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- /* $Revision: $
- **
- ** Do shell-style pattern matching for ?, \, [], and * characters.
- ** Might not be robust in face of malformed patterns; e.g., "foo[a-"
- ** could cause a segmentation violation. It is 8bit clean.
- **
- ** Written by Rich $alz, mirror!rs, Wed Nov 26 19:03:17 EST 1986.
- ** Rich $alz is now <rsalz@bbn.com>.
- ** April, 1991: Replaced mutually-recursive calls with in-line code
- ** for the star character.
- **
- ** Special thanks to Lars Mathiesen <thorinn@diku.dk> for the ABORT code.
- ** This can greatly speed up failing wildcard patterns. For example:
- ** pattern: -*-*-*-*-*-*-12-*-*-*-m-*-*-*
- ** text 1: -adobe-courier-bold-o-normal--12-120-75-75-m-70-iso8859-1
- ** text 2: -adobe-courier-bold-o-normal--12-120-75-75-X-70-iso8859-1
- ** Text 1 matches with 51 calls, while text 2 fails with 54 calls. Without
- ** the ABORT, then it takes 22310 calls to fail. Ugh. The following
- ** explanation is from Lars:
- ** The precondition that must be fulfilled is that DoMatch will consume
- ** at least one character in text. This is true if *p is neither '*' nor
- ** '\0'.) The last return has ABORT instead of FALSE to avoid quadratic
- ** behaviour in cases like pattern "*a*b*c*d" with text "abcxxxxx". With
- ** FALSE, each star-loop has to run to the end of the text; with ABORT
- ** only the last one does.
- **
- ** Once the control of one instance of DoMatch enters the star-loop, that
- ** instance will return either TRUE or ABORT, and any calling instance
- ** will therefore return immediately after (without calling recursively
- ** again). In effect, only one star-loop is ever active. It would be
- ** possible to modify the code to maintain this context explicitly,
- ** eliminating all recursive calls at the cost of some complication and
- ** loss of clarity (and the ABORT stuff seems to be unclear enough by
- ** itself). I think it would be unwise to try to get this into a
- ** released version unless you have a good test data base to try it out
- ** on.
- */
- #define TRUE 1
- #define FALSE 0
- #define ABORT -1
- /* What character marks an inverted character class? */
- #define NEGATE_CLASS '^'
- /* Is "*" a common pattern? */
- /* Do tar(1) matching rules, which ignore a trailing slash? */
- /*
- ** Match text and p, return TRUE, FALSE, or ABORT.
- */
- static int
- DoMatch(text, p)
- char *text;
- char *p;
- {
- int last;
- int matched;
- int reverse;
- for ( ; *p; text++, p++) {
- if (*text == '\0' && *p != '*')
- return ABORT;
- switch (*p) {
- case '\\':
- /* Literal match with following character. */
- p++;
- default:
- if (*text != *p)
- return FALSE;
- continue;
- case '?':
- /* Match anything. */
- continue;
- case '*':
- while (*++p == '*')
- /* Consecutive stars act just like one. */
- continue;
- if (*p == '\0')
- /* Trailing star matches everything. */
- return TRUE;
- while (*text)
- if ((matched = DoMatch(text++, p)) != FALSE)
- return matched;
- return ABORT;
- case '[':
- reverse = p[1] == NEGATE_CLASS ? TRUE : FALSE;
- if (reverse)
- /* Inverted character class. */
- p++;
- for (last = 0400, matched = FALSE; *++p && *p != ']'; last = *p)
- /* This next line requires a good C compiler. */
- if (*p == '-' ? *text <= *++p && *text >= last : *text == *p)
- matched = TRUE;
- if (matched == reverse)
- return FALSE;
- continue;
- }
- }
- if (*text == '/')
- return TRUE;
- #endif /* MATCH_TAR_ATTERN */
- return *text == '\0';
- }
- /*
- ** User-level routine. Returns TRUE or FALSE.
- */
- int
- wildmat(text, p)
- char *text;
- char *p;
- {
- if (p[0] == '*' && p[1] == '\0')
- return TRUE;
- #endif /* OPTIMIZE_JUST_STAR */
- return DoMatch(text, p) == TRUE;
- }
- #include <stdio.h>
- #include <sys/types.h>
- #include <dirent.h>
- #include <sys/stat.h>
- #if __STDC__
- #ifdef unix
- #define _SIZE_T /* unix defines size_t in sys/types.h */
- #endif
- #ifndef _COMPILER_H
- # include <compiler.h>
- #endif
- #include <stddef.h>
- #include <stdlib.h>
- #else
- extern char *malloc(), *realloc();
- extern char *rindex(), *strdup();
- #define __PROTO(x) ()
- #endif
- #include <string.h>
- #define MAX_DIR 32 /* max depth of dir recursion */
- static struct {
- char *dir, *patt;
- } dir_stack[MAX_DIR];
- static int stack_p;
- static char **matches;
- static int nmatches;
- static void *ck_memalloc __PROTO((void *));
- #define ck_strdup(p) ck_memalloc(strdup(p))
- #define ck_malloc(s) ck_memalloc(malloc(s))
- #define ck_realloc(p, s) ck_memalloc(realloc(p, s))
- #define DEBUGX(x)
- /*
- * return true if patt contains a wildcard char
- */
- int contains_wild(patt)
- char *patt;
- {
- char c;
- char *p;
- /* only check for wilds in the basename part of the pathname only */
- if((p = rindex(patt, '/')) == NULL)
- p = rindex(patt, '\\');
- if(!p)
- p = patt;
- while((c = *p++))
- if((c == '*') || (c == '?') || (c == '['))
- return 1;
- return 0;
- }
- #ifndef ZOO
- void free_all()
- {
- char **p;
- if(!matches)
- return;
- for(p = matches; *p; p++)
- free(*p);
- free(matches);
- matches = NULL;
- }
- #endif
- static void push(dir, patt)
- char *dir;
- char *patt;
- {
- if(stack_p < (MAX_DIR - 2))
- stack_p++;
- else
- {
- fprintf(stderr,"directory stack overflow\n");
- exit(99);
- }
- dir_stack[stack_p].dir = dir;
- dir_stack[stack_p].patt = patt;
- }
- /*
- * glob patt
- * if decend_dir is true, recursively decend any directories encountered.
- * returns pointer to all matches encountered.
- * if the initial patt is a directory, and decend_dir is true, it is
- * equivalent to specifying the pattern "patt\*"
- *
- * Restrictions:
- * - handles wildcards only in the base part of a pathname
- * ie: will not handle \foo\*\bar\ (wildcard in the middle of pathname)
- *
- * - max dir recursion is MAX_DIR
- *
- * - on certain failures it will just skip potential matches as if they
- * were not present.
- *
- * ++jrb bammi@cadence.com
- */
- static char **do_match __PROTO((int decend_dir));
- char **glob(patt, decend_dir)
- char *patt;
- int decend_dir;
- {
- char *dir, *basepatt, *p;
- struct stat s;
- DEBUGX((fprintf(stderr,"glob(%s, %d)\n", patt, decend_dir)));
- matches = NULL;
- nmatches = 0;
- stack_p = -1;
- /* first check for wildcards */
- if(contains_wild(patt))
- {
- /* break it up into dir and base patt, do_matches and return */
- p = ck_strdup(patt);
- if((basepatt = rindex(p, '/')) == NULL)
- basepatt = rindex(p, '\\');
- if(basepatt)
- {
- dir = p;
- *basepatt++ = '\0';
- basepatt = ck_strdup(basepatt);
- }
- else
- {
- dir = ck_strdup(".");
- basepatt = p;
- }
- if(strcmp(basepatt, "*.*") == 0)
- {
- /* the desktop, and other braindead shells strike again */
- basepatt[1] = '\0';
- }
- push(dir, basepatt);
- DEBUGX((fprintf(stderr, "calling %s, %s\n", dir, basepatt)));
- return do_match(decend_dir);
- }
- /* if no wilds, check for dir */
- if(decend_dir && (!stat(patt, &s)))
- {
- if((s.st_mode & S_IFMT) == S_IFDIR)
- { /* is a dir */
- size_t len = strlen(patt);
- dir = ck_strdup(patt);
- --len;
- if(len && ((dir[len] == '/')
- #ifdef atarist
- || (dir[len] == '\\')
- #endif
- ))
- dir[len] = '\0';
- basepatt = ck_strdup("*");
- push(dir, basepatt);
- DEBUGX((fprintf(stderr, "calling %s, %s\n", dir, basepatt)));
- return do_match(decend_dir);
- }
- }
- return NULL;
- }
- static char **do_match(decend_dir)
- int decend_dir;
- {
- DIR *dirp;
- struct dirent *d;
- struct stat s;
- char *dir, *basepatt;
- while(stack_p >= 0)
- {
- dir = ck_strdup(dir_stack[stack_p].dir);
- free(dir_stack[stack_p].dir);
- basepatt = ck_strdup(dir_stack[stack_p].patt);
- free(dir_stack[stack_p--].patt);
- DEBUGX((fprintf(stderr,"dir %s patt %s stack %d\n", dir, basepatt, stack_p)));
- dirp = opendir(dir);
- if(!dirp)
- {
- free(dir);
- DEBUGX((fprintf(stderr,"no dir\n")));
- continue;
- }
- while((d = readdir(dirp)))
- {
- char *p = ck_malloc(strlen(dir) + strlen(d->d_name) + 2L);
- if(strcmp(dir, "."))
- /* If we have a full pathname then */
- { /* let's append the directory info */
- strcpy(p, dir);
- #ifndef unix
- strcat(p, "\\");
- #else
- strcat(p, "/");
- #endif
- strcat(p, d->d_name);
- }
- else /* Otherwise, the name is just fine, */
- strcpy(p, d->d_name); /* there's no need for './' -- bjsjr */
- DEBUGX((fprintf(stderr, "Testing %s\n", p)));
- if(!stat(p, &s)) /* if stat fails, ignore it */
- {
- if( ((s.st_mode & S_IFMT) == S_IFREG) ||
- ((s.st_mode & S_IFMT) == S_IFLNK) )
- { /* it is a file/symbolic link */
- if(wildmat(d->d_name, basepatt))
- { /* it matches pattern */
- DEBUGX((fprintf(stderr,"File Matched\n")));
- if(matches == NULL)
- matches = (char **)ck_malloc(sizeof(char *));
- else
- matches = (char **)
- ck_realloc(matches, (nmatches+1)*sizeof(char *));
- matches[nmatches++] = p;
- } /* no match */
- else
- {
- DEBUGX((fprintf(stderr,"No File Match\n")));
- free(p);
- }
- } else if(decend_dir && ((s.st_mode & S_IFMT) == S_IFDIR))
- {
- if(!((!strcmp(d->d_name,".")) || (!strcmp(d->d_name, "..")
- #ifdef atarist
- || (!strcmp(d->d_name, ".dir"))
- #endif
- )))
- {
- char *push_p = ck_strdup("*");
- push(p, push_p);
- DEBUGX((fprintf(stderr,"Dir pushed\n")));
- }
- else
- {
- DEBUGX((fprintf(stderr, "DIR skipped\n")));
- free(p);
- }
- }
- else
- {
- DEBUGX((fprintf(stderr, "Not a dir/no decend\n")));
- free(p);
- }
- } /* stat */
- else
- {
- DEBUGX((fprintf(stderr, "Stat failed\n")));
- free(p);
- }
- } /* while readdir */
- closedir(dirp);
- free(basepatt);
- free(dir);
- DEBUGX((fprintf(stderr, "Dir done\n\n")));
- } /* while dirs in stack */
- if(!nmatches)
- {
- DEBUGX((fprintf(stderr, "No matches\n")));
- return NULL;
- }
- matches = (char **)realloc(matches, (nmatches+1)*sizeof(char *));
- if(!matches)
- { return NULL; }
- matches[nmatches] = NULL;
- DEBUGX((fprintf(stderr, "%d matches\n", nmatches)));
- return matches;
- }
- #ifdef ZOO
- #include "errors.i"
- #endif
- static void *ck_memalloc(p)
- void *p;
- {
- if(!p)
- {
- #ifndef ZOO
- fprintf(stderr, "Out of memory\n");
- exit(98);
- #else
- prterror('f', no_memory);
- #endif
- }
- return p;
- }
- #ifdef TEST_GLOB
- void test(path, dec)
- char *path;
- int dec;
- {
- char **m;
- char **matches;
- printf("Testing %s %d\n", path, dec);
- matches = glob(path, dec);
- if(!matches)
- {
- printf("No matches\n");
- }
- else
- {
- for(m = matches; *m; m++)
- printf("%s\n", *m);
- putchar('\n');
- free_all();
- }
- }
- int main()
- {
- #ifndef unix
- test("e:\\lib\\*.olb", 0);
- test("e:\\lib", 0);
- test("e:\\lib\\", 1);
- #else
- test("/net/acae127/home/bammi/News/comp.sources.misc/*.c", 0);
- test("/net/acae127/home/bammi/News/comp.sources.misc", 0);
- test("/net/acae127/home/bammi/News/comp.sources.misc", 1);
- test("/net/acae127/home/bammi/atari/cross-gcc", 1);
- #endif
- return 0;
- }
- #endif
- #include <stdio.h>
- /* Yes, we use gets not fgets. Sue me. */
- extern char *gets();
- main()
- {
- char pattern[80];
- char text[80];
- printf("Wildmat tester. Enter pattern, then strings to test.\n");
- printf("A blank line gets prompts for a new pattern; a blank pattern\n");
- printf("exits the program.\n\n");
- for ( ; ; ) {
- printf("Enter pattern: ");
- if (gets(pattern) == NULL)
- break;
- for ( ; ; ) {
- printf("Enter text: ");
- if (gets(text) == NULL)
- exit(0);
- if (text[0] == '\0')
- /* Blank line; go back and get a new pattern. */
- break;
- printf(" %s\n", wildmat(text, pattern) ? "YES" : "NO");
- }
- }
- exit(0);
- }
- #endif /* TEST_WILDMAT */