home *** CD-ROM | disk | FTP | other *** search
- *** ../atarist.dist/config.h Tue Jun 9 14:38:43 1992
- --- config.h Tue Jun 9 16:53:35 1992
- ***************
- *** 164,170 ****
- * This symbol, if defined, indicates to the C program that
- * the fcntl() function exists.
- */
- ! /* #define HAS_FCNTL /**/
- * This symbol, if defined, indicates that the system supports filenames
- --- 164,172 ----
- * This symbol, if defined, indicates to the C program that
- * the fcntl() function exists.
- */
- ! #ifdef __MINT__
- ! #define HAS_FCNTL /**/
- ! #endif
- * This symbol, if defined, indicates that the system supports filenames
- *** ../atarist.dist/echo.c Tue Jun 9 14:39:02 1992
- --- echo.c Tue Jun 9 16:48:01 1992
- ***************
- *** 90,98 ****
- if(final_newline) putchar('\n');
- return 0;
- }
- -
- -
- -
- -
- -
- -
- --- 90,92 ----
- *** ../atarist.dist/usersub.c Tue Jun 9 14:40:59 1992
- --- usersub.c Tue Jun 9 16:44:41 1992
- ***************
- *** 4,9 ****
- --- 4,11 ----
- int userinit()
- {
- + #ifndef __MINT__
- install_null(); /* install device /dev/null or NUL: */
- + #endif
- return 0;
- }
- *** ../atarist.dist/usub/makefile.st Tue Jun 9 14:39:36 1992
- --- usub/makefile.st Tue Jun 9 17:03:13 1992
- ***************
- *** 15,17 ****
- --- 15,23 ----
- curses.c: acurses.mus
- perl mus acurses.mus >curses.c
- +
- + clean:
- + rm -f *.o curses.c
- +
- + realclean:
- + rm -f cperl.ttp report core
- *** ../atarist.dist/usub/acurses.mus Tue Jun 9 14:37:44 1992
- --- usub/acurses.mus Tue Jun 9 17:04:07 1992
- ***************
- *** 624,632 ****
- CASE void tstp
- ! CASE int _putchar
- ! I char ch
- ! END
- case US_testcallback:
- sp = callback("callback", sp + items, curcsv->wantarray, 1, items);
- --- 624,640 ----
- CASE void tstp
- ! case US__putchar:
- ! if (items != 1)
- ! fatal("Usage: &_putchar($ch)");
- ! else {
- ! int retval;
- ! char ch = (char) str_gnum(st[1]);
- !
- ! retval = _putchar(ch, stdout);
- ! str_numset(st[0], (double) retval);
- ! }
- ! return sp;
- case US_testcallback:
- sp = callback("callback", sp + items, curcsv->wantarray, 1, items);