand 1 = 4 bytes (index) */
- {
- if (GET_DATA(inst_addr, 3))
- quit("incomplete instruction\n");
- else {
- inst_addr++;
- fix_bb4(inst_addr);
- ST_PTRPSC(inst_addr);
- inst_addr += 2;
- }
- }
- l_PA() /* operand 1 = 4 bytes (address) */
- {
- if (GET_DATA(inst_addr, 3))
- quit("incomplete instruction\n");
- else {
- inst_addr++;
- fix_bb4(inst_addr);
- *(LONG_PTR)inst_addr = (LONG)reloc_addr(*(LONG_PTR)inst_addr);
- inst_addr += 2;
- }
- }
- l_PWW()
- {
- }
- l_S() /* operand 1 = 2 bytes */
- {
- if (GET_DATA(inst_addr, 1))
- quit("incomplete instruction\n");
- else {
- fix_bb2(inst_addr);
- inst_addr++;
- }
- }
- l_SSS() /* operands 1, 2 & 3 = 2 bytes */
- {
- if (GET_DATA(inst_addr, 3))
- quit("incomplete instruction\n");
- else {
- fix_bb2(inst_addr);
- inst_addr++;
- fix_bb2(inst_addr);
- inst_addr++;
- fix_bb2(inst_addr);
- inst_addr++;
- }
- }
- l_SC() /* operand 1 = 2 bytes (index); operand 2 = 4 bytes */
- {
- if (GET_DATA(inst_addr, 3))
- quit("incomplete instruction\n");
- else {
- fix_bb2(inst_addr);
- inst_addr++;
- fix_bb4(inst_addr);
- ST_PTRPTRPSC(inst_addr);
- inst_addr += 2;
- }
- }
- l_SL() /* operand 1 = 2 bytes (number); operand 2 = 4 bytes (reg) */
- {
- if (GET_DATA(inst_addr, 3))
- quit("incomplete instruction\n");
- else {
- fix_bb2(inst_addr);
- inst_addr++;
- fix_bb4(inst_addr);
- inst_addr += 2;
- }
- }
- l_SW() /* operand 1 = 2 bytes (index); operand 2 = 4 bytes */
- {
- if (GET_DATA(inst_addr, 3))
- quit("incomplete instruction\n");
- else {
- fix_bb2(inst_addr);
- inst_addr++;
- fix_bb4(inst_addr);
- ST_PTRPSC(inst_addr);
- inst_addr += 2;
- }
- }
- l_SA() /* operand 1 = 2 bytes (reg); operand 2 = 4 bytes (address) */
- {
- if (GET_DATA(inst_addr, 3))
- quit("incomplete instruction\n");
- else {
- fix_bb2(inst_addr);
- inst_addr++;
- fix_bb4(inst_addr);
- *(LONG_PTR *)inst_addr = (LONG_PTR)reloc_addr(*(LONG_PTR)inst_addr);
- inst_addr += 2;
- }
- }
- l_SAA() /* operand 1 = 2 bytes (reg); operands 2 & 3 = 4 bytes (addr) */
- {
- if (GET_DATA(inst_addr, 5))
- quit("incomplete instruction\n");
- else {
- fix_bb2(inst_addr);
- inst_addr++;
- fix_bb4(inst_addr);
- *(LONG_PTR)inst_addr = (LONG)reloc_addr(*(LONG_PTR)inst_addr);
- inst_addr += 2;
- fix_bb4(inst_addr);
- *(LONG_PTR)inst_addr = (LONG)reloc_addr(*(LONG_PTR)inst_addr);
- inst_addr += 2;
- }
- }
- l_BBW() /* operands 1 & 2 = 1 byte; operand 3 = 4 bytes */
- {
- if (GET_DATA(inst_addr, 3))
- quit("incomplete instruction\n");
- else {
- inst_addr++;
- fix_bb4(inst_addr);
- ST_PTRPSC(inst_addr);
- inst_addr += 2;
- }
- }
- l_BBA() /* operands 1 & 2 = 1 byte; operand 3 = 4 bytes (address) */
- {
- if (GET_DATA(inst_addr, 3))
- quit("incomplete instruction\n");
- else {
- inst_addr++;
- fix_bb4(inst_addr);
- *(LONG_PTR *)inst_addr = (LONG_PTR)reloc_addr(*(LONG_PTR)inst_addr);
- inst_addr += 2;
- }
- }
- init_load_routine()
- {
- load_routine[ E ] = l_E;
- load_routine[ P ] = l_P;
- load_routine[ PSS ] = l_PSS;
- load_routine[ PC ] = l_PC;
- load_routine[ PL ] = l_PL;
- load_routine[ PW ] = l_PW;
- load_routine[ PA ] = l_PA;
- load_routine[ PWW ] = l_PWW;
- load_routine[ S ] = l_S;
- load_routine[ SSS ] = l_SSS;
- load_routine[ SC ] = l_SC;
- load_routine[ SL ] = l_SL;
- load_routine[ SW ] = l_SW;
- load_routine[ SA ] = l_SA;
- load_routine[ SAA ] = l_SAA;
- load_routine[ BBW ] = l_BBW;
- load_routine[ BBA ] = l_BBA;
- }
- dyn_loader(psc_ptr)
- PSC_REC_PTR psc_ptr;
- {
- extern CHAR_PTR getenv();
- CHAR s[256], s1[256], s3[256];
- CHAR_PTR s2;
- WORD i, returnval;
- namestring(psc_ptr, s1);
- if (*s1 == '/')
- return loader(s1);
- else if (*s1 == '.')
- return loader(s1);
- else {
- /* printf("using dynamic loader! %s\n", s1); */
- s2 = getenv("SIMPATH");
- while (1) {
- while (*s2 == ':' || *s2 == ' ')
- s2++;
- i = 0;
- if (*s2 == '\0') /* file not found */
- return 1;
- while (*s2 && *s2 != ' ' && *s2 != ':')
- s[i++] = *s2++;
- s[i++] = '/';
- s[i] = '\0';
- scat(s, s1, s3);
- returnval = loader(s3);
- if (returnval == 0)
- return 0;
- }
- }
- }